Simile, Metaphor or Personi cation? - Math Worksheets 4 Kids

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Simile, Metaphor or Personi cation?

Identify the gure of speech in each sentence as a personi cation, simile, or metaphor.

Example: The rain tapped on the roof.

personi cation

1) The painting looked as real as life.

2) The train screeched to a halt.


3) Health is wealth.

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5) Ronald has been as busMyeams baebrse,ep,lesainsece moNrnoint ga.member?

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6) Watt has the heart of a liwoonr.ksheet.


7) The star shone like a diamonwdw.w.

8) The tree spread its arms and gave us shade.

9) The edgling looked as perfect as a picture.

10) Determination is the key to success.

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