A Program of the United States Department of State’s ...

Developing 21st Century Skills for Globalizing English as a Foreign Language (EFL) ClassroomsA Program of the United States Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs Office of English Language Programs and implemented in cooperation with FHI 360Program dates: February 23 – March 16, 2019 Program OverviewThis teacher exchange program is intended for international university level English language educators and teacher trainers to exchange perspectives and experiences on English language instruction, curricula, trends, and developments. The participants of this program will attend a two-week professional development program at a U.S. host university and then will travel to Atlanta, Georgia to attend a week-long program organized in conjunction with the 2019 International TESOL Convention.The two-week academic exchange program is designed around the theme of Developing 21st Century Skills for Globalizing English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Classrooms with an emphasis on incorporating culture as a core element of language learning; using technology to connect classrooms; and teaching EFL with a focus on service learning, democracy and tolerance. Activities during the program will include, but may not be limited to: Experiential learning and interactive workshop sessions with practical application and relevance to the participants’ local context; Site visits and active participation in local high school, community college and university classroom settings (if class is in session), and/or community organizations/partners offering English language programs to diverse audiences; Meetings with students, teachers and educators focusing on the development of English language programs in relation to workshop topics; Cultural excursions that are designed to enhance the participants’ understanding of U.S. culture and values; and A culminating project that showcases the participants acquired knowledge and demonstrates their commitment to implement these new strategies upon their return to their home countries. Participants will have the opportunity to present their project to their peers and workshop facilitators to cultivate constructive feedback. During the program organized in conjunction with the 2019 International TESOL Convention, participants will have the opportunity to participate in the following activities: An orientation session that allows the participants to meet with other international participants and program staff, receive program specific information, and learn more about the TESOL convention; Half-day sightseeing tour in Atlanta, Georgia; Site visit to local secondary school and interactions with U.S. teachers; Roundtable discussions with educators, administrators, and English Language Fellow alumni; and TESOL International Convention, March 12 - 15, 2019 Following the scholarship, participants will be expected to share the information acquired with colleagues in their own communities and send a report on the outcome.Eligibility & Selection CriteriaIs a current university level English language educator or teacher trainer who trains future or present EFL classroom teachers Has a minimum English language proficiency equivalent to a B1 as outlined in the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) of Languages. Lives in, works in, and is a citizen of EgyptHas advanced knowledge of TESOL principles and practices Has a passion for ELT and at least 5 years’ experience in the fieldHas a track record of helping other teachersDoes not have any existing health issues that may prevent them from traveling.Application ProcessIf you are interested and eligible, kindly complete the application form, a copy of your passport, and submit to SoudanHE@ and ElitribyB@. Applications must be fully complete and submitted by?October 20, 2018. ?Incomplete or late applications will not be considered.ApplicationPersonal Information and Biography Form:Name (*exactly as it appears on your passport)First/Given names:Family name/Surname:CountryCountry of Citizenship:Country of Legal Residence: Date of Birth MM/DD/YYYPlace of BirthCity of Birth: Country of Birth:Gender □ Male □ FemaleNumber of Years Teaching EFL Highest Level of Education Contact InformationPlease provide your complete contact information below.Name: _______________________________________________City, Country, and Postal Code: _______________________________________________ Phone Number (country code and number): _______________________________________________E-mail address: _______________________________________________ (please use a valid email that all program documents and correspondence can be received and sent from)Education & Qualification:DateEducation & Qualification Professional Background:Current position (Please specify name of institution and starting date.)Starting datePosition and institutional affiliation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Previous positions (Please provide dates starting with most recent and working back.)DatesPosition and institutional affiliation from ----------- to ---------------------------------------------------------------------------from ----------- to ---------------------------------------------------------------------------from ----------- to ---------------------------------------------------------------------------from ----------- to ---------------------------------------------------------------------------from ----------- to ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Statement of Interest:What do you believe are the 8-10 most important things you teach in your classes? (100 words minimum)What do you think the 21st Century Skills for English teachers would be? (100 words minimum)Why do you think it’s important for English teachers to be updated with the latest trends in teaching? (100 words minimum)How will participation in this program change your professional life? (100 words minimum)Why are you a good candidate for this program? (100 words minimum) ................

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