I. DEFINITIONS, ORIGINS: -a "pseudo-science" (= mathesis), relig.

Nature, based upon "geocentric" theory.

-from Mesopotamia (Chaldean priests 900 yrs. records)

II. ANCIENT ASTRONOMY: 7 (known) planets (divine)-rays fall on Earth & determine FATE.

A. Calculation needed for a planet's 'potency' (varies)

B. Each planet has:

1. House

2. Exaltation

3. Depression

C. Horoscope--is 'exactly on Eastern horizon at time of birth'

D. Zodiac- 12 signs-ea. has 'potency'; e.g., Aquarius -'water'

III. POPULARITY: growth, but some against It [esp. Christians]


1. most pop. after 200 B.C.-Imp. Romans believed, eg., Emperors Augustus, Tiberius, Nero

2. Manilius-wrote books (aided popularity)

B. GREECE: (early)

1.Bth cent. B.C.-Hesiod, Works & Days -list of lucky, unlucky days of lunar month

2. 7th cent. B.C.(?): Full moon festivals (14th day of lunar month)

3. 5th cent. B.C.: Herodotos in Egypt--skeptical

4. 400 B.C.: Plato, Phradrus myth- interest in Astral religion (stars divine)

5. 280 B.C.: Berossus' works, pop. In Greece, Babylonia

6. 2nd cent. B.C.: real pop. begins--manuals: Nechepso & Petosiris (Pharaoh's names used)


1.8th cent. B.C. (earlier?)

2. Lucky, unlucky days-esp. May 9,l1,13 (ghosts)

3.Roman (& Greek) calendar--agricultural/relig.- influenced by Moon (esp.)

4. Astral Worship: imp. in late Rome (Sol Invictus); ca. 400A.D.-Macrobius ("Sun" god= all gods)


A. Christianity- deadly sins--akin to 7 planetary Influences, esp. on "soul"

B. Mithraism--7 'grades' tie to 7 planets, soul's journey

C. Zoroastrianism-astrology views modified Zarathustra's apocalyptic views.

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