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Book ReviewLeaders Eat LastQuentrella CainUniversity of St. ThomasDr. V. LeikerApril 16, 2016Leaders Eat lastSimon Sinek explores how leaders can inspire cooperation, trust and change. He's the author of the classic "Start With Why"; his latest book is "Leaders Eat Last." An ethnographer by training, Sinek is an adjunct of the RAND Corporation. He writes and comments regularly for major publications and teaches graduate-level strategic communications at Columbia University. Sinek’s latest book, “Leaders Eat Last” explores "circles of safety," exploring how to enhance feelings of trust and confidence in making bold decisions (TED, 2016). Leader eats Last was a great book, full of parables about historical and present events, places, and people. The book discussed culture and vision which as you know is Texas competency one. You can also see other competencies all through the book. The covers say it all: with a picture of a plate, fork and knife. As a future leader one statement caught my attention “being a leader is like being a parent, and the company is like a new family to join. One that will care for us like we are their own…in sickness and in health” (Sinek, p. 17, 2014). Below are some of the highlights or points I saw in the book.The book begins with our need as individuals to feel safe. The book talks about the importance of knowing and trusting the people we work with. Sinek called this the Circle of Safety. As the leader one is expected to take care of us and protect us from the dangers of the outside world. Empathy is a crucial part of the circle of safety. He discusses empathy with a story about Johnny Bravo who flew fighter planes. Bravo risked his life to save his team. When asked why he simply stated “because they would have done it for me.” The beginning of the book also discusses our need to share in the decision making process. Lastly in the beginning he discussed when the “environment at work is?one of encouragement, and one that meets the basic human needs to live, to learn, to feel valued and significant, we do more than just survive —?we thrive” (Sinek 2014).?The majority of the book talked about powerful forces, using leaders who have built their companies based on the family theme. Sinek’s background is in biology and anthropology, he starts explaining what makes us tick through the?four chemicals in our bodies. According to Sinek “80% of the book is based around these four chemicals and how they?drive those of us in leadership roles” (TED, 2016). The four chemical are Endorphin:?the pain-masking chemical; Dopamine:?the goal achieving chemical; Serotonin: the leadership chemical; and Oxytocin: the chemical of love. You have to read the book to find out how these chemicals help to make us better leaders and employees. Finally, the book discussed that leaders have to be willing to make decisions for the long term not just quick decisions to solve problems for a short term. “Leadership is not a license to do less; it is a responsibility to do more” (Sinek, p. 214, 2014). Sinek admits that all leaders have his or her own style and upcoming leaders want to become just like the ones he wrote about in the book. Sinek stated no matter which leadership style you chose being a leader is like being a parent.I would definitely recommend you read this book. The book is an easy read and has lessons that can be used in many leadership situations, especially if you want to be a leader that believes in strong cultures and shared values, understand the importance of teamwork, create trust among their staff, maintain focus and understand the importance of people and relationships.ReferencesTED. (2016). Simon Sinek. Retrieved from , S. (2014). Leaders Eat Last. Published by Penguin Group New York, New York ................

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