|Question/Main Ideas |TOPIC: Female Reproductive System (5d) |

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|What is Female Reproduction? |The reproductive organs of the human female generate eggs and sexual activity may lead to |

| |fertilizationan pregnancy. |

|What is puberty? | |

| |The time of life when male and femal sex organs become mature. |

| |-At puberty, a woman begins to ovulate. |

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| |is the release of a mature egg from the ovary for pssible fertilization. |

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| |About two weeks into the cycle around the 14th day of a woman’s menstrual cycle. |

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| |In the Ovaries. The ovaries are about the size of a large olive. [pic] |

| |A female reproductive organ in which ova or eggs (Oocytes) are produced. The woman has an estimated|

| |300 to 400 thousands of eggs contained within her ovaries at the time of puberty. |

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| |Also make sex hormones called Estrogen and Progesterone. The sex hormones regulate the release of |

|What is when a female ovulate (ovulation)? |eggs and direct the development of female traits. |

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|When does Ovulation occur? |In a structure of the ovary called a follicle. During ovulation, a mature follicle ruptures (break)|

| |through the ovary wall. |

|Where does ovulation take place? |[pic] |

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| |Once release, the egg travels down on of the fallopian tubes that lead to the uterus. |

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| |Is the organ where a baby can grow and develop. |

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| |is the passageway that receives sperm during sexual intercourse. |

|What are Ovaries? |[pic] |

|[pic] |If the female, at or around the time of ovulation, engages in sexual activity that results in sperm|

| |being deposited in or near the vagina, a sperm cell can travel through the vagina to the uterus or |

|What else do the Ovaries do? |Fallopian tubes and fertilize the egg. |

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|Where do the eggs mature? |A fertilized egg begins a 5-day journey down the fallopian tube toward the uterus. During the |

| |journey, the zygote undergoes any mitotic divisions. By the time it reaches the uterus, it is an |

| |embryo that looks like a tiny ball of cells. |

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| |is when the tiny embryo becomes embedded in the lining of the mother’s uterus. Once the embryo is |

| |implanted, pregnancy begins. |

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| |1. Each month, starting at puberty, the tissue lining the uterus thickens to prepare for pregnancy.|

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| |2. If the fertilized egg fails to implant (attach) and begin development, or if the egg is not |

|What is the pathway of the egg? |fertilized, it will be sloughed off along with several layers of cells lining the uterus and leave |

| |the female’s vagina during menstruation. |

|What is a Uterus? |3. if fertilization does not occur, the egg deteriorate; and the tissue layers along with the |

| |deteriorated egg, is discharged through the vagina. |

| |4. Menstruation last about 5 days after which the tissue lining the uterus again thickens. |

| |5. This cycle repeats each month from puberty until middle age. |

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| |One of the first signs of pregnancy is that a woman’s regular menstrual cycle stops. |

| |A pregnant woman may give birth to a baby between 38 and 42 weeks later. |

|What is the Vagina? |[pic] |

| |At the 8th week, the embryo has developed enough to be called a fetus. |

| |The human fetus develops from the end of the 8th week of pregnancy (when the major structures have |

| |formed) until birth. |

| |After 38 to 42 weeks, the fetus is ready to live outside of the mother. |

| |The mother goes through a series of contractions called LABOR. |

| |The fetus is pushed, headfirst, through her vagina. |

| |The baby is sill connected to the placenta by the umbilical cord. |

| |When the doctor ties and cut the umbilical cord, birth is complete. |

| |The mother’ continues with labor until the placenta is pushed out of her body. |

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|How does Fertilization occur? |Organ that connects the developing fetus to the uterine wall. |

| |Supplies food and oxygen from the mother’s blood to the developing embryo. |

| |It contains a network of blood vessels that links the embryo to the mother. |

| |A thin, protective membrane called the Amnion surrounds it. |

| |Inside the amnion and surrounding the embryo, is Amniotic Fluid, which protects the embryo from |

|What is the pathway of fertilized egg? |shocks. |

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| |The growing fetus gets all of its oxygen and nutrients directly enters the embryo’s body from its |

|What is implantation? |mother’s blood supply through the placenta and umbilical cord. The blood of the mother and fetus do|

| |not mix together. Waste products like carbon dioxide also pass from the fetus to the mother’s blood|

| |for removal. The umbilical cord contains arteries and veins that connect the embryo to the |

| |placenta. |

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| |Produces eggs, ensure development of fertilized eggs, and give birth. |

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|What is the Menstrual Cycle (Menstruation)? | |

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|What are the 1st signs of Pregnancy? | |

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|What are the stages of development and | |

|birth? | |

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|What is the function of the Placenta? | |

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|What is the function of the Umbilical Cord? | |

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|What is the purpose of the female | |

|reproductive system? | |



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