

2009 CCA Review Guide Errata

|Page |Question |Comments |

| | |Medical Science |

|81 |17 |Correct option D to read: either staphylococcus or streptococcus |

|96 | |Correct answer: D |

| | |Two types of bacteria cause impetigo — Staphylococcus aureus (staph), which is most common, and Streptococcus pyogenes (strep). Both types of |

| | |bacteria can live harmlessly on your skin until they enter through a cut or other wound and cause an infection. |

|88 |60 |The most common bloodborne infection in the United States is |

| | |Typographical error: change “State” to “States. |

|96 |65 |Correct answer: D |

|164 |83 |Correct Answer is: D |

| | |Information on vaginitis to support answer in book. |

| | |The most common types of vaginitis are: |

| | |Bacterial vaginosis. This type of vaginitis results from overgrowth of one of several organisms normally present in your vagina, upsetting the |

| | |natural balance of vaginal bacteria. |

| | |Yeast infections. A naturally occurring fungus called Candida albicans usually causes this type of vaginitis. An estimated three out of four |

| | |women will have a yeast infection in their lifetimes. |

| | |Trichomoniasis. This type is caused by a parasite and is commonly transmitted by sexual intercourse. |

| | |Atrophic vaginitis. This type results from reduced estrogen levels after menopause. The vaginal tissues become thinner and drier, which may |

| | |lead to itching, burning or pain. |

| | |ICD-9-CM |

|135 |2 |Answer “B” should read: B: 038.11, V09.0, 707.03, 995.92, 785.52, 707.20, 38.93, 00.11 |

|141 |39 |Answer “D” should read: D: 410.41, 414.00, 427.31 |

|144 |59 |Answer “C” should read: C: 403.90, 250.41, 585.9, V58.67 |

|148 |88 |Answer “D” should read: D: 771.82, 041.4 |

| | |ICD-9-CM |

|154 |115 |Question should read: |

| | |The patient has hypertensive heart disease and nephrosclerosis with end stage renal disease. |

2009 CCA Review Guide Errata


|Page |Question |Comments |

|162 |138 |Add codes to box: |

| | |250.32 Diabetes mellitus with other coma, type II or unspecified type, uncontrolled |

| | |250.52 Diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic manifestations, type II or unspecified type, uncontrolled |

| | | |

| | |Answer option “C” should read: C: 250.32, 250.52, 366.41 |

|186 | |Explanation should read: Diabetic ketoacidosis by definition is uncontrolled. |

|166 |148 |Correct option for code 303.90 in box: 303.90 Other and unspecified alcohol dependence, unspecified |

| | |Add option for code 303.91 in box: 303.91 Other and unspecified alcohol dependence, continuous |

| | |Answer “C” should read 303.90, 535.30, 94.61 |

| | | |

| | |Add explanation to answer key: The term “continuous” refers to daily intake of large amounts of alcohol, or regular heavy drinking on |

| | |weekends or days off. The coder should not assume to use the fifth digit 1 unless documented as continuous. |

|192 | | |

| | |CPT Coding |

|193-194 |10-18 |Questions from anesthesia need to have “anesthesia for” added at the beginning of the question on the interactive CD so that students know |

| | |use the anesthesia code. |

|203 |72 |Answer “A” should read: A: 43260, 43262, 43264 |

|217 |117 |Answer “D” should read: D: 59300 |

|220 |186 |Last sentence of question should read: The decubitus ulcer was debrided down to the bone. |

| | | |

| | |Add code option 707.20 to option box: 707.20 Pressure ulcer unspecified stage |

| | |Answer “C” should read: C: 250.80, 707.06, 707.20, 11044 |

|222 |191 |Add code option -25 to code box: -25 Significant, separately identifiable evaluation and management service by the same physician on the same|

| | |day of the procedure or other service. |

| | |Answer “D” should read: D: 841.9, E927.2, 99281-25, 73080 |

2009 CCA Review Guide Errata


|Page |Question |Comments |

|224 |193 |Add option -59 to code option box: -59 Distinct procedural service |

| | |Answer “B” should read: B: 727.61, 29826-59, 23412 |

| | | |

|239 | |Add to answer explanation: Modifier -59 must be added to code 29826 because it is a component of comprehensive procedure 23412. That is |

| | |allowed if an appropriate modifier is used per NCCI edits. |

|236 |231 |Correction: Codes in answer A should read: 44203, 44213 |

| | |Answer D is correct. |

|236 |232 | Laryngoscopic submucosal removal of non-neoplastic lesion of the vocal cord with graft reconstruction. An operating microscope was used. |

| | |Correction: First word in question should be: Laryngoscopic. |

|242 |119 |When tubal ligation is performed at the same time as hysterotomy, use 58611 in addition to 59100 |

| | |Medical Billing and Reimbursement Systems |

|250 |39 |Please omit using this question. |

|267 |34 |Correct answer: A |

| | |CCA Mock Examination |

|291 |54 |Answer D should read: 29881-LT |

|307 | |Answer Key: add REFERENCE for “CPT Assistant, April 2005, p 14” |

|292 |59 |Correct second code in answer D to read: 553.20 |

|294 |82 |Corrected answer B should read: 276.51, 584.9, 403.90, 585.9 |

|312 | |Corrected answer Key for question 82 should read: 82. B |

| | |References for the CCA Mock Examination |

|317 | |Update access date to 7-21-09 |


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