SS8H5a Explain the establishment of the University of ...

SS8H5a The students will analyze the impact of the Civil War on Georgia. A. Explain the importance of key issues and events that led to the Civil War, include slavery, states’ rights, nullification, Dred Scott case, Missouri Compromise, Compromise of 1850 and the Georgia Platform.

SS8H5b Explain Georgia’s role in the Civil War; the Union blockade of Georgia’s coast, the Emancipation Proclamation, Chickamauga, Sherman’s Atlanta Campaign, Sherman’s March to the Sea, and Andersonville.


STATES’ RIGHTS and SLAVERY: The economy of southern states depended on agriculture and the growing of cotton and tobacco. Slave labor was used to earn large profits for plantation owners. Whites with land and slaves often controlled the rules and laws of a state and had an interest in keeping slavery legal in the south, despite others knowing slavery was immoral. Slave states argued that individual states should have the power to determine what laws to obey.

In 1832, South Carolina nullified (or refused to accept) a federal tariff or tax on British imported goods because it was unfair to southern consumers while it benefitted northern factories. (This sounds like a state’s right issue.) The US began to enforce the tariff causing South Carolina to threaten to secede from the Union. To avoid this conflict, the US government backed off and lowered the tariff.

In 1820, there were 11 free states in the north and 11 slave states in the south. Territories applying for statehood had to decide if they were to be a free or slave state. Missouri wanted to become a slave state, but that would make representation in US government unbalanced, so the US admit ted Maine as a free state. Territories above the 36°30’ line of latitude would become free states.







In 1850, California was admitted as a free state. Slavery became illegal in Washington DC, and the southern states demanded that runaway slaves be captured and returned back to their owners in the south. This was known as the Fugitive Slave Act. Northerners who wanted to abolish slavery were upset that they could go to jail or fined for helping slaves escape. Texas could not annex NM.

In 1854, Kansas and Nebraska were territories applying for statehood. Ignoring the Missouri Compromise 36° degree latitude policy the US government allowed citizens in these territories the opportunity to vote on whether slavery would be legal or illegal. This was known as popular sovereignty. After bloody conflicts between pro-slavery and abolitionists, Kansas became a free state.






Nebraska Act

In 1860, Abraham Lincoln was elected President from the Republican Party. This election had 3 candidates for the Democratic party. Lincoln was an abolitionist and southern slave states feared that his power as president could eventually outlaw the institution of slavery, a threat to their economic success. Shortly after his election, southern states held conventions to discuss whether or not they should leave or secede from the Union.

In 1857, the United States Supreme Court made its decision on the Dred Scott case. Dred Scott was a slave who sued for his freedom b/c his master took him to a free state. The US Supreme court ruled that since Dred Scott was a slave he was not a citizen, therefore, he had no rights and could not sue. Also, since slaves were considered property, his master could take him anywhere. This means the 36° line was unconstitutional, and this angered the abolitionists.





Dred Scott


Debate over Secession and the role of Alexander Stephens

After Lincoln’s election, South Carolina became the 1st state to secede from the Union. Georgia held a convention to debate whether they should secede as well. Georgia’s US Representative Alexander Stephens was pro-slavery like other politicians in the state, but he was against secession. He tried to warn that seceding against the Union States was disloyal to the US Constitution and that the South risked losing states’ rights and slavery if they were to lose in war.


In 1863, Confederate forces were able to defeat and push the Union Army back into Tennessee. This was the bloodiest battle on GA soil and the 2nd bloodiest of the War. Braxton Bragg failed to follow the retreating Union forces and they later regrouped and took over Georgia the next spring during the Atlanta Campaign.

ATLANTA CAMPAIGN: In 1864, Union Gen. William T. Sherman invaded Georgia from Chattanooga and successfully pushed toward Atlanta by flanking the enemy from one battle after another in Northwest Georgia. In Paulding County the battles of Dallas, New Hope, and Pickett’s Mill are all part of the Atlanta Campaign. Gen. Sherman wanted to capture Atlanta b/c it was a very important railroad hub for the Confederacy supplying much of their needed supplies. In 1864, Atlanta was burned and destroyed, which helped end the Civil War sooner.

SHERMAN’S MARCH TO THE SEA: After capturing Atlanta, Gen. Sherman waged ‘total war’ against the South by destroying crops, and burning homes and businesses that supported the Confederacy. His troops marched from Atlanta to Savannah and up to North Carolina living off the land, freeing slaves, and confiscating property along the way. Many Confederate soldiers quit and returned to home.


45,000 captured Union soldiers were imprisoned in Andersonville during the war. 13,000 died of starvation, exposure to cold, and disease.







After the battle of Antietam President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation which asked the Southern states to surrender or he would free all slaves in the Confederacy. The Civil War was officially about secession but this changed the focus of the war to slavery. The South lost the support of foreign countries b/c they refused to stop slavery.


In 1862, Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee tried to invade the north to capture the capital- Washington D.C.

Union Army forced the Confederates back into Virginia, which is why this battle is a Union victory. This one day battle was the single bloodiest day in American history with 26,134 casualties.

Union Blockade

After South Carolina fired the 1st shot of the Civil War at Fort Sumter, President Lincoln ordered a Union Naval blockade of southern ports. The blockade was known as the Anaconda Plan. This cut off trade in the South and hurt the economy while also weakening the Confederate Army by reducing the amount of supplies they received. Southerners became hungry and poor as a result.


In 1863, Robert E Lee once again tried to bring war onto northern soil in Pennsylvania in an attempt to capture the capital. The battle lasted three days and was the bloodiest battle of the war (51,112 casualties). The Confederacy lost again and this became the turning point in the war as the Union gained momentum and Southern army never recovered from the losses.


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