SRP Local Organisation Handbook - Psychopathology

Society for Research in Psychopathology Local Meeting Organization HandbookDeveloped by?:Michael Young (Chicago – 1995)Suzanne King (Montreal – 1999)Ann Kring (San Francisco – 2002)Dick Steffy (Toronto – 2003)Deanna Barch (Saint Louis – 2004)Sheri Johnson (Miami – 2005)Eric Granholm (San Diego – 2006)Lee Anna Clark & Deborah Stringer (Iowa City – 2007)Angus MacDonald (Minneapolis – 2009)Ted Beauchaine (Seattle – 2010 )Christine Hooker (Boston – 2011)Iowa City, IAOctober 2007Timeline for Organizing an Annual Meeting3 -5 Years Before the MeetingFind the hotel: 5 years before is NOT too soon! a. sign contract (may need to be treasurer who signs)b. May need to leave a deposit ($500 - $2,000)Talk to other local people who have arranged conferences about which hotels to consider/avoidNegotiate 2-3 comp (“free”) rooms for invited speakers. Not to be used by Society officers1 Year Before (at SRP)Prepare a brochure or handout for your meeting to hand out at registrationa. Or have information on your meeting included as the back page of the preceding year’s program bookTouch base with program chair for your meeting Find poster board company (they will want to know how many poster boards you need, which depends on the size of the available space and the program. Communicate with the hotel event coordinator and the Program Chair) Find A-V companies (may be in hotel)Add basic information about your meeting to the web siteWrite blurb about your meeting for the newsletter Decide if you will offer CECoordinate with the Society treasurer to create a budget forecast using recent budgets from Society conferences held in similarly sized cities (expenses vary widely across locations); be sure to include travel and lodging for invited speakers 6 Months Before(Treasurer sends out registration forms in e-mail)Start menu planning, especially for banquetRegistration form a. needs to include cost of banquet which must be determined earlyb. The full menu for the banquet should go out with the request for registration – people should be able to make an informed decision about whether to pay for the banquet.Contract for A-VContract for poster boards (want 4’ high by 8’ wide)Post local arrangement information on web siteBegin preparing restaurant and social activities listStart preparing CE materials for approval (if offering CE)Update the budget forecast based on current numbers1 Month BeforeProgram printing (get files from program chair)Find 6 – 12 (student) helpers (free registration); arrange always to have more than one student at the registration deskDo something about hotel’s deadline for reservationsE-mail membership to remind them to reserve their roomExtend deadline for block with hotel if quota not filledBuy push pins (may be available from the bulletin board vendor), name tag materials, etc.Get local tourism maps and guidesPrint poster board numbersUpdate budget forecast1 Week BeforeFinalize numbers for food and beverageFinalize A-V needs with program chairmanDays BeforePrint out name badgesInclude blank ones to have on hand for onsite registrationMake any changes to numbers for F&B (Food & Beverage) with hotel peoplePrepare registration packets with each registrant’s name Include program, materials (e.g. local maps and restaurant guides), name tag, banquet ticket, letter about visiting student posters…For things that only a few people will want (e.g., local churches), save trees: don’t copy and put in every packet; have a pile for those who want one.Thursday of the MeetingSet up registration deskPartially finalize numbers for banquet with hotelAfter the Meeting is OverBuy yourself a massageFinalize the Excel budget file and submit reportMake changes on this documentation and send a copy to the SRP secretary as well as the next couple of years’ local hostsPrepare final CE report to accrediting institutionScheduling the Meeting: Usually Between September – November Avoid other ConferencesNeurosciences: HYPERLINK "" ABCT: HYPERLINK "" SPR: HYPERLINK "" International Early Psychosis Association: HYPERLINK "" .auAvoid National HolidaysThanksgiving U.S. (4th Thursday in November) Canada (2nd Monday of October – prefer to avoid weekend before)Halloween (October 31)Veteran’s Day (November 11)Avoid Religious HolidaysWeb site with dates of Jewish holidays: Hashanah (usually September or October)Yom KippurWeather IssuesHurricanesSnowTornadosLocal Date IssuesHome football game, pork rind festival….Finding and Booking a HotelChoosing a HotelSee sample hotel information worksheet in Appendix.See also Sheri’s Excel file profiling candidate hotels (srp hotel overview sheet.xls)See if city convention bureau will find eligible hotels for youMust go see places yourself before making final choiceLocation location locationAvoid undesirable areasShould be near restaurants and clubsCan you get there from here?! Should be within easy reach of public transportation Space Needs1. Poster sessionDepends on the number of posters (boards are 8’ wide; require 8-10’ between boards)6000 sq ft room = ~45-50 posters4000 sq ft room = ~30-35 posters3000 sq ft room = ~20-25 postersSince there is food at the poster sessions, factor in space for a reception areaMake sure the ceiling height is over 12 feet to ensure the room is not claustrophobicMake sure there are no weird structural issues in the rooms, such as center pillars or stepsThe number of posters has been increasing over recent years. Discuss estimated number of posters with Program Chair and Executive Board2. Meeting roomsTo accommodate 200-250 people classroom style (tables, pens, paper)Check out dimensions of the room – not too long, not too wide, ceiling high enoughNote: Meeting room and poster room could be same room IF poster sessions not on same day as oral presentationsIs there a convenient area for food and coffee service outside of meeting room?Is there a good registration area?Need to have a board room for executive meetings3. Receptions and Banquet RoomsRoom for student reception (30-60 people with bar)Room for banquet with roomy cocktail area nearby and large bar (about 100 people)4. StorageStorage of poster boards between Thursday night and Sunday morning5. Guest RoomsAvailable guest rooms: need to block at least 100 rooms per nightMake sure you understand the Society’s liability if you do not meet the number of blocked rooms. Some hotels will hold you responsible if you do not fill your block. Number of attendees and desirability of the conference hotel can fluctuate. For example, the conference rate at the Hyatt Boston was considerably less than surrounding hotels, so the blocked rooms sold out quickly. We reserved 125 per night for the conference period and could have filled 150 per night. However, if the conference rate is equivalent or higher than surrounding hotels, many people will choose to stay at a cheaper place. Costs1. EVERYTHING IS NEGOTIABLE 2. Balancing different kinds of costs at different hotels: Make up a form to compare costs at different hotels when charges for meeting rooms and F&B (Food & Beverage) (+ other costs) are considered together.Food & Beverage versus meeting room charge versus number of room nightsIf do all F&B and banquet at hotel, will meeting rooms be free/reduced rate?Get menus with prices to compare costs (costs vary widely!)Check if hotel offers business packages that include breakfast and coffee breaksThere may be a minimum cost for F&B in contract (this might allow for lower meeting room rate)A-V costs if use company within hotelThere are pros and cons to using the hotel AVPro: they are onsite in case of AV emergencyCon: The hotel may tack on their service charge to AV services (in San Diego, we saved the hotel service charge of 20% by having the in-house AV company bill us directly, rather than through the hotel billing)If there is to be a box lunch event , this can be used as a bargaining chip (but a box lunch can break the budget if don’t find outside sponsorship)How much is each hotel’s service charge?Try to negotiate the F&B prices and service charge rate for the year you sign the contractHow much does each hotel want for deposits, and when?Costs for bartenders can be high. One option is to contract for a minimum bar tab – e.g. if the bar tab for the reception is over $500 the hotel will cover the cost of the bartender. This has to be negotiated at the initial contract. We tried negotiate this at the Boston conference but it was too late.What is the hotel’s cancellation policy? (What happens if you have to bail out…)Know how long in advance you can cancelCould be sliding scale – example:January $16,500August $32,000October $55,000In Montreal: 8 steps ranging from 10% of total anticipated revenue (guest rooms only) if cancel more than 12 months prior to arrival date to 100% of total if cancel less than 15 days prior.There was an additional cancellation policy for F&B with no penalty more than 6 months prior, to 100% 30 days or less prior to meeting date.Could be fixed amount (in 2002 in San Francisco: it was a fixed $50,000 penalty)Can negotiate to come back to that hotel a few years later in the event of a cancellation3. Guest rooms(a) How much do they cost?Need to balance between a hotel with rooms that are too expensive (the members and students won’t stay at your hotel but will find some place cheaper), or too cheap (they won’t WANT to stay there!)What should the rate be?In 2003, $150 is a good rateIn 2006 - $169 was a good rate in San DiegoLocation dependent—look at recent budgets from similarly sized citiesIn 2011, the rates varied between $199 and $245 in Boston. The rate of $199 was The conference rate should be LESS THAN regular rateSome hotels will offer a ‘conference rate’ that is more than their regular rate because they are holding rooms for you that might not be reserved – negotiate a lower-than-regular rate because we guarantee a certain number of room nights. Check competitive rates through web sites (expedia, travelocity…)“Resort fee”?!?Some hotels asking for extra fees for services like turning on the phone… watch out for this!Blocking guest roomsThe hotel will reserve a block of rooms for the meeting, meaning that they will not give them out to people not associated with the SRP meetingGUESS WELL if you UNDERESTIMATE the number of registrants and block too few rooms, some attendees won’t be able to get rooms with the special rateIf you OVERESTIMATE, SRP may be liable for the number of rooms blocked in the contract – in San Diego, the number of rooms in the block were contractedSPECIFY 80% DOUBLE ROOMS IN THE CONTRACTIn 2006 – we ran out of doubles in the block and when people called to reserve a room, there were only kingsThe number of room nights varies widely with different contractsIn Toronto: 160 room nightsIn San Francisco: 300 room nights (90% = 270)In Montreal: 100 rooms for each of the 3 nightsIn San Diego: 100 rooms for each of the 3 nightsIn Seattle: 100 rooms for each of the 3 nights; could have been at least 125Iowa: XXXIn Boston: 125 per night. We could have done 150Negotiate a cutoff date with the hotel after which any unreserved rooms will be released to the hotel and can be reserved at the regular rate by anyone.The number of room nights blocked is an important bargaining chip for the contract in terms of the cost of meeting roomsMay get meeting rooms free (but watch for inflated F&B costs)In Montreal: main meeting room cost $1,200 per day for Friday and Saturday – no other rooms chargesAdditional rental fees would have been charged if 81% of room nights blocked were not used:If 80% of room nights used, additional meeting room rental charge of $600Sliding scale included fees for 70%, 60%, 50%, 40% and an additional $2,100 if 30% or fewer room nights used.In San Diego, meeting room costs were negotiated down even after the contract was signed – use the potential F&B costs to negotiate room prices (remember that service charges also apply to meeting rooms -20% +tax in SD)Deal for free/complementary rooms (Use for invited speakers)In Montreal and San Diego, the hotel offered 1 free room night for every 50 paid room nights (i.e., if 100 rooms reserved each night, 2 free rooms provided)Internet Access is important. It’s best to negotiate as part of the room rate. Should also negotiate for free internet access in all hotel common areas and meeting rooms. 4. Other costs to considerIs there a hotel shuttle from the airport?Parking?Fitness room?Contracting with the Hotel1. SRP treasurer may have history of previous contracts for comparisonKnow names of previous SRP meeting hotels (see meetinglist.doc)2. DepositsIntervalsAt the signing of contractAnywhere from $500 to $2,000not always required at this pointIn Montreal had to pay 50% of F&B 30 days beforeNot always requiredIn 2002: No deposits, just one check at the end3. Food & Beverage TRY to include in contract the stipulation that the prices on the current menus (and service charge fees) are locked in and will be used at the time of the meeting – get a copy of the menuRemember that the F&B amount you contract for DOES NOT include service charges and feesSan Diego: We contracted for $16,000 – actual F&B=$25,4704. Who signs the contract?The hotel may require that it be the treasurerGood idea that the treasurer approve the deal firstDetails to Work Out with the Hotel after Initial ContractMonitoring Hotel Guest Room Registrations1. Start 3 months before (June-July)Send out e-mails to membership to remind them to reserve a room 2. About 1.5 months before (early August)Start communicating frequently with hotel as deadline for blocked rooms approaches (mid-September)Can ask the hotel to send updates via emailConsider making the SRP publisized “official deadline” 1 week prior to the actual deadline at the hotel. Meeting Rooms1. What’s needed when? The hotel will eventually provide you with a stack of BEOs (Banquet Event Orders), or prospectus sheets summarizing each event down to the nth detailsee Details.doc for overview of needs2. For how many people?Theatre (rows of chairs) or classroom (with tables) setup?3. What do you need in the rooms? Water? Hard candy? Podium? Coat rack? Audio-visual?Arrange to have glasses and pitchers of water rather than bottled water; it’s both cheaper and “greener”See F&B section below for detailsRegistration Area1. Setup & timesAvailable Thursday 4:00 – 9:00Start setup 30 minutes before; open ~5:00Things to hand outRegistration formsReceipts for everyone; Treasurer will prepare for pre-payersHave blank receipts to complete for people paying in cashPrinted name tags & plastic holders (don’t assemble the lanyards – takes too much time and they get tangled; let each person do ownBlank name tags and felt pen for onsite registrants ORUse a label maker to create name tags onsiteNotes to members who have requests from students to visit their poster (should be e-mailed in advance – this is a reminder)Meeting programsBanquet ticketsRestaurant listsTourist stuff like maps and guide books; fitness info.2. To have on handPhone & walkie- talkie to reach hotel staff if needed (or use cells – get #s)List of registrants including banquet requestsMember registry Banquet menu (plastified)Fee list (plastified)Cash box or bag with change (AVOID CASH-use check or charge)PensKeep city street finder on hand to help out people looking for a specific addressMasking tape, scissors, paper clips, stapler, paper…3. Signage allowedIf it’s not obvious where registration is, provide for signage to direct people to registration and meeting rooms – check with hotel about what kind and where signage is allowed4. Meeting notice boardAsk the hotel for a corkboard or fabric board so members can post messages, announcements, etc.Food and Beverage1. Remember all F&B carries an additional service charge and taxesUse the possible F&B costs to negotiate meeting room pricesThe more you spend here, the more you can negotiate for discounts Service charges and taxes also apply to meeting room rental fees.TIP: Hotels charge the service charge and then they tax it. So, if the service charge is 20%, and you spend $100, they tax $120.2. In last weeks before conference, go over BEOs (also called prospectus…)Try to sign the BEO as late as possible because it gives you the chance to change the numbers until the last minute – in San Diego, we did not have a final BEO until the Thursday of the conference!A BEO is a list of every event and all of the specifications for each one. This document locks in the numbers of people for each (except maybe the banquet – can add to number after registration). At Iowa, we changed this from Friday morning to Friday afternoon because of heavier onsite registration– every place will be different. Just ask in advance to see what kind of flexibility you may have.Check these carefully as you must sign each page and will be responsible for paying for everything on there. Double check against details.doc. Again, this varies by place: At Iowa, we paid for what we eventually got.Better to guess low than high for number of people to be fed (easier to add people to an event than to take away). Within reason….3. In general, order F&B for about 75% of people expected to be presentBe careful-the hotel will try to do an “automatic refresh” or a “head count”: make sure to tell them to ONLY put out enough food for the contracted number of people and to check with your first before putting out extra food“head count” or “automatic refresh” means they will count how many people they see eating and charge you for that number!The hotel has a vested interest in maintaining a certain level of hospitality, so they always put out more than you orderSan Diego: we ordered food for 185 people, and around 250 showed up! We always seemed to have enough (and lots left over) at all times – the hotel later confided that they put out enough for about 195 people each day as a courtesyRemember that not everyone will attend every event/meal, so don’t panic!You can always add F&B at an a la carte price4. Thursday poster sessionOLD CW: If can afford to provide munchies, go for it.San Diego: We got a lot of positive comments for having sushi and jicama (“you know you’re in California when…”) – it’s nice to start off the conference late on Thursday with some snacks during the first poster session. In the grand scheme ofthings, this was the least expensive day in terms of F&B!NEW CW: Provide food for the poster session: “heavy d’oerves”; many people won’t have time for dinner before the session and having “just munchies” will mean that people will bail early to go eat. Better to have enough to keep them at the poster session.Cash bar5. Continental breakfasts (Friday, Saturday, Sunday)Add variety to daily menusSan Diego: We added a fruit tray to our breakfast buffet for very little and went with a day-long plan that included breakfast, mid-morning refresh, and afternoon snacks that worked out best financially – adding the fruit and an extra mid-afternoon snack choice cost only $2 extra per person6. Morning and afternoon breaksCoffee (regular and decaf) and tea should be availableSoft drinks are a nice touch in afternoonAdditional food at breaks is optionalMorning break: Can keep breakfast leftovers availableAfternoon: Could offer sweets, chips, fruit – alter dailySan Diego: We offered ice cream at the afternoon break one day and it was a HUGE hit. People regressed into childhood and mobbed the ice cream freezer7. The box lunch is a relatively new phenomenon - optionalDepends on program – is there a lunch time event?It needs to be worked into budget (can be expensive) and may need to be sponsored outside of registrationLet people know if there are a lot available or only a fewSan Diego: We made the mistake of saying there were only a few available and then ordering for 90% of the attendees. We assumed people would grab-and-go, but this is not the case. There were 50 left over!Iowa: We asked people to sign up for the lunch on their registration form. There was no extra charge, but that way we know how many to order and people felt some obligation either to stay for the lunch or not depending on what they had signed up for. We added a few extra so people could change their mind and attend, and we had only a handful left over.8. Student SocialExpect anywhere from 30 to 60Schedule to overlap with business meeting so students have something to do during the meetingOpen bar – arrange for drink tickets to be given with student registration?Iowa: We provided each student with tickets for 2 drinks; after that they were on their own!Provide light foodConsider tray passing more expensive hors d’oerves – may be less expensive than ordering a standard cheese or vegetable tray, and it looks fancierSan Diego: The standard cheese tray was $600! We tray passed 3 hot and cold hors d’oeurves (brie en phyllo, mozarella and proscuitto, and boursing cheese mousse -60 of each) for about the same priceTray passing means an attendant carries them around on a tray instead of leaving them out on a table – discourages people from piling a lot of food onto a plate9. Cocktail hourExpect approximately 100 (order for about 90 people)Consider tray passing hot hors d’oeuvres; don’t overdo the food – after all, there’s a banquet coming up!San Diego: May want to consider making this a little longer than 1 hour? People really needed to be herded to dinner towards the end…They really seemed to be enjoying themselves!10. BanquetShould be scheduled Saturday (Friday is Jewish Sabbath)Work out menu at least 6-8 months in advanceYou can schedule a tasting with the hotelSan Diego: I recommend trying the food before you get it. People seemed to enjoy the food when SRP was in San Diego, and we tried almost all of it before putting it on the menu. We scheduled the tasting during lunch – why not kill 2 birds with one stone?If you locked in prices or F&B in the year you signed the contract, get a new menu – some items may no longer be availableCost needs to be covered by ticket (i.e., the banquet needs to pay for itself)San Diego: This is really hard. The banquet cost about $63 per person. People seemed to think this was close enough. In the end, I think the budget was in the black, so it didn’t matter that the banquet costs were a little more than people were paying.Boston: The cost of the banquet was about $100 per person and we were afraid (with good reason) that people would not pay that price, especially when there was good available for cheaper right around the hotel. In this case, we charged $75 for members and $60 for students and covered the cost from other areas of the conference budget. Another issue is that the hotel needs the final number before the beginning of the conference (at least this was the case in Boston). However, many people like to wait to decide until they register (and see who else is going). It’s a good idea to start advertising the banquet early on so that you have a final number before the conference.Cost of ticket and complete menu (with choices) should be available at time registration forms go out to the membershipShould include meal choices including vegetarianLeave place on registration form for people to write in special needs such as kosherKeep cash bar open during banquet (no need to supply wine at tables as part of banquet ticket)You can bring wine in and pay a corkage feeSan Diego: We closed the open bar during the banquet and bought 30 bottles of wine at an averge cost of $10/bottle. The corkage fee was $10/bottle. Total cost was approximately $650. In comparison, the cost to keep the cash bar open would have been about $300. (BTW-the same vintages at the hotel started at $38/bottle!) Waiters corked the wine as they went, so we only paid corkage fees on the bottles they opened.Iowa City – same as San Diego and it worked out fine, we thought.Minneapolis – Radisson wanted an $18 corkage fee.If do provide wine through hotel, tell hotel how many bottles maximum are included in dealIn Montreal we specified ‘2 bottles per table’ but the waiters kept handing out more bottles!Find out from Program chairman what is happening during banquet e.g., Zubin award winner sometimes speaks, Smadar-Levine award presentationIs A-V needed? Ask program chairMay want to consider a riser and a podium if require AV for speeches, etc.No head table neededHave tickets for Smadar-Levine runners-up and/or winnerAssure that winners and advisors will be there by informing their advisors and having advisors notify the students. Tell them to keep mum.The S-L committee chair prepares the plaque/certificate for the winners – be sure that s/he knows that. At both San Diego and Iowa, we prepared the certificates with a blank space for the name for the presentation at the banquet, and then had the winners’ names calligraphied on the certificate afterwards. For a plaque, they have to be engraved after the meeting.In 2003 there was discussion of ‘revamping’ the banquet to make it more enjoyable & more affordable:Could the cost be included in the registration fee so that everyone attends, including students?Would a buffet be less expensive?San Diego: On the advice of hotel staff, we avoided buffet. They warned us that buffet is generally not less expensive, because there is no way to control portion sizes. In addition, the buffet meals were more expensive than 2 of the choices we offered for dinner (the least expensive buffet was $44, our most expensive option was $48 – the filet mignon) At Iowa, a buffet table was much cheaper than served meal because of the labor-cost difference, and the food was better, too; there was more variety, and it takes less time than serving (plus there’s the option of seconds!) Could the meal be followed by entertainment such as music and dancing?This would give members and students chance to have fun togetherThere was some mention of moving the banquet to a lunchtime buffet to keep cost downDown side is that it packs a long day – people need time to go out and walk around at lunch time before returning to meetingsThe momentum for partying together is lost if done at lunch10. Board MeetingsThursday: order coffee, snacksSunday morning: order breakfast (for about 8-12 people)Advertising the MeetingNoteSRP has tradition of keeping organization and meeting relatively small: therefore no mass advertising to recruit new members is usually doneWhat to Tell’Em and When1. Be sure to say not only dates of meeting, but start and end times (for people booking flights)2. At the preceding year’s SRPAllow non-members to sign up to be on mailing listOr have e-mail address on registration formHave registration form for non-member registrants on siteNOTE: This has become less important as the website has developed.3. E-mails to the membership6 months before meeting with registration form Must organize with treasurer and program chairInclude complete menu for the banquet including menu choices (unless you go with buffet)When the web site is ready with detailsAbout 1 month before to remind membership about hotel registration – work around deadline for blocked hotel roomsRegistration fees should cover the cost of the conference (A-V, F&B, etc), so it is helpful to know how much money you have in the bank (i.e. paid registrations) *before* you need to make the final Food & Beverage decisions (which is usually 3 days before the conference). It is difficult to estimate how many onsite registrations you will have, so it makes life easier for the local host if everyone registers ahead of time. Work with the Secretary and others to make announcements and encourage people to register prior to the meeting.Work with the board to identify the appropriate registration fees that will cover the cost of the conference. We needed to increase registration fees by ~%50 to cover the cost of the Boston conference. There has been discussion about ways to handle the different costs across cities. Talk to the Board about the current thinking on this.The Web Site1. Where and how administeredNow administered through SRP – Aaron Burke (now Shaun Eack)administrator 2. ContentsSend files to SRP secretarySend as Word/WordPerfect fileBasic meeting informationDates of meeting including start and end times (i.e., Thursday evening until Sunday 11:00/noon?)Location of meeting including address / phone number of hotelMeeting registrationHotel reservation informationTravel options (by air, train, bus, car)Map (link to )Driving instructionsFrom train/bus station, major highways, etc. How to get from airportHow much a typical cab ride/limo/shuttle would costCosts of shuttle (Hotel shuttle? If so, how to get) Phone number(s) of shuttle company/iesPublic transportation? If so, directions/instructions to useDriving instructions from airport Information for presentersOral Presentations: What A-V will be available?A-V tech people to help if problems? Cost? (IA: Worth every cent!)PowerPoint is the normCan presenters bring their own computer?Policy on when to provide program chair with PowerPoint presentation if using hotel computerPoster Presentations: Size and orientation of boards Velcro or push pins? Who provides? SRP? Poster company?Times to install and remove postersInformation on nearby business centers (photocopies, overheads, poster printing, etc.)Tourist infoLinks to tourist sites, web cams, etc.Likely temperatures and weatherMajor events happening during the meetingEx.: concerts/ shows requiring advanced ticket reservationLocal tipping customs if different from the normList of movies and books set in your city for sightseeing toursProgram Including time and place of registrationNames and location of meeting roomsMap of hotel facilitiesSan Diego: We found a PDF on the hotel website and included it in the program. It seemed to make finding meeting rooms in the hotel easier IA: Same here.The BudgetWhose Responsibility?Easiest for the local arrangement team to make sure that conference breaks evenThere is a small cushion in SRP account if problems arise Work with treasurer and program chair to account for all costs and creditsElements of the BudgetSee summaries of 1999 and 2002 budgets in appendix getting out of dateCosts of previous meetingsAsk current treasurerUseful Excel files from previous meetings (available from treasurer)sSRP_Meeting_Budget.xls is a ‘blank’ worksheet (some number entered to illustrate)Srp99.xls shows Montreal 1999 budgetBudget for SRP 2002.xls shows San Francisco 2002 budgetSan Diego 2006: srp2006.budget.xls5. CostsMeeting roomsSan Diego: Costs for the meeting rooms can be renegotiated up to days before the conference! If you decide to increase the room block, you can pre-negotiate that the cost of rooms will be less. We negotiated thousands off the cost of rooms, sometimes using the logic that we need more rooms, so the whole lot should cost less (I know it’s somewhat faulty). One room was initially $3000, negotiated down to $1500 (reason: initial room to small, new room too pricey, SRP cheap and small), then $900 (reason: more people coming, more F&B will be ordered, SRP cheap and small), and finally, $500 (reason: LOTS more people coming, LOTS more F&B will be ordered, SRP cheap and small)!Iowa – Rooms were free if we bought certain amount of F&B, which was no problem.Food and BeveragePrices are generally non-negotiable – try to lock in rates when you sign the contract and include this provision in the contractAudio-visualOrder both Macs and PC laptops for presentations – get a “switcher” so people can easily switch formats between talksIf the AV company is onsite, ask if a technician is necessary in the room for AV emergenciesIf the AV company is onsite but an independent contractor, the hotel may try to charge the service fee for hotel services! Try to get the AV company to bill you directly, because if you are billed for AV through the hotel, it will cost an extra 20%.ASK FOR A DISCOUNTSan Diego: We asked, and got 33% (~$1700!) off the initially contracted items. Be VERY careful about ‘webinar’ technologies. Band width restrictions created big problems in Seattle.Poster boardsALWAYS more expensive than you think they will beAsk if they provide pushpinsSan Diego: We asked, they provided them!IA: We provided them – tacked up plastic cups with pins in themProgram printingConsider using ?” binders to hold the program togetherConsider using campus printing service – you get a discount for bulk printingSan Diego: We used the campus printing service and it cost half of what Kinko’s wanted to charge. We also used binders ($.69-1.39 each from Office Max) to keep the programs and local info together because it was cheaper than binding through the printing service ($2.00 each)BUT a lot of people don’t like the bulkiness of notebooksStationary, name tags, etcSan Diego: We ordered a lot of this stuff online – the name tag holders came in bulk (250) from a different place than the inserts (300) – cost=$.43 eachBanquet: must pay for itselfSmadar Levin award winners from this and last yearThis year’s winner’s banquetLast year’s winner’s registration & hotelInvited speakers from out of town incl. Zubin award winnerHonoraria for invited speakers: $500 - $1,000There are guidelines for program chair regarding honorariaHotel and travel costs for invited speakersProgram chair should make clear to speaker what conditions (coach, not 1st class, reasonable cost airfare (spend a Saturday night?)6. RevenuesRegistrations# of registrations: varies from 110 – 250 (averages about 180—going up)On site registrations hover around 35-50 peopleSee numbers in appendixPotential for some profit from banquet San Diego: Good luck with making money on this one!Advertising in programSell ads to local book store, text book publishers, etc.In past, have sold for $200 (quarter page), $300 (half-page), and $500 (full page)University conference organization grantUnrestricted educational grants from pharmaceutical companies obtained by members of the Development CommitteeLiaison with the TreasurerAdvances or reimbursements?Usually local person pays, gets reimbursed from treasurerTIP: The treasurer has a credit card that can be used for purchases!For Montreal meeting, we set up a local bank account with large advance from SRP so that we could write checks in Canadian fundsAt Iowa: We set up account through Psychology Department so we could charge everything and then SRP reimbursed when all was over.Monitoring the number of registrationsPreparing name badgesGet list of registrants from treasurerSan Diego: This is really difficult. The numbers kept growing, especially in the last few days. We had extra programs printed, and it still wasn’t enough! Estimate 35-50 on-site registrants and hope for the best. IA: AGREED !Monitoring banquet choicesThe hotel likes to have an idea of how many chicken, fish, vegetarian, etc. as early as possible (but number is often finalized Friday at noon)San Diego: In our situation they wanted the final numbers for the BEOs 3 days before each event, but, even for the banquet, you can add about 10 dinners and they won’t make a fussWho staffs the registration desk?Local host student-power is the normPeople whose membership will be voted on in Thursday executive board meeting can register at member rate if they pay the dues – amount to same price or close.The Scientific ProgramLiaison with the Program Chairman1. Start and end times in meeting rooms Don’t start too early (8:00 a.m. Friday is rather early for people arriving late the night before)Don’t end too late: beware of evening weddings and receptions… Check with hotel2. How many posters will there be at each session?Plan out poster room on paper leaving about 8-10 foot aisles between poster boards (see space needs)May need to consider using single sided boards (cheaper than double sided) against the wallsIf space is restricted, cConsider 4’x6’ boards (instead of 4’x8’ boards)3. Audio-visual requirements for speakersArrange time and means for getting speakers’ PowerPoint presentations on computer in timeHave all files on desktop by nameSan Diego: Almost impossible to get al the presentations beforehand. We only got abut 20%, and most of those people made changes to their presentations and uploaded new talks! Make sure there is enough time between presentations (during breaks) for people to upload their talks.Make sure that there is a switch box for those who want to use own computerSan Diego: Best NOT to let people hook up their own computers. Things went smoothly for us in terms of time management because presenters were asked to upload their presentations to the computers already hooked up via a USB drive or disk.Have phone extension (walkie-talkie is better) for A-V people in event of crisis.San Diego: We originally arranged for an AV person to be in the room in case of AV emergency, but later learned that they respond within mnutes of being paged by the operator. This worked out GREAT.Exchange cell phone numbers with all key people4. Arrange for welcoming remarksLocal host and SRP presidentWill your department chairperson be vexed if not asked??Printing of the program: locally is more efficient (see notes under budget)Social and Leisure1. Preparing a guide to give out at registrationArea lunch spotsGive small number of suggestions within walking distance of meetingDescribe type of food and priceDinner suggestionsGive small number of recommendationsGive address and estimated distance from meetingInclude phone number for reservationsNeighborhood map to help people find your lunch spots (available from hotel)Night spots (especially jazz & dancing!)Give a recommended rendezvous spot for each evening (Thursday, Friday, Saturday)Tourism suggestionsPublic transportation (metro map…)Running trails2. Have tourist guides on hand at registrationBefore the Meeting: Preparation ChecklistName badges & checklists of registrantsTreasurer provides names of people who have registered, and their ‘affiliation’ to be put on name badge. (Can also get list from hotel of reservations, but that is not very reliable) List of members to check member statusDon’t forget about the invited speakers and Zubin award winnerProgramsExtra schedulesSocial-Leisure guideBanquet ticketsSan Diego: We had the hotel prepare these for us, and tucked them into the badges of people who prepaid for the banquetTreasurer provides banquet choices with registrant listsPoster numbers this is easy to forget, so don’t !CE materialsSign in/out sheetsCE certificatesSigns (ex: A-F pre-registrations, on-site registration, etc.)Extra pens (can ask the hotel for some)Member Survey, if have oneOptional: “Welcome” slide show(s) to play as people arrive in morning and after lunchOptional: Message bulletin boardSan Diego: We got this from the hotel, but I wish we had a poster or banner made for the bulletin boardDuring the MeetingStaffing6-8 helpers are usually enough to cover the meeting and be able to trade off in order to attend some sessionsHelpers get free registrationRegistration deskThursday evening: at least 4 peopleFriday morning: 4 peopleFriday afternoon through Saturday noon: 2 people sufficient; good to have at least 2, in case an errand needs running (+ they keep each other company)SignageIf the directions to the meeting rooms are not well marked, ask student volunteers to hang large, clear homemade signs.Audio-visualAssign one helper at a time to be available near podium to help with any A-V needs (should have walkie-talkie/cell phone to call for help)Lighting/room temperatureKeep one helper near light switches to adjust lighting if necessaryProvide thermometer to monitor temperature in room and be able to adjust if too hot or cold.CatastrophiesCatastrophesInsist on getting a Walkie-Talkie (or get cellphone numbers) from hotel in order to reach hotel and A-V staff in a crisis ORSave the money and use cell phone, but be sure there’s coverage in the hotel (a problem in Seattle)San Diego: One of the benefits of having the AV company onsite at the hotel is that they were easily accessible. *Our favorite anxiolytics & anti-stress techniques0.5 mg of ativan before bedtimeWarm milk with honey (and a shot of rum?!)Imagine your favorite past-president in the altogetherMake up humorous PowerPoint slides for welcoming remarksCommiserate with previous local arrangement organizersWine. Lots of it. (brandy will do….)Etcetera, etcetera, etceteraAppendicesHotel information sheet for checking out potential hotelsRecord of number of registrants for meetings held 1997-2002Sample budgets from Montreal (1999) and San Francisco (2002)Attached Files – these have disappeared along the wayExcelSRP_Meeting_Budget.xls is a ‘blank’ worksheet (some number entered to illustrate)Srp99.xls shows Montreal 1999 budgetBudget for SRP 2002.xls shows San Francisco 2002 budgetsrp hotel overview sheet.xls is Sheri Johnson’s comparison of potential hotels in MiamiMS Worddetails.doc is a table summarizing all of the events, space needs, and other detailshelpsched.doc is a sample helper schedule from MontrealSRP Hotel Information.doc is a sample worksheet for contacting candidate hotelsSRP 2002: SAN FRANCISCOHOTEL INFORMATION SHEETNeeded:Thursday evening, Sunday morning (posters)2500-3000 sq. ftThursday evening, Sunday morning Board/meeting roomFriday, Saturday all day ( 8am - 5pm)Classroom style (n = 250)Friday OR Saturday eveningBanquet (n = 100)HOTEL: ADDRESS : PHONE: CONTACT PERSON: AVAILABILITY:1ST CHOICEOctober 3-6 2ND CHOICESept 26-29 3RD CHOICEOctober 10-13 4TH CHOICEOctober 17-20 5th CHOICESept 19-22 AVAILABLE ROOMS AND DIMENSIONSPoster Sessions Papers Board Banquet COST OF MEETING ROOMS: ROOM RATES DEPOSIT(S) CANCELLATION FOOD & BEVERAGEThursday reception - cash bar, snacks? 3 Continental breakfasts 2 Morning coffee breaks 2 Afternoon snack breaks Banquet AUDIO-VISUAL SERVICESMicrophones Overhead projector Slide Projector Computer Projector Registration numbers for SRP meetings 1997 - 2006PreregisterOn-siteTotalPalm Springs (1997)14239181Boston (1998)17071241Montreal (1999)15231183Boulder (2000)14144185Madison (2001)12248170San Francisco (2002)12757184Toronto (2003)13141172St. Louis (2004)19237229San Diego (2006)22136257Iowa (2007)SRP 1999 MontrealExchange rates0.678744Budget1.47331Draft: December 7, 1999BestEstimate:??Expenses??CanadianU.S.$Posters1 9841347CME accreditationPrograms524356Audio-Visual 1111754Web site1100747February flyers302205Name tags & misc. stationary445302Honorarium for Terman737500Honorarium for Petrides737500Zubin HonorariumUS:10001473Cdn14731000HotelTravelBanquetTotalTerman046165.40527527357Beck078565.40851851577Smadar winner49565.405605603804 runners up: 4 registrationsHelpers: Banquet6times65.40392266Standard10 7437292Hotel Food and Beverage including service and tax134179107Banquet (total minus 6 helpers):8465.4054933729Meeting rooms including taxes29331991Adjustments after final bill: cost less than expected-1511-1026Total Expenses 31 075 $ 21 092 $ REVENUESPre-Registration/banquet: U.S.2003013595Registration and Banquet: On-site Canadian21011426On-site U.S.41792985Conference Grant1000679Bookstore ad400271O'Hara's advertising1300US:191513002 free hotel rooms for invited speakers002962520256Tax rebates (Possible…):17281173Total 31 352 $ 21 429 $ Total Revenues 31 352 $ 21 280 $ Total Expenses 31 075 $ 21 092 $ Net 277 $ 188 $ CdnUSSuzanne KingSRP 2002 San FranciscoBudgetDraft: September 28, 2002??Expenses?MontrealDiffPrograms and materials$1 157.14$1 000.00$57.00Audio-Visual including posters$12 404.53$3 095.00$9 309.53Hotel Food and Beverage including service and tax $16 474.24$13 417.00$3 057.24Banquet $3 636.04$5 885.00-$2 248.96Meeting rooms including taxes $1 549.38$2 761.00-$1 211.62Estimated Total Expenses $35 221.33$26 158.00$7 393.00 REVENUESPre-Registration $21 455.00Registration and Banquet: On-site Thursday$5 875.00 Friday$1 270.00Saturday$100.00Estimated Total Revenue$28 700.00NET LOSS-$6 521.33 Expenses added later:Friday Lunch$4 281.00Additional A/V at banquet$658.49total added expenses$4 939.49Net loss w/o addt'l expenses:$1 581.84*note - poster boards more than expected - we paid $83/board; was expecting ~ $60this would have saved us ~$1400Ann Kring2007 Iowa CityBreakout by expense typeCost Subtotals Materials $390.95 ?? $1,692.80 $2,083.75 Equipment Posterboards (incl. labor) $539.00 ?Rental AV Equipment-Friday $105.00 ?? AV Equipment-Sat. $105.00 ?? AV Equip--Breakout Room-Sat. $80.00 ?? AV Equip--Banquet $80.00 $909.00 Food Board Meeting Food $59.50 ?? Poster Session Catering-Thurs. $2,299.68 ?? Breakfast-Friday $1,915.63 ?? Box Lunch-Friday $1,374.45 ?? P.M. break-Friday $877.63 ?? Student Social Catering $738.10 ?? Breakfast-Sat. $2,181.60 ?? P.M. break-Saturday $847.88 ?? Banquet $4,007.33 ?? Breakfast-Board-Sun. $124.06 ?? Breakfast-Sun. $1,578.75 $16,004.61 Labor Poster Session Setup-Thurs. $30.00 ?? Room set-up & service-Friday $377.50 ?? AV Personnel-Friday $135.00 ?? Room Set-up & services-Sat $377.50 ?? AV Personnel-Sat. $135.00 $1,055.00 Room Room Charges-Thurs. included ?? Room Charges-Friday Included ?? Student Social Room Charge Included ?? Room Charges-Saturday Included ?? Breakout Room Charges-Sat. Included ?? Banquet Room Charge Included ?? Room Charges-Sun. Included -- Service Non-food Service Charge $299.97 $299.97 ? TOTAL $20,352.33 $20,352.33 ................

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