
Animoto Music Video InstructionsBy Mrs. Lohman2014/2015 School YearDecide what photos you want to use. You’ll want 8 to 10. Place them in a new folder on your computer. Decide what you want your text to say. Write it out. Remember, you only get 22 spaces in the first line and 30 spaces in the second!When you have a full 30 minutes or more…Go to Sign in…Begin creating your video by clicking on blue “Create Video” button.Notice the Buttons at the bottom of the screen.Begin uploading your photos. To upload multiple images hold down the 'SHIFT' key while you're selecting your files. Add text boxes. You can also drag & drop to change the order of photos & text boxes. When you are finished, click on DONE to go to Step 2.Step Two: MUSICImportant: most music is copyrighted, so you can’t legally use it with a project on the internet unless you have permission from the artist!If you choose to select from Animoto’s collection, it is HIGHLY recommended that you choose an instrumental piece (no lyrics), or listen carefully to the lyrics to make sure they are appropriate for a school wiki. Also, do they match the book??? For example, you wouldn’t choose “Walking on Sunshine” for a horror novel. 29083005080Step Three: Customize Your Video Fill in a Title (Using the name of the book is a good idea!)You can fill in a description or leave blank.Producer Name = that’s you (but leave off last names!)Click “Create video” and Animoto will begin creating your video. It will be emailed to Ms. Harris and she’ll let you know when it is available.NUMBER OF IMAGES TO USEApproximately 8-15 elements (text, images, video clips) will produce 30 seconds of video. A more mellow song will produce a longer video with the same number of images. more?> The length of an Animoto video is determined by the number of items (text, images, video clips) you include and the music you choose. It can vary since the video is being customized to the music. A video using an upbeat song will use images more quickly than one using a more mellow song. If you are making an Animoto Short, use 8-15 items for your 30-second piece. If you submit more images and video clips than can be used in the video, you may find that a number of items did not make it into the final video. If you're making a full-length video, you can make videos with up to 300 images. The only limit is your music selection. UPLOADING IMAGESTo upload multiple images hold down the 'CTRL' or 'SHIFT' keys while you're selecting your files. If you have images in more than one folder, you will have to upload them in separate batches but don't worry, you'll always have the option to add more to your project later. SPEED UP YOUR UPLOADUploading images will take much less time if you resize your images first, to 1024x768 (about 100kb per image). Images straight off your digital camera can be 100 times the size of what you actually need for an online video. Although you can upload very high resolution images, smaller downsized images work just as well (and save you significant upload time). You can use simple image-resizing programs to downsize your images to a smaller size. If you have a Mac, we recommend using DroPic! (free). If you have a PC, we recommend using VSO Image Resizer (free). These are easy-to-use tools to help you resize your images to something appropriate for the web. We recommend a size of no less than 640x426 (about 50kb per image), and no more than 1024x768 (about 100kb per image). Animoto will accept images up to 10Mb in size. Animoto Video Rubric—Book TrailersLibraryMrs. LohmanStudent Name: _________________________________________________ Class Period:___________CategoryProficientBasicNeeds WorkImagesAll images are related to the book and make it easy to follow the plot chronology. There are 10 or more images. All images are clear.All images are relevant to the book. The plot of the book is somewhat unclear. There are less than 10 images. Some images are fuzzy.Images are not relevant to the book or each other. Images do not follow the plot chronology. There are few images and they are of poor quality.TextFully communicates the main ideas in a well-planned sequence. Entices the viewer to want to read the book. There is text on seven or more municates ideas in a mostly logical sequence. There is text on five or fewer slides. Not successful in creating interest in the book.Text lacks details and does not follow plot. There is text on four or fewer slides. Text is non-specific or clichéd.MusicMusic choice is clearly compatible with the images in the clip and the book.Music seems unrelated to the images and book and does not enhance the overall presentation.Music is unrelated to the book, inappropriate, or distracting.Structural ContentIntro begins with a strong hook. There is a strong, specific conclusion.Intro and Conclusion are evident, but do not capture attention.Intro or Conclusion are rmational ContentAll informational content is included in an entertaining manner.Most informational content is included, but in an uninviting or perfunctory manner.Much of the informational content is missing.GrammarCapitalization and spelling are correct.One to two errors.More than two errors.CitationsAll images, music, and quoted text are cited either within the video or on the wiki.Most images, music, and text are cited.Very few or no citations are given. REQUIRED Informational Content to include:Introduction and ConclusionPlot is describedIntroduce AuthorBook CoverLibrary/Bookstore locationAdditional Information (is there a sequel? A website? Author trivia? TV/Movie tie-in? etc.) ................

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