
Algebra 1 Syllabus

Teacher: Mr. Fowler

Room Number: 2120

Email address: fowlerb@

Conference Period: 6th Period 12:50 pm - 1:30pm (by appointment)


- Website:


• 3-ring binder or folder that is ONLY for math

• Dividers

• Loose leaf notebook paper

• Pencils

I have a class set of TI-nspire cx graphing calculators that students will be able to use in class. (You might want to purchase one to use at home.)

Grading (see pages 24-25 in Parent/Student Handbook)

- All grades will be posted online on Skyward and can be accessed by all students and parents by looking for the link below on any of the above websites or the district and school website.

Link: (there is also a skyward app for your phone)

- There are two categories for grades:

Daily* (homework and in class assignments) 40%

Tests* 60%


*Some grades may be dropped at the end of each term based on teacher discretion.

- Students will lose points on all late assignments. (10 points per day)

- Students can correct ALL assignments to a 100. (points lost for being late are forever lost)

To Do Corrections: students must create problems similar to the ones they missed and show how to work them out correctly.

- If a student fails a test, students will be able to take a retest and earn up to a 70%.

To retake a test:

- Students must attend tutorials at least one time to prepare for the retest.

- Students must bring the completed review for that test.

- Students must not have any 0’s for the Unit.

Students MUST ask to make up assignments and tests within ONE WEEK of the grade being returned/posted on skyward. (pages 19- 21 in Parent/Student Handbook)

Attendance (see pages 29-34 in Parent/Student Handbook)

- Students returning from an absence must submit the absence excuse note to the office within 3 school days (see page 33 for the required information in each note)

- To receive credit in a class, students must attend at least 90 percent of the days the class is offered. (page 31).

- Students have one class day per excused absence day to complete make-up assignments.

It is the responsibility of the student to request any make-up work that is missed while absent. (page 19-20)


1. Be prepared and ready to learn!! Bring your binder and a PENCIL to class every day.

2. Students caught cheating will receive a zero in their grade book. Please see pages 36-37 in the Parent/Student handbook for a complete list of consequences.

3. Freshman can earn exemptions for this final exam at the end of the SPRING semester.

- No more than 4 absences that semester (includes excused, unexcused, and medical)

- Must have a semester grade average of an 80 or above

- Cannot have been assigned any type of suspension or ALA and no outstanding office detentions

- Must be clear of all fines and fees.

- See pages 22-24 in the Parent/Student handbook for a complete list of exemption criteria.


1. Respect

- Respect for the teacher, other students, and school property.

2. NO ELECTRONIC DEVICES (except for a calculator).

- If electronic devices are collected by the teacher, they will be turned into the Office. Students can collect their device for $15 at the end of the day. (page 42 in Student Handbook)

3. Restroom Visits:

- Students are expected to go to the restroom during the passing period. If an emergency occurs, students will be allowed to go only after all instruction has been given. This will not include the first or the last 10 minutes of class.

4. No Food or Drink is permitted in class. (Bottled water is the only exception.)

- I will confiscate and throw away all food and non-water drinks brought into my classroom.

5. Dress Code and Student ID Cards

- Students will not be allowed to enter the classroom unless they are in dress code. (pages 45-47 )

- Failure to wear a school issued I.D. or wearing another student’s I.D. will result in disciplinary action. (page 16)


I am available for tutorials in my room almost every day before school and during Eagle hour (see schedule on my website or outside my door)

Please feel free to come by anytime you need.

❖ Tutorials may be canceled and rescheduled when they conflict with the following:

Mr. Fowler’s Hall Duty Times

Math Department Meetings

Faculty Meetings

Mr. Fowler’s Algebra 1 Syllabus

I have read and understood the attached classroom procedures for Mr. Fowler’s Algebra 1 class. By signing this form, I acknowledge and agree to the policies stated in this syllabus.


Please print and sign to acknowledge that you have read and understood the syllabus.

___________________________________ ___________________________________

Parent Name (print) Date Student Name (print) Date

__________________________________ ___________________________________

Parent Signature Date Student signature Date

__________________________________ ___________________________________

Parent Email Student Email


Parent contact number


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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