Tone Words Research.Directions: 1. Get a partner2. Get assigned tone word. a. Happy b. Sad c. Angry d. Love e. Hate f. Ironic g. Sweet h. Calm i. Amused j. Fear k. Proud l. Unemotional m. Scolding n. Joy o. Confusedp. excitedq. braver. hopefuls. wiset. jealousy3. Find 20 synonyms/similar words to your tone word. 4. Define the 20 words. 5. Rank the 21 total words from mildest to most severe emotion. 6. Choose a color that matches your tone word and explain why it matches your tone word7. Choose a season and a time of day that reflects your tone word8. Choose a place/setting that reflects your tone word.9. Get a pie slice of butcher paper and write in your ranked words, mildest form at the big end. Color the pie slice in your chosen color, and on the outside of the pie slice line, write the season, tine of day, and place/setting.10. When all pairs are done, we will put the tone wheel together. ................

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