The Doctrine of Cosmic One & Cosmic Two -Satan’s Plan and Policy for the Human Race


Satan is a super creature and the most brilliant of all God’s creation. Satan is what he is referred to after his great sin and rebellion, which took one third of the angelic population of heaven with it. Before he fell he was known as Lucifer, which meant “Star of the Morning.” He was the highest ranking Cherub among the angels and the guardian of the throne of the second Person of the Trinity’s throne. Lucifer was our Savior’s right hand man in heaven. Since his fall from the POG and his sin of arrogance and his fall from God’s grace; he has been our Savior’s arch enemy and the entire cause of the angelic conflict and the reason for the creation of mankind! He was extremely angry after the supreme court of heaven judged him, found him guilty, and sentenced him to the Lake of Fire (which does not exist yet). He claimed that God was unfair in the sentence He gave Satan and Satan has been appealing that judgment since his fall. God created mankind to prove to Satan that He was JUST in handing down the punishment that he received. Human history is the appeal trial of Satan, who is defending himself. God is the prosecutor and all of mankind is God’s witnesses!

God is the Almighty Sovereign Ruler and His authority is the end all for creation. God is also just and cannot be unfair. He cannot have anything to do with sin or allow sin to go unpunished in His integrity and perfection. In His integrity, which includes His righteousness and justice, God told Satan that even if one creature of His lesser creations, man, obeyed His plan and chose God that he, Satan, had no chance…the rest is history. Many human beings have believed God and proven that God was just and righteous in handing down this sentence to the fallen super creature. However, Satan did not take this lightly and his anger accelerates as each century passes and as he moves closer to his fiery destination at the end of human history!

Satan tried in his first attack on the human race to prevent the salvation plan of God for man, the birth of Christ, the first advent from happening. Satan is a genius and devised a diabolical plan to dilute the purity of the human race so that humanity would no longer be a completely human creation and thus, Christ would not be born a pure human being as He had to be. Genesis 6:1-2 “When men began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, (2) the sons of God (angels) saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they married (had sex with them) any of them they chose (rape in many cases).” In spite of his diabolical plan, God stopped Satan and Christ was born a man, lived sinlessly for 33 years and in perfection went to the cross and died spiritually for our sins…for all mankind. His strategic victory soundly defeated Satan at the cross and in His resurrection from the physical death. This infuriated Satan even more and since he was unable to defeat the POG and stop Christ from coming to earth as the God/Man and Savior of the world, he has escalated his plans stop the POG by attempting to destroy mankind (Christians and Jews) and keep them from personally fulfilling the POG on earth.

Demonic Attacks

Being the super genius that he is, Satan has formed many plans of attack. He used his vast armies of fallen angels or demons to bring about his plans. There are five demon attacks on the human race throughout human history. Let’s look at them and focus on the ones that affect you today in the Church Age. You won’t be on earth or a part of his attacks in the Tribulation period. They are as follows:

A. The first demon attack was the genetic attack in the anti-diluvium civilization to prevent the birth of the Messiah. This attack was by demons with visible bodies. Gen 6:1-2 (see above).

B. The second attack is demon possession and involves unbelievers only by disembodied or invisible demons.

C. The third attack is demon influence or telepathy (mental and soul intrusion as well as the personality of the target) and involves believers and unbelievers alike by disembodied or invisible demons.

D. The fourth attack includes three assaults by demon armies that occur in the middle and in the last days of the Tribulation period by visible demon armies.

E. The fifth and last attack is called the Gog and Magog Revolution started by Satan at his release from prison after 1000 years. This attack includes his demons (both of which will be visible), and unbelievers at the end of the millennial period.

In this doctrine we are going to focus mainly on the third demon attack occasionally referring to the second demon attack. The other attacks have been discussed to some extend in previous lessons and will be further discussed in the remaining chapters of the Book of Revelation as they occur.

Principle: all violence in human history is related to demonism through demon possession or demon influence. From Adam until now, the ruler of this world, Satan, which includes his cosmic system, has schemed and is scheming continuously to keep you from your divine destiny in Christ!

Opposing Power Systems

Just as our Father in heaven has designed a perfect plan for each of the dispensations in which mankind would live, Satan has devised a counter plan for mankind as well and it is not only diabolical, it is a genius plan of deceit and cunning.

God’s power system is perfect and gracious in all dispensations because it makes mankind dependent on God. He loves that. Let’s focus on our dispensation, the one we live in now…the Church Age. God had given to mankind in the Church Age a unique and most magnificent and perfect plan by which to live…Christianity. His plan consists of:

A. An entrance to the plan: salvation by grace…faith alone in Christ alone…a gift…never earned or deserved and never by man’s ability or works.

B. After salvation He has given us 40 things to sustain us in this world and the divine power system by which to live…the filling of the Spirit…empowerment by God the Holy Spirit to understand spiritual things from God. He empowers us to learn the Word, live in God’s plan, which consists of daily study of God’s Word, believing it and applying it in life situations and everyday living.

C. All of this is possible through God’s grace: daily grace (logistical) for the necessities to stay in the plan; blessings as we grow spiritually, which honor God; ability to pass all God’s momentum tests for spiritual growth; and super abundant blessings at spiritual maturity in time and in eternity…maximum function and service to Christ.

Of course none of this is possible apart from the believers’ and unbelievers’ volitions...their choices for or against the POG, which includes salvation for the unbeliever. 2 Pet 3:9 “The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance (a change of mind about the LJC and receive salvation through Christ).” You must choose this; God never makes us do anything and never coerces our volition…but graciously offers His plan to all mankind.

Satan’s power system is the total opposite of God’s system in that he stresses man’s ability to make a perfect world. It is made up of two powerful spheres…Cosmic One and Cosmic Two. These are powerful systems and the means by which Satan administers the rulership of this world. No one can enter these power systems without the use of their volition. If you are not in God’s divine system…His plan, then you are in one of Satan’s two systems…there is NO in between.

Using our volition is the most powerful thing we have to resist temptation and using it in connection to what we know is critical…remaining in the POG. Staying out of the Cosmic Systems involves daily decisions on your part just as daily decisions must be made to stay in the POG and even hourly decision to remain in the filling of the Spirit. You have to have some understanding of life but the more you know and understand life, the better you can be at using your volition for the POG. You have more options through knowledge…to that extent then, knowledge is POWER! And knowledge of Bible doctrine, God’s Word, is GREAT POWER because it opens up huge options in the use of your volition, the most powerful instrument in your soul. Its proper use in relation to your knowledge is absolutely fantastic. However, its use in relation to emotion makes it disastrous! When emotion overcomes your mentality, your thinking based on knowledge of God’s Word in your soul, it is horrible and produces terrible pressures and consequences in life’s circumstances. It becomes either an active or passive system for the unbeliever to be demon possessed or the believer and unbeliever to be demon influenced.

Getting into the cosmic system involves your volition and getting out of the cosmic system involves your volition also. For the unbeliever, the solution is faith alone in Christ alone…a salvation decision to believe in Him as their personal Savior. For the believer, the solution is rebound or confession of sin to regain spiritual fellowship with God. These volitional decisions by unbelievers and believers are the only way of escape from the cosmic system. This is critical.

Why Two Cosmic Systems?

A. Cosmic One emphasizes the function of arrogance… the great enemy of the believer…in the life of the individual. It also emphasizes the pre-occupation with self. This is the key to Cosmic One. Cosmic Two emphasizes hatred and antagonism toward the person of God and the Word of God.

B. The target of Cosmic One is the ego of the soul (into egocentricity). The target of Cosmic Two is the LJC (living Word) and Bible doctrine (the written Word). So each one has a different target.

C. Therefore, Cosmic One emphasizes self in contrast to God. Cosmic Two emphasizes human viewpoint in contrast to divine viewpoint and antagonism toward the divine viewpoint in life.

D. Cosmic One emphasizes Satan’s attitude at the time of his fall. Cosmic Two emphasizes the attitude of Satan during the course of man’s fall.

E. Cosmic One represents the philosophy of Satan in the pre-historic angelic conflict. Cosmic Two represents the philosophy of Satan during the course of human history.

F. When the believer enters Cosmic One, he becomes inculcated (saturated) with the attitude of Satan at his fall before man was created. When the believer enters Cosmic Two, he becomes inculcated (saturated) with the attitude of Satan after his fall and after man was created.

G. Cosmic One reflects the philosophy of Satan as the ruler of all fallen angels. Cosmic Two reflects the philosophy of Satan as the ruler of the world after man’s fall.

H. Involvement in either Cosmic One or Cosmic Two is the demonization of the human race.

What Is the Purpose of Satan’s Cosmic Systems?

A. The cosmic system is a vehicle for Satan’s administration of the world system.

B. The cosmic system is a warehouse so to speak and classroom for satanic doctrine…Satan’s thinking.

C. The cosmic system is a tactical trap for the inculcation and enslavement of the human race...believers and unbelievers alike.

D. It is a factory for the manufacture of “losers” in the Christian way of life or the POG who will be caught up in this trap.

What is a Loser?

A. A loser is a believer out of fellowship with God (no confession…no rebound…no studying God’s Word, and ignoring the POG completely) living in the cosmic system, a slave to Satan’s thinking and plan, the worst form of slavery.

B. A loser is a believer who has been demonized into thinking like Satan. There are different degrees of demonization just like there are different degrees of spiritual growth.

C. A loser is a believer out of fellowship and out of the POG, who sits in the classroom of the cosmic system…the world…where he gets thought transference or telepathy from doctrines of demons. 1 Tim 4:1 “The (Holy) Spirit clearly says that in later times some (believers) will abandon the faith (divine POG and Bible doctrine) and follow deceiving spirits (demons) and things taught by demons (religious false teachers).” 1 John 2:15-17 “Do not love the world (cosmic system) or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. (16) For everything in the world…the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does (all demon influence)…comes not from the Father but from the world (cosmic system of Satan). (17) The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God (born again and residence and function in the POG) lives forever.”

The best way to remain out of Satan’s genius plan, Cosmic One, and Cosmic Two and to REMAIN IN the POG is to make daily even hourly decisions to reside and function in the POG and in the filling of the Spirit. God’s divine system is perfect and He has clear commands for believers in the Church Age. They are as follows:

A. Be filled with the Spirit. Eph 5:18 “Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery (Cosmic One and Two). Instead, be filled with the Spirit.”

B. Walk by means of the Spirit. Gal 5:16 “I say then: Walk by means of the Spirit and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh (the old sin nature).”

C. Do not grieve the Holy Spirit. Eph 4:30 “And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.” (This is a command that refers to Cosmic One).

D. Do not quench the Holy Spirit. 1Thes 5:19 “Do not quench the Spirit.” (This is a command that refers to Cosmic Two).

Satan has a genius plan to keep us from fulfilling the above commands and to keep us out of the perfect plan God has for each of our lives. As I said before the cosmic system is cunning and very deceitful with a guise of “goodness” and “wholesomeness” through human works that throws the growing believer totally off. Satan has two very different systems that he uses. Each has a different target and arrogance is at the root of both. Remember he committed the first sin against God and that sin was arrogance. His aim was and is to be like the God, therefore, his plan will mimic God’s plan but without God’s standards, God’s plan, and most of all without God’s GRACE…NOTHING OF GOD! Grace is all that God can do for mankind…you…that IS Christianity. Satan wants you to produce “goodness” without God’s grace and plan. He wants you to do it in the flesh…not filled with the Spirit. Isa 14:13 “You (Satan) said in your heart, "I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars (angels) of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of the sacred mountain (in the third heaven).” He wants to rule the earth and have it be perfection without God. HE WANTS TO BE GOD! That is why his plan is do diabolical…it fools the majority of the people of earth! So please don’t be fooled. Stick with God’s plan taught in the Word and reap the benefits that continue in time and eternity. Again knowledge is power and knowledge of Bible doctrine is the great power and in the power of the Holy Spirit (FOS) you must learn about this satanic system so you can avoid it at all costs.


The target of Cosmic One is emphasis on the arrogance of pre-occupation with self…self…self. I will mention here just for contrast that Cosmic Two’s target emphasizes hatred or antagonism toward the Person of God, the POG, the Word of God, and the pastor/teachers that teach the Word of God.

Cosmic One emphasizes self instead of emphasizing God. Cosmic One reflects Satan’s attitude (preoccupation with self) in the prehistoric angelic conflict before human history. Entrance into Cosmic One inculcates the believer with this attitude of Satan. It reflects Satan’s philosophy as the leader of all fallen angels. Man’s involvement in Cosmic One causes him to become a slave to self. If the believer resides in Cosmic One, he grieves the Holy Spirit and at the same time is under demon influence. His thinking is the same thinking and philosophy of Satan’s at the time of Satan’s fall.

There are twelve interlocking gates of arrogance in Cosmic One of Satan’s system. You must understand that they interlock. They are interlocking because they progressively connect one to the other in the time spent in the system. Prolonged involvement and residence in the system cause the gates to interlock and the believer will be involved in all of them to some extent (depending on the lusts and weakness of the individual sin nature) eventually if he remains in carnality, which is living in the cosmic system.

As the believer enters this system, he starts a process in his soul that unless stopped by divine solution, becomes disastrous. You will see the progression as we begin with the entrance gate…gate one of Cosmic One…attitude arrogance.

A. Cosmic One/Gate One – Attitude Arrogance. Attitude arrogance is pride, jealousy, bitterness, vindictiveness, implacability, hatred, self-pity, the guilt syndrome, operation over-think, and revenge motivation. Arrogant persons are always satisfied with themselves as per the “narcissus complex” but are never satisfied with others. They are self-righteous. Arrogant people NEVER have a true sense of destiny…they have a false sense of destiny and think they are in control, which is part of their self-destruction. Pride, vanity, and conceit are the basis for all the mental attitude sins of mankind. This originated with Satan at the time of his fall. Please read Isaiah chapters 13 and 14 and Ezekiel chapter 28. Pride is not only exaggerated self-respect and conceit, but a pre-occupation with self, which divorces the believer from the realities of life and the longer the believer is under the demon influence of Cosmic One, the more he becomes divorced from reality and eventually the believer’s personality can and probably will become either sociopathic or psychopathic.

You must understand that you are either in God’s divine system or Satan’s cosmic system (a system of thought, a system of organizations, and a system of people…believers and unbelievers…entrenched in demon thinking.). There is no in between. When you are in the cosmic system you are always demon influenced because the master demon has created this system. Demon influence changes the personality of those involved and causes them to think and behave like Satan. The reason people become insane is because they become demonized as believers and unbelievers and it all begins with the arrogance of gate one, Cosmic One. Satan was the first demon because of arrogance. He invented demons at his fall when he said he would place himself above God in the heavens. Isa 14:13 “You said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of the sacred mountain.’ ”

Arrogance is a real or imagined sense of superiority. It distorts life and of course the true perspective of our human frailty or helplessness. It results in presumption and terrible self-righteousness. The tragedy is that moral self-righteous Christians are seen as spiritual and they are NOT at all! They are no different in principle from immoral degenerate Christians if they are out of fellowship and living in the cosmic system. Anyone can be moral…believers and unbelievers! That is part of the sin nature’s area of strength. However, virtue is for the believer only. All virtue comes from God’s Word resident in the believer’s soul…a spiritual process. Consistently applying the doctrine causes the believer to have virtue and to behave morally. Many Christians believe that just because they have no tendencies toward immorality makes them moral and great in God’s eyes…it does not! You must be filled with the Spirit to acquire virtue; you must have God’s Word in your soul and in your human spirit; and you must apply that Word to experience to behave virtuously in the Christian way of life. Anyone can be moral but it doesn’t mean they are spiritual. To be spiritual they must believe in Christ, take in His Word, and apply it to life experiences, in the FILLING OF THE SPIRIT (through confessed sin)…that’s spirituality, and that produces virtue.

The locked in arrogance of the morality of self-righteousness is just as great an evil as the locked in degeneracy of immorality! They are all demonized Christians and this leads to a false sense of destiny (they think they are great in the eyes God…their own opinion not God’s) for those with self-righteous morality. They think of themselves as “good people” in their own eyes because they haven’t committed some horrendous sin that shocks them! This makes them judge others who do not sin as they do. This is total ignorance of God’s Word and ignorance of what is spiritual and Godly according to God’s plan…this is arrogance!

Let’s distinguish between arrogance and ego. Ego is the normal function of the self-consciousness of the soul and when related to Bible doctrine in the soul, produces a true sense of personal destiny in Christ and realism about self in a humble way. This plus making daily decisions from the Word residing in the believer’s soul (a position of strength) to reside in the POG is the normal Christian way of life.

Egotism on the other hand is the practice of arrogance in contrast to humility. Egotism is self-centered, pre-occupation with self and subjective thinking. Humility is not only the basis for capacity for love, life, and happiness but also the basis for true courage. Courage is an extension of humility under pressure. Poise is as well. Poise is thinking under pressure. Thinking Bible doctrine under pressure is your defense against demon influence. Humility is the believer’s overall protection from demon influence and demon possession for unbelievers. Prov 16:18 “Pride precedes destruction and before a fall there is arrogance of life.” Proverbs says it all…that is gate one, Cosmic One in James 4:6. “But He gives a greater grace. Therefore Scripture says, ‘God is opposed to the arrogant, but gives grace to the humble.’" 1 Pet 5:5-6 “Young men, in the same way be submissive to those who are older (in authority). All of you clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because, ‘God opposes the arrogant but gives grace to the humble.’ (6) Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that He may lift you up in due time.”

There is a second part to Cosmic One/ Gate One: it is Achievement Arrogance. When the believer makes a decision to live in the cosmic system of Satan he takes on gate one and becomes pre-occupied with himself as we discussed. So in many cases when success or failure comes his way, it is always related to self in arrogance. The believer becomes involved in inordinate ambition and competition to succeed and when he fails he takes on self-pity and worries about the opinion of his contemporaries instead of God and the LJC. He needs flattery from others and arrogance is his motivation to strive for success instead of the Christian way of life, the filling of the Spirit, and the POG. He’ll do anything to succeed and become better than other believers to impress his friends. Achievement from arrogant living and arrogant lust for ascendancy…lust for success…destroys the true sense of values related to God’s Word which is totally neglected with this kind of arrogance. Prov 11:2 “When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.” Prov 29:23 “A man's pride brings him low, but a man of humility gains honor.” Job 33:14-17 “Indeed God speaks once, or twice, (yet) no one notices it. (15) In a dream, a vision of the night, when sound sleep falls on men, while they slumber in their beds, (16) Then He opens the ears of men, and seals their instruction, (17) That He may turn man aside (from his) conduct, and keep man from pride…”

Here’s what happens to the believer in the cosmic system of gate one, Cosmic One, going through the motions only of Christian way of life instead of truly residing in the POG in the FOS. In this arrogant condition (no confession), the believer goes to Bible class to study God’s Word but during class he’s running the gamut (thinking about) between self-pity and inordinate ambition and more interested in what the others think of him. In fact, that is why he is in class to begin with…competition with other believers…even in Bible class!! How much is he going to get out of the lesson? First of all he’s out of fellowship or he might rebound once in a while if he thinks about it but immediately after Bible class he forgets and generates mental attitude sins, which gets him right back into the cosmic system. Let’s say he only rebounds before Bible class and only attends occasionally…no consistency! So in class let’s say he gets 10% of the message in one hour. In the retention stage of study, he might retain 1% so when he needs to apply the doctrine to experience (in his life in the world), he’s down to less than 1%! He is not spiritually self-sustaining and he cannot cope, cannot handle his problems! What’s wrong? Bible doctrine has all the answers but he doesn’t have enough Bible doctrine in his soul to apply it to life. Is this you? You come to Bible class but don’t get enough of it so your retention factor is down (no epignosis)…loser believer…because you can never find the divine viewpoint to make the proper application to experience! As a result demons love you and through telepathy there is demon transference of thought because you are probably out of fellowship. So now you enter into demon influence and you eventually have a personality change because of your inconsistency with taking in the Word. Then down the road you may be under psychiatric care! Let me make this very clear to you…it is Bible doctrine living in your soul (Word of God that you believe…epignosis) that protects you from the demonization of your soul!

Arrogance is self-destructive but when God adds divine discipline to it…then you are a part of the cause of the down trends in history as well. Isa 13:11 “I will punish the world for its evil (resulting in the downtrends of history), the wicked for their sins. I will put an end to the arrogance of the haughty and will humble the pride of the ruthless (disasters like hurricanes and earthquakes, or economic disasters).”

Under demon influence, the negative believer receives false doctrines instead of sound doctrine because of rejection of the Truth of the Word. If a person rejects the Truth (any of the 3 categories: LDE, Gospel or Bible doctrine) that person will believe the lies of Satan. It’s works like a vacuum. 1 Tim 6:3-4 “If anyone teaches false doctrines and does not agree to the sound instruction (Word of God…Bible doctrine) of our Lord Jesus Christ and to godly (spiritual) teaching, (4) he is conceited and understands nothing. He has an unhealthy interest in controversies and quarrels about words that result in envy, strife, malicious talk, evil suspicions…” (Sound like anyone you know?)

What Satan thought at his fall (his philosophy) is transferred to the negative, demon influenced believer living in the cosmic system. This type of negative believer demonized in gate one of Cosmic One not only neglects Bible doctrine, but becomes a distraction to the plan and provision (grace) of God for the one in this gate and all other believers that associate with him. This demonization distorts life’s true scale of values so that all decisions are made from a position of weakness because they don’t take the time to learn the Word and have enough of it in their souls to apply it to life. Arrogance in Cosmic One, gate one, is only opposed to the perception of Bible doctrine and spiritual momentum. Arrogance is not against Bible doctrine in Cosmic One as it is in Cosmic Two especially any Bible doctrine critical to your life. Arrogance is opposed to the perception or hearing of the Word and spiritual momentum only…not opposed to the Word itself. In other words the believer is disinterested or apathetic to the Word of God…no time for it.

The human mind becomes helpless without Bible doctrine and it becomes demonized in the cosmic system…the exact opposite of the divine dynasphere, which is the filling of the Holy Spirit, and the POG. The human personality CANNOT cope with life apart from the Truth of the Word of God in its soul and that is Truth in all three categories: LDE, the Gospel of the LJC, and Bible doctrine. Examples: rejecting the studying of God’s Word as do believers in gate one of Cosmic One; rejecting the authority of God’s LDE; or for the unbeliever, rejecting the Gospel. All rejection of Truth negates your purpose in life! Arrogance rejects humility and divine authority so Bible doctrine is resisted and it rejects the authority of the pastor teaching the Word. If this is you…you’ll go along in life for a while in temporary happiness or pseudo-fun from the cosmic system, but it’ll run its course in a very short time. Then you will find yourself frantically searching for happiness through more fun and stimulating things to give you pleasure and this becomes a viscous cycle…it goes round and round until it…arrogance…destroys your capacity for life, love, happiness, generosity, and blessing, which eventuates in irrationality IF perpetuated. You won’t know which end is up…talk about confusion and disillusion! The older you get the more depressed and frantic you get until you wind up a very miserable person…locked in to this cycle.

Arrogance destroys your personal capability and makes you resent the capability in others. It motivates inconsistency and causes wide swings of self-pity under the pressure of adversity to self-righteousness in times of prosperity. It thrives on flattery and believes the lie. It only listens to Bible doctrine to ridicule and distort or reject it. It is the distorter of Truth. Anything that distorts Truth cannot learn Truth or grow spiritually in the knowledge of the LJC.

There are three (3) areas where Bible doctrine can be distorted:

1. At the point of GAP (GRACE APPARATUS FOR PERCEPTION) reception - when you hear the message.

2. At the point of GAP retention – the ability through the Holy Spirit to remember what you learned afterward…that is from gnosis (what you hear and understand) to epignosis (permanency of the Word in your soul if you believe the message that you just heard).

3. At the point of GAP recall of Bible doctrine - application to life experiences.

Spiritual growth comes in two (2) ways:

1. From what is retained (epignosis in the soul) through GAP.

2. From what is recalled when needed to pass the eight (8) momentum tests. This area of recall causes great spiritual growth…accelerated growth.

Note: please review Lesson 19b – the addendum on GAP (Grace Apparatus for Perception). If you don’t have this addendum, which teaches the mechanics of studying God’s Word through spiritual means, please ask me and I’ll give you one.

Arrogance is the worst. It distorts what you hear in the gnosis stage of GAP due to lack of concentration and objectivity. In other words, if you are subjective (self absorbed), it will bend what is being taught to suit your purpose. Arrogance also attacks the epignosis stage (that which you believe) by making Bible doctrine your servant instead of your authority from God. Arrogance also attacks in the recall or application stage of spiritual growth by relating it to personality, self-righteousness, or using it for personal justification. If you’re always saying, “I wish so and so heard this message” you are arrogant.

The philosophy of arrogance always gives a false perspective of life. Example: the arrogant believer who rejects the doctrine of eternal security, which is very clear in God’s Word, and thinks that he can lose his salvation by some sin he has committed or by some system of evil that he thinks is greater than the work of the LJC on the cross is totally out of the realm of reality. This is arrogance to the max! This is the worst form of arrogance…saying his sins are greater than the work of the LJC on the cross! Jesus was judged for all sins and His work was perfect. Jesus even said it before He died physically in John 19:30. “When He had received the drink, Jesus said, ‘It is finished (salvation was finished).’ With that, He bowed His head and gave up His spirit (gave up His physical life).” This type of believer rejects the perfect work and Person of God. This arrogance creates a vacuum in the soul of the believer, which opens the way for demonic influence or telepathy…demonic penetration of the soul. Here is the perfect example of pre-occupation with self, which is Cosmic One.

Another example of this false perspective of life through arrogance is the believer out of fellowship who thinks his works are spiritual when he is out of fellowship and not in the divine power system. He thinks or assumes the energy of the flesh (not the filling of the Spirit) is greater than being filled with the Spirit and performing divine good (service). In other words “any means to an end!” This believer attaches greater importance to his human good (service, prayer etc. performed out of fellowship) than the POG, which demands the use of God’s power system…the filling of the Spirit. The same goes for people who feel sorry for themselves because of some prejudice or injustice done to them. The same goes for those in emotional activity like tongues or crusading against something they feel isn’t spiritual. They believe that emotional worship is greater than Bible doctrine…this is totally demon influence to keep the Truth from prevailing in the souls of believers.

The mandate from God in 1 John 2:15-18 is very important because it is the basis for clarifying the issue of demon influence. I John 2:15-18 “Do not love the world (Satan’s system…Cosmic One and Cosmic Two) or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. (16) For everything in the world…the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does (Satan’s inside agent…the old sin nature in each of us)…comes not from the Father but from the world (Satan’s outside agent…the cosmic systems). (17) The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God (believes and obeys) lives forever. (18) Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist (the dictator of the Revised Roman Empire in the Tribulation…Rev 13) is coming, even now many antichrists (those teaching false doctrines to neutralize God’s Truth) have come. This is how we know it is the last hour (the end times before the Rapture).”

Demon telepathy or influence in the Church Age is warned against by the Apostle Paul in 1 Tim 4:1-11. The Spirit clearly says that in later times (the end times before the Rapture) some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits (demons) and things taught by demons. (2) Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron. (3) They forbid people to marry and order them to abstain from certain foods, which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and who know the truth (these are legalistic religious types). (4) For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, (5) because it is consecrated by the word of God and prayer. (6) If you point these things out to the brothers, you will be a good minister of Christ Jesus, brought up in the truths of the faith and of the good teaching that you have followed. (7) Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives' tales; rather, train yourself to be godly (spiritual life). (8) For physical training is of some value, but godliness (the spiritual life) has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. (9) This is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance (10) [and for this we labor and strive], that we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all men (unlimited atonement…Christ died for all of mankind), and especially of those who believe. (11) Command and teach these things.”

B. Cosmic One/Gate Two – Arrogance of Negative Volition. This gate is defined as negative volition toward and/or rejection of Bible doctrine and resistance to Truth based on pre-occupation with self. This is the function of subjectivity in life and demon influence transference of thought. The interlocking relationship of this gate with gate one results in either the rejection of the content of Bible doctrine or rejection of the communicator (the pastor/teacher) of Bible doctrine. In other words, you’re not against the Word of God but you are indifferent to it (you don’t think about it, you don’t think it’s necessary, or you don’t make time for it)…it’s an attitude.

When anyone is pre-occupied with self to any degree, or living in Cosmic One, and comes to church, he’s usually negative toward Bible doctrine (only going through the motions so to speak) because at the point of reception, he is pre-occupied with self (has other things on his mind all the time…worldly things…problems etc…not paying attention in Bible class) and has subjective thinking (when he does hear the Word he subjectively relates it to himself in a defensive way) and therefore, incapable of understanding what is being taught. Both the message and the messenger of Bible doctrine are rejected when the believer is in gate two of Cosmic One (Cosmic Two has a negative volition gate as well but that negative volition is very different from the negative volition of this gate…totally different…and will be discussed later in this addendum).

In Cosmic One, negative volition toward Bible doctrine is related to pre-occupation with self and hinges around subjectivity. You are always thinking of yourself and what you want to do. You don’t have time for Bible doctrine. This negative volition toward Bible doctrine intensifies arrogance in the life and causes black out of the soul and scar tissue of the soul. Black out of the soul is the first stage of demon influence. When you remain out of fellowship in the cosmic system (that’s no confession of sin for a long time), it results in black out of the soul. You eventually forget what Bible doctrine you have learned when you neglect confession…and loss of God’s power system through the Holy Spirit. This leaves you confused, unable to make clear decisions and totally vulnerable to demon influence…worldly satanic thinking. This is negative volition and negative volition toward Bible doctrine results because you’ve made countless decisions from a position of weakness (out of fellowship...cosmic system) not to take in God’s Word and plan for you life DAILY.

In Cosmic One, gate two, you will experience loss of any true personal sense of destiny. Negative volition results in slavery to the circumstances of your life and to the details of life and produces frustration. You are constantly trying to solve your problems from your own strength (propaganda fed to us by the world we live in…especially through the media and academics). We are always being told, “Be strong,” “Be yourself,” “Find yourself,” and “Never rely on anything but our own resources, ”You can do it on your own…you’re smart!” This promotes self, self, and more self…the total opposite of God’s grace and divine power system. Thus when and if you make it, and you are in prosperity, you will produce self-righteous arrogance and if you fail and experience adversity, you will produce the arrogance of self-pity. Self-righteousness + self-pity = the guilt complex. The guilt complex is when you go into wide swings between self-righteousness and self-pity under the various circumstances of your life. This causes and produces a system of slavery in Cosmic One …pre-occupation with self…a slave to self! There is no room for others and you produce terrible self-induced misery in your life. It’s the ME syndrome.

All negative volition toward Bible doctrine then is related to the first stage of GAP (GRACE APPARATUS for PERCEPTION), which is perception (hearing God’s Word) of the message. Self-righteousness or self-pity knocks out what is being taught because Bible doctrine is anti-self-righteousness and anti-self-pity to the core. That’s why legalists (religious types that condemn everyone’s behavior according to their own dislikes and erroneous scale of values never derived from God’s Truth) never learn Bible doctrine. Fundamentalism (that’s legalism + self-righteousness) produces spiritual babies because there is no spiritual growth through studying God’s Word. Therefore, negative volition results in the slavery to the details or circumstances of life and produces unhappiness in self-righteousness and in self-pity. When you combine the two together over a period of time, you create a huge guilt complex. Your whole life is motivated by guilt (“I should have,” “I could have,” “I would have,” “if only” thinking). This produces believers that are sociopathic, psychopathic and often wind up suicidal in their frustration.

There is a second part to Cosmic One - gate two: the Arrogance of Ignorance. This is defined as failure of believers or unbelievers to make the transition from ignorance to cognizance in life…or human maturity. This transition to maturity must exist in the temporal realm as well as the spiritual realm.

In the temporal realm (on earth), human maturity (mentality) must make the transition from the authority of the home (as children) to freedom in life (as adults)! Home was designed by God for man’s informative years. Home is the place of organized humility (authority) and parents (it takes one or two) are that authority in the home and the basis for teaching the children civility (rules and boundaries to respect freedom, privacy and property of all others) and poise (thinking under pressure). This organized humility produces genuine humility (the child’s willing orientation to authority) especially if the child is a believer and Bible doctrine is taught to them as well. If the authority of the home is rejected, however, it produces a demon influenced child…anti-authority...and disaster in life for that child. I cannot emphasize this enough…if YOU REJECT AUTHORITY AS A CHILD, YOU WILL HAVE A MISERABLE ADULT LIFE! These types will have adult bodies but immature minds. This anti-authority attitude…no humility…produce the arrogance of ignorance of Bible doctrine. They never learn the Word of God because they are anti-authority and will not take it in. The unbeliever will not listen to the Gospel for the same reasons. This is someone who takes NO responsibility for their actions and rejects all authority let alone the authority of God’s Word. This produces everything degenerate in society...from criminality, homosexuality, and drug addiction, immorality, undisciplined workers, no loyalty etc…to just about everything the old sin nature can produce through the volition of the individual. Drug addiction by the way, is the chemical avoidance of authority and responsibility. All these are produced by a self centered person with resentment of authority towards God, parents, and all authority in life…it produces a pattern of behavior in life that is anti God and anti life…no happiness.

For the unbeliever, the only solution is salvation…faith alone in Christ alone…to be born again in the LJC. For the believer it is confession of sin and a return to the POG for his life (daily humble intake of the Word and its application to life). Each transition in life requires virtue and genuine humility…orientation to authority. The arrogance of ignorance is the failure to make that transition from youth to adulthood because of negative volition to Bible doctrine and to authority…the very things that bring happiness to every individual. The person is disoriented to life in general. There is fleeting temporary happiness but no true happiness or inner peace unless you make daily decisions to reside in the POG. God gives a neutral happiness (on earth only) that is bestowed on the unbeliever who lives by authority and by means of the LDE.

Let me teach you something about the awesomeness of our God. HE IS PERFECT and HID PLAN IS PERFECT and so are His divine decrees for mankind. Let’s look at this for a moment to make very clear what God wants for us. Remember we are all players in the angelic conflict and our God has done everything He could for us to be winners in the conflict through His divine plan AND HE DID IT IN ETERNITY PAST. He is a loving God and a God of justice and therefore, does all He can for mankind so that mankind can come to the knowledge of His perfect plan and enjoy total happiness here on earth in His plan. Let’s look at what makes up God’s divine decrees.

We must distinguish between the facts of history which are not always true and the Truth of Bible doctrine which is always true. The omniscience of God knows these facts and only the facts are put into the computer of divine decrees so that all human history is programmed. We observe the facts of history imperfectly.

The facts of history include both lies and truth and conditions; true and false, honorable and evil, good and bad decisions but only the Truth involved actually originates from God. The false originates from Satan and his cosmic systems, demon possession and influence, arrogance and negative volition. God is Truth and the source of Truth. God honors His Word…therefore, the genuineness of it! God honors Truth in history. This explains why the client/nations are delivered by the pivot of mature believers and even by unbelievers who live by the LDE and their principles…this honors God and God’s Truth. Remember the three (3) categories of the Truths of God: LDE, Gospel and Bible doctrine? God also punishes the false and this explains God’s judgment of the cosmic system through the five cycles of discipline to a client/nation and segments of the world nations to rid the world of evil.

Only Bible doctrine or divine Truth (the Word of God) can advance the believer in the POG and protect him from the demon influence of the cosmic system. This means that negative volition arrogance combined with the arrogance of ignorance will hinder the believer from fulfilling the POG for his life.

There are degrees of demon influence. It is related to and corresponds to what we call reversionism or demonization (moving backward in the spiritual life from prolonged residence in the cosmic system). The longer you reside in the cosmic system without rebound, the greater the degree of demon influence…and reversionism results. This demonization or reversionism is a process where every facet of the soul is attacked or controlled:

1. The soul’s self-consciousness – where in the plan of God the ego is normal but when the person allows the demonization of the soul through the arrogance of ignorance or the arrogance of negative volition egotism or egocentricity and eventually ego mania takes over the soul.

2. The soul’s frontal lobes - where you recall and apply Bible doctrine for application to life but where demonization causes you to think the way of the cosmos…satanic philosophy related to self and self only.

3. The soul’s emotion – where in the POG your emotion responds to normal thinking but where demonization causes the emotions to take over the thinking of the soul.

4. The soul’s volition – were in the POG you made decisions from a position of strength from Bible doctrine in your soul but where demonization causes you to make bad decisions from a position of weakness (out of fellowship with God).

Demonization or reversionism is a process in which eventually every aspect of your soul is controlled by demons so that there is a complete personality change to some form of sociopathic or psychopathic behavior. A great warning for the believer about the use of his volition is found in 1 Pet 5:8-9. “Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. (9) Resist him, standing firm in the faith (in Bible doctrine resident in your souls), because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings (testing for blessing of divine discipline).”

The arrogance of Cosmic One results in: demon influence for believers and unbelievers, and demon possession for unbelievers only. Arrogance corrupts power, authority, success, physical beauty, business life, social life, meaning, and purpose in life. Demon influence comes through volition. The believer and unbeliever make the decision to be demon influenced or possessed. So then arrogance is a synonym for demon influence. A great example of someone deep into demon influence is the habitual gossip. Be warned this is demonization at its peak and the demonization of the people involved. Privacy is lost through this…and privacy is sacred in God’s eyes and He greatly punishes the sins of the tongue.

C. Cosmic One/Gate Three – Authority Arrogance. This arrogance rejects all systems of authority established by God for the preservation of the human race and for the happiness of the human race.

Some women may wonder (and some men also) why they have never had a successful relationship with a man (or woman) and no happiness in category two love, which is marriage. It is because they have never learned or accepted any principle of authority because of pre-occupation with self!! Remember Cosmic One deals with self and pre-occupation with self so all the arrogances of Cosmic One deal with self. This type of arrogance drives people from them instead of attracting people to them.

The definition of authority…that is legitimate authority…is the power delegated by God under the LDE, which include husbands over wives, parents over children, teachers over students, government over the people, management over labor, coaches over teams, judges and police officers over citizens, etc., etc. They are all governed by the LDE and delegated by God because they are His laws to PROTECT the human race.

The acceptability of authority in life is dependant on human volition. I keep saying this because it is the total basis for the solution to the angelic conflict as well! Human volition is the great defense weapon against the demonization of the believer. It must be used to resist the devil and he will flee from you when you do. James 4:6-8 “But He gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says: ‘God opposes the proud (arrogant) but gives grace to the humble.’ (7) Submit (yourselves), then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. (8) Come near to God (residence in the POG) and He will come near to you. Wash your hands (rebound…confession…the FOS), you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.” Your volition can only be used if you have knowledge of the pertinent Bible doctrine with regard to the cosmic system. In order to resist Satan and his demons you must be aware of his policies. The acceptability of legitimate authority depends right from the start on the conditioning of your volition…for it is inevitable that you will encounter authority that you will resent…like some people who have no right to it or no business in it! However, if you resent parents, teachers, law enforcement, or coaches, political figures etc. you are out of line because these have the right of authority over you from God and you will be punished severely in life if you resent and go against this authority. You must respect legitimate authority but if you do resent it and resist it, you will become arrogant and NEVER grow up. Example: the criminal with the mentality of a child (having a tantrum and wanting his own way all the time) in the body of an adult.

So arrogance rejects all legitimate authority in life. All authority is useless unless human volition accepts it. We are a nation of children…look at congress…they behave like children. There is almost maximum demonization of the people in this country (maybe 9/11 has brought us back to reality a bit but I can guarantee it won’t last long without a commitment to the POG)! So again arrogance rejects authority and this becomes the origin or basis for crime, terrorism, violence, slavery, revolution and dictatorship…all products of arrogance, demon influence and the demonization of the cosmic system.

Demon influence results in evil and evil has no power or authority without human consent. Evil originates from prolonged arrogance in the cosmic system. Volition is the issue. Our arrogance is a product of our own individual volitions and constantly assigns power to evil, to evil people without legitimate authority in life, and therefore, lawlessness and revolution.

Authority arrogance always attacks human freedom. You cannot have human freedom without authority, they go hand in hand and must co-exist, or freedom will be destroyed. Try driving without traffic lights in South Florida. We wouldn’t be able to count the dead bodies. Freedom without authority is anarchy (the people arrogantly selfishly take control and chaos and gross criminality results). Authority without freedom is tyranny (a despotic, arrogant ruler enslaves the people)!

Authority arrogance attacks one of God’s gifts…a sacred gift, privacy through gossiping men and women! Everyone who gossips is demonized and full of self-importance…self-righteous arrogance…and they think they have the right to destroy someone’s reputation. Privacy is lost through gossip. You can’t have privacy without freedom to succeed or fail before the Lord. Gossip, maligning, and judging causes the loss of one’s privacy. You shouldn’t tell anyone anything about yourself if you want it kept private. You’re asking for trouble.

Freedom is destroyed through any cosmic involvement. Another example is drug addiction. It is a passive way in which to use your volition in order to become demonized. It is pre-occupation with self and pre-occupation with one’s pleasures. Arrogance always precedes demonization. No one is ever demonized unless he first becomes arrogant in some way. Drug addiction is a heinous form of arrogance and self destruction always results. Drug addiction for unbelievers can lead to demon possession just as it can lead believers into demon influence. Drug addiction is a huge part of idolatry and the phallic cult and they incorporate drug addiction into their rituals.

Authority arrogance corrupts all of the divine institutions starting with volition, then marriage, family and nationalism. It attacks volition by influencing people to reject the POG for believers and unbelievers alike. It attacks marriage by condoning living together and we know that the world totally accepts that today! When two believers live together, they are in carnality 99% of the time and divine discipline will result. This is evil and cosmic living. I don’t care how much they once studied the Word, if they live together like married people they are producing evil in the cosmic system as soon as they have sex out of marriage. It attacks the family the most basic system in life: children who fail to accept the authority of their parents NEVER grow up! It attacks nationalism through government and management and promotes internationalism (Satan’s ultimate plan). In fact arrogance attacks all authority!

Your pastor/teacher is your authority in the study of the Word. He has to make an accounting to the LJC for his flock or congregation. Isa 54:17b “…This is the heritage of the servants (pastor/teachers) of the Lord, and this is their vindication from me," declares the Lord.” The local church is the environment for his authority just like the home is the environment for the authority of the parents and the soul the environment for volitional authority.

All authority orientation requires humility. Humility must be taught in the home by parents. This is called enforced humility, which eventually turns into genuine humility as the child obeys and only if he obeys. Even in unfair situations you must submit to authority in order to grow up because no one is perfect and mistakes are made; however, it doesn’t cancel out the authority! Children must grow up in their homes and move into society as adults. Rejection of authority in the home produces immature arrogant persons…adult bodies with childlike mentalities. Acceptance of authority produces maturity in life and orientation to society. The worst type of person is the immature person in an adult body who even as a believer remains a baby! This type of person creates bad habits from their immaturity and many bad habits are carried over after salvation and bring about their own misery. Failure to accept authority is a guarantee of a lifetime of misery.

People who are arrogant in their jobs complain about their jobs and whine about them because of authority arrogance and these people will fail at their jobs (i. e. Vietnam vets who complain about their treatment in the war. This is a wrong attitude and they are making an issue of themselves instead of life!). These types of arrogant people blame everyone else for their trouble. Rom 9:19-21 “One of you will say to me: ‘Then why does God still blame us? For who resists His will?" (20) But who are you, O man, to talk back to God? Shall what is formed say to Him who formed it, 'Why did you make me like this?'" (21) Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for noble purposes (those who accept the POG and authority from God) and some for dishonorable use?” (Those who reject the POG and authority of God). These arrogant people are really stupid and the cause of their troubles. Many blame God our ultimate authority!! We all have the same opportunity to get with it…acceptance of authority in the POG.

I will repeat…volition is the issue and attitude toward authority is everything. Acceptance of authority is based on humility and good decisions from a position of strength…the believer in the POG. Rejection of authority is based on arrogance and bad decisions from a position of weakness…living in the cosmic system of Satan.

There is a second part to Cosmic One/Gate Three: Institutional Arrogance. Authority arrogance produces institutional arrogance as well and every institution has three parts: authority, purpose, and policy. Arrogance attacks all three. You’ll know them as the complainers in a company, those who will not accept the company rules or policies. They make themselves the issue (Cosmic One trait) rather than the company for which they work. These are immature arrogant people who usually wind up suing a company for some childish perceived wrong done to them! Eventually this destroys capitalism and free enterprise, the very thing that made this country great…blessings from God.

The opinions of the people that work for a company count for nothing. It is the policy of the company that counts and if you don’t like it move on! Arrogance is rampant in all organizations from business, sports, churches, schools, the police, medical facilities, the military and many more. All of these have authority, policy, and purpose. You must recognize their authority or you and they will fail. Arrogance destroys the balance between authority and freedom.

D. Cosmic One/Gate Four – Self-righteous Arrogance - This arrogance causes the person involved to be divorced from reality through a self-righteous progression from a pre-occupation with self in gate three. You can describe self-righteous arrogance as the arrogance of legalism (those who think they are better than you because they do not commit the same sins as you do), vanity, having a unique emotional experience (and therefore, considers themselves more spiritual than you because of it), setting themselves up as an authority and intruding on the privacy of others, erroneous emphasis on human achievement or assuming you are not blessed unless you are wealthy.

Self-righteous arrogance includes blind arrogance, personality arrogance, crusader arrogance, and one of the worst forms of arrogance, morality arrogance where believers become involved in demon influence and benign (milder) evil. An example of morality arrogance is when a believer thinks of himself as moral in a certain sphere of activity of life and he assumes that he has a right to dictate how the rest of the world should live because of it. He thinks he can dictate what they will do and think, and how they should function because of his set of standards…it is the worst form of demon influence. Remember Satan is self righteous and wants a “good” world without God or God’s plan.

Let’s take a look at each of these sub categories of self-righteous arrogance:

1. Blind Arrogance – this is another way of expressing legalism. Legalism is attaching human works to God’s plan. It is found in salvation (which is complete in the LJC and His work alone) by requiring a person to walk an aisle for salvation after that person has heard the Gospel in the congregation; raise his hand for salvation after hearing the Gospel; being good or moral; require membership in a certain denomination like the Baptists and Catholics or any church who holds to this arrogant concept.

Blind arrogance includes salvation by works and spirituality by works: like if you dress conservatively; smile all the time; go through self-effacement; pass out tracts on the street; go to the mission field; or you do something that supposedly makes you a cut above everyone else! This is what they call spirituality! We know in fact that spirituality is the filling of the Spirit through confessing or naming your sins to God…an absolute! Self-righteousness is the principle behind any human system of works. It is both passive and active as a system of demon influence and evil.

Legalism is the motive of believers under demon influence. Blind arrogance is irrational and those with it think that any malfunction of their self-righteous under these conditions of doing something “good” by doing something wrong…like sinning…usually shocks these legalist types. Then they believe they have lost their salvation! It all depends on THEM, they think! God does not depend on us for anything. God is independent and as infinite, eternal God, He simply doesn’t depend on us! However, the country depends on us in regards to historical trends in the Church Age…as goes the believer…so goes the client/nation…USA!

These people think (erroneously) that after they have achieved some great fete (in their own minds) like witnessing to a large group of people that this is spiritual maturity. Or they may think that if they sacrifice a lot they are spiritually mature, or give sacrificially that they are spiritually mature but in reality these things have nothing to do with being spiritual or mature. God’s standard for maturity and blessings of maturity are the same for all believers and it has nothing to do with overt functions in the community like those just mentioned above. God’s standard for spiritual maturity is perception, metabolization, and application of Bible doctrine from your soul and in the filling of the Spirit.

Blind arrogance assumes the POG succeeds or fails on the basis of they function rather than what God has provided in grace. Blind arrogance establishes therefore, false standards and then keeps these false standards and believes that everyone should benefit from their greatness! They superimpose their standards on everyone! When you try to superimpose your false standards on everyone else, benign (milder) evil is formed and in a short time will become activist evil. They try to make everyone else adhere to the standards they have set for themselves. They crusade on the basis of their false standards and leave God out entirely. This is how blind arrogance turns into crusader arrogance. You know them…they are the ones that blow up abortion clinics and murder doctors who perform abortions; or they crusade for pro life, or against the death penalty etc. They do NOT KNOW God’s Word!

2. Morality Arrogance – this arrogance says “If we are moral, we are right!” The opposite is true in many circumstances. They are wrong in their thinking (not in their morality). This is benign (milder) evil! It is the function of the self-righteous opposing God’s policy of grace. Morality is not spirituality. Spirituality belongs to category three Truth…the filling of the Spirit through confession of sin and Bible doctrine resident in the soul of the believer which produces virtue. Spirituality is the filling of the Holy Spirit. Morality that comes from the knowledge of Bible doctrine is virtue production through learning God’s Word and His policy. Any unbeliever can be moral! But he CANNOT be spiritual! The LDE provide a system of morality to the entire human race whereby freedom is kept in balance.

The believer has something greater than this kind of morality. The believer has a system of morality that comes from virtue and honor, which is unparalleled and produced through Bible doctrine resident in the soul of the believer. Personal love for God motivates the believer to live under virtue and we call this motivational virtue. This is learned through the study of God’s Word. Also learned is impersonal love (virtue love) for all mankind and is called functional virtue. This virtue love is based on who and what God is not on the object. This is the highest form of living life through the filling of the Spirit and spirituality that is produced in that divine power system from learning God’s Word.

The result of objectivity in the perception of the Word is enforced and genuine humility…which is teachability. So we have a system of spirituality which produces virtue toward God and others. That system is the FOS, objectivity in the study of the Word, humility and teachability, all combine to form perception of Bible doctrine (greatest virtue in the world and higher than morality), motivational virtue (personal love for God) produced from Bible doctrine in the soul, and functional virtue (impersonal love for all mankind) produced from Bible doctrine in the soul.

Arrogance and demon influence distorts morality into a system of works related to arrogance rather than Truth. Those who live must decide between the arrogance of the cosmic system of Satan, the originator of it all…a trap…OR in the Truth of God’s Word even if nothing more than the LDE. Truth vs. arrogance is one of the oldest conflicts of the angelic conflict and goes back to pre-human history with Satan’s fall. Arrogance and demon influence in the cosmic system is the enemy of morality and Christianity in God’s power system.

Morality is something any unbeliever can accomplish…you see it all the time. Anything the unbeliever can accomplish is NOT spirituality. Spirituality is the monopoly of the Christian only and yet, these self-righteous morality type believers simply decide, because of lack of Bible doctrine in their souls, and by the arrogance in their own souls, that being moral is being a great Christian!! Arrogant self-righteousness uses morality then as a means of spirituality.

3. Personality Arrogance – another part of self-righteous arrogance. This arrogance can be defined as the superimposition of personal and often false opinions over doctrinal Truth and its standards. It’s a violation of the privacy of the priesthood. These believers are very annoying! They are constantly confused. They tend to dominate any group in which they find themselves. They try to vehemently force their beliefs on unbelievers and are obnoxious at best. They will tell unbelievers they must give up their lascivious ways in order to be saved. The morality they push is wrong! There is nothing wrong with morality but along with morality here must be humility. Morality + arrogance = evil. There is nothing wrong with righteousness but everything wrong with self-righteousness. Personality arrogance often turns into crusader arrogance.

4. Crusader Arrogance – this is the arrogance that causes the believer to decide to go against someone, something, or some organization that offends them or their morality, like a pastor who hit a nerve and the believer thought he was making an example out of him, or like the abortion issue. They usually start a campaign to rid the community of the pastor that offended them or in the case of abortion the clinics where the abortions are performed. This is evil. All arrogant crusaders have a cell of ignorant believers that go along with them in their self-righteousness, which leads them into action. They parrot his beliefs. This is the blind leading the blind. They are usually very emotional (no thinking Bible doctrine here!) There is no Bible doctrine in the souls of these believers. Emotion rules.

An illustration of this arrogance is when one takes the law into his own hands. It allows and advocates terrorism and violence. These are believers! Many have committed murder in the name of God as the means to stop what they believe is wrong in their self-righteousness. This is religious crusader arrogance. Here’s another example of this arrogance: the National Council of Churches has repeatedly tried to disarm America and they support terrorist ideology by doing this! They depict America as a bully when in fact America promotes freedom for all and defends it for all peoples. Freedom is from God and evil people hate that and fight to the death to stop us. They want to lord it over people and enslave them so they can live high off the wealth of a particular nation…like Sadaam Husein…who cared nothing about his people!

Another illustration is rebelling against paying taxes to the government! Peace movements are another example. Ecology crusades, pro-life crusades, gun crusades etc. are all manifestations or examples of crusader arrogance or the demonization of believers and unbelievers.

To sum up gate four of Cosmic One, it robs morality of all of its virtue and substitutes a self-righteous arrogance in its place. The Christian way of life is true virtue in the FOS if the believer resides in the POG.

Note: The following and remaining gates of “Cosmic One” are the results of the first four gates that we have just finished studying.

E. Cosmic One/Gate Five – Sexual Arrogance

Sexual arrogance is defined as sex without love (in marriage). Self-centeredness is the result of sex without love. Self-centeredness divorces the individual from reality and one of the unrealities of self-centeredness is self-gratification in sex. An example of sexual arrogance can be found in the ancient founded phallic cult an in the Catholic Church whereby priests take advantage of innocent children in their care. Sexual arrogance is self-gratification in the following categories: 1) polygamy; 2) fornication; 3) masturbation; 4) homosexuality; 5) incest; 6) rape; and 7) bestiality.

Sex was designed to be a manifestation of love, an expression of love between ONE man and ONE woman. Sexual arrogance is related to demonization. Gal 5:19-20 “The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; (20) idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions…”

Love is thoughtfulness of others, courtesy, honor and integrity. True love emphasizes these traits especially integrity before physical attraction. The object of love receives respect: integrity + loyalty = honor. Integrity in order to become honor must include loyalty and living life in the power of filling of the Spirit in the POG. True love functions in integrity rather than in physical attraction. There’s no question about the importance of physical attraction but it has no sustaining value of any kind! The REAL SECRET to TRUE LOVE is the function of integrity. The dictionary defines integrity as it pertains here as: moral uprightness; honesty; decency, honor, probity (right mindedness and sincerity) and rectitude (uprightness and correctness).

A person with integrity can be a great lover. One without integrity and who is only physically attracted is almost disqualified immediately because he/she is only interested in gratifying himself or herself. Arrogance exists everywhere and in all kinds of people…beautiful or ugly! Without honor or integrity, the believer has no capacity for love. Here’s a quote from a very honorable man named Richard Lovelace and told centuries ago: “I could not love you dear so much, loved I not honor more.” Do you understand that? If a person doesn’t have the good intentions of honor and respect in a relationship with you, that person has NOTHING to offer you! Read the quote again and learn!

F. Cosmic One/Gate Six – Criminal Arrogance

All crime is sin but sin is not the origin of criminals. First and foremost the criminal is NOT the products of his environment. The criminal is the product of his own decisions whereby he enters into the cosmic system. Criminality originates from the arrogance in the mind of the criminal. It originates from his or her old sin nature. Criminality originates from demonization in two categories: a) demon possession for the unbelieving criminal; and b) demon influence from the believing criminal or from both in the case of the unbeliever only.

The criminal lives inside the cosmic system because he is totally pre-occupied with himself!!! Sound familiar? All arrogance in "Cosmic One" originates from pre-occupation with self or self-centeredness. And because of this pre-occupation with self, from his sin nature he is anti-authority, anti-establishment, and often very self-righteous! Can you believe it? He’s filled with self importance, self-justification and has evil motivation. He wants what he wants generated from his sin nature and life in the cosmic system!

Both believer and unbeliever become involved in criminality. When a believe commits crime, he is often judged by self-righteous types as “not really saved.” NONSENSE! Criminal arrogance is an arrogance which results from demon possession for the unbeliever only and demon influence for the believer and unbeliever alike. Any Christian with criminal tendencies in his sin-nature can commit crime, even horrendous crime…so don’t be so shocked. Look at King David! That is why Christ had to die on the cross as our substitute. We are wretched creatures even after being saved especially if we do not reside in the POG. Christians are capable of anything and are often worse than unbelievers!

As a result of being arrogant, the criminal has provided a whole mechanism around which he functions. His mechanics maybe that he’s a con-artist who’s clever with an exaggerated opinion of how smart he is. He may be a pathological liar, a thief, panderer (a person who encourages licentious behavior like a pimp), drug dealer, or a revolutionary capable of great violence. Whatever his mechanics or system is, it all has ONE ORIGIN…ARROGANCE! All violence and criminality originate from the cosmic system. Every criminal act and every crime originates from the criminal’s volition…NOT environment. Satan sinned in the perfect environment of heaven and Adam and Eve sinned in the perfect environment of the Garden of Eden!!!! Remember bad decisions cause environment not the reverse! A criminal makes a decision to be a criminal…period! They decide to be criminals from their volition and old sin nature trends of temptation but volition does the actual choosing.

The criminal is generally a sociopath. He is always a pathological liar with inordinate ambition. He has achievement arrogance as well…wealth without earning it honestly! In the case of the criminal’s achievement arrogance, he is in competition with his contemporaries (that is other criminals) and society in general. Note: the mafia, gangs etc.

Demonization and the phallic cult have produced some of the greatest criminal organizations in history, like the “Thugs” of India and Pakistan pronounced “Toogs” and where we get our word “thug.” They worship the goddess, Cali, and are the most violent and heinous of criminals. They produce murder, prostitution, drug addiction, torture, rape and the most heinous of crimes that I won’t go into now. This is a typical pattern of crime and demon religion. Rev 9:20-21 “The rest of mankind that were not killed by these plagues still did not repent (change their minds) of the work of their hands; they did not stop worshiping demons, and idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood…idols that cannot see or hear or walk. (21) Nor did they repent (change their minds) of their murders, their magic arts, their sexual immorality or their thefts.” These are hardcore religious groups that have locked in arrogance. These hard core criminal types will be spared during the attack of the demon assault army of Satan in the Tribulation to come. Satan will spare his worst offenders and slaves of his cosmic system during that time. They are the exception because they didn’t stop worshipping demons and idols of gold, silver and bronze, metal and wood…idols that are not able to see, to hear or walk! He will preserve these, his horrible unbelieving servants in order to use them in his final assault on the Jews to try and stop the POG in the Tribulation or the “Time of the Devil’s Desperation, which you will study in Revelation chapters 17 and 18. They are murderers…the worst of the worst!

The source of all criminality is Gate Six of Cosmic One, criminal arrogance and it includes believers and unbelievers alike.

G. Cosmic One/Gate Seven- Psychopathic or Emotional Arrogance

We are going to go on a bit of a psychology study in this gate…not an in depth one but one that will explain behavior in this gate none the less. Psychopathic arrogance is the volitional drive toward unreality. In the normal person, the emotion of the soul is under the control and domination of the intellect or the mind, the thinking part of his soul (which is self- consciousness or ego, mentality of the two frontal lobes, emotion and volition, memory etc.). Emotion on the other hand has no ability to think or rationalize. It is only a responder or reactor to one’s circumstances. In the psychopath, emotion rules instead of the thinking part of his soul or his mind. This is his particular tendency…emotions rule. The mentality of the soul is the male part of the soul and the emotion is the female part of the soul. The mind must control the emotions by thinking correctly so the emotions aren’t out of control. But when emotion takes over, there’s trouble and sometimes great trouble. The result is often gate seven…that is psychopathic or emotional arrogance.

In the normal person, the emotional life blends into the intellectual life so as not to disrupt rational thinking, motivation, and function. In the psychopathic person, this normal subordination of the emotion to the intellect is not present. Why? Because of cosmic involvement! However, psychiatry has developed a whole system of giving people an excuse for their psychopathic/sociopathic behavior…self-justification. Examples: “My mother dropped me on the head when I was a baby;” “I was mentally and physically abused;” “I lived in poverty;” “My dad was an alcoholic or drug addict” etc, etc, etc ad nauseum! These are excuses people use. There IS NO self-justification. Even though you have a mom and dad and brothers and sisters and circumstances, you still have your own volition and know right from wrong! All psychopathic and sociopathic behavior like criminality is a matter of volition…your own decisions. Remember we are the products of our own volition…NO EXCUSES!

In the psychopathic person, the normal subordination of emotion to mentality is absent because of cosmic involvement through demonization and demon influence (caused by volitional rejection of the POG in any area of God’s Truth). There are degrees of demonization and demon influence and all of these degrees function inside of the cosmic system of Satan and with cooperation from his inside agent, the old sin nature and the tendencies it has in this area. We all possess the sin nature even after salvation but remember we all have different lust patterns and tendencies. The degrees of function in the cosmic system are set by the time spent in there. The longer you reside there, the more intense becomes the demonization and demon influence, and gate seven is the result of that time spent there.

We can see where it all begins for this type of person. It begins under pressure followed by wide emotional swings. He then goes from self-pity in times of pressure to self-righteousness in times of prosperity. These swings back and forth

n is under pressuree it all begins. nder pressure thane innsity nt because of cosmic involvement.d function.art failuremes home from self-pity to self-righteousness are made in the cosmic system. If the person remains this way for a long period of time, there is an intensification that causes the psychosis or neurosis in that person. Here are typical characteristics of the psychopathic personality:

1. Imbalance – this is the absence of biological equilibrium and, therefore, a medical thing. Imbalance can be corrected with medication. That is the easiest of all to deal with.

2. Instability – this is the oscillation (swinging back and forth) from self-righteousness in prosperity to self-pity in adversity…degrees of demonization.

3. Egocentricity – this is arrogance resulting from cosmic involvement until the arrogance intensifies and covers every facet or side of the life until there is total divorcement from reality.

So in the final degree of demonization you have a psychopathic or sociopathic personality…believers as well as unbelievers.

The psychopath lacks the ability to evaluate realistically the object of his emotional reactions. This object can be a love interest, a friend, family member etc. This of course produces arrogant pre-occupation with self or a drive toward a false object and through intensification of that egocentricity, or drive toward the false object, reason no longer governs his actions. The individual no longer makes decisions on the basis of reason but on the basis of emotion. Pursuing the false object (a love interest here) lets say with pseudo-love fanaticism, the arrogant psychopath loses all objectivity and loses all reasoning power. He is under the influence of the cosmic system (for the unbeliever either demon possession or influence or for the believer, demon influence only) and he pursues his false object with irrationality, which means unpredictability (i. e. stalking)!

Psychopathic arrogance has no capacity for true love therefore, becomes occupied with some form of self-gratification, which becomes an INTER-relationship with the other gates of Cosmic One (which includes sexual arrogance as we previously discussed) and often the source of criminality and the explanation for rape or incest in criminality.

Ego centricity is typical in psychopaths. Pre-occupation with self reaches its peak in psychopathic arrogance in the cosmic system and then relates everything to self, which eventually divorces one from reality. After all, the difference between normal and abnormal has to do with one word…reality!

Demon possession and influence are both related to psychopathic behavior. It is well documented in Mark 5:1-20. Please read the entire passage.

Let’s look at some examples: involuntary psychosis is a good one. It generally falls into two categories: paranoia in some form and/or depression.

The pre-psychotic personality is subjective. One of the signs of being involved in the cosmic system is subjectivity (relates everything to self) and with subjectivity there are great inhibitions…the person who is chronically worried, intolerant, stubborn, inflexible, and loses or lacks a sense of humor. The pre-psychotic personality is characterized by rigidity and presents a neurotic defense, and arrogance related on the one hand with perfectionism and on the other with the guilt syndrome. This cosmic creature is found to be irritable, peevish, is unable to concentrate, is full of anxiety, and often has tendencies toward hypochondria and an ambivalent (conflicting feelings…emotions) desire both for death and for life. This is very interesting. While they desire to die they cling to life! They oscillate back and forth depending on what reality is at any given hour, half hour, or minute! Remember they lose their sense of reality.

So this arrogance has ambivalence. Psychopathic arrogance suffers from both illusion and hallucination…the involuntary paranoid has a reaction in which he finds that as an arrogant person in the cosmic system he is critical, inclined to blame all others for his failures, divorced form reality, takes no responsibility for his own bad decisions…from all of this comes hypersensitivity, the reason why so many Christians go to church looking for attention and gratification for their hypersensitivity…surrounded by people who will pay attention to them and be recognized by having their name called out in church, give their testimony…this is arrogance to the max! They are hypersensitive. They think they were slighted where none was intended. Involuntary paranoia includes jealousy, lack of forgiveness, resentment, bitterness, and of course the usual delusions of persecution…someone is always after them!

Many cases of psychosis will be discussed here as well. Let’s look at them: the manic depressive (both sides: manic and depressive); the schizophrenic, dementia praecox etc.

Now arrogance in manic depressive psychosis is even more obvious. In the manic phase of this psychosis, the individual is self-satisfied, arrogant, and very self-righteous like Christians who are always trying to straighten out everyone else. Often they display characteristics of being exuberant extroverts…they become irrepressible, uninhibited, effusive, and break into the conversations of others to straighten them out! They are unconventional in speech and manor, childish, immature, proud, and intolerant of criticism themselves…hypersensitive and they court the limelight. They are boastful, flippant, argumentative, have wondering thought patterns, are easily bored and lack ability to sustain anything…never have an enthusiasm that lasts very long unless it’s something like drug or alcohol addiction.

The manic phase of this psychosis is also characterized by hostility toward members of one’s family (it combines arrogance with anger). The oscillation of his emotions or in the middle of his exuberance the cosmic person involved may suddenly burst into tears. Manic is often very self-righteous and because he is self-righteous he becomes overbearing and from this he becomes meddlesome. Hallucinations occur in the manic excitement and of curse he’s building himself up in his manic state to interfere and straighten out everyone else!

In the mild depressive state of this psychosis, the manic has physical complaints, which have no organic basis…in other words it’s not really there. This is followed by a lack of confidence or a lack of a sense of destiny. Instead he has a sense of inadequacy or has the inability to stay with a job and the inability to realize of all things that God has a plan for his life and that God’s plan can be fulfilled in his lifetime. Instead of a sense of destiny he has a very strong sense of inadequacy.

Also in the depressive state, the manic can have a desire for violence and crime. Homicides are committed by depressed people in the cosmic system. Usually the victim is a member of the family at some holiday of importance. Often the arrogant depressed person seeks to take his own life and suicide becomes the ultimate arrogance…in some cases murder/suicide. The psychopath is fully subjective and totally self-centered, disoriented, depressed and under these conditions of being demonized in the cosmic system he often commits suicide (yes, believers commit suicide and you cannot lose your salvation by doing so!! It is very common). This is a sign of failure in life! It is the result of psychotic arrogance in a depressed state of manic depressive psychosis.

Suicide occurs in the schizophrenic as well. In the schizophrenic there is ambivalence between love and hate and affection and hostility. There are impulsive episodes of self-mutilation and this often leads to suicide. This type of person is full of hallucinations. Believers in the cosmic system often get into schizophrenia or dementia praecox. These believers might even sit in church Bible study and listen to the Word of God but at the part of acceptance of Bible doctrine, they don’t get it because the arrogance hears only what arrogance wants to hear. Arrogance makes them subjective…they are divorced from reality so there is no recall of Bible doctrine...they can’t use what they don’t understand or accept or believe! In order for the Word of God to be a permanent part of your soul so you can recall it and apply it in your life, you must first hear it as gnosis doctrine (understand it), and believe it fully (then it becomes epignosis doctrine). These types of psychopathic personalities have auditory or delusional hallucinations…they see or hear God!! That is how they handle the pressure! Arrogance may deny a desire or lust and still express it. That’s the interesting thing about some of these psychoses. They express it through delusion or hallucination. The ambivalent arrogant person becomes schizophrenic under these conditions. In schizophrenia the cosmic person may resist the impulse but under demon influence of the cosmic system, they may play out the action some other way with other persons involved like human sacrifice, which is the phallic cult operation.

Psychopathic arrogance lives in a world of fantasy and the unrestrained expression of arrogance or lust is there whether overt (which is rare) or whether it’s in some form of hallucination so that the individual can reject his evil experience since it was hallucination and therefore not in the world of reality. In other words, the fantasy justifies all evil that one commits in the world of reality. Once they are up against reality and what they have done, they simply go off into some form of hallucination in their fantasy world. They retreat from the reality of the world and the retreat justifies the evil.

In reality there is still desire for life. In the world of fantasy there is the self-mutilation of demon religions and all demon religions have some form of self-mutilation whether it be the bed of nails as practiced in India or hooks in the person’s body, cutting oneself with razors or knives...even those who crucify themselves at Easter time in the Philippines…it is all the same.

Arrogance is a cult of rejection of authority beginning in childhood where the personality of the child is dominated by primitive basic drives to the exclusion of rational behavior. Examples of this irrational behavior are children who have excessive tantrums, are destructive, children who are allowed to sulk, who are deceitful, obstinate, boastful, shameless, and erratic. These are characteristics that reject authority under gate 3 of Cosmic One and interlock eventually with this gate 7 of Cosmic One.

In the cosmic system, the psychopath is selfish, ungrateful, narcissistic, an exhibitionistic, an egocentric, demands much and gives little, and has no capacity for love or affection. He demands instant gratification of his desires without any concern for the feelings of others.

H. Cosmic One/Gate Eight – The Arrogance of Unhappiness

The arrogance of unhappiness is a subjective arrogance and a pre-occupation with self as all of the previous gates of arrogance are. Rom 12:3 “For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Stop thinking of self in terms of arrogance beyond the point you ought to think (normal self consciousness), but rather think of sanity for the purpose of being rational without illusion, as God has assigned to everyone, a standard of thinking from doctrine (the Word of God).”

Self-centeredness eliminates the capacity for happiness and it destroys one’s personal sense of destiny related to the POG. Not only does involvement in the cosmic system guarantee unhappiness, but it also leads to erroneous ideas about what constitutes happiness. A lot of people have the wrong idea of what would make them happy and because of it, they never will be happy. The result then of erroneous views of happiness is that we have very unhappy disoriented people demanding attention from those in their periphery and society in general and expecting everyone to live and breathe just for the purpose of making them happy!

The MYTH of arrogance then is that people or pleasant circumstances can make you happy. This is the fundamental concept behind what we call “entertainment.” BUT good entertainment is for happy people NOT arrogant people…only happy people truly enjoy entertainment. Unhappy people of course seek their happiness in entertainment and are frustrated by not finding it there or by not getting satisfaction from it. We call this the frantic search for happiness for those living in the cosmic system.

The same illusion exists in regards to other things like marriage. Some people associate happiness with marriage when in fact NO marriage will make you happy if you’re a self-centered arrogant person. In fact marriage will increase and intensify your unhappiness as an arrogant person. Arrogance destroys capacity for life, love, happiness, and blessing. Marriage is really for happy people who have capacity for love! In other words you MUST have inner happiness from Bible doctrine in your soul BEFORE you marry, in order to have a happy marriage…not the reverse!

Some other areas in which people seek happiness is in their church, their job, parenthood, or in their profession. They want everyone to be friendly to them, flatter them, appreciate them, and they seek that attention.

Also with this arrogance you might have the martyrdom syndrome. The unhappy martyr type seeks happiness through control of his environment, which means control of people around him by either giving them a guilt complex for their neglect or causing them to pity him. They are constantly seeking pity as a system of control. The person with the arrogance of unhappiness seeks to dominate his environment and everyone associated with that environment.

Happiness in reality is a state of soul not something someone can do for you. If you have a happy soul and someone does something nice for you, you have the capacity and ability to appreciate it because you are already in a state of happiness. If you have no happiness in your soul and someone does something for you, you have no ability to appreciate it. People with unhappy souls are those in life who stand around and expect everyone to do something to make them happy. They have in this sense, as it develops, a form of benign (milder) evil. The arrogance of unhappiness gives and expects a return favor for their giving, of gives nothing and demands everything.

For some unbelievers the avoidance of the cosmic system by adherence to the LDE (Laws of Divine Establishment…authority…God’s policy for all humanity) produces in the unbeliever humility, honor and integrity and gives them a somewhat limited but still enjoyable capacity for love, life and neutral happiness and therefore, with this humility, the unbeliever can have great happiness in life. God honors all mankind who obey His LDE. Take for example the unbeliever who lives by the LDE and has the wife of his dreams, which many do especially the Jew. Eccl 9:9 “Enjoy life with your wife, whom you love, all the days of this meaningless life that God has given you under the sun (because they are unbelievers)…all your meaningless days. For this is your lot in life and in your toilsome labor under the sun.” The believer living in the cosmic system often wonders why unbelievers can be happy. This is why. The unbeliever accepts God’s plan of category one Truth…the LDE. While the believer rejects the POG and the FOS which is category three Truth, and lives a life of unhappiness, divine discipline is administered to him as a child of God. God does not discipline the unbeliever.

The arrogance of unhappiness then is the misery of life being a slave of either demon influence or demon possession (for the unbeliever only). For the believer living in the POG and with Bible doctrine resident in his soul, God can provide complete happiness. Prov 3:13-18 “Happinesses to the man who finds wisdom (Bible doctrine), the man who gains understanding (epignosis doctrine), (14) for she (wisdom) is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold. (15) She is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her. (16) Long life is in her right hand; in her left hand are riches and honor. (17) Her ways are pleasant ways, and all her paths are peace. (18) She is a tree of life to those who embrace her; those who lay hold of her will be blessed.”

Here are a few examples of true happiness and one example of an unhappy soul. Happiness from salvation is shown in the following Psalms. Psalm 144:1-2 “Praise be to the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle. (2) He is my loving God and my fortress, my stronghold and my deliverer, my shield, in whom I take refuge, who subdues peoples under me. Psalm 144:15 “Happinesses are for the people of whom this is true; blessed are the people whose God is the Lord.” Happiness from living in the POG and His policy of grace is in the following passages of Scripture. Psalm 31:7 “I will be glad and rejoice in your love, for you saw my affliction and knew the anguish of my soul.” John 17:13 “I am coming to you now, but I say these things (Bible doctrine taught to the disciples before Jesus went to the cross) while I am still in the world, so that they may have the full measure of my joy within them.” 1 John 1:4 “We write this to make our joy complete.” Here’s a picture of a very UNHAPPY lady as she shouts to the Lord in Luke. Luke 11:27-28 “As Jesus was saying these things, a woman in the crowd called out, ‘Happy is the mother who gave you birth and nursed you.’ (28) He replied, ‘Happy rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.’" The apostle Paul had happiness from the Word of God living in his soul. We see this in the following verses in books he wrote in Scripture: Philip 4:11-13 “I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be happy whatever the circumstances. (12) I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being happy in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. (13) I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.”

I. Cosmic One/Gate Nine – Iconoclastic Arrogance or the “Feet of Clay” Syndrome

Iconoclastic arrogance is the arrogance of subjective pre-occupation with others. Luke 14:8-11 “When someone invites you to a wedding feast, do not take the place of honor, for a person more distinguished than you may have been invited. (9) If so, the host who invited both of you will come and say to you 'Give this man your seat.' Then, humiliated, you will have to take the least important place. (10) But when you are invited, take the lowest place, so that when your host comes, he will say to you, 'Friend, move up to a better place.' Then you will be honored in the presence of all your fellow guests. (11) For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted." This is also known as the arrogance of disillusion, disenchantment or the “feet of clay syndrome.”

People who have this arrogance become bitter from disappointment with the person they revere or perceive as perfect. There are no perfect persons in life. All of us have sin natures and are capable of evil. So this arrogance takes ordinary people with the old sin nature or “feet of clay” and from some form of illusion (arrogant people are always prone to illusion and they never see people as they really are…they see the people as their arrogance wants to see them) they create idols of perfection out of ordinary sinful people. They put them on a pedestal…an illusion, which becomes delusion by imposing on the conscious mind an idol which doesn’t exist! Many a woman has done this with the man she marries. Then when she sees his imperfections, she is disenchanted and wants a divorce! This is the subjectivity of iconoclastic arrogance. It is total self-centeredness. Guys, don’t gloat because it works with men as well…it works both ways! This is the type of arrogance that affects the human race in general. This is the antithesis or the opposite of normal admiration.

Normal admiration is a sign of having worthwhile standards and seeing them in others as well. When you admire someone, it merely reflects your own thinking…your own standards of life, YOUR priorities and therefore, you have admiration from your good priorities and standards…it’s normal. What becomes abnormal or degrading is when arrogant people start a system of admiration from illusion and from that illusion about the person a delusion is developed…subjectivity creating something that doesn’t exist…a perfect person. We know that there is no such thing as a perfect person. But these deluded arrogant people go through life thinking about these idols they have created…something that could not possibly exist!

This moves the arrogant person into a state of unreality and enchantment. The illusion created by this type of arrogance becomes then the illusion destroyed by arrogance. Arrogant subjective believers with pre-occupation with self ignore the reality of the old sin nature and the depravity of mankind in the one they idolize. NO ONE IS PERFECT. Love, respect, and admiration are related to two things in life: good standards with priorities and humility (genuine) in the soul. Lifetime friendships are based on the fact of compatible areas of weakness or strength from the old sin nature…”birds of a feather flock together!” Humility is the key for capacity in the soul for love, friendship, and admiration.

All of this arrogance is from demon telepathy…the transference of doctrines of demons to the souls of individuals residing in the classroom of the cosmic system, which by the way is all designed to take the believer out of the POG or the unbeliever away from Truth of salvation.

This type of arrogance fantasizes the perfect love or romance or friendship and fantasizes about them until an image of unreality is created in their minds and while it is an image of unreality, it still exists in the mind of the arrogant person who is suffering at this gate. The result of this is great disappointment with friends, loved ones, bosses, or management created from the self image of perfection, which is abnormal and becomes the epitome of subjective pride! Therefore, illusion created by arrogance is illusion destroyed by arrogance. This is the failure of the arrogant person alone and reflects the insanity of this type of person. They never take responsibility for creating the idol of perfection, but they blame the idol for his/her imperfection and the disappointment they experience from it. This is pure and simple vanity produced from an arrogance spawned by demon influence.

Principle from this gate: the idol maker crates an illusion and reacts in disillusion when the created object fails. This destroys any happiness in life for the arrogant one. Arrogance creates the illusion of perfection then disillusion destroys the idol he created. Disillusion is arrogance plus hypocrisy…the arrogance of creating the idol and the hypocrisy of blaming the idol he created…then destroying the idol with fervor. This includes everything that destroys happiness in life.

You can’t be jealous, vindictive, implacable, bitter, hateful, vengeful, and destructive and have any happiness. Arrogance always destroys what arrogance creates. So the “feet of clay” syndrome from this gate in Cosmic One is the arrogance of rearranging the doctrine of sin to be compatible with your own self-righteousness from gate four (self-righteous arrogance). It is arrogant to be idolatrous with people and evil to be iconoclastic with the same person…that is… putting them on a pedestal of perfection. That is a form of benign (milder) evil. God is to be worshipped…people are to be loved. Only God is perfect…people are sinful. WORSHIP GOD NOT PEOPLE!

J. Cosmic One/Gate Ten – Irrational (Emotional) and Rational Arrogance

1. Irrational or emotional arrogance is the emotional revolt of the soul dominating the thinking of the soul. Your ego makes you aware of your own existence and that is normal. Total self indulgence and occupation with self through egocentricity and egomania are abnormal. We have two frontal lobes in our souls: the left lobe or NOUS as it is called in the Greek; and the right lobe or KARDIA (heart) as it is called in the Greek. The Right lobe of the soul has four subcategories, two of which we will discuss in regards to this gate:

a. Volition – decision making or free will. The believer in the POG takes complete responsibility for his decisions. Decisions made from a position of strength result in blessings for the believer. Decisions made from a position of weakness wreck havoc in the life of the believer and the unbeliever alike. Bad decisions place both believer and unbeliever in the cosmic system where emotion usually gets way out of hand and becomes the upper hand.

b. Emotion – the responder to what resides in the right lobe of the soul. If the believer has a lot of Bible doctrine in his soul his emotion will respond to life situations with rational thinking from God’s Word and plan for his life. If Bible doctrine doesn’t reside in the believer’s soul, he is apt to let his emotion rule his life…how he feels! If emotion takes over the thinking process, we have irrational arrogance. The emotion becomes the dictator of the soul instead of the responder. Emotion is empty and has no common sense and no ability to reason…no thought or Bible doctrine.

Emotion is the female part of the soul whereby the two frontal lobes are the male part of the soul. Emotion is without vocabulary and it needs something to respond to. Demonization of the soul or any drug addiction becomes a temporary stimulus for the emotional pattern. This wipes out thinking and euphoria takes over and euphoria can’t be rational. This is a passive form of demonization. Emotional arrogance eliminates rational thinking and substitutes feelings in the pre-occupation with self.

Emotion is not involved in the process of learning Bible doctrine. Emotion benefits from Bible doctrine learned but emotion is definitely NOT involved in the process of learning. Emotion always collapses under pressure when Bible doctrine doesn’t reside in the soul. And emotional arrogance malfunctions at the point of reception or the hearing of Bible doctrine. 2 Cor 6:11-12 “We have spoken freely (taught you the Word of God) to you, Corinthians, and opened wide our hearts (right lobes of the soul) to you. (12) We are not withholding our affection from you, but you are withholding yours from us.” Emotional arrogance is the source of dissension and apostasy among believers. Rom 16:17-18 “I urge you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them. (18) For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites (emotions). By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naive people.”

Civil disobedience is the result of being led astray by false teachers who base their teachings on how they feel about something instead of the Truth of a matter and then distort Truth or Bible doctrine. Emotional arrogance is the enemy of the cross. Phil 3:18-19 “For, as I have often told (taught) you before and now say again even with tears, many live as enemies of the cross of Christ. (19) Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach (emotions…feelings only), and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is on earthly things (cosmic system of Satan).”

The opposite of emotional arrogance is normal emotion, which responds to music, art, drama, entertainment, sports, and life events…all of it! We should use our emotions in a normal capacity. Many bored people, especially kids, get involved in drug addiction. They couldn’t entertain themselves like reading, creativity, or anything that would normally stimulate emotions so boredom sets in. Boredom is the absence of thought. If you can’t learn to entertain yourself or can’t be alone, you’re in deep trouble. So this is the status of emotion inside the cosmic system and this is emotion dominating the soul.

Emotional arrogance is divorced from reality and involved in the cosmic system. Fear and cowardice can also be the result of emotional arrogance. Courage on the other hand is the opposite and courage is thinking under pressure with the frontal lobes dominating the emotions. Emotional arrogance makes the believer vulnerable to flattery and motivated by irresponsibility, dominated by fear. This can lead to either sociopathic or psychopathic behavior. Humility and poise, however, are the state of thinking and like courage are the results of Bible doctrine resident in the soul. Humility prepares one for great happiness. Poise allows the believer to think while under pressure. Even the unbeliever with humility and respect for the LDE can have a neutral kind of happiness.

The arrogance of emotion or irrationality is when emotion dominates the soul. The most obvious example of this arrogance today is the “tongues” movement, which is emotional revolt of the soul. It is the demonization of the soul and demons always promote “tongues” because it isn’t based on the Truth of the Bible.

Another characteristic of emotional arrogance is flattery. Flattery encourages unreality in regards to self. The arrogant one feeds off of flattery because it makes them FEEL good! This arrogance also makes one vulnerable to cowardice and the individual cannot think under pressure (poise). Instead of solving stress, emotional arrogance increases stress. Emotional arrogance cannot handle anxiety. In fact, anxiety, phobias, obsessions, and impulsive reactions are the result of emotional arrogance. Bible doctrine in the soul is the environment for thinking, not emotion, not ecstatics like in the “tongues” movement. Emotions cannot think, reason, or use God’s rationales for the stresses of life and all decisions made in emotion are decisions from a position of weakness. Emotional arrogance uses illusion, hallucination, and fantasizing in dealing with stress.

2. Rational Arrogance – this arrogance superimposes human I. Q. over spiritual I. Q. It is also known as pseudo intellectualism. This is the function of the human viewpoint of life, which rejects divine viewpoint. The Truth of Bible doctrine forms a system of absolutes but arrogance intrudes with the glorification of some form of human speculation, which excludes divine or doctrinal viewpoint. This is where we get everything from existentialism to Darwinism and other philosophies that contradict God and His plan. This is blatant in the academic world especially in colleges and universities and even in high schools today where teachers and professors are impressed with their own opinions and speculation instead of God’s Truth.

Intellectual arrogance also seeks to reconcile Bible doctrine with philosophical and scientific speculation or intrude with human viewpoint in some form of academic culture. In the early church it was manifested by Neoplatonism, which is a form of idealistic monism. Plotinus taught the existence of an ineffable and transcendent One, from which emanated the rest of the universe as a sequence of lesser beings. Later Neoplatonic philosophers, especially Iamblichus, added hundreds of intermediate gods, angels and demons, and other beings as emanations between the One and humanity. Plotinus' system was much simpler in comparison.

Neoplatonists believed human perfection and happiness were attainable in this world, without awaiting an afterlife. Perfection and happiness, seen as synonymous, could be achieved through philosophical contemplation. They did not believe in evil as positively existing. They compared it to darkness, which does not exist in itself, but only as the absence of light. So too, evil is simply the absence of good. Things are good insofar as they exist. They are evil only insofar as they are imperfect, lacking some good that they should have. However, in the twenty-first century it’s everything from existentialism to social action, socialism, communism et al.

There are two categories of intellectual arrogance:

a. The arrogance of ignorance – oversimplified solutions and panaceas to the problems of life all solved by human simple solutions. The concept for having some predilection and blaming all problems in life on some race or organization, i. e. the Jews, wealthy people, the government, guns murder people not people etc. This is such an oversimplification and suggests a low mentality to accept this kind of belief.

b. The arrogance of a brilliant intellect – an overemphasis of one’s own opinion or speculation. One who is jealous and resentful of anyone else with a greater intellect than their own intellect!

K. Cosmic One/Gate Eleven – The Arrogance of Christian Service

Let’s state some pertinent facts from the Bible about the Christian way of life before we define this gate. The momentum of the Christian way of life depends on perception, metabolization, and application of Bible doctrine in the POG through the filling of the Spirit and spiritual growth rather than Christian service. Christian service is a RESULT of spiritual growth but NOT THE MEANS of spiritual growth and NOT a SUBSTITUTE for it either! Legitimate Christian service commanded in the Word of God often becomes a distraction to momentum and fulfilling the POG because of arrogance.

Arrogance substitutes Christian service for the perception, metabolization, and application of Bible doctrine. When Christian service becomes a distraction to spiritual growth, there’s loss of momentum in the spiritual life and an inferior quality to Christian production. Christian service includes modus operende inside the Christian church but also includes the function in the church organizations not related to the Christian church, i. e. mission boards, youth camps, service organizations (Campus Crusade for Christ) etc. This arrogance emphasizes production instead of Bible doctrine inculcated for spiritual growth and results in Christian service becoming cosmic oriented instead of the result of spiritual growth in the POG and the FOS. Arrogance destroys true priorities of the Christian life by substituting works for Bible doctrine. Christian service is then the result of spiritual growth NEVER the means of spiritual growth.

L. Cosmic One/Gate Twelve – Client/Nation Arrogance

Israel was the first client/nation to God in history from B.C. 1441 to A.D. 70. Client/nation arrogance presumes that blessings and prosperity from God to a client/nation are the result of national and ethnic superiority. This arrogance rejects the LDE, ridicules the Gospel of the LJC, and ignores the fact that all national blessing is the result of the pivot of mature believers. Client/nation arrogance is characterized by social degeneration and results eventually in economic depression and finally in military defeat (the fifth cycle of discipline from God).

With this arrogance the important distinction between church and state is rejected and social action is the result of the apostate church rather than the Gospel of the LJC. A church which advocates such evils as the welfare state, redistribution of wealth, sovereignty of other nations through civil rights, big government and little people, unjust taxation, rule of proletariat through labor unions to irresponsible extension of voting franchises are a trap for all believers caught in them.

There are only three legitimate forms of government and any one of them can be a client/nation:

1. Monarchy – rule of one man with integrity in the interest of the common good. There is an arrogant distortion of this form of government called tyranny! Dictators like Sadaam Husein of Iraq rule for their own gain and benefit NEVER for the people, whom they use to get what they want.

2. Aristocracy – rule of a group of people with integrity in the interest of the common good. There is an arrogant distortion of this form of government called oligarchy where this group rules for their own benefit and gain.

3. Republic – rule of responsible, civilized of people with integrity in the interest of the common good. There is an arrogant distortion of this form of government called democracy, which is the rule of the worst part of the people for their own benefit and gain with total disregard of the meaning of our Constitution.

The purpose of a client/nation regardless of the form of government is to provide freedom, privacy, property and life, all sacred rights of free people from God, and to provide as well, Bible doctrine, missionary endeavors, and for others the freedom to reject those things!

Client/nation arrogance caused the distortion of our Constitution by allowing anyone to vote on issues which result in beaurocracy, silly laws, and irresponsible actions. Arrogance neutralizes integrity and honor and caters to a select group of some kind and demands equality at the expense of everyone’s human freedom. It destroys human freedom and true evangelism, accurate Bible teaching, and indigenous missionary activity.

What is your responsibility as a Christian to the U.S. as a client/nation to God? Read Romans Chapter 13. Also reside in the POG daily and in the FOS consistently until you reach spiritual maturity and become part of the pivot of mature believers who are the invisible heroes who preserve the client/nation of God!


The target and emphasis of Cosmic Two is God, God’s Word, and the messengers or pastor/teachers who teach God’s Word. Unlike Cosmic One which emphasizes self and pre-occupation with self, Cosmic Two emphasizes hatred and/or antagonism toward God’s person, plan and Word and those who teach it. It emphasizes human viewpoint in contrast to divine viewpoint. It emphasizes Satan’s attitude at the time of man’s fall. It represents the philosophy of Satan in history. It is an extension of the angelic conflict.

Entrance into Cosmic Two causes the believer and the unbeliever to be inculcated with the attitude of Satan after the fall of man in the Garden. In other words, Cosmic Two reflects Satan’s philosophy as the ruler of the world. Mankind’s involvement in Cosmic Two causes him to become a slave to Satan!

There are nine (9) interlocking gates of arrogance in Cosmic Two of Satan’s system. They are interlocking because they progressively connect one to the other in the time spent in the system just as in Cosmic One. Prolonged involvement and residence in the system cause the gates to interlock and the believer will be involved in all or some of them to some extent if he remains in it.

As the believer enters this system, he starts a process in his soul that if not stopped by a divine solution, becomes disastrous. You will again see the progression as we begin with the entrance gate…gate one of Cosmic Two…the arrogance of the old sin nature.

A. Cosmic Two/Gate One – The Arrogance of the Old Sin Nature

Any sin puts us into Cosmic One or Cosmic Two. Sin is the inner enemy (in our bodies) of God. Cosmic Two is the system that is antagonistic toward God. The sins involved in Cosmic Two involve the whole realm of sin. The only recourse is “rebound” or confession of sin for the believer and belief in the LJC for the unbeliever.

Human good and evil which are also produced by man along with sin were not judged on the cross like all personal sins were. This means that human good and evil are permitted to run their course in human history to resolve the Angelic Conflict. Human good (all deeds produced in the flesh…not in the filling of the Spirit) produced by believers in time will be judged and burned up at the Evaluation Seat of the LJC after the Rapture takes place and all believers of the Church Age are resurrected into heaven. Human good produced by unbelievers (reliance on their own “goodness” and good works for entrance into heaven instead of the work of the LJC on the cross) in time will be judged at the Great White Throne Judgment at the end of human history!

Evil is the judgment that throws fallen angels (demons) into the Lake of Fire. Read Revelation chapter 20. All human good for unbelievers is recorded in God’s Book of Works and will be judged at the end of human history. Those unbelievers will be thrown into the Lake of Fire because their work is minus righteous perfection. Believers enter heaven through the righteousness of the LJC, which they receive the moment they believe in Him. In conclusion then, human good and evil (as the issue in resolving the Angelic Conflict) (remember in the Garden the tree was called the “Tree of the Knowledge of GOOD and EVIL”) are retained until the end of the Millennium and human history when unbelieving mankind and fallen angels (demons) will be judged for human good and evil respectively and all them will be thrown into the Lake of Fire. SIN is NEVER the ISSUE at the Great White Throne Judgment, only the LJC! Sin was judged at the cross. Human good NEVER qualifies for salvation. Rom 5:21 “…so that, just as sin reigned in death (spiritual death), so also grace might reign through righteousness (+R imputed at salvation to all believers) to bring eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”

Hostility toward and rejection of God’s plan by the believer or unbeliever causes the perpetuation of sin in the life of each. Perpetuated sin becomes evil! Perpetuated sin is the arrogance of the old sin nature. When a believer refuses to “rebound” or confess they perpetuate sin in their life and are always out of fellowship with the Holy Spirit. This is called quenching the Spirit. 1Thes 5:19-22 “Do not quench (put out the fire power of the Holy Spirit) the Spirit; (20) do not despise prophetic teachings. (21) But examine everything (carefully) hold fast to that which is good (POG); (22) abstain from every form of evil.” The believer in Cosmic Two quenches the Spirit by not confessing his sin and refusing to reside in the POG as a result of his hostility. Those who quench the Spirit are under demon influence. They are studying in the classroom of demon telepathy in the cosmic system. 1 Tim 4:1 “The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.”

B. Cosmic Two/Gate Two – Negative Volition Arrogance

Negative volition arrogance is maximum demon influence or demonization in the life of the arrogant believer or arrogant unbeliever. When anyone rejects or goes against God; His Person; His Plan; or His Son, the LJC, it is called negative volition. These arrogant people want nothing to do with God and as a result of this a vacuum forms in their souls. They let you know loud and clear they want nothing to do with Him. When Truth is rejected, the LIE of the god of this world, Satan, is accepted. The right lobe of the soul/mind sucks in all kinds of doctrines of demons and Satan is in control. Reliance on worldly wisdom and human solutions are the result. You see it all the time especially in the academic field. 1 Cor 2:4-6 “My message and my preaching (Bible doctrine) were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the (Holy) Spirit's power, (5) so that your faith might not rest on men's wisdom, but on God's power. (6) We do, however, speak a message of wisdom among the mature, but not the wisdom of this age or of the rulers of this age (Satan and those in command in his cosmic system), who are coming to nothing.”

The opposite is true for those who are humble and want a relationship with God, His Plan, and His Son, the LJC. James 4:6-7 “But He gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says: ‘God opposes the proud (arrogant) but gives grace to the humble.’ (7) Submit (yourselves), then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”

There are degrees of demon influence. Without rebound or confession of sin in the life of the believer, the greater is the degree of demon influence. The process of the demonization is so that every facet of the soul is eventually controlled by demons and a complete personality change takes place for the believer involved and in addition he may become a sociopath or a psychopath as we previously studied in this addendum. Paul warns his congregation in 1 Pet 5:7-8. “Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you. (8) Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” He tells them to be humble and maintain fellowship with God and each other and stay grace oriented. The next passage of Scripture is directed toward pastor/teachers and warns them about negative volition to the POG. 1 Pet 5:5-6 “Young men, in the same way (you) be submissive to those who are older. All of you clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because, ‘God opposes the proud (arrogant) but gives grace to the humble.’ (6) Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that He may lift you up in due time (pass all your testing for spiritual growth).” Paul tells us to be self disciplined and alert and stand firm in Bible doctrine or we will fall prey to demon influence in Satan’s cosmic system. You must be self disciplined and consistent everyday!

A key passage in the study of Cosmic Two, gate two is 1 John 3:4-10 and we are going to look at the corrected translation from the original Greek language of this passage and study it in its entirety. This passage has been misconstrued and has caused many to believe that if we sin we are not saved and that is blasphemous and totally incorrect. So let’s look at the true meaning of this passage from the original language:

(4) “Every believer who commits sin also does lawlessness (goes out or departs from the filling of the Spirit and His power system and enters into the cosmic system) (This means that the believer is demon influenced through doctrines of demons and enters gate one of Cosmic One, the old sin nature gate; or gate two of Cosmic Two, the old sin nature gate).

(5) Indeed you know that He (the LJC) was revealed (in the first advent during His ministry as the God/Man on earth) in order that He might carry our sins, in fact sin is not in Him (the LJC was perfect…impeccable and never sinned or had sin in Him like the rest of all mankind).

(6) When anyone lives in it (the filling of the Spirit) he is not sinning (as long as he remains in the FOS). When anyone sins (makes decision to sin from his volition and loses the FOS) he has not seen Him (no Bible doctrine in his soul because of gate two of Cosmic One…pre-occupation with self…not interested in God’s plan) or known Him (because he is negative to Bible doctrine and has never studied the Word).

(7) My dear children (students of Bible doctrines…John is talking to BELIEVERS here), let no one deceive you (demonization from Cosmic One or two). When anyone performs righteousness (motivational and functional virtue from Bible doctrine in your soul and in the FOS) he is honorable just as He (LJC) is honorable.

(8) When anyone commits sin (believer must step outside the FOS to sin by his own volition) he has become the agent of the devil (demon influenced from remaining in the cosmic system…out of fellowship with God) (Remember you are either in the divine system (FOS) or in the cosmic system at any given moment of your life. There are no gray areas…no in between. You are either filled with the Spirit and living in the POG using His divine system or you are out of fellowship with God living in the cosmic system of Satan and being influenced by his and his demons thinking) because the devil has been sinning from the beginning (the devil invented sin and the cosmic system, which is his policy to run the world as its ruler). The reason the Son of God appeared (first advent which led Christ to the cross) was to destroy the devil's work (and defeat the devil and prove that his sentence to the Lake of Fire was just).

(9) At the moment that anyone is born of God (salvation, “born again” spiritually) he is not sinning (because the moment you believe in the LJC as your personal Savior, all of your past sins are blotted out and you enter into the FOS or the divine dynasphere system and you are immediately filled with the Spirit for the first time and indwelt by the Holy Spirit) because His seed (the Holy Spirit) keeps living in it (HIS divine dynasphere or power system); furthermore, he is not able to sin (inside the FOS or divine dynasphere) because he has been born of God (salvation and the immediate result of salvation, the FOS).

(10) By this, students of God (John is again addressing BELIEVERS living in the FOS…the divine dynasphere!!!) and disciples of the devil (believers living out of fellowship in the cosmic system of Satan under demon influence) demonstrate who they are (all believers are either one or the other as previously stated): anyone who does not demonstrate integrity (motivational or functional virtue produced from Bible doctrine in their souls through the FOS and producing divine good in the POG) (this is the function of the royal priesthood and ambassadorship which cannot be done apart from living in the POG) (the believer has personal love for God produced by motivational virtue and impersonal love for all mankind from functional virtue produced in the POG) (it also means momentum in the POG…never leaving the POG for a long period of time) is not from God (not living in the POG or in the FOS) nor is anyone who does not love his fellow believer (not applying the impersonal love for all believers and mankind and living in the cosmic system instead of the POG).”

So, gate two of Cosmic Two, is the negative volition gate, which results in hatred and antagonism toward God and Bible doctrine. There are three areas of antagonism to Truth: negative volition at God-consciousness; at Gospel hearing; and at the point of reception or retention and recall of Bible doctrine. Let’s look at all three of them:

1. God-consciousness. This is the point at which all normal members of the human race become aware that there is a God or that God exists. This is also known as or is classified as the “point of accountability.” It can occur in the soul through a number of systems of thinking. It also varies at what age a person comes to God-consciousness. In a primitive society it might not be until the individual is in their late teens or twenties. In a highly advanced society like ours it can occur as early as four years old. Let’s look at all four systems of thinking that can occur at the point of accountability or God-consciousness:

a. Teleological Thinking – the structure of the universe demands a Designer.

b. Cosmological Thinking – the intuitive laws of cause and effect demands the existence of God and demands order and an Arranger in the universe and also demands both a Creator and a Preserver.

c. Anthropological Thinking – the approach that man has a soul, positive volition, conscience etc, and with an urge to choose right over wrong at some point (the even structure of society is based on the recognition of human virtue and Truth).

d. Ontological Thinking – a system by which the human mind possesses an idea of a perfect and absolute being. That being must exist as an absolute. Beyond the relative is absolute, which gives both value and character to the relative.

e. Theological Thinking - God must exist because man universally believes in His existence and some seek Him. This is the concept of man seeking God in Jer 29:13. “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” John 7:17 “If anyone chooses to do God's will, he will find out whether my teaching comes from God or whether I speak on my own.” Acts 17:25-27 “And He (God) is not served by human hands, as if He needed anything, because He Himself gives all men life and breath (life begins at birth NOT conception) and everything else. (26) From one man He made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and He determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. (27) God did this so that men would seek Him and perhaps reach out for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us.” Comforting, isn’t it?

Cosmic Two/gate two/negative volition at God-consciousness also explains “heathenism.” Some think that there are actually people who have never heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ…NOT TRUE! The first half of chapter one of Romans explains it. Please take time to read it entirely. Heathens are heathens NOT because they never heard the Gospel but because they were negative and/or didn’t care to hear it at God-consciousness or at Gospel hearing. The principle of Romans chapter one is that everyone has a chance to be saved IF and that’s a BIG IF they are positive at some point in their lives at those opportunities, i.e. God-consciousness or Gospel hearing. Rom 1:18-25 “The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness (unbelief), (19) since what may be known about God is plain to them (the four thinking approaches at God-consciousness) because God has made it plain to them. (20) For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities…His eternal power and divine nature…have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. (21) For although they knew God, they neither glorified Him as God nor gave thanks to Him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. (22) Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools (23) and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images (idolatry…pleasure living in the physical world and loving it instead of the learning about and living in the spiritual POG) made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles (the things of the world). (24) Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. (25) They exchanged the Truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator…who is forever praised. Amen.”

Negative volition at Gospel hearing is found in 2 Cor 4:3-4. “And even if our gospel is veiled (not understood), it is veiled to those who are perishing (unbelievers). (4) The god of this age (Satan) has blinded the minds of unbelievers (because they were negative to the Truth of the Gospel), so that they cannot see the light of the Gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.”

The cosmic system is Satan’s thinking…it is his policy towards humans, and it is a genius plan and it is deep darkness…the opposite of the POG in 1 John 1:5-6. “This is the message we have heard from Him and declare to you: God is light; in Him there is no darkness at all. (6) If we claim to have fellowship with Him yet walk in the darkness (cosmic system of Satan in sin), we lie and do not live by the truth.”

There is double disaster for those who reject the LJC. 2 Pet 2:20-22 “If they have escaped the corruption of the world (cosmic system) by knowing our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and are again entangled in it (cosmic system) and overcome (by the cosmic system), they are worse off at the end than they were at the beginning. (21) It would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness (salvation), than to have known it and then to turn their backs (reject salvation from the LJC) on the sacred command that was passed on to them. (22) Of them (unbelievers) the proverbs are true: ‘A dog returns to its vomit,’ and, ‘A pig that is washed goes back to her wallowing in the mud.’" 1 Cor 1:18-21 “For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing (unbelievers), but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. (19) For it is written: ‘I will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate.’ (20) Where is the wise man? Where is the scholar? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? (21) For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know Him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe.”

A warning against negative volition towards Bible doctrine is documented as well in the Scripture in Romans 16:17-18. “I urge you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions (those negative to the Word of God) and put obstacles (distract you from the Word) in your way that are contrary to the teaching (Bible doctrine) you have learned. Keep away from them. (18) For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites (old sin nature lusts). By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naive people.” Philip 3:16-19 “Only let us live up to what we have already attained (our spiritual growth through learning the Word). (17) Join with others in following my example (apply the Word that is in your soul…the Word you have learned), brothers, and take note of those who live according to the pattern (POG) we gave you. (18) For, as I have often told you before and now say again even with tears, many live as enemies of the cross of Christ (because they live in the cosmic system). (19) Their destiny is destruction (divine discipline for the believer on earth or the Lake of Fire for the unbeliever), their god is their stomach (their emotions, lusts etc.), and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is on earthly things (Satan’s cosmic system).”

The cosmic system depends on human viewpoint instead of divine viewpoint. 1 Cor 2:4-5 “My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit's power, (5) so that your faith might not rest on men's wisdom, but on God's power.” The result of living in the cosmic system through negative volition is total pre-occupation with self in Cosmic One but in Cosmic Two it is total antagonism to the divine power system through the Holy Spirit. When believers begin to reject Bible doctrine, it sets off a chain reaction. This system of distraction becomes the key to the mechanics of their failure. They first become distracted from the POG usually through mental attitude arrogance (they think they know more than God…like Satan) and that sets in motion the mechanics for the following: after distraction they become discouraged because the world disappoints; then they become disillusioned and then even more distracted in their frantic search for the happiness they seek in vain in the cosmic system. Of course they don’t know it is in vain! That is their illusion regarding what would make them happy. They seek happiness on their own power rather than through God! They seek it through asceticism or lasciviousness. Ascetics usually go for the “give up everything” bit, or the “pseudo-tongues” movement, good works without the FOS, self-righteousness, crusading against what they think is impure or against what offends them! On the other hand lascivious types usually get into alcoholism, drug addiction, approbation lust, crime, fornication etc…you get the picture. When their lives fall apart and they don’t get the happiness they seek through these venues, they more often than not blame others or worse God for their troubles instead of taking responsibility for their decisions themselves. Then the vicious cycle begins. They try again to find happiness in a frantic search…never being satisfied but only to find themselves with fleeting bits of happiness instead of a permanent happiness through God and His plan.

This is also how ascetic types pick their religion as well! When they reject God’s Truth as taught in the Bible, they believe the LIE of the devil who offers them religion during their frantic search for happiness. These are usually self-righteous types but unfortunately for them religion is a dead end! It is never satisfying except to those who are against Truth. They’re doing it their way…but they are blinded by Satan and the cosmic system, which promotes religion to the max. Religion is man doing something for God and it’s blasphemous. God’s policy is GRACE: all that God does for mankind NEVER the reverse.

This negative volition in Cosmic Two builds up. It usually starts out light but with residence in the cosmic system for a prolonged period of time causes them to become more antagonistic to God and Bible doctrine and especially to their families and friends who remain in the POG!

Demon influence becomes very prominent in the next phase of this gate. The next phase is blackout of the soul and scar tissue of the soul. They then get into emotional revolt of the soul. They seek substitutes in life for excitement in everything else but God and His plan. This results in all kind of crazy and frustrating defeats but can escalate into personal disaster in their lives. The ultimate is that the client/nation unfortunately declines if there are a lot of these believers in the nation and the trends of history go awry!

C. Cosmic Two/Gate Three – Cosmic Degeneration

This is the gate that causes the breakdown of society. It is the first sign that the pivot of mature believers or number of mature believers is shrinking and the client/nation is in deep trouble. This is all because believers go negative to Bible doctrine and the POG. This gate finds the majority of the nation’s people living in moral and immoral degeneracy…believers and unbelievers alike…disobeying God’s laws and policy as set down in the Bible. It is the shunning of all that is right and true…the institutions that God has ordained for us to live in peace and happiness. Blatant homosexuality and the tolerance of it in a nation is a major sign of the degeneration of a nation. Degeneration is rejection of all legitimate authority that God has delegated, legitimate authority, such as parents, teachers, coaches, police, judges, military authority, civil authority etc., and when only liberalism rules our government and its law. It is the total rejection of the laws of divine establishment (LDE) (see the next gate in point “D” for greater detail about this). When God’s laws are set aside the consequences are really bad as seen in Romans 13. Please read this short chapter in Romans to fully grasp the consequences God has for those who become degenerate and reject His laws.

D. Cosmic Two/Gate Four – Anti-Establishment Gate

As mentioned in the previous gate, we have authority delegated by God through the LDE in two categories…human and spiritual. All establishment laws are for believers and unbelievers alike. Let’s look at all of the establishment laws set up by God for mankind.

The Laws of Divine Establishment (LDE) are for believers and unbelievers…all God’s human creature in this world. These laws have been and still are operational from the fall of Adam and Eve until the Second Advent of the LJC. They keep the human race going during the time of Satan’s rule on earth. They protect us because when all mankind respects the LDE they are blessed…yes, even unbelievers.

The LDE directly affect freedom, civilization, all authority in life, evangelism, spiritual growth and the perpetuation of the human race. LDE define freedom in terms of privacy and authority (i. e. believers have the privacy of the priesthood). Privacy protects the basic LDE…volition and freedom. Property is a basic concept of privacy…your possessions, home, land etc. All property is sacred under the LDE. Life is also sacred under the LDE with one exception: capital punishment for the crime of pre-meditated murder and killing the enemy in war. The privacy of the individual and the function of legitimate authority are necessary to maintain freedom in client/nation U. S. A!

Woven into the LDE are four (4) divine institutions created by God for the protection of mankind and for our great benefit and blessing if we obey them…believers and unbelievers alike…and these institutions became the basis for stability in the client/nation in this phase of human history. The institutions of God are human volition, marriage, family, and nationalism.

1. Human volition – this institution requires freedom and privacy for proper function. LDE provides this for those who do not violate the common or civil law or criminal law in anyway. We have to live in a free society pursuing a course of action compatible with our personal aspirations. Freedom is the normal sphere of function for the volition of the soul. However, there is NO equality in freedom. Freedom is the basis for true evangelism (privacy is as well). It cannot exist without two things: privacy and authority as previously discussed. These two go together and can NEVER be separated. Freedom without authority is anarchy and authority without freedom is tyranny! They MUST be in balance hence, the LDE.

2. Marriage – monogamy…one man…one woman…ordained by God…that He had from the beginning designed for each believer and unbeliever. In GRACE, the LJC constructed the first right woman for Adam in Gen 2:18-25. “The Lord God said, ‘It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.’ (19) Now the Lord God had formed out of the ground all the beasts of the field and all the birds of the air. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. (20) So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds of the air and all the beasts of the field. But for Adam no suitable helper was found. (21) So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, He took one of the man's ribs and closed up the place with flesh. (22) Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib He had taken out of the man, and He brought her to the man. (23) The man said, ‘This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called 'woman,' for she was taken out of man.’ (24) For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh. (25) The man and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame.”

This institution was established in the Garden when man ruled the world and continues as an institution after the fall of man as Satan rules the world. Even the unbeliever whose life is a failure spiritually can find neutral happiness with a right woman during his lifetime and vise versa. Eccl 9:9 “Enjoy life with your wife, whom you love, all the days of this (spiritually) meaningless life that God has given you under the sun…all your meaningless days. For this is your lot in life and in your toilsome labor under the sun.”

In regards to the monogamy of husband and wife we read how Paul shows the parallel of Christ and His Church with the relationship of a husband and his wife in Eph 5:26-33: “…to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, (27) and to present her to Himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. (28) In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. (29) After all, no one ever hated his own body, but he feeds and cares for it, just as Christ does the church (30) for we are members of His body. (31) ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.’ (32) This is a profound mystery…but I am talking about Christ and the church. (33) However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.”

Marriage is the beginning of authority in life outside of human volition. It is the husband over the wife and there are no two ways around this…GOD ORDAINED IT SO! Marriage is the basis for stability in society and in civilization and it rejects the theory of anarchy, revolution, promiscuity, communal living etc. Marriage is the protection for the home where parents exercise authority over the children, our next subject. Satan seems to be winning in his attack against this institution since half of all first marriages today end up in divorce. Seventy-five percent of all second marriages reach the same demise. Not waiting for God to bring you your right spouse is suicide for your marriage.

3. Family – Babies are born helpless physically and spiritually by divine design. God has provided a divine law or institution…the family…parents to provide protection, care nourishment, training, discipline, and authority orientation. Satan constantly attacks this institution as he does the institution of marriage. Today we have people with adult bodies but incredibly immature minds and souls like children and these people are having children of their own! The highest expression of parental love is to inculcate discipline in children. Children must adjust to life and to be able to orient to the circumstances of life. The only way to do this is through authority orientation.

Children must learn the truth about society…in that…authority isn’t always right or fair! They must learn this. All mankind has a sin nature and man is the one administering authority. So in some cases and circumstances, it is better to have parents who are sometimes wrong in their authority to orient the child to the truth about this imperfect world. I’m not talking about physical, mental, or sexual abuse here. That is a crime and parents who practice such atrocities must be punished by law.

Authority is necessary for the perpetuation of the human race. While parents provide nourishment, protection, shelter, clothing, medicine, hygiene training etc., they are also teachers and instructors inculcating principles of authority; respect for the privacy, property, and rights of others; good manners and poise (the ability to think under pressure); objectivity; respect for law and order, law enforcement, all civil authority; and patriotism, which are all involved in this institution of the family. You can see by the things we are noting that Cosmic Two/gate four, that those who practice this kind of arrogance are against all of these things.

Parents must evangelize their children and provide pre-doctrine training for them. They must instill respect for the Word of God and the teaching of Bible doctrine and the recognition of the authority of the pastor/teacher. Deut 6:6-9 “These commandments (from the Scriptures) that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. (7) Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. (8) Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. (9) Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.” Parents have a spiritual responsibility for their children over and above the worldly demands of divine institution number three…the family.

4. Nationalism – instituted by God in conjunction with volition, marriage, and the family to ensure the safety and protection of the perpetuation of the human race until the POG is fulfilled in its entirety.

If the entire human race was under one ruler prior to the Millennium, it would self-destruct within a few generations! If one nation was all we had in the world, and everyone was ruled by one dictator, there would be no human race…it would destroy itself (i. e. The Tower of Babel, which was the arrogant plan of man).

A nation consists of land with boundaries, a language, and people:

a. Geographically…where did people settle down?

b. Language…how did people communicate?

c. Races…where did they originate from?

Let’s look at the answers in the Scriptures. These following verses answer all three questions:

Gen 10:1-5 “This is the account of Shem, Ham and Japheth, Noah's sons, who themselves had sons after the flood. (2) The sons of Japheth: Gomer, Magog, Madai, Javan, Tubal, Meshech, and Tiras. (3) The sons of Gomer: Ashkenaz, Riphath, and Togarmah. (4) The sons of Javan: Elishah, Tarshish, the Kittim, and the Rodanim. (5) From these the maritime peoples spread out into their territories by their clans within their nations, each with its own language.” Deut 32:8 “When the Most High gave the nations their inheritance, when he divided all mankind; he set up boundaries for the peoples according to the number of the sons of Israel.” Acts 17:26-28 “From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. (27) God did this so that men would seek Him and perhaps reach out for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us. (28) 'For in Him we live and move and have our being.' As some of your own poets (at the time this was written) have said, 'We are His offspring.' “

This is God’s institution to protect planet earth and the human race from destruction by the ruler of this world…Satan! ANY form of internationalism is therefore rejected as anti-establishment, which is anti-God. Satan himself wants internationalism.

Any nation that follows the LDE demonstrates or manifests the following characteristics:

a. Interior protection of freedom which is law enforcement, honorable jurisprudence, and systems of law that are fair and administered by those with integrity.

b. Exterior protection of freedom which is an honorable military establishment that fulfills the function of freedom through military victory when other nations attack or threaten the freedom of other nations.

c. A governmental system that protects the freedom and rights of its citizens without interfering with those rights by any illegal use of power. Government is not God, it is authority delegated by God. Our “Bill of Rights” and our “Constitution” should reflect this and ours does.

d. An economy based on free enterprise and capitalism where investors and management have the sole right to formulate business policies for its companies, corporations, or organizations. No labor unions, criminal organizations, or central government have a right to superimpose policy on any form of business or corporation. However, companies and corporations that break the law must be dealt with by law.

e. A system of common law which prohibits crime; and protects the freedom, rights, life, property, and privacy of the individual but which does not overstep the function of law to stop social problems. It is designed by the Word of God to provide freedom and privacy for success or failure of the individuals. Law must always be objective. Subjectivity distorts the law and uses legislation to invade the individuals’ rights (i. e. over taxation).

f. One culture. You can have many religions under religious freedom BUT the nation must be formed on one culture and one language only for it to remain stable. All must be expressed in one language and the common culture that reflects the spiritual life, patriotism, and esprit de corp of that nation. The culture of this country is Anglo-Saxon and goes back to the freedom of the Shire Mute.

g. A system of government administration which functions under its own power without abusing that power to destroy freedom and establishment. An administrational body to represent the function of taxation, law enforcement, honorable jurisprudence, maintenance of the military on a realistic basis, and the enforcement of law and order without destroying human freedom.

Therefore, if you have all of the above characteristics in a nation, you will have a relationship between establishment and evangelism…a system of mutual authority which protects the individual’s self-determination…that is the individual’s human volition to choose whatever way they wish to worship. There must be a separation of the church and state or any system of religion from the establishment of the government. A state religion is injurious to human freedom. That is why the original colonists left England and established America. As long as the country or nation has religious freedom, it fulfills the establishment norms or standards and the basis for human freedom. This is for the purpose of true evangelism. To have or not have a relationship with God is a matter of personal choice or freedom. John 3:36 “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God's wrath remains on him." To have establishment and Christianity: Rom 13:1-7 “Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. (2) Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. (3) For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and he will commend you. (4) For he is God's servant to do you good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword for nothing. He is God's servant, an agent of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. (5) Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also because of conscience. (6) This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God's servants, who give their full time to governing. (7) Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.”

The military is an index of success of a nation and its integrity. A successful military maintains freedom, but a defeated military loses freedom for a nation. This is why universal military training is commanded in the Word of God. It is a doctrine found in the Word and part of the LDE. The Book of Numbers is the military book of universal military training. Num 32:6-7 “Moses said to the Gadites and Reubenites, ‘Shall your countrymen go to war while you sit here? (7) Why do you discourage the Israelites from going over into the land the Lord has given them?’” Num 32:20-23 “Then Moses said to them, ‘If you will do this…if you will arm yourselves before the Lord for battle, (21) and if all of you will go armed over the Jordan before the Lord until He has driven His enemies out before Him (22) then when the land is subdued before the Lord, you may return and be free from your obligation to the Lord and to Israel. And this land will be your possession before the Lord. Here’s what the Bible says about draft dodgers! (23) "But if you fail to do this, you will be sinning against the Lord; and you may be sure that your sin will find you out.”

Politicians are often divorced from reality especially when a nation becomes a democracy which allows anyone including idiots and those who have NO sense of responsibility to run for government and idiots elect idiots in a democracy which mocks the law of God and a sense of responsibility in office. Responsibility is often gone from the office of politicians these days. In a Republic only (which America is by the way) responsible citizens are allowed to vote and run for office! Democracies are NEVER approved under the Word of God…a Republic is. There is no freedom in a democracy and a democracy destroys the freedoms of the people as you can see by our standards today.

Freedom exists in two areas of life: human life at birth and in the spiritual life at spiritual birth…being born again. The LDE deal with the first area and Bible doctrine deals with the second. Since man was created to resolve the angelic conflict, freedom is the extension of that conflict in human history. Therefore the importance of the LDE…they maintain and protect our freedom to evangelize, to come to church to learn the Word of God in any way we choose.

Freedom protects your privacy, property, and the individual’s volition. This is the only reason why we have the Ten Commandments…they define our freedom. Let me explain: sin is defined in the Bible. There are 485 sins listed in the Word of God and the Ten Commandments are only listed separately because they are the ones that cover and define human freedom. Gal 5:1 “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery (from anti-establishment thinking, which is from the old sin nature).”

We have freedom in the royal family as children of God. Rom 8:21 “…that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God.” We have freedom in the Holy Spirit. 2 Cor 3:17 “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” We have freedom through Bible doctrine. Psalm 119:45 “I will walk about in freedom, for I have sought out your precepts (Bible doctrine).”

Many of our founding fathers were believers and many were not but they ALL came together through establishment freedom to write the Constitution. Patrick Henry said “Give me liberty (freedom) or give me death!”

The existence and perpetuation of freedom demands respect for authority. The existence and perpetuation of freedom demands self-discipline and self-sacrifice. Military victory maintains national freedom through the LDE. Daily positive volition to learn Bible doctrine for the believer means establishment freedom under the Word of God.

We’ll leave this point with the principles of Cosmic Two/gate four:

a. This gate is the cause of cosmic degeneracy.

b. It causes disorientation to life.

c. It causes the failure to make the transition from authority in the home to freedom in life. It produce one who leaves home as an arrogant, immature person ignorant of establishment principles minus genuine and enforced humility. Rom 1:28-32 “Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge (epignosis) of God, He gave them over to a depraved mind; to do what ought not to be done. (29) They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed, and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, and malice. They are gossips, (30) slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; (31) they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless. (32) Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.” In the last times before the Rapture and Tribulation Paul warns us in 2 Tim 3:2-7. “People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, (3) without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, (4) treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God (5) having a form of godliness (moral self righteousness without spirituality) but denying its power (the filling of the Spirit). Have nothing to do with them. (6) They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over weak-willed women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires, (7) always learning (gnosis doctrine) but never able to acknowledge the truth (epignosis doctrine…that which is believed and resides in the soul).”

E. Cosmic Two/Gate Five – Demonism

For the unbeliever this is the gate of demon possession where the demon invades the body and soul of the unbeliever and the gate of demon influence for the unbeliever as well.

For the believer it is the gate of demon influence only. That is the demon invasion of the soul and personality of the believer who resides consistently in the cosmic system (unconfessed sin).

The classroom for this gate is the cosmic system with of course human consent…bad decisions from a position of weakness…unconfessed sin and living consistently in this state totally out of fellowship with God and not residing in His plan.

Of the five (5) attacks on the human race by demons, the most devastating is the demon attach through mental telepathy, whereby doctrines of demons are transferred to the human soul with their consent of course. The fact that they reject the Word of God and live in the cosmic system is the vehicle by which they are influenced and believe the lie of Satan.

Demons are capable of violence in fact, two forms of violence:

1. Indirect violence – disembodied demons possess the bodies of unbelievers and violently attack…man against man. Examples are: gang violence but of course not in all cases; terrorism is another; the Russian KGB police; religious fanatics through cult sacrifices like voodoo (mostly in other countries but not without some cases here in the U.S.); revolutionary violence; crime violence (again not in all cases). These are all a direct result of either demon possession or demon influence or both. Idolatry is also a huge vehicle for demon violence. Demon influence is the source of most of the violence we face today and other forms of arrogance, which motivates violence.

2. Direct violence – this is violence from demons that is reserved for the Tribulational dispensation or period only and in fact the last three and a half years of the Tribulational period of human history. There are three of these demon attack forces in all during this time. They violently attack the people with torture or death. At this time in history Satan in his arrogance destroys his own servants at the end of the Tribulation because he doesn’t want losers as part of his devastation machine (the three demon attack armies). He does this in the Church Age as well. Anyone he controls, he eventually discards and removes the worldly pleasures he once abundantly bestowed on his human servants. Once done with them and they are no longer useful, he tosses them out and they are in deep despair or dead and lost forever. This is taught in depth in the Revelation series presently being taught in class.

There are two (2) solutions to be released from this gate (and any other of the gates for that matter) and they are:

1. The believer who is involved must use the rebound technique or confession of sin (the FOS) and start making positive decisions to live in the POG daily studying God’s Word and applying it in their daily life.

2. The unbeliever must make the decision to believe in the LJC upon hearing the Gospel message through the ministry of God the Holy Spirit.

Man is responsible for his own decisions. This gate is wide open for people who make decisions from a position of weakness…residing in the cosmic system. Free will or volition loses its power in the cosmic system and yet it is the major issue in the angelic conflict! The longer you reside in the cosmic system, the more blind you get and the more scar tissue you build in your soul to keep you from the Truth. All decisions made from arrogance and evil in the cosmic system are decisions from a position of weakness All decisions made from the divine system, the FOS, are from a position of strength, which requires the FOS, objectivity, flexibility, impersonal love, and humility and results in inner peace and happiness if you reside there consistently. Let me put it another way as well. Your decisions have a trend. If you live or reside in the cosmic system, your decisions from that position of weakness are self-destructive. Some people in the cosmic system claim God is testing them when in fact; God has nothing to do with it at all. They are there because they have made many decisions from that position of weakness to live in the cosmic system. God never tests this kind of believer because they are in self-induced misery to begin with, demonized, AND under total divine discipline if they are a believer…NOT TESTING!

Those who consistently live in the cosmic system of Satan have lost their integrity and the cosmic system cancels their honor and virtue (which they received from once being in the POG but lost through prolonged living in the cosmic system) and they also have no loyalty whatsoever!

This gate also relates to the concept of true and false worship. Under the principle of true worship, you can only give to God what you possess. We can give to God worship (only if we have Bible doctrine resident in our souls), also honor, respect, time, concentration on the Word, metabolization of the Word, and application of it. One thing we cannot give to God is glory! We can only give God glory in our resurrection bodies. The system of false worship, which is religion, demands that you do for God that which you cannot do or have to give to God in the first place because God owns everything and does not demand that we give to Him but rather demands we RECEIVE in grace all that HE HAS to GIVE US and has planned for us to receive. Examples:

1. Religion plus demonism demands human sacrifice.

2. Religion plus demonism demands tithing…money…10% of what you receive and that violates your right to property and free will giving.

3. Religion plus demonism demands penance for sin through self sacrifice which rejects the work of the LJC on the cross.

4. Religion plus demonism demands idolatry (the worship of false gods or man), which is always demonism and involves demon possession and demon influence. Of course this is Satan sponsored and religion is the vehicle he uses to distract believers and unbelievers. 1 Cor 10:14-21 “Therefore, my dear friends flee from idolatry. (15) I speak to sensible people; judge for yourselves what I say. (16) Is not the cup of thanksgiving for which we give thanks a participation in the blood of Christ? And is not the bread that we break a participation in the body of Christ? (17) Because there is one loaf, we, who are many, are one body, for we all partake of the one loaf. (18) Consider the people of Israel: Do not those who eat the sacrifices participate in the altar? (19) Do I mean then that a sacrifice offered to an idol is anything, or that an idol is anything? (20) No, but the sacrifices of pagans are offered to demons, not to God, and I do not want you to be participants with demons. (21) You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons too; you cannot have a part in both the Lord's Table and the table of demons.”

F. Cosmic Two/Gate Six – Arrogance of Cosmic Panaceas

This gate involves the seeking of solutions to the problems of life apart from the TRUTH in all three areas: LDE, Gospel, and Bible doctrine. This is the gate that results from previous gates. Remember they all interlock and build upon each other as the believer or unbeliever continues his stay in the cosmic system.

Cosmic degeneration is related to demon possession to formulate the cosmic panaceas or human solutions. Rejection of God’s laws results in human solutions and viewpoints to solve the problems of life. Instead of freedom there is the demand for equality (pretty much the liberal ideology of our times) (liberals base all their decisions on ideology instead of what the Constitution calls for or the LDE), whereby this equality destroys freedom and achieves slavery for everyone involved. To promote equality is to confiscate wealth and redistribute it through taxation (this is the nationalization of industry) (and allows labor monopolies to go unchallenged while destroying capitalistic monopolies); it also is the “dumbing down” of our schools’ academics programs so that all are promoted instead of only those who truly learn in the classroom and gain the grades to be promoted. The demand for equality is caused by envy or jealousy of what some don’t have or can’t have.

This is all demon inspired. Satan wants everyone the same…standardized…same class, dress, race, food etc. He promotes one world government, one language, on monetary system…so he can control the masses and foil God’s plan. To be different is a crime. Sameness is the philosophy of this gate. Cosmic panaceas lead to BIG government and little people (running the peoples’ lives instead representing the people and their wishes through the election process). Citizens then become the slaves of the state instead of the government being the servant of the people.

Cosmic panaceas also promote tremendous prejudice and having an old sin nature means having some prejudice in our thinking to begin with. Cosmic panaceas promote hatred, violence, class warfare etc. Violence becomes the ultimate solutions to the problems of the arrogant. In the name of the “greater good” the government sets itself above the law and destroys law, freedom, privacy, property, and our lives. Cosmic society communicates the illusion that this trend is modern history when in fact it is not as illustrated by Gnosticism and Neoplatonism of the ancient world.

This gate also includes Utopianism, the nihilistic arrogance of refashioning all forms of human existence under the concept of social engineering…the “greater good” theory again! The inevitable result of such tampering with freedom is crime, terrorism, and revolution, which stand as monuments to man’s incompetence and stupidity at this gate. With this, no one can have a destiny and without authority no one can have freedom. History has demonstrated the fact of our failure in the use of cosmic panaceas. The Millennium will be a demonstration of the total supreme competence of God’s plan in dealing with every problem and adversity in life. Believers have eternal life and logistical grace in the POG now and have the solutions of every problem life offers NOW! John 8:32 “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." Knowledge of the Truth is the solution to the problems of life under the background of human freedom. The cosmic system is false and therefore, has no solutions. You cannot solve the problems of life from a false premise whether you go to it logically or illogically!

In this gate believers become involved in civil disobedience, supporting terrorists and revolutionary groups as Christian activists and can be involved in things like blowing up abortion clinics and killing doctors that perform abortions. So much for cosmic panaceas!

G. Cosmic Two/Gate Eight – Arrogance of Religion

Christianity is not religion. Religion is part of Satan’s policy of evil, which is counterfeit to God’s plan for the human race. Religion is man seeking approbation (attention) from God through human works. Christianity however, is God seeking man in the saving work of the LJC on the cross. Religion is Satan’s greatest attack on the human race from Satan’s ideology…religion is his ace trump! That is his ace up the sleeve! He devised religion to detract form the GRACE policy of God and to sabotage God’s plan. Religion is described in Revelation as the “great whore” or “prostitute.” The attack of Ecumenical Religion (seeking worldwide religious unity…Satan’s policy) occurs at the end of the Tribulation period. Rev 17:1 “One of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and said to me, "Come, I will show you the punishment of the great prostitute, who sits on many waters (nations).” Rev 17:15-16 “Then the angel said to me, "The waters you saw, where the prostitute sits, are peoples, multitudes, nations and languages. (16) The beast and the ten horns you saw will hate the prostitute. They will bring her to ruin and leave her naked; they will eat her flesh and burn her with fire.” Rev 19:2 “…for true and just are His judgments. He has condemned the great prostitute who corrupted the earth by her adulteries. He has avenged on her the blood of His servants." Only those of Satan’s servants who will be spared in the second demon assault army attack of Rev 9:20-21 are his hard core, evil to the max, religionists…idolaters. They are preserved for the last and most heinous demon assault army attack on the Jews.

Religion is viewed in this world of ours as “good” and why wouldn’t it be you say? Because it causes mankind to work for the approbation or attention of God and that pleases Satan because he wants to further his policy of a world without God. He wants to solve all of the world’s problems through his power and policy and what better way to do so but through religion disguised as “light.” He wants to neutralize God’s Grace and spiritual plan for all mankind. And he seems to be getting away with it because he has many counterfeits to neutralize the POG but of course that will never happen. Let’s look at his counterfeits:

1. Counterfeit teachers/ministers – Paul warned us in 2 Cor 11:13-14. “For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, masquerading as apostles of Christ. (14) And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.” 2 Pet 2:1-3 “But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them (salvation)…bringing swift destruction on themselves. (2) Many will follow their shameful ways and will bring the way of truth into disrepute. (3) In their greed these teachers will exploit you with stories they have made up. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping.” Matt 7:15 “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.” Rom 16:17-18 “I urge you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them. (18) For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naive people.” 2 Cor 11:13-15 “For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, masquerading as apostles of Christ. (14) And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. (15) It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve.” Gal 4:16-18 “Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth? (17) Those people are zealous to win you over, but for no good. What they want is to alienate you [from us], so that you may be zealous for them. (18) It is fine to be zealous, provided the purpose is good (fulfilling the POG),and to be so always and not just when I am with you.” Paul warned us that Satan’s false teachers would be with us throughout the Church Age and especially in the end times near the Rapture of the Church. The Church will be like the church at Laodicea in Revelation. I John 4:1-6 “Dear friends, do not believe every pastor, but test the pastors to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. (2) This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every pastor that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, (3) but every pastor that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world. (4) You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. (5) They are from the world and therefore speak from the viewpoint of the world, and the world listens to them. (6) We are from God, and whoever knows God listens to us; but whoever is not from God does not listen to us. This is how we recognize the Spirit of truth and the spirit of falsehood.”

2. Counterfeit gods in the form of Idolatry – this is Satan’s policy to keep believers and unbelievers from the perfect POG. God hates idolatry. He condemns it throughout the Old and New Testaments but Satan loves it and promotes it to keep mankind in tow. Habakkuk 2:18-19 “Of what value is an idol, since a man has carved it? Or an image that teaches lies? For he who makes it trusts in his own creation; he makes idols that cannot speak. (19) Woe to him who says to wood, 'Come to life!' Or to lifeless stone, 'Wake up!' Can it give guidance? It is covered with gold and silver; there is no breath in it.” 1 Cor 10:19-21 “Do I mean then that a sacrifice offered to an idol is anything, or that an idol is anything? (20) No, but the sacrifices of pagans are offered to demons, not to God, and I do not want you to be participants with demons. (21) You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons too; you cannot have a part in both the Lord's Table and the table of demons.” 2 Thess 2:3-4 “Don't let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness (the Roman Dictator of Revelation 13…the anti-Christ who will be possessed by Satan) is revealed the man doomed to destruction. (4) He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God's temple, proclaiming himself to be God.”

3. Counterfeit Righteousness in the form of Legalism – This is Satan’s counterfeit to God’s righteousness. Legalism is when man prefers his own human good or righteousness to God’s perfect righteousness, which we receive the moment we believe in the LJC. 2 Tim 3:2 “People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy,” 2 Tim 3:5 “…having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them.” Please read the story of the rich young man and his perceived righteousness in Matt 19:16-28. He actually rejected salvation through the LJC and chose to use his own to get into heaven. His riches had much to do with his decision.

4. Counterfeit Gospel – I’ll let the Scripture teach you about this counterfeit. 2 Cor 4:3-4 “And even if our gospel is veiled (by Satan to those who are disinterested or negative), it is veiled to those who are perishing (unbelievers). (4) The god of this age (Satan) has blinded the minds of unbelievers (because of consistent negative volition toward the LJC) (not recognizing that they are sinners in need of a Savior), so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.”

5. Counterfeit Communion Table - 1 Cor 10:19-21 “Do I mean then that a sacrifice offered to an idol is anything, or that an idol is anything? (20) No, but the sacrifices of pagans are offered to demons, not to God, and I do not want you to be participants with demons. (21) You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons too (cosmic involvement); you cannot have a part in both the Lord's Table and the table of demons.”

6. Counterfeit Doctrine - 2 Tim 4:1-4 “In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and in view of His appearing and His kingdom, I give you this charge: (2) Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage…with great patience and careful instruction. (3) For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. (4) They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.”

7. Counterfeit Spirituality - Gal 3:2-8 “I would like to learn just one thing from you: Did you receive the Spirit by observing the law, or by believing what you heard? (3) Are you so foolish? After beginning with the Spirit, are you now trying to attain your goal by human effort? (4) Have you suffered so much for nothing…if it really was for nothing? (5) Does God give you his Spirit and work miracles among you because you observe the law, or because you believe what you heard? (6) Consider Abraham: "He believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness." (7) Understand, then, that those who believe are children of Abraham. (8) The Scripture foresaw that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, and announced the gospel in advance to Abraham: "All nations will be blessed through you."

8. Counterfeit Power System – Satan’s cosmic system is powerful and capable to duplicating anything to get the believer or unbeliever away from God’s power system and is a direct counterfeit to the divine system prepared by God through the ministry of God the Holy Spirit…the very system that sustained our LJC in His ministry on earth. 2 Thess 2:8-10 “And then the lawless one (the dictator of the Revived Roman Empire in the Tribulation…the anti-Christ) will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of His mouth and destroy by the splendor of His coming. (9) The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, (10) and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.”

9. Counterfeit Way of Life – Read Matthew 23:13-36. Philip 3:18-19 “For, as I have often told you before and now say again even with tears, many live as enemies of the cross of Christ. (19) Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach (their emotions), and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is on earthly things.”

H. Cosmic Two/Gate Eight – Arrogance of Anthropocentric Academic Speculation

This is the gate of pseudo intellectualism and another form of Christian arrogance and deals with believers only. Bible doctrine and human speculations in the academic fields are irreconcilable. 2 John 1:9 “Anyone who advances in knowledge (Bible doctrine) out of bounds and does not remain in the field of play (the FOS, POG, living and applying the Word) by means of teaching of Christ does not have God (fellowship with God); for he who continues (persists) in the teaching (the Word of God, Bible doctrine) this same one has both the Father and the Son (fellowship or friendship with them).” The believers in this type of arrogance must choose between the Truth of Bible doctrine or the false concepts in these areas of false academic speculations. Examples of this gate are: evolution vs. creationism; psychology vs. psychiatry whereby psychology blames everyone’s problems on environment rather than the old sin nature issue and the volition of mankind; theory vs. history; Gnosticism; existentialism etc. This gate is for those who are brilliant and those who think they are brilliant and don’t need God.

I. Cosmic Two/Gate Nine – Evil as Satan’s Policy

This gate is advancing to more and more evil and momentum in the cosmic system. Evil is the policy of Satan as opposed to God’s policy as the ruler of this world. As we discussed before it does not necessarily mean being obviously bad in the eyes of the masses. Evil is often disguised as “goodness” and “light,” however, WITHOUT God. The power is administrated to the human race through the cosmic system…that is the believer out of fellowship with God and the unbeliever with no relationship with God because of rejection of the saving work of the LJC. Evil is both motivation and momentum in the cosmic system, the exact opposite of the POG, which is momentum and motivation from Bible doctrine in the soul in the POG.

This is the ultimate expression of man’s relationship with Satan in the cosmic system. It is motivational evil…what drives the person to continue on in Satan’s plan. It comes from believing the false doctrines of Satan’s cosmic system and from rejecting the Truth of God in one or more of the three categories of Truth. Functional evil is the modus operende (M.O.) of the believer and unbeliever demonized in the cosmic system.

The divine system or dynasphere is the FOS and the POG and represents the function of divine good in this life. The cosmic system represents the function of evil in this life. No divine good exists in the cosmic system and no evil exists in the FOS or the divine power system (dynasphere…POG). They are mutually exclusive. Rom 12:21 “Stop being overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good (POG).” Jesus said in John 17:15. “My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one.” The Lord’s Prayer for the Church took up this subject…guard the believers from the evil of the cosmic system…the world. We are protected from evil by logistical grace (our daily blessings and necessities in life to remain in the POG) and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and the LJC. 2 Thess 3:3 “But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen and protect you from the evil one.” Eph 5:15-16 “Be very careful, then, how you live…not as unwise but as wise, (16) making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.” We must purchase the time for the POG and while avoiding the dangers of evil. 2 Tim 2:25-26 “Those who oppose Him He must gently instruct, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth, (26) and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will.” Baby believers and mature believers need self discipline by giving time to the study of God’s Word everyday…redeem the time for Bible doctrine. Heb 5:13-14 “Anyone who lives on milk (basic Bible doctrine), being still an infant (baby believer), is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness. (14) But solid food (advanced Bible doctrine) is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil.”


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