Honors Biology Syllabus


Curriculum Guide

(last edited )2013

Syllabus / Pacing Guide page 2

Introduction Unit page 3 - 4

Chemistry page 4 - 5

Biochemistry page 5 - 6

Cell Biology and Transport page 6 - 7

Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration page 7 - 8

Cell Division page 8 - 9

Protein Synthesis page 9 - 10

Genetics page 10 - 12

Evolution page 12 - 13

Taxonomy page 13 - 14

Plants page 14 - 15

Animals page 15 - 16

Ecology page 16 - 17

Anatomy page 17 - 19

Additional Notes page 19

|Subject |Matching SOL (Note: Bio.1 |Time Allowed |Labs |

| |matches for all units) | | |

|Introduction Unit |Bio.1b,c,k |4 days |-Scientific Process and Experimental Design (SLP) |

| |Bio.4b | |-Safety and the Material Safety Data Sheet (SLP) |

| | | |-Current Applications in Science (SLP) |

|Chemistry |Bio.2a |5 days |-pH lab |

| | | |-The Physical and Chemical Properties of Water (SLP) |

|Biochemistry |Bio.2b,c |9 days |-Macromolecule Identification Lab |

| | | |-Polysaccharide (cracker) Lab |

| | | |-Macromolecules (SLP) |

| | | |-The Effects of Heat and Acid on Enzyme Catalase (SLP) |

|Cell Biology and Transport |Bio.3a-e |8 days |-“e” Lab |

| | | |-Cell Biology Lab |

| | | |-Cell Parts (SLP) |

| | | |-Prokaryotes (SLP) |

| | | |-The Ratio of Surface Area to Volume (SLP) |

| | | |-Structure and Function of Cell Membranes (SLP) |

|Photosynthesis and Cellular |Bio.2d |5 days |-Energy and ATP (SLP) |

|Respiration | | | |

|Cell Division |Bio.5a-c |4 days |-Onion Mitosis Lab |

| | | |-Mitosis Video Lab |

| | | |-Pop Bead Lab |

| | | |-The Cell Cycle and Mitosis (SLP) |

| | | |-Meiosis (SLP) |

|Protein Synthesis |Bio.5e-j |5 days |-Strawberry DNA Extraction |

| | | |-DNA Structure, Nucleic Acids, and Proteins (SLP) |

|Genetics |Bio.5d,f,i,j |12 days |-Genetic Corn Lab |

| | | |-Make-a-Kid Lab |

| | | |-Pedigree Lab |

| | | |-Electrophoresis Lab |

| | | |-Genetics Disease Paper |

| | | |-Genetic Variation and Mutations (SLP) |

| | | |-Mendelian Genetics (SLP) |

| | | |-Biotechnological Issues and Bioethics (SLP) |

|Evolution |Bio.6a-e |5 days |-Hardy-Weinberg Lab |

| |Bio.7a-e | |-Adaptation and Evolution (SLP) |

|Taxonomy |Bio.4a-f |5 days |-Fungi Observation |

| |Bio.6e | |-“Classify This” Lab |

| | | |-The Germ Theory and Koch’s Postulates (SLP) |

|Plants |Bio.4a-c |4 days |-Flower Comparison Lab |

| | | |-Plant Group Identification Lab |

| | | |-A Dichotomous Key of Virginia’s Native Plants (SLP) |

|Animals |Bio.4a-d |6 days |-Animal Group Identification Lab |

| | | |-Booklet or Presentation |

|Ecology |Bio.8a-e |3 days |-Succession (SLP) |

|Anatomy |Bio.4b,d-f |13 days |-Fetal Pig Dissection |

| | | |-EKG Lab |

| | | |-Bone Identification Lab |

| | | |-Heart/Kidney/Eye Dissection |

| | | |-Body Systems (SLP) |

1. Introduction Unit – 4 days

A. Concepts / SOL

The student will know, or be able to do the following.

- The scientific research method.

- The difference between a fact, hypothesis, law, and theory.

- All the characteristics of living things.

- The levels of organization.

- Hypothesis are formulated based on direct observations from scientific literature (Bio.1b)

- Variables are defined and investigations are designed to test the hypotheses (Bio.1c)

- Differentiation is made between a scientific hypothesis, theory and law (Bio.1k)

- Maintenance of homeostasis (Bio.4b)

B. Vocabulary

- science

- observation

- hypothesis

- experiment

- data

- conclusion

- control

- law

- theory

- metabolism

- homeostasis

- adaptation

- organelles

- cell

- tissue

- organ

- organism

- population

- community

- ecosystem

- biosphere

- biotic

- abiotic

C. Laboratory Exercises

- Scientific Process and Experimental Design (SLP)

- Safety and Material Safety Data Sheet (SLP)

- Current Applications in Science (SLP)

2. Chemistry – 5 days

A. Concepts / SOL

The student will know, or be able to do the following.

- The difference between a solid, liquid, gas, and plasma.

- The three subatomic particles.

- The difference between an atom and an element.

- The difference between a compound and a mixture

- How to use the periodic table.

- How to draw atoms using the Lewis dot and electron shell methods.

- The difference between ionic, covalent, and hydrogen bonding.

- What an isotope is.

- Water chemistry and its impact on life processes. (Bio.2a)

- What the pH scale is and how to use it.

- The actual H+ and OH- concentrations of items.

B. Vocabulary

- chemistry

- matter

- solid

- liquid

- gas

- plasma

- atom

- proton

- neutron

- electron

- element

- atomic number

- atomic mass

- Noble gas

- subatomic particle

- compound

- mixture

- chemical change

- physical change

- valence electrons

- Lewis dot structures

- periodic table

- bonding

- covalent bond

- ionic bond

- cation

- anion

- hydrogen bond

- polar covalent

- cohesion

- surface tension

- density

- solvent

- solute

- solution

- isotope

- radio isotope

- deuterium

- tritium

- pH scale

- acid

- base

- neutral

- hydronium ion

- hydroxide io

C. Laboratory Exercises

- Determine the pH of common substances and then determine the concentration of hydronium and hydroxide ions present.

- The Physical and Chemical Properties of Water (SLP)

3. Biochemistry – 9 days

A. Concepts / SOL

The student will know, or be able to do the following.

- The structure and function of macromolecules. (Bio2.b)

- How to draw molecules using the stick method.

- Basic functional groups and their properties.

- How polymers and made and broken down.

- The properties of carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids and how to draw them.

- The nature of enzymes. (Bio.2c)

B. Vocabulary

- organic compound

- hydrocarbons

- isomers

- functional group

- hydroxyl

- carbonyl

- carboxyl

- amino

- phosphate

- methyl

- monomer

- polymer

- dehydration synthesis

- hydrolysis

- carbohydrate

- monosaccharide

- glucose (alpha and beta)

- fructose

- galactose

- disaccharide

- lactose

- maltose

- sucrose

- high fructose corn syrup

- polysaccharide

- starch

- glycogen

- cellulose

- fiber

- diabetes

- insulin

- protein

- amino acid

- variable group

- peptide bond

- polypeptide

- primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary structure

- denature

- enzyme

- substrate

- lipid

- hydrophobic

- hydrophilic

- fat

- triglyceride

- unsaturated

- saturated

- phospholipid

- wax

- steroid

- hormone

- cholesterol

- nucleic acid

- deoxyribonucleic acid

- ribonucleic acid

C. Laboratory Exercises

- Use benedicts solution, iodine solution, and biurete solution to determine whether or not a substances contain monosaccharides, starches, or proteins.

- Chew a cracker to see if salivary enzymes break down the starches.

- Macromolecules (SLP)

- The Effects of Heat and Acid on the Enzyme Catalase (SLP)

4. Cell Biology and Transportation – 8 days

A. Concepts / SOL

The student will know, or be able to do the following.

- Evidence supporting the cell theory (Bio.3a)

- Characteristics of eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells (Bio.3b)

- Similarities between the activities of the organelles in a single cell and a whole organism (Bio.3c)

- The cell membrane model (Bio.3d)

- The impact of surface to volume ratio on cell division, material transport, and other life processes (Bio.3e)

- Compare and contrast plant and animal cells.

- Identify the structure and function of organelles.

- Tell why cells stay so small.

- The parts of a microscope and how they function.

- The role diffusion and osmosis play in a cell’s life.

B. Vocabulary

- Hooke

- Leeuvenhoek

- Schleiden

- Schwann

- Virchow

- Cell Theory

- surface area to volume ratio

- eukaryotic

- prokaryotic

- cytoplasm

- ribosome

- endoplasmic reticulum (rough and smooth)

- golgi apparatus

- mitochondria

- cristae

- cellular respiration

- matrix

- lysosome

- apoptosis

- cilia

- 9+2 arrangement

- flagella

- microtubules

- nucleus

- nucleolus

- nuclear envelope

- cell membrane

- phospholipid bilayer

- channel, carrier, receptor, recognition proteins

- cell wall

- vacuole

- contractile vacuole

- turgor pressure

- plastid

- photosynthesis

- proplastid, chloroplast, leucoplast, amyloplast, chromoplast

- chlorophyll

- ocular lens, body, arm, nosepiece, objective lenses, stage, stage clips, diaphragm, base, light, fine focus, coarse focus

- magnification

- resolution

- Brownian motion

- passive transport

- active transport

- diffusion

- osmosis

- isotonic, hypertonic, hypotonic

- equalibrium

- plasmolysis

- cytolysis

- endocytosis

- exocytosis

C. Laboratory Exercises

- Basic “e” lab where students become familiar with the use of the microscope by observing how the position of the letter e changes.

- Cell biology lab where students observe 9 different items and compare the types of cells they see.

- Cell Parts (SLP)

- Prokaryotes (SLP)

- The Ratio of Surface Area to Volume (SLP)

- Structure and Function of Cell Membranes (SLP)

5. Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration – 5 days

A. Concepts / SOL

The student will know, or be able to do the following.

- Describe the differences between ATP and ADP.

- Describe the differences between autotrophs and primary and secondary heterotrophs.

- Explain phosphorylation.

- The basic products and reactants of photosynthesis and cellular respiration.

- Explain the difference between an endergonic and exergonic reaction.

- Describe the parts of a chloroplast.

- Describe the light and dark reactions in detail.

- Explain the differences between a C3, C4, and CAM plant.

- Explain what an aerobic and anaerobic reaction are.

- Describe, in detail, the parts of glycolysis, krebs cycle, and fermentation.

- Explain the differences between chemeosmotic and substrate level phosphorylation.

- The capture, storage, transformation, and flow of energy through the processes of photosynthesis and respiration. (Bio.2d)

B. Vocabulary

- photosynthesis

- cellular respiration

- endergonic

- exergonic



- phosphorylation

- ATPase

- ATPsynthase

- stroma

- thylakoid membrane

- grana

- lumen

- carotene

- xanthophylls

- accessory pigments

- light dependent reaction

- light independent reaction (Calvin Cycle)

- chemeosmotic phosphorylation


- C3, C4, CAM

- photorespiration

- stomata

- aerobic

- anaerobic

- cristae

- matrix

- fermentation

- glycolysis

- Krebs cycle (all acids)

- facultative anaerobe

- strict anaerobe

- substrate level phosphorylation

- lactic acid

- ethanol

C. Laboratory Experiences

- Energy and ATP (SLP)

6. Cell Division – 4 days

A. Concepts / SOL

The student will know, or be able to do the following.

- The make-up of a chromosome.

- The differences between somatic cells and gametes.

- The difference between the terms haploid and diploid.

- The concept of cell growth and division (Bio.5a)

- The concept of gamete formation. (Bio.5b)

- The concept of cell specialization. (Bio.5c)

- How crossing over increases genetic diversity.

- The differences between spermatogenesis and oogenesis.

B. Vocabulary

- chromosome

- chromotid

- centromere

- haploid

- diploid

- somatic cell

- gamete

- gene

- cell cycle

- interphase

- G1, S, G2

- replicate

- mitosis

- centrioles

- spindle fibers

- asters

- kinetichore

- prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase

- cytokinesis

- homologous pairs, tetrads

- crossing over

- ootid

- sperm

- polar bodies

C. Laboratory Experiences

- Observe mitosis as it has taken place in onion root tip cells.

- Have students observe video of mitosis actually taking place.

- Use “Pop Beads” to have students mimic the phases of cell division and meiosis.

- The Cell Cycle and Mitosis (SLP)

- Meiosis (SLP)

7. Protein Synthesis – 5 days

A. Concepts / SOL

The student will know, or be able to do the following.

- The difference between DNA and RNA.

- Historical development of the structural model of DNA (Bio.5e)

- How the processes of replication, transcription, and translation occur.

- How a gene is used to make a protein.

- Genetic variation (Bio.5f)

- Structure, function and replication of nucleic acids (Bio.5g)

- Events involved in the construction of proteins (Bio.5h)

- Use, limitations, and misuse of genetic information (Bio.5i)

- Exploration of the impact of DNA technologies (Bio.5j)

B. Vocabulary



- Deoxyribose

- Ribose

- Phosphate Group

- Nitrogen Base

- Nucleotide

- Adenine

- Guanine

- Thymine

- Cytosine

- Uracil

- Purine

- Pyrimidine

- Hydrogen Bonds

- Double Helix

- Griffith

- Chargraff

- Pauling

- Franklin and Wilkins

- Watson and Crick

- Replication

- DNA helicase

- DNA polymerase

- Transcription

- DNA ligase

- RNA polymerase

- Translation


- Amino Acid

- Ribosome

- Codon

- Anti-codon

- Peptide Bond

- Protein

- Gene

- Base Pair

- Protein Synthesis

- Sense

- Mis-sense

- 3’ – 5’

- P and A site

- Promotor

- Terminator

C. Laboratory Experiences

- Extract the DNA from strawberries.

- DNA Structure, Nucleic Acids, and Proteins (SLP)

8. Genetics – 12 days

A. Concepts / SOL

The student will know, or be able to do the following.

- Explain Mendel’s basic experiment and hypotheses.

- The difference between genotype and phenotype.

- Do a monohybrid and dihybrid Punnett Square.

- The difference between codominance and incomplete dominance.

- The different types of mutations.

- The different sex chromosome mutations.

- Understand sex linked traits.

- How to use a pedigree.

- What causes a mutation.

- The blood types and Rh factor.

- The different types of twins.

- Do a Chi square problem.

- Understand how gel electrophoresis works and understand how to interpret the data derived from it.

- Predict inheritance of traits based on the Mendelian laws of heredity. (Bio.5d)

- Genetic variation (Bio.5f)

- The use, limitations, and misuse of genetic information. (Bio.5i)

- Explore the impact of DNA technologies. (Bio.5j)

B. Vocabulary

- Allele

- Heterozygous

- Homozygous

- Recessive

- Dominant

- Mendel

- Phenotype

- Genotype

- Heredity

- Pure-bred

- Mutation

- Gene Mutation

- Chromosome Mutation

- Autosome

- Sex Chromosome

- Nondisjunction

- Sex-linked Trait

- Pedigree

- Monohybrid Cross

- Dihybrid Cross

- Punnett Squre

- Codominance

- Incomplete Dominance

- Karyotype

- Klinefelders Syndrome

- Turners Syndrome

- Ionizing Radiation

- Ultraviolet Radiation

- Rhesus Factor

- Antigen

- Antibody

- Fraternal Twins

- Identical Twins

- Chi Square

- Cloning

- Gel Electrophoresis

C. Laboratory Experiences

- Use specially bred corn to count genetic ratios and perform Chi Square activities.

- Use pennies to represent traits in the Make – A – Kid lab.

- Use the information learned in class to create a Genetic Disease Research Paper

- Trace a trait through a family history in the pedigree lab.

- Analyze data found at a crime scene using gel electrophoresis to determine who committed the crime.

- Genetic Variation and Mutation (SLP)

- Mendelian Genetics (SLP)

- Biotechnological Issues and Bioethics (SLP)

9. Evolution – 5 days

A. Concepts / SOL

The student will know, or be able to do the following.

- Understand the Hardy-Weinberg Principle and how it can be used on populations.

- Understand the hypotheses on the origins of life.

- Explain Kettlewell’s observations and how they are a good example of microevolution.

- The ideas of scientists whose works helped develop the theory of evolution.

- Understand Darwin’s basic principles of evolution.

- Explain the evidence supporting evolution.

- Describe the types of natural selection, types of evolution, and the hypotheses on how evolution occurs.

- Understand what a gene pool is and how to change it.

- Structural similarities among organisms (Bio.6a)

- Fossil record interpretation (Bio.6b)

- Comparison of developmental stages of different organisms (Bio.6c)

- Examine biochemical and structural similarities of different organisms. (Bio.6d)

- Systems of classification that are adaptable to new scientific discoveries (Bio.6e)

- Evidence found in fossil records (Bio.7a)

- How genetic variation, reproductive strategies, and environmental pressures impact the survival of populations (Bio.7b)

- How natural selection leads to adaptation (Bio.7c)

- Emergence of a new species (Bio.7d)

- Scientific evidence and explanations for biological evolution (Bio.7e)

B. Vocabulary

- Hardy-Weinberg Principle

- Redi

- Oparin

- Miller

- Microevolution

- Gene Pool

- Kettlewell

- Genetic Drift

- Gene Flow

- Mutation

- Non-random Mating

- Natural Selection

- Aristotle

- Cuvier

- Lamarck

- Adaptive Radiation

- Malthus

- Natural Selection

- “On the Origin of Species”

- Biogeography

- Taxonomy

- Homologous Structures

- Vestigial Organs

- Comparative Embryology

- Molecular Biology

- Stabilizing Selection

- Directional Selection

- Diversifying Selection

- Convergent Evolution

- Divergent Evolution

- Gradualism

- Punctuated Equalibrium

- Geographical Isolation

- Ecological Isolation

- Temporal Isolation

- Behavioral Isolation

- Mechanical Isolation

- Reproductive Failure

- Macroevolution

C. Laboratory Experiences

- Use playing cards to represent alleles and determine the characteristics of a population using the Hardy-Weinberg principle.

- Adaptation and Evolution (SLP)

10. Taxonomy (Viruses, Monera, Protista, Fungi) – 5 days

A. Concepts / SOL

The student will know, or be able to do the following.

- List the 7 levels of classification.

- List the 6 kingdoms and 3 domains and give example of each.

- How viruses, monerans, protests, and fungi are classified and give examples of each classification group.

- The “life” cycle of a virus.

- How to write a name scientifically.

- Understand the complex job of a taxonomist and the tools they use to classify living organisms.

- Comparison of their metabolic activities (Bio.4a)

- Maintenance of homeostasis (Bio.4b)

- How the structures and functions vary among and within the eukarya kingdoms of protists, fungi, plants, and animals including humans (Bio.4c)

- Human health issues, human anatomy, and body systems (Bio.4d)

- How viruses compare with organisms (Bio.4e)

- Evidence supporting the germ theory of infectious disease (Bio.4f)

- Systems of classification that are adaptable to new scientific discoveries (Bio.6e)

B. Vocabulary

- Taxonomy

- Aristotle

- Linnaeus

- Whittaker

- Binomial Nomenclature

- Retrovirus

- Lytic Cycle

- Lysenogenic Cycle

- Reverse Transcriptase

- Endospore

- Saprophytic

- Photoautotroph

- Chemeautotroph

- Strict Anaerobe

- Facultative Anaerobe

- Pathogenic

- Cocci

- Bacilli

- Spirilli

- Sarcodina

- Ciliophora

- Zoomastigophora

- Sporozoa

- Giardia

- Plasmodium

- Paramecium

- Trypanosoma

- Pseudopodia

- Flagella / Cilia

- Mycelium

- Hyphae

- Chitin

- Zygomycota

- Spore

- Basidiomycota

- Ascomycota

- Deuteromycota

- Sporangia

- Lichens

- Endosymbiosis

- Systematics

- Phylogeny

C. Laboratory Experiences

- Observe parts of a fungi reproductive body.

- Allow students to become taxonomists by classifying random objects.

- The Germ Theory and Koch’s Postulates (SLP)

- Viruses (SLP)

11. Plants – 4 days

A. Concepts / SOL

The student will know, or be able to do the following.

- Comparison of their metabolic activities (Bio.4a)

- Maintenance of homeostasis (Bio.4b)

- How the structures and functions vary among and within the eukarya kingdoms of protists, fungi, plants, and animals including humans (Bio.4c)

- The 4 different types of plant tissues.

- The parts of a flower and seed.

- The benefits of fruit and how flowers have coevolved with pollinators.

B. Vocabulary

- Meristematic Tissue

- Apical Meristem

- Lateral Meristem

- Dermal Tissue

- Ground Tissue

- Collenchyma

- Parenchyma

- Sclerenchyma

- Vascular Tissue

- Xylem

- Phloem

- Bryophyta

- Pioneer Species

- Pterophyta

- Rhizome

- Fiddleheads

- Sori

- Gymnosperm

- Seeds

- Angiosperm

- Flower

- Fruit

- Herbaceous

- Woody

- Dicotyledon

- Net Veins

- Monocotyledon

- Parallel Veins

- Petals

- Sepals

- Stamen

- Pistil

- Stigma

- Style

- Filament

- Anther

- Nectar

- Pollen

- Endosperm

- Coleoptile

- Carpel

C. Laboratory Experiences

- Look at different flower and compare the reproductive parts of the flowers.

- Students will walk around the school and identify different types of plants.

- A Dichotomous Key of Virginia’s Native Plants (SLP)

12. Animals – 6 days

A. Concepts / SOL

The student will know, or be able to do the following.

- Comparison of their metabolic activities (Bio.4a)

- Maintenance of homeostasis (Bio.4b)

- How the structures and functions vary among and within the eukarya kingdoms of protists, fungi, plants, and animals including humans (Bio.4c)

- Human health issues, human anatomy, and body systems (Bio.4d)

- The three cell layers, three body plans, and three types of symmetry.

B. Vocabulary

- porifera

- pores

- spicules

- budding

- cnideria

- polyp

- medusa

- tentacles

- cnidocytes

- platyhelminthes

- ganglia

- parasite

- cysts

- hermaphroditic

- anelidia

- hydrostatic skeleton

- oligochaetes

- polychaetes

- leeches

- segmentation

- mollusca

- mantle

- foot

- radula

- gastropods

- bivalves

- cephalopods

- arthropoda

- exoskeleton

- chitin

- head

- abdomen

- thorax

- insects

- arachnids

- myriapods

- crustaceans

- nematoda

- trichinella

- echinodermata

- endoskeleton

- larvae

- water vascular system

- chordata

- notochord

- pharyngeal gill slits

- post-anal tail

- endoskeleton

- agnatha

- jawless

- chondrichthyes

- cartilage

- osteichthyes

- bone swim bladder

- amphibia

- ectothermic

- reptiles

- scales

- amniote egg

- three chambered heart

- aves

- feathers

- endothermic

- mammalia

- mammary glands

- monotremes

- hair

- marsupial

- placental

C. Laboratory Experiences

- Classify preserved specimen into different phyla and classes.

- Prepare a booklet / presentation of the data on animals.

13. Ecology – 3 days

A. Concepts / SOL

The student will know, or be able to do the following.

- Identify the 10 major biomes.

- Understand how competition leads to co-evolution.

- The three forms of symbiosis.

- Look at the interactions within and among populations including carrying capacities, limiting factors, and growth curves. (Bio.8a)

B. Vocabulary

- behavior

- innate behavior

- habituation

- trial-and-error learning

- operant conditioning

- insight learning

- ecology

- population

- density-independent

- density-dependent

- competition

- resource partitioning

- predator

- prey

- symbiosis

- mutualism

- parasitism

- succession

- food chain

- food web

- biome

- carrying capacity

- limiting factors

- growth curves

- ecosystem

C. Laboratory Experiences

- Succession (SLP)

14. Anatomy – 13 days

A. Concepts / SOL

The student will know, or be able to do the following.

- Maintenance of homeostasis (Bio.4b)

- Human health issues, human anatomy, and body systems (Bio.4d)

- How viruses compare with organisms (Bio.4e)

- Evidence supporting the germ theory of infectious disease (Bio.4f)

- Trace the path of blood, oxygen, carbon dioxide, food, and wastes through the body.

- The major functions of all the body systems as well as organs that are part of the systems.

- Trace the path of a reflex.

- The structure of a neuron.

- The types of joints and examples.

- Explain how muscles work on a cellular level.

- Explain how urine is produced and removed.

B. Vocabulary

- Epidermis

- Corneal Layer

- Basal Layer

- Dermis

- Sebaceous Gland

- Sweat Gland

- Hair Follicle

- Subcutaneous Layer

- Melanocyte

- Mechanical/Chemical Digestion

- Peristalsis

- Esophagus

- Chyme

- Liver

- Gall Bladder

- Pancreas

- Bile

- Duodenum

- Jejunum

- Ileum

- Villi

- Cecum

- Ascending Colon

- Transverse Colon

- Descending Colon

- Sigmoid Colon

- Rectum / Anus

- Pharynx

- Epiglottis

- Larynx

- Trachea

- Bronchial Tubes / Bronchioles

- Alveoli

- Diaphragm

- Eurythrocytes

- Hemoglobin

- Atria

- Ventricles

- Valves

- Arteries

- Veins

- Capillaries


- Compact Bone

- Spongy Bone

- Yellow / Red Marrow

- Periosteum

- Haversian Canal

- Osteoblast

- Osteocyte

- Osteoporosis

- Axial / Appendicular Skeleton

- Immovable Joint

- Slightly Movable Joint

- Movable Joint

- Ball and Socket

- Pivot

- Plane

- Saddle

- Hinge

- Smooth Muscle

- Skeletal Muscle

- Cardiac Muscle

- Myofibril

- Sarcomere

- Z line

- Actin

- Myosin

- Neuron

- Cell Body

- Dendrite

- Axon

- Myelin

- Synapse

- Central Nervous System

- Peripheral Nervous System

- Motor Neurons

- Sensory Neurons

- Somatic Nervous System

- Autonomic Nervous System

- Sympathetic Nervous System

- Parasympathetic Nervous System

- Stimulus

- Thermoreceptor

- Mechanoreceptor

- Photoreceptor

- Chemoreceptor

- Pan Receptor

- Reflex

- Urea / Urine

- Kidneys

- Nephrons

- Renal Artery

- Renal Vein

- Ureters

- Bladder

- Urethra

C. Laboratory Experiences

- Dissection of the fetal pig identifying muscles and internal organs specifically.

- Perform an EKG on a student.

- Allow students to observe and learn 30 individual bones.

- Dissect a heart, kidney, or eyeball.

- Body Systems (SLP)

Additional Notes –

- All laboratory experiences labeled with SLP can be found at the following web site from the Virginia Department of Education.

Sample Lesson Plans


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