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Company Name and Logo

Testing Team

Test Case Template


Confidentiality: CONFIDENTIAL & PRIVILEGED. This document contains confidential and privileged trade secrets and other information of Company Name and as such may not be disclosed to others not employed by Company Name. All rights reserved.

Table of contents

Revision history 3

1 Test Information 4

1.1 Test type 4

1.2 Item Under Test 4

1.3 Test Personnel 4

2 Test Summary 4

2.1 Results 4

3 Background 5

3.1 Purpose and Scope of the Test 5

3.2 Additional Information 5

3.3 Experience required 5

3.4 Test Items / Equipment Needed 5

3.5 Estimated test time 5

3.6 Reference Documents 5

3.7 Definitions 5

4 Preparing the Test Environment 6

4.1 Equipment Setup 6

4.2 Equipment Checks 6

4.3 Test Instructions 6

5 Test Cases 7

5.1 Title here 7

6 Traceability matrix 8

Revision history

|Date |By |Description of changes |

|dd-mmm-yyyy |Name of Editor |Change 1 |

|dd-mmm-yyyy |Name of Editor |Change 2 |

|dd-mmm-yyyy |Name of Editor |Change 3 |

|dd-mmm-yyyy |Name of Editor |Change 4 |

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Test Information

1 Test type

___ Full Test ___ Regression Test

2 System Under Test

System name: ____________________________________ Staple the recorder listing

Version: ____________________________________ of the configuration here

3 Test Personnel

Name: _________________________________ Date: _____________ Time/h: __________

Name: _________________________________ Date: _____________ Time/h: __________

Name: _________________________________ Date: _____________ Time/h: __________

Test Summary

1 Results

Conclusion of the test: PASS / FAIL

Identifiers of the observations recorded:

____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ _____________

____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ _____________

Total number of cases failed: _____________


1 Purpose and Scope of the Test

Explain what is going to be tested in this test procedure and what are the requirements covered, where the requirements can be found.

2 Additional Information

This is the place where you can tell where the manuals or other user instructions can be found.

If there is something special(e.g. known bug that cannot be fixed) in the software that you want to tell the tester, it can be told here.

3 Experience required

Evaluate the knowledge of the person that is needed to perform the test. E.g. what kind of knowledge is needed - technical, certifications, etc

4 Test Items / Equipment Needed

What is needed to perform the test.

5 Estimated test time

Estimate how long it takes to perform the test procedure.

6 Reference Documents

[RD1] Compatibility Requirements, SRS_Compatibility.doc

[RD2] Compatibility Guidelines document, compatibility.doc

7 Definitions

SRS Software requirement specification

UC Use Case

TC Test Case

Preparing the Test Environment

1 Application Setup

Explain the needed configuration and how to set it up. Also, explain operations and steps to reach the normal start condition for the cases.

2 Equipment Checks

Possible checks that has to be done to verify that the Application is functional before the tests can be started.

3 Test Instructions

If compatibility is tested with this test case document (SVP), see the compatibility test instructions in projectname\documents\ \guidelines\ xxxxxx.doc

Comments: ____________________________________________________________________




Test Cases

1 Title here

Special Instructions


|Test Case ID |TC_FUNCT_01 |

|Description |Tests the Login Screen |

|Applicable for |IE6, Firefox |

|Requirements |REQ_FUNCT_01 |

|Initial Conditions |Equipment is set up as per Equipment Setup section. |

|Step |Full / Regr |Task & Expected Result | |

| | |Open the login screen/menu. | |

| | |Verify that the login screen is displayed on both IE6 and Firefox. |Pass / Fail |

| | |Enter Username and Passowrd. | |

| |R |Verify that the username can be entered. |Pass / Fail |

| |R |Verify that the password is masked and can be entered. |Pass / Fail |

| |R |Verify that an ok and reset button is displayed. |Pass / Fail |

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Traceability matrix

Note: keep this as the last page of the document, write test cases to the previous pages.

|Requirement id |Test case id |Note |

|REQ_FUNCT_01 |TC_FUNCT_01 | |

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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