Communications Message/Slogan

Care Today – Character Tomorrow

Mission Statement

“To provide support, resources, and educational, leadership, cultural, and specialized training for NAJA members in order to optimize community service by NAJA Chapters.”

Branding Elements

o These are the official NAJA logos that can be found online at . Click on “Logos” and download.


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o “Times New Roman” with all capitalized letters is the preferred method of font and use when spelling out National Association of Junior Auxiliaries (Inc.) or NAJA.

o NAJA’s official corporate colors are Pantone Reflex Blue and Pantone 123 C (yellow-gold).

o When using a crown to symbolize NAJA or your local Junior Auxiliary program, be sure to use a crown with 5 points. The 5-pointed crown symbolizes the five virtues of JA: Charity, Youth, Health, Community Service and Leadership.

o By May 2016, all Chapters are required to have NAJA approved service attire to be worn at Chapter service projects. Wearing service attire helps distinguish your Chapter's members and projects from other organizations in your community. When people and businesses in your community see the great projects you are doing while wearing your Service Attire, they know immediately that is a Junior Auxiliary project. Today we are competing with other non-profits for members and donations. Service Attire helps promote your Chapter through its good works. The NAJA service attire policy stated below can be found in the NAJA Handbook.

Junior Auxiliary Chapters must have standard service attire of either a smock, apron, t-shirt, or collared shirt that is Pantone Reflex Blue or white in color. Service attire must use a version of the official NAJA logo or crown symbol that are found on the website in white, Pantone 123 C (yellow-gold) or Pantone Reflex Blue.  Service attire must be approved by the NAJA Executive Committee.  The Chapter name must be stated with Junior Auxiliary listed first followed by the name of the city, county, or parish.   Inclusion of the state's name is optional.  The font color must correspond with the color of the crown or logo used.  Font style is not dictated.   Chapter members are encouraged to wear their service attire at all service projects to promote and develop the JA brand among all Chapters and members.  Basic smocks, aprons, t-shirts, and collared shirts in Pantone Reflex Blue are available for purchase from the NAJA store. Service attire ordered from the NAJA Store does not require Executive Committee approval.


o Please keep in mind, however, that our NAJA "brand" is more than a logo or image. Our brand embodies the identity of our Association and encompasses our mission, values, and distinctive activities. Our NAJA brand reflects the image held in the mind of our members, our donors, other supporters, and those we seek to influence, assist, and reach.

Differences in Junior Achievement, Junior Auxiliaries and Junior Leagues:

o Junior Achievement is dedicated to educating students about work readiness, entrepreneurship and financial literacy through experiential, hands-on programs. Junior Achievement programs help prepare young people for the real world by showing them how to generate wealth and effectively manage it, how to create jobs which make their communities more robust, and how to apply entrepreneurial thinking to the workplace.

o Junior League – Junior League is an international organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women and improving communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable. Although both Junior Auxiliary and Junior League are organizations of women involved in their communities, its missions are different.  Junior Auxiliary’s primary focus is to develop hands on service projects to improve the lives of children in its community. Junior League’s primary focus is community improvement by developing women leaders who partner and provide support to community agencies that already have projects established. 

NAJA Acronyms:

NAJA = National Association of Junior Auxiliaries, Inc.

JA = usually refers to a Chapter or member

AEC = Annual Education Conference

EC = Executive Committee

BOD = Board of Directors

ASR = Annual Standards Review (usually refers to ASR plus all supporting


ED = Executive Director

CSC = Chapter Support Coordinator

CDC = Chapter Development Coordinator

MVP = Marketing Vice-President

PR = usually refers to Public Relations Committee

NF = National Focus

NSP = National Service Project


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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