
El Paquete de los Verbos




Jenks Freshman Academy




Note to the Student

Essential Terms

Part 1 Simple tenses of the indicative mood

I. Present Tense – el presente

A. Regular conjugations

1. –ar verbs

2. –er verbs

3. –ir verbs

B. Irregular conjugations

II. Future – el futuro

A. regular future stems

B. irregular future stems

III. Simple past – el pretérito

A. regular verbs

B. irregular verbs

IV. Imperfect – el imperfecto

V. Conditional – la condicional

Part 2 Compound tenses of the indicative mood

I. Auxiliary - haber

II. Past Participle

III. Compound past –



IV. Pluperfect

V. Future Perfect

Note to the student

This verb pack is not designed to serve as a text for learning Spanish, but rather as a resource to complement class work and text material. You may use it as a reference tool for quick access to short explanations of tenses and verbs, examples and verb lists. Though this document is not complete, it should nevertheless fill the needs for most students.

Essential terms


A verb is a word that identifies an action. A verb is categorized by its mood and tense.


The mood reflects the manner in which the speaker considers the action.


The time of the action is called the verb’s tense.


The conjugation of a verb is the list of the forms of a verb in a given tense and mood. There are usually six forms in a conjugation.

The forms of a verb depend on the number and person of the verb’s subject.

Subject pronouns as used in conjugations

Number Singular Plural


First person yo (I) nosotros (we)

Second person tú (you-familiar) vosotros (thou,*)

Third person él, ella, (he, she) ellos, ellas (they m./f.)

usted (Ud.) (you-formal) Uds. (you all formal

but only in Spain)

* The vosotros form can be thought of as thou or ya’ll – it is you plural informal in Spain.

Part 1

Simple tenses of the indicative mood

The indicative mood is used to state a fact or a reality.

Present Tense – el presente

The present indicative of a verb in Spanish can be translated into English in three ways, for example: nosotros bailamos = we dance, we are dancing, we do dance. The tense is used to describe actions at the current time.

1 Regular conjugations

AR verbs

Drop “AR” from the infinitive, then add:

o amos

as áis

a an


hablar – to speak

yo hablo nosotros hablamos

tú hablas vosotros habláis

Él, ella, Ud. habla ellos, ellas, Uds. hablan

yo hablo = I speak, I am speaking, I do speak


abrazar to hug, embrace

acabar (de) to finish, end, complete

aceptar to accept

acercar to bring near, place near

acompañar to accompany, escort

aconsejar to advise, counsel

acostumbrar to be accustomed, be in the habit

adelantar to advance, go on, go ahead, progress

adivinar to guess

admirar to admire

adoptar to adopt

agitar to agitate, shake up, stir

ahorrar to save

alcanzar to reach, overtake

alquilar to rent

amar to love

andar to walk

apagar to turn off

arreglar to fix

ayudar to help

bailar to dance

bajar to go down, descend

bañar to bathe

besar to kiss

borrar to erase

broncear to sunbathe, tan

buscar to look for

cambiar to change

caminar to walk

cantar to sing

celebrar to celebrate

cenar to eat dinner

cepillar to brush

charlar to chat

cocinar to cook

colocar to put, place

comprar to buy

contestar to answer

cortar to cut

cruzar to cross

decorar to decorate

dejar to let, allow, leave

desayunar to eat breakfast

descansar to rest

desear to wish

dibujar to draw

echar to hurl, pitch, throw

empujar to push

enseñar to teach

entrar (en) to enter

escuchar to listen

esperar to wait, hope, expect, await

estudiar to study

explicar to explain

expresar to express

felicitar to congratulate

festejar to entertain, celebrate

firmar to sign

formar to form

fumar to smoke

funcionar to function

ganar to win, gain, earn

gozar to enjoy

gritar to scream

hablar to speak

hallar to find

indicar to indicate

invitar to invite

jurar to swear, take an oath (pledge)

lanzar to throw, pitch

lavar to wash

limpiar to clean

llamar to call

llenar to fill

llegar to arrive

llevar to carry, wear

llorar to cry

luchar to fight

manejar to drive

marcar to mark, score, note

mejorar to improve

mirar to look (at)

montar to ride

nadar to swim

necesitar to need

olvidar to forget

pagar to pay (for)

parar to stop

pasar to pass, spend (time)

patinar to skate

pegar to glue, beat, hit, slap, stick

perdonar to excuse, forgive

pintar to paint

pisar to step

platicar to chat, discuss

practicar to practice

preguntar to ask

preparar to prepare

presentar to present

prestar to lend

quitar to take off/away

regalar to give a gift

regresar to return

robar to steal

sacar to take out, take (photos), get (grades)

saltar to jump, hop, skip

saludar to greet, salute

secar to dry

subrayar to underline

telefonear to telephone

terminar to finish, end

tirar to throw, pull, shoot

tocar to play (musical instrument), touch

tomar to take, eat, drink

trabajar to work

tratar (de + infinitive) to try (to do something)

usar to use

viajar to travel

visitar to visit

votar to vote


Drop “ER” from the infinitive, then add:

o emos

es éis

e en


beber-to drink

yo bebo nosotros bebemos

tú bebes vosotros bebéis

Él, ella, Ud. bebe ellos, ellas, Uds. beben

yo bebo = I drink, I am drinking, I do drink


aprender to learn

beber to drink

comer to eat

comprender to understand

correr to run

creer to believe

deber to have to, should, ought to, must, to owe

depender (en) to depend

esconder to hide something

leer to read

prometer to promise

responder to respond

temer to fear, dread

vender to sell


Drop “IR” from the infinitive, then add:

o imos

es ís

e en


vivir- to live

Yo vivo nosotros vivimos

Tú vives vosotros vivís

Él, ella, Ud. vive ellos, ellas, Uds. viven

yo vivo= I live, I am living, I do live


abrir to open

aburrir to annoy, bore

admitir to admit, grant, permit

añadir to add

aplaudir to applaud

asistir to attend, to be present

bullir to boil, bustle, hustle, stir

cubrir to cover

decidir to decide

describir to describe, delineate

descubrir to discover

discutir to discuss

distinguir to distinguish

escribir to write

gruñir to grumble, grunt, growl, creak

imprimir to imprint, impress, print

inscribir to inscribe, record, register

ocurrir to occur, happen

partir to leave, depart, divide, split

permitir to permit, admit, allow, grant

prohibir to prohibit, forbid

recibir to receive

subir to rise, go up

sufrir to suffer, endure, bear up

suprimir to suppress, abolish

unir to connect, unite, join, bind

vivir to live

2 Irregular Conjugations


acordar to agree (upon) acuerdo, acuerdas, acuerda, acordamos,

acordáis, acuerdan

adquirir to acquire, get, adquiero, adquieres, adquiere, adqueremos,

obtain adquerís, adquieren

agradecer to thank, be agradezco, agradeces, agradece, agradecemos,

thankful agradecéis, agradecen

almorzar to lunch almuerzo, almuerzas, almuerza, almorzamos, almorzáis, almuerzan

caber to fit quepo, cabes, cabe, cabemos, cabéis, caben

caer to fall caigo, caes, cae, caemos, caéis, caen

calentar to heat/warm up caliento, calientas, calienta, calentamos,

calentáis, calientan

cerrar to close cierro, cierras, cierra, cerramos, cerráis, cierran

cocer to cook cuezo, cueces, cuece, cocemos, cocéis, cuecen

colgar to hang cuelgo, cuelgas, cuelga, colgamos, colgáis, cuelgan

comenzar to start/begin comienzo, comienzas, comienza, comenzamos,

comenzáis, comienzan

confiar to rely on/confide confío, confías, confía, confiamos, confiáis,


conocer to know conozco, conoces, conoce, conocemos, conocéis,


construir to construct construyo, construyes, construye, construimos,

construís, construyen

contar to count cuento, cuentas, cuenta, contamos, contáis,


convertir to convert convierto, conviertes, convierte, convertimos,

convertís, convierten

corregir to correct corrijo, corriges, corrige, corregimos,

corregís, corrigen

costar to cost cuesta, cuestan

crecer to grow crezco, creces, crece, crecemos, crecéis, crecen

dar to give doy, das, da, damos, dais, dan

decir to say/tell digo, dices, dice, decimos, decís, dicen

destruir to destroy destruyo, destruyes, destruye, destruimos,

destruís, destruyen

devolver to return(object) devuelvo, devuelves, devuelve, devolvemos,

devolvéis, devuelven

distinguir to distinguish distingo, distingues, distingue, distinguimos,

distinguís, distinguen

doler to have pain, ache, duelo, dueles, duele, dolemos, doléis ,duelen

hurt, regret, cause grief

dormir to sleep duermo, duermes, duerme, dormimos,

dormís, duermen

empezar to start/begin empiezo, empiezas, empieza, empezamos,

empezáis, empiezan

encender to light enciendo, enciendes, enciende, encendemos,

encendéis, encienden

encontrar to find/meet encuentro, encuentras, encuentra, encontramos

encontráis, encuentran

entender to understand entiendo, entiendes, entiende, entendemos,

entendéis, entienden

enviar to send envío, envías, envía, enviamos, enviáis, envían

escoger to choose/select escojo, escoges, escoge, escogemos,

escogéis, escogen

estar to be estoy, estás, está, estamos, estáis, están

faltar to miss, need, lack faltas, falta, faltan (used w/ indirect obj. pron.)

freír to fry frío, fríes, fríe, freímos, freís, fríen

gemir to groan, moan gimo, gimes, gime, gemimos, gemís, gimen

guiar to guide guío, guías, guía, guiamos, guiáis, guían

gustar to like /be pleasing gustas, gusta, gustan(used w/ indirect obj. pron.)

hacer to do/make hago, haces, hace, hacemos, hacéis, hacen

helar to freeze hielo, hielas, hiela, helamos, heláis, hielan

hervir to boil hiervo, hierves, hierve, hervimos, hervís, hierven

impedir to impose impido, impides, impide, impedimos,

impedís, impiden

incluir to include incluyo, incluyes, incluye, incluimos,

incluís, incluyen

ir to go voy, vas, va, vamos, vais, van

jugar to play (sport) juego, juegas, juega, jugamos, jugáis, juegan

llover to rain llueve (only one form…weather expression)

medir to measure mido, mides, mide, medimos, medís, miden

mentir to lie miento, mientes, miente, mentimos, mentís,


morder to bite muerdo, muerdes, muerde, mordemos,

mordéis, muerden

morir to die muero, mueres, muere, morimos, morís, mueren

mostrar to show muestra, muestras, muestra, mostramos,

mostráis, muestran

mover to move muevo, mueves, mueve, movemos,

moveís, mueven

nacer to be born nazco, naces, nace, nacemos, nacéis, nacen

nevar to snow nieva (only one form…weather expression)

obedecer to obey obedezco, obedeces, obedece, obedecemos,

obedecéis, obedecen

oír to hear oigo, oyes, oye, oímos, oís, oyen

oler to smell huelo, hueles, huele, olemos, oléis, huelen

parecer to seem parezco, pareces, parece, parecemos,

parecéis, parecen

pedir to ask for pido, pides, pide, pedimos, pedís, piden

pensar to think pienso, piensas, piensa, pensamos, pensáis,


perder to lose pierdo, pierdes, pierde, perdemos, perdéis,


poder to be able to/can puedo, puedes, puede, podemos, podéis, pueden

poner to put pongo, pones, pone, ponemos, ponéis, ponen

preferir to prefer prefiero, prefieres, prefiere, preferimos,

preferís, prefieren

probar to try pruebo, pruebas, prueba, probamos,

probáis, prueban

proponer to propose propongo, propones, propone, proponemos,

proponéis, proponen

querer to want quiero, quieres, quiere, queremos, queréis,


recoger to gather/pick up recojo, recoges, recoge, recogemos,

recogéis, recogen

recordar to remember recuerdo, recuerdas, recuerda, recordamos

recordáis, recuerdan

reírse to laugh me río, te ríes, se ríe, nos reímos, os reís, se ríen

repetir to repeat repito, repites, repite, repetimos, repetís,


resolver to resolve resuelvo, resuelves, resuelve, resolvemos,

resolvéis, resuelven

saber to know sé, sabes, sabe, sabemos, sabéis, saben

salir to leave/go out salgo, sales, sale, salimos, salís, salen

seguir to continue sigo, sigues, sigue, seguimos, seguís, siguen

sentar to sit down siento, sientas, sienta, sentamos, sentáis, sientan

sentir to feel siento, sientes, siente, sentimos, sentís, sienten

ser to be soy, eres, es, somos, sois, son

servir to serve sirvo, sirves, sirve, servimos, servís, sirven

sonar to sound sueno, suenas, suena, sonamos, sonáis, suenan

sonréir to smile sonrío, sonríes, sonríe, sonreímos, sonreís,


soñar to dream sueño, sueñas, sueña, soñamos, soñáis, sueñan

tener to have tengo, tienes, tiene, tenemos, tenéis, tienen

traducir to translate traduzco, traduces, traduce, traducimos,

traducís, traducen

traer to bring traigo, traes, trae, traemos, traéis, traen

valer to be worth valgo, vales, vale, valemos, valéis, valen

venir to come vengo, vienes, viene, venimos, venís, vienen

ver to see veo, ves, ve, vemos, veis, ven

vestir to dress visto, vistes, viste, vestimos, vestís, visten

volar to fly vuelo, vuelas, vuela, volamos, voláis, vuelan

volver to return vuelvo, vuelves, vuelve, volvemos, volvéis, vuelven

Future Tense – el futuro

The future indicative of a verb in Spanish can be translated into English as what one “will” do or what “will” happen, for example: nosotros bailaremos = we will dance. The tense is used to describe actions that will happen at some point in the future. .

1 Regular conjugations

AR, ER, and IR verbs

USE the infinitive (this we’ll call the regular future stem) then add:

é emos

ás éis

á án


hablar – to speak

yo hablaré nosotros hablaremos

tú hablarás vosotros hablaréis

él, ella, Ud. hablará ellos, ellas, Uds. hablarán

yo hablaré = I will speak

B. Irregular conjugations

Use the irregular stem then add the regular future tense endings:

é emos

ás éis

á án

The following verbs have irregular stems in the future tense:

Decir – dir For example : diré – I will say, tell

Haber – habr habrá – there will be

Hacer – har haremos–we will do, will make

Poder – podr podrán – they, ya’ll will be able to

Poner – pondr pondré – I will put, will place

Querer – querr querrás – you will like, love, want

Saber – sabr sabrá – he, she, Ud., will know

Salir – saldr saldremos – we will leave, exit

Tener – tendr tendrán – they, ya’ll will have

Venir – vendr vendré – I will come

Simple Past – The Preterite – el pretérito

The simple past indicative of a verb in Spanish can be translated into English as actions that were completed in the past, for example: nosotros bailamos = we danced.

1 Regular conjugations

Drop the infinitive endings (-AR, -ER, or –IR) and add on the following endings:

AR Verbs: ER Verbs and IR Verbs:

é amos í imos

aste asteis iste isteis

ó aron ió ieron


AR Verb – hablar – to speak

yo hablé nosotros hablamos yo hablé = I spoke

tú hablaste vosotros hablasteis

él, ella, Ud. habló ellos, ellas, Uds. hablaron

ER Verb – comer – to eat

yo comí nosotros comimos yo comí = I ate

tú comiste vosotros comisteis

él, ella, Ud. comió ellos, ellas, Uds. comieron

IR Verb – vivir – to live

yo viví nosotros vivimos yo viví = I lived

tú viviste vosotros vivisteis

él, ella, Ud. vivió ellos, ellas, Uds. vivieron

***NOTE : Verbs that end in –AR and –ER that have a stem-change in the present tense do NOT have a stem change in the preterite.

Example: pensar – to think entender – to understand

Present: pienso pensamos entiendo entendemos

piensas pensáis entiendes entendéis

piensa piensan entiende entienden


pensé pensamos entendí entendimos pensaste pensasteis entendiste entendisteis

pensó pensaron entendió entendieron

2 Irregular Conjugations


1. Ver – to see

**Ver has regular endings, but there are NO written accent marks.

vi vimos

viste visteis

vio vieron

2. Dar – to give

** Dar uses the same endings as Ver even though it is an AR verb – no accents!

di dimos

diste disteis

dio dieron

3. Ir – to go & Ser – to be --- WE CALL THESE THE FUN VERBS!

**In the preterite, these two verbs have the EXACT same conjugations, with NO accent marks. The context of the sentence makes it clear if the verb is from ir – to go, or ser – to be.

fui – I went or I was fuimos – we went or we were

fuiste - you went or you were fuisteis – thou, ya’ll went or were

fue – he, she, you went or were fueron – they, ya’ll went or were

4. Verbs with Irregular Stems

** There are many verbs that have irregular stems in the preterite, but luckily they all use the same endings:

Use the irregular stem, then add these endings:

e imos

iste isteis

o ieron

**Notice there are NO accent marks on the irregular verbs in the preterite!


Andar - anduv

Caber - cup

Decir – dij (with ellos, ellas, Uds. the ending is just –eron)

Estar - estuv

Haber - hub

Hacer – hic (except for él, ella, Ud. the stem is hiz)

Poder – pud

Poner – pus

Querer - quis

Saber - sup

Tener - tuv

Traducir – traduj (with ellos, ellas, Uds. the ending is just –eron)

Traer – traj (with ellos, ellas, Uds. the ending is just –eron)

Venir - vin

5. –CAR, -GAR, and –ZAR verbs

These verbs that end in –CAR, -GAR, and –ZAR have special spelling changes in the yo form of the preterite. The spelling changes occur to maintain the same sound of the infinitive form of the verb.



buscar jugar comenzar

sacar cargar empezar

practicar pegar almorzar

platicar pagar lanzar

marcar llegar gozar

indicar colgar cruzar

explicar apagar abrazar

colocar alcanzar


-CAR verbs – in the yo form of the preterite

C changes to QU

EXAMPLES: buscar – yo busqué – I looked for

Practicar – yo practiqué – I practiced

-GAR verbs – in the yo form of the preterite

G changes to GU

EXAMPLES: llegar – yo llegué – I arrived

jugar – yo jugué – I played

-ZAR verbs – in the yo form of the preterite

Z changes to C

EXAMPLES: almorzar – yo almorcé – I had, ate lunch

comenzar – yo commence – I began

6. Other spelling changes

The verbs LEER, CREER, and HUIR have a special spelling change that occurs in the 3rd person singular and plural forms in the preterite tense. Ordinarily, since these are –ER and –IR verbs, they have ió and ieron as endings. But, since adding these endings would give them 3 vowels in a row without a written accent on the 2nd vowel to make it stronger, we must change the middle vowel to a consonant, Y.

For these 3 verbs, the endings become yó and yeron.

EXAMPLES: leer – él leyó – he read AND ellos leyeron – they read

creer – él creyó – he believed & ellos creyeron – they believed

huir – él huyó – he fled AND ellos huyeron – they fled

7. Verbs with Stem-Changes in the preterite

There are SOME verbs that DO have stem-changes in the preterite – BUT, they are different from present tense stem-changes.

There are –IR verbs that have stem changes in the present tense where the stem may change from e->i or from e->ie or from o->ue.

In the PRETERIE, though, ONLY the 3rd person singular and plural forms of these verbs (él, ella, Ud. and ellos, ellas, Uds.) have the stem-change.

THE following verbs only change from e->i in the él, ella, Ud. and ellos, ellas, Uds. forms of the verb in the PRETERITE tense.

-IR VERBS with e->ie and e->i stem-changes in the PRESENT:

Pedir sentir advertir reñir

Mentir despedir convertir gemir

Hervir medir repetir reír

Preferir impedir divertirse servir

Referir seguir conseguir exigir



Pedir – to ask for, request server – to serve

Pedí pedimos serví servimos

Pediste pedisteis serviste servisteis

Pidió pidieron sirvió sirvieron

The following verbs only change from o->u in the él, ella, Ud. and ellos, ellas Uds. forms of the verb in the PRETERITE tense.

-IR VERBS with o->ue stem-changes in the PRESENT:

dormir dormirse morir morirse


dormir – to sleep morir – to die

dormí dormimos morí morimos

dormiste dormisteis moriste moristeis

durmió durmieron murió murieron

IV. Imperfect – el imperfecto

In Spanish there are 2 different past tenses. The PRETERITE is used to talk about a COMPLETED past action. We use the IMPERFECT to talk about actions that happened REPEATEDLY in the past.

A. Regular Verbs

To form the IMPERFECT tense, drop the infinitive –AR, -ER, or –IR ending, then add these following endings:

-AR verbs -ER and –IR verbs

-aba -ábamos ía íamos

-abas -abais ías íais

-aba -aban ía ían

*Note:accent on the nos. form *Note: accents on all forms


-AR – hablar – to talk -ER – comer – to eat

hablaba hablábamos comía comíamos

hablabas hablabais comías comíais

hablaba hablaban comía comían

-IR – vivir – to live

vivía vivíamos

vivías vivíais

vivía vivían

B. Irregular Verbs

In the IMPERFECT, there are not as many irregular verbs. ONLY ir, ser, and ver are irregular. Here are there forms:

Ser – to be ---remember ERA was a brand of soap

era éramos Example: yo era – I was

eras erais

era eran

Ir – to go ---remember I went to Gallagher-Iba to watch OSU.

iba íbamos

ibas ibais

iba iban

Ver – to see ---remember to keep the –e and use the –ER endings.

veía veíamos

veías veíais

veía veían

The Conditional Tense – La condicional

This is the tense we use to explain what “Would” happen if another thing were true. It is the tense used to indicate that an action or state is dependent on something else. It is formed in English by using the helping verb “would”. In Spanish this tense is also known as the hypothetical future because it is a hypothetical statement that something will occur based on another condition or event being met.

To form this tense:

Use the infinitive form of the verb, then add these endings:

yo – ía nosotros – íamos

tú – ías vosotros - íais

él, ella, Ud – ía ellos, ellas, Uds. – ían

**Note: The conditional is formed just like the future, you just use different endings. Always use the infinitive before adding the appropriate ending.

**Also note that the yo and él, ella, Ud. endings are the same, so unless it is identified in context, you should supply the subject.

Example of Regular verbs in the conditional:

Hablar – would talk

yo hablaría (I would talk) nosotros hablaríamos

tú hablarías vosotros hablaríais

él, ella, Ud. hablaría ellos, ellas, Uds. Hablarían

Example: Yo no hablaría con ella. I wouldn’t talk with her.


The conditional has the same irregular verbs as the future tense and uses those same stems. We just use the future and conditional stems and add the CONDITONAL endings:

Decir – dir For example : dirías – you would say, tell

Haber – habr habría – there would be

Hacer – har haríamos–we would do, would make

Poder – podr podrían – they, ya’ll would be able to

Poner – pondr yo pondría – I would put, would place

Querer – querr querrías – you would like, love, want

Saber – sabr él sabría – he would know

Salir – saldr saldríamos – we would leave, exit

Tener – tendr tendrían – they, ya’ll would have

Venir – vendr yo vendría – I would come

PART 2 – Compound Tenses of the Indicative Mood

I. Auxiliary verb “haber”

Auxiliary verbs are also known as helping verbs. There are many helping verbs in the English language, to be, to have, should, etc. The helping verb haber, which is the helping verb “to have” is used to form compound tenses in Spanish. You can use haber in different tenses: for example, present tense (have done something), the past tense (had done something). The compound perfect verb tenses refer to completed actions, but they aren't the only way of referring to completed actions.

Here is an example of referring to a completed action in the past using the helping verb haber: He salido - "I have left". It is clear that the action described by the verb is completed; it's something that was over by a specific time.

In both English and Spanish, the perfect tenses are formed by using a form of the verb haber, "to have" followed by the past participle (el participio in Spanish). In English, the past participle usually is formed by adding "-ed" to verbs; the Spanish participle is usually formed by using the ending of -ado for -ar verbs and -ido for -er and -ir verbs.

Present tense forms of haber:

yo he nosotros hemos

tú has vosotros habéis

él, ella, Ud. ha ellos, ellas, Uds. han

II. Past Participle

The past participle in English typically is a verb that ends in –ed. For example, walked, talked, laughed, etc. The past participles in English are always used with the helping verb “to have”. For example, I have walked, he has walked, we have walked, etc.

In Spanish, the regular past participle is formed by dropping the infinitivo –ar, -er, and –ir endings, and adding –ado for –AR verbs, or –ido for –ER and –IR verbs.

Examples of Regular Past Participles:

Hablar – hablado (talked)

Comer – comido (eaten)

Vivir – vivido (lived)

There are many irregular past participles in both Spanish and English and you have to memorize what the participle form of the verb is.

Common Irregular Past Participles:

Hacer – hecho (made, done)

Decir – dicho (said, told)

Romper – roto (broken)

Poner – puesto (put, placed)

Ver – visto (seen)

Abrir – abierto (opened)

Escribir – escrito (written)


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