
Teacher Conference Scheduler Setup and UseThe teacher conference scheduler is a feature that allows parents to sign up for conference slots using Family Access. The teacher conference scheduler also allows for the teachers to be able to view and maintain their schedule during conference time. This document is a great starting point for setting up and using the conference scheduler. The document is designed to cover all stages of the Teacher Conference Scheduler. Administration Application: Time Slots do not need to be mass generated by the teachers only, the time slots can also be generated for the Teachers in Student Management – Staff- Staff- Setup – Utilities- Mass Create Teacher Conference Time Slots. The Teacher Conferences can be maintained and scheduled within the Staff Browse (Staff- Staff). Find your staff member, expand their record out and the Conferences can be maintained from here. Teacher Setup & application: Add the My Conference Schedule to the Teacher’s Security Group. The Menu Path the teachers need access to is- Web Applications- Educator Access Plus- Teacher Access- My Conference Scheduler.This view is from the My Conference Scheduler in Teacher Access, from here the teacher can Add and Maintain their conferences. The teacher can Mass Add his/her own time slots to their conferences. Or the teacher can individually add time slots to their Parent – Teacher conference area. Once the time slots are added, the teachers can add guardians/maintain the guardians that will be in attendance. They can expand out a course or use the Any Class options to maintain the guardian information. Or Teachers can edit the time slots to make some longer than others. The teacher can select Add Guardians, select the course and the student. Then select the guardian or guardians that will be attending this conference. Teachers can setup “Do No Schedule Times” to make sure that they can block off time for lunch or prep time during teacher conferences. (Note: I would recommend setting up the “Do No Schedule Times” before running the Mass Create Times Slots Utilities.) Teachers can select a course, then select the Roster Button. The Roster will show the teacher what students have had parents sign up for conferences and which students have not. The teacher can also add conferences times from here as well. Teachers can also edit the conference times, make if the parents attended also add Additional Attendees. The teacher can see what conferences have already been scheduled and can add notes to the conferences. These notes can display in Family Access, if the teacher wishes for them to remain private, he/she should select the Protect Note option. Teachers can use the My Calendar area to see what conferences have been scheduled, to schedule conferences with parents during open slots, to add new time slots or to delete time slots. The red color is scheduled conferences while the green color is for available conference slots.The teachers can also run a Conference Report to see exactly what their conference schedule looks like. The report will display the time, it will indicate the course the time slot is related, the student and the guardians who have signed up for that time slot. Family Access Setup & Application: Enable Family Access Conferences to allow Parents/Guardians to sign up for conferences with teachers. This is enable in – Families- Family Access- Setup – Entity Configuration – select edit next to Conferences – we want to enabled the application. We can setup a scheduling window. The start and end date of the window are when parents will be able to sign up for conferences. The Conference Date range is the date range that the conferences will be held. When parents log into Family Access they can go to – Conferences – and select All Conferences. Here they will see all the course that they can sign up for teacher conferences. The parent can click on “Select a Time” and select from the available conferences slots available for that teachers. The parents can view all scheduled conferences ................

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