PDF A Hebrew/English Dictionary

A Hebrew/English Dictionary



Abu Yo Yo/ Sak Kemach Achi Achla Adir Agav Ahalan Al Hapaim Alufa Ashkara Autoto Avarnu Et Paroah

Babysitter Balagan

Barur Basa Bikitzur Ch Ch Ch Chai B'Seret

Chaval Al Hazman

Davka Ein Aliyich Ein Bayia Ein D'varim Ka'eleh Eize rigushim Eizeh Seret

Eizeh Totach

Definition Piggy back ride

Brother/bro, dude Cool

That's crazy By the way

Hey Terrible Champ Totally In a moment We've been through worse

Babysitter A messy or tangled

situation Of course Bummer To make a long story short Ha, ha, ha, lol Are you serious?, You are not for real 1. Unbelievable 2. A complete waste of time Actually You are the best

No problem Unheard of So exciting 1. What a nightmare 2. What an ordeal You are awesome






Emmm Gadol Gever Hazui Ichsa/Ichs Keilu Kol Hakavod Laredet Al Like Magniv Na'avor Gam Et Zeh


Parah Parah Pozot Sababa

Shafuch/Gamur Shaveh Shavuz/ Mevuas Shtuyot Siy Ha Smili/Emoji S'moch Alay Sof Haderech Stam Tachlis Tutim Tzchokim Tzumi/Tzumat Lev Walla Yalla Yeheye B'Seder


Ummm Amazing

Dude Crazy Disgusting Like Great! Go you! To tease Like Cool We will also get through this Interjection, often used when frustrated Step by step Showing off Something you think is cool Exhausted Worth it Bummed Nonsense Super Emoji You can trust me Awesome As it is Bottom Line Life is good How funny Want/pay attention Wow Let's go It will be ok









Yom Ha'atzmaut Megilat Ha'atzmaut

Aliyah Anfei Zayit Binyamin Zev Herzl Darom Degel Hatikvah

Knesset Yisrael Kochavim Ma'arav Mada Magen David Medinat Yisrael Menorah Mishtara Mizrach Nasi Negev Rosh Ha'Memshala Semel Shalom Tzafon Tzahal Tzion Yam Yerushalayim Zehut


Independence Day Declaration of Independence Aliyah Olive Branches Theodore Herzl South

Flag Hatikvah (Israeli national anthem) Israeli Parliament

Stars West Ambulance Star of David State of Israel Menorah Police

East President

Negev Prime Minister

Symbol Peace North

IDF Zion Sea Jerusalem Identity




Ways to Say "How Are You?"




Eich Holech Ma Chadash Ma Hamatzav Ma Inyanim Ma Kacha Ma Koreh Ma Nishmah Ma Shlomech

How's it going? What's new? What's going on? What's up? How's it going? What's happening? How are you? How are you?

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Getting Around


Autobus Chofshee Chodshee Harakevet Hakalah Hasa'ah

Korkinet Monit Rav Kav Tachanah Mercazit Tachanat Autobus Tremp

Definition Bus

Monthly bus ticket Light rail

School bus or other privately scheduled bus

Scooter Taxi

Bus card Central bus station

Bus stop Hitchike/ride




Autoto Chodim Dafdefet Eeparon Et Et-eeparon Hamoreh/Hamorah

Hasah Kalmer Klasserr Lordim/Tushim Luach Luach Chacham Ma'arechet Machbarot Machshivon Markerim Mechanech/chet

Minahel/let Nylonim Sargel Sefer Selotape Sgan Minahel/let Shichrur Shiur Shiur Chofshee Shiurim Ta'im/Lockerim Teuda Tipex Yalkut Yoman

Definition In a moment Lead refills Pad of paper with 2 holes Pencil case

Pen Lead Pencil What you call your teacher instead of Mr./Mrs.

Bus ride Pencil case Loose-leaf

Markers Board Smart board Schedule Notebooks Calculator Highlighters Homeroom teacher & class

Principal Plastic folders

Ruler Book Scotch tape Assistant principal Permission to leave school Class Free class Homework Lockers Report card White out Backpack Calendar






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Bachutz Chamesh Avanim Even Juke Goal Hafsaka Hagana Hatkafa Klafim Lifkotz Bachevel Machbo'im Mesirot Migrash Poos Sho'er Shofet Super Goal Tiku Tofeset Ze Lo Hogain/Fair Zug Vi Pered

Definition Out of bounds

5 pebbles Rock, paper, scissors

Goal Recess Defense Offense Cards Jump rope Hide & Seek Catch Field/court Time out Goalie Referee Supergoal

Tie Tag That's not fair! Odds & evens




After School Activities


Ballet Bishul Chalil Chug Gitara Hit'amlut karka Jazz Judo Kadur Af Kadur Regel Kadur Sal Karate Kinor Matnas Machol Machshevim Milechet Yad Pisul/Karamika P'santer Schiya Shachmat Tupim Tziyur Yoga Zumba

Definition Ballet

Cooking Flute

After-school activity Guitar

Gymnastics Jazz Judo

Volleyball Soccer

Basketball Karate Violin

Community Center Dance

Computers Arts & crafts

Ceramics Piano

Swimming Chess Drums Drawing Yoga Zumba


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