Theology of the Body Quiz Study Guide

Theology of the Body Quiz Study Guide

Communion of Persons

God in his very essence is a communion of persons. The reality of the Trinity is a life generating eternal self giving among three persons: The Father, Son, and Spirit.

God creating human beings in his image and likeness. We image God individually in our personhood. But we also image God in our potential to form a communion of persons as man and woman.

The Nuptial Meaning of the Body

The naked body reveals that man and woman are called to image God by giving the gift of themselves to each other as a communion of persons.

Primordial Sacrament

God created the one-flesh union of marriage to be the fundamental revelation of his own divine mystery in the created world.

Our bodies are sacraments, visible signs of the invisible reality of our call to love as a communion of persons.


Because of the Original Sin, the call to love that God placed in our hearts was partially corrupted and now often takes the form of lust.

Redemption of the Body

Jesus Christ, through his passion, death, and resurrection offers to us the possibility to restore us to our original integrity as body-persons.

The marriage feast of the Lamb

The ultimate destiny of the faithful is to enter into a perfect communion of persons with God and the saints in heaven after the resurrection. This union with God is called the marriage feast of the Lamb. The union with the saints is called the Communion of Saints.

We live the can live the call to become a communion of persons in two ways: Celibacy and Marriage.

Those who choose to live celibate lives forgo the sacramental sign of marriage to begin living in that perfect communion of persons with God already.

Those who choose to live the sacrament of marriage become a physical, visible sign of the communion of persons we are called to one day in heaven.

For married love to truly image God, it must be Free, Total, Faithful, and Fruitful.

Many marriages fail today to live the call to fruitfulness. About this aspect of marriage Pope John Paul said, “Spouses becoming one as husband and wife, find themselves in the situation in which the powers of good and evil fight and compete against each other. Sexual union is a test of life and death (June 27, 1984)”


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