
Ancient and Classical Timeline

Objective: You and your partner will create a timeline outlining eighteen significant events from the ancient and classical civilizations we have studied.

• In-class Workdays: ______________________________________________________________

• Rough draft template is due on: __________________________________________________

• The finished product is due for a test grade on _____________________ at the end of class. Any project not ready to be turned in at the end of class that day will be considered late and receive a penalty of points.

Requirements for each of the eighteen events:

• Handwritten date or dates

• Handwritten name of the event (3-7 words)

• Handwritten one-sentence description (separate sentence adding more information than is included in the name of the event; 10-15 words)

• Hand-drawn, colored picture (no printed pictures!)

You must include a minimum of three SIGNIFICANT events for EACH of the following geographical areas:

• Ancient Mesopotamia (Chapter 1)

• Ancient Egypt (Chapter 1)

• Xia, Shang, Zhou, Qin, Han China (Chapters 1 and 2)

• Harappan, Vedic, Maurya, Gupta India (Chapters 1 and 2)

• Classical Greece (Chapter 2)

• Classical Rome (Chapter 2)

Three events from each of the six geographic areas will give you a total of 18 events... No event, which occurred after 500 CE, may be used.

The timeline must be completed on poster paper, which we will provide. It should be neat, creative, colored, and indicate that you spent time and effort. Drawings should indicate an understanding of the event and a modicum of effort (points will not be deducted for lack of artistic ability). All of your drawings must be different. (That means don’t just draw a scroll with squiggles on it for every entry.)

Here is a sample timeline entry (no, you may not use this and remember,

your pictures should be hand-drawn):

9000 BC

Neolithic Revolution

Hunter-gatherer societies learned to farm and, as a result,

could stay in one place, allowing civilization to develop.

Timeline Project – Chapters 1 and 2

Names of Group Members:

| | |

|Things to include: |Points Earned: |

| | |

|3 Events, Dates, Descriptions and Pictures for Ancient Mesopotamia (Chapter 1) |/5 |

| | |

|3 Events, Dates, Descriptions and Pictures for Ancient Egypt (Chapter 1) |/5 |

| | |

|3 Events, Dates, Descriptions and Pictures for Xia, Shang, Zhou, Qin, Han China (Chapter 1 and 2) |/5 |

| | |

|3 Events, Dates, Descriptions and Pictures for Harappan, Vedic, Maurya, Gupta India (Chapter 1 and 2) |/5 |

| | |

|3 Events, Dates, Descriptions and Pictures for Classical Greece (Chapter 2) |/5 |

| | |

|3 Events, Dates, Descriptions and Pictures for Classical Rome (Chapter 2) |/5 |

| | |

|On task – in class work days | |

| |/10 |

|Were you focused, not on your phones, working hard to get this project completed all workdays? | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Total Points Possible |/40 |


Name: _______________________

Ancient and Classical Timeline—Rough Draft Template

This Rough Draft Template is due on ______________________ for a daily grade.

Final Product--Ancient & Classical Timeline— is due on _________________ at the beginning of class for a test grade.

Remember timelines must be hand-written and hand-illustrated.

|Unit |Event Name |Date |Chron.* (1-18) |1-sentence description |

|Ancient Mesopotamia |1 | | | |

| |2 | | | |

| |3 | | | |

|India (Harappan, Vedic, |1 | | | |

|Maurya, Gupta) | | | | |

|China |1 | | | |

|(Shang, Zhou, Chin, Han) | | | | |

| |2 | | | |

| |3 | | | |

|Classical Greece |1 | | | |

| |2 | | | |

| |3 | | | |

*HINT: Once you have dates for all 18 of your events done, put them in chronological order. Remember that BCE/BC dates count down, like negative numbers. Highlight all the BCE dates and put them in order first; then put remaining CE dates in order last.


name of event

description is a separate sentence; gives extra info


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