Lesson 8

Lesson 8

Language Charm1: Slang( and Idioms2


It is fun to get closer to English by learning some slang and idioms. Many native3 speakers use these creative expressions4 to make their English more colorful.


Slang is used in casual5 situations6 by particular7 groups of people, such as people in the army and teenagers. Some slang words die quickly, while others become fixed8 in the language. For example, “groovy(” was very popular in the 1960s. It was used to say something was cool or fashionable9. However, if you say “This song is really groovy” nowadays10, you will show how “uncool” and outdated11 you are!

  俚語是由特定族群的人在非正式的情況下所使用,例如軍人和青少年。有些俚語字詞會快速消失, 而有些則成為語言中的固定用法。例如「groovy」在 60 年代非常受歡迎。用來表示某事物很酷或很時尚。但是如果現在說「這首歌真的很 groovy」,則會顯得你既「不酷」又過時!

“Rock12” is another expression that means “cool,” but in more exciting situations. You can say someone or something “rocks” to mean that person or thing is awesome13 and incredible14. For example, you might say “cool” when somebody buys a nice phone or gets a new haircut. And you say “Yi-Jie Lin (林義傑) rocks” for running across the Sahara Desert(.


While slang is usually heard in conversations, idioms are widely used in both the spoken and written language. These expressions don’t make sense when they are read word by word. Instead, they have to be treated as a whole. For instance, you’re a “back seat driver” if you try to tell the driver how to drive. If you keep annoying15 the driver, you will “drive him up the wall.” If the driver then asks you to shut up, you should “bite your tongue.” Otherwise16, you may “be kicked out of” the car!


Slang and idioms are common in daily17 conversations. They might seem difficult to understand at first, but in fact, they are easy and fun. Try using your imagination, and you will understand the humor in them.



Words for Production

1. charm

( Peter likes to enjoy the charm of the countryside in autumn.



( Everyone likes Jennifer because she is a smart and charming girl.

每個人都喜歡 Jennifer,因為她是個既聰明又迷人的女孩。

2. idiom

( The idiom “break a leg” is used to wish someone good luck.

慣用語「break a leg」用在祝人好運。

3. native

( Jason is a native speaker of English, but he can also speak Chinese very well.


4. expression

( “Shut up” is not a polite expression, so try not to use it.



( The guests expressed their thanks to the host of the party before leaving.


5. casual

( In this company, you can wear casual clothes to work on Fridays.


6. situation

( Mike’s business is in a bad situation because it has lost a lot of money.


7. particular

( Is there any particular color you would prefer for your living room carpet?


8. fixed

( The table is fixed to the floor so you won’t be able to move it.



( John tried to fix a bookcase to the wall.


9. fashionable

( It is fashionable for girls to have short hair now.



( Teenagers always like to wear the latest fashions.


10. nowadays

( Nowadays, most people care not only about eating tasty food but also about having a healthy diet.


11. outdated

( In my opinion, their ideas about educating children are outdated in today’s society.


12. rock

( I love all of Jay Chou’s songs. His music rocks!


13. awesome

( This movie is awesome! I’m going to watch it again.



( His writing is awful; I can’t understand a word of it.


14. incredible

( Although Maria is only 40, she has experienced many things and her life story is incredible!


15. annoy

( Andy annoyed his girlfriend when he kept telling bad jokes.



( Helen is annoyed by her neighbor’s dogs because they bark all the time.



( It is annoying that there are so many commercials during the TV show.


16. otherwise

( We must hurry; otherwise we’ll be too late.


17. daily

( Our daily conversation is usually about the weather, news, and things that are happening around us.



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