Hindu Institute of Technology

Hindu Institute of Technology, SonepatName of Faculty: Discipline: Applied ScSemester: 1Subject: English Language-ILesson Plan Duration: 15 DaysWeekTheoryPracticalLecture DayTopicPracticalDayTopicWeek 1Day 1Unit-1 Basics of CommunicationDay 1Self and peer introductionDay 2Definations of communicationDay 3Process of ComunicationDay 2Self and peer introductionWeek 2Day 1Types of Communication IntroductionDay 1Newspaper readingDay 2Formal and Informal communicationDay 3Oral and Written CommunicationDay 2Newspaper readingWeek 3Day 1Verbal and Non-Verbal communicationDay 1Just a minute session-ExtemporeDay 2Test unit-1Day 3Unit-2 Functional Grammar IntroductionDay 2Just a minute session-ExtemporeWeek 4Day 1NounDay 1Greeting and starting a conversationDay 2PronounDay 3Verb Classification IntroductionDay 2Just a minute session-ExtemporeWeek 5Day 1Main Verb, Auxiliary verbDay 1Leave takingDay 2Assignment with PresentationDay 3ModalsDay 2Mock testsWeek 6Day 1ModalsDay 1File CheckDay 2PunctuationsDay 3PunctuationsDay 2ThankingWeek7Day 1Tenses IntroductionDay 1ThankingDay 2Present tenseDay 3Past TenseDay 2Wishing wellWeek 8Day 1Future tenseDay 1Wishing wellDay 2Test Unit-2Day 3Unit-3 Reading Skill introductionDay 2PresnetationWeek 9Day 1Unseen passage for comprehensionDay 1PresnetationDay 2One Word SubstitutionDay 3One Word SubstitutionDay 2Talking about likes and dislikesWeek 10Day 1Prefixes, SuffixesDay 1Talking about likes and dislikesDay 2Prefixes, SuffixesDay 3Assignment with PresentationDay 2Group discussionWeek 11Day 1Antonyms, SynonymsDay 1Group discussionDay 2Antonyms, SynonymsDay 3Test unit-3Day 2Listening Exercises.Week 12Day 1Unit-4 Writing skill IntroductionDay 1Listening Exercises.Day 2Picture compositionDay 3Picture compositionDay 2QuizWeek 13Day 1Picture compositionDay 1QuizDay 2Writing paragraphDay 3Writing paragraphDay 2VivaWeek 14Day 1Writing paragraphDay 1VivaDay 2Assignment with PresentationDay 3Doubts and testDay 2PresentationWeek 15Day 1NoticeDay 1PresentationDay 2NoticeDay 3NoticeDay 2Mock testsHINDU INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, SONEPATName of Faculty: Ms. AnilaDiscipline: Applied Sc.Semester: 1Subject: Chemistry-ILesson Plan Duration: 15 weeksWeekTheoryPracticalLecture DayTopicPractical DayTopicWeek 1Day 1Unit-1 Basic Concept ofChemistryDay 1Volumetric analysis and apparatus used in volumetric analysisDay 2Physical Classification of matter –solids, liquids, gases.Day 3Chemical Classification of matter –element, compounds and mixturesDay 2Volumetric analysisand apparatus used in volumetric analysisWeek 2Day 1Symbols of elements and valency,writing of chemical formulae of simple compoundsDay 1Preparation of standard solution of oxalic acid or potassium permanganateDay 2Calculation of percentage of elements in simple compounds using atomic and molecular masses (Atomic mass of elements shouldbe provided)Day 3Test Unit-1Day 2Preparation of standard solution of oxalic acid or potassiumpermanganateWeek 3Day 1Unit-2 Introduction of Atomic Structure and Chemical BondingDay 1To prepare N/20 oxalic acid/ potassium dichromate solution from given N/10 oxalic acid/ potassium dichromate solution.Day 2Fundamental particles- mass and charges of electrons, protons and neutrons with names of the scientists who discovered thesefundamental particlesDay 3Fundamental particles- mass and charges of electrons, protons and neutrons with names of the scientists who discovered these fundamental particlesDay 2To prepare N/20 oxalic acid/ potassium dichromate solution from given N/10 oxalic acid/ potassiumdichromate solution.Week 4Day 1Bohr’s model of atom. Successes and limitations of atomic theory (qualitative treatment only)Day 1File CheckDay 2Bohr’s model of atom. Successes and limitations of atomic theory (qualitative treatment only)Day 3Atomic number, atomic mass number isotopes and isobarsDay 2Model Test papersWeek 5Day 1Chemical bonding and cause of bonding and types such as ionic bond in NaCl sigma (σ) and pi (π) covalent bonds in H2, HCl, Cl2Day 1To determine strength of given sodium hydroxide solution by titrating against standard oxalic acid solution using phenolphthaleinindicator.Day 2Metallic bonding- explanation with the help of electron gas (sea) modelDay 3AssignmentDay 2To determine strength of given sodium hydroxide solution by titrating against standard oxalic acid solution using phenolphthaleinindicator.Week 6Day 1Test Unit-2Day 1Estimation of total dissolved solids ingiven tap waterDay 2Unit-3 Introduction of SolutionsDay 3Definition of solution, solute and solvent with examplesMethods to express the concentration of solution- molarity (M), molality (m) and normality(N) and numericals based on calculation of M, m and N Introduction to pH of solution, simple numericals on pH and industrial applications of pH Definition of buffer solution and industrial applications of bufferssolutions.Day 2Estimation of total dissolved solids ingiven tap waterWeek7Day 1Day 1Determination of pH of given solution using pH meterDay 2Day 3Day 2Determination of pH ofgiven solution using pH meterWeek 8Day 1Test Unit-3Day 1File CheckDay 2Unit-4 Water resources on EarthDay 3Classification of water – soft water and hard water, action ofsoap on hard water, types of hardness, causes of hardnessDay 2Mid Term VivaWeek 9Day 1units of hardness – mg per litre(mgL-1) and part per million (ppm) and simple numericalsDay 1Electroplate the given strip of Fe/Cu with Cu/NiDay 2Disadvantages caused by the use of hard water in domestic and boilerfeed waterDay 3Removal of hardness -Permutit process and Ion-exchange process.Day 2Electroplate the given strip of Fe/Cu withCu/NiWeek 10Day 1Removal of hardness -Permutit process and Ion-exchange process.Day 1Estimation of total dissolved solids in given tap waterDay 2AssignmentDay 3Natural water sterilization bychlorine and UV radiation and reverse osmosisDay 2Estimation of totaldissolved solids in given tap waterWeek 11Day 1Indian Water Quality standards asper WHO/BIS.Day 1Determination of pH of given solution using pH meterDay 2Test Unit-4Day 3Unit-5 Introduction to Electro ChemistryDay 2Determination of pH ofgiven solution using pH meterWeek 12Day 1Electronic concept of oxidation, reduction and redox reactionsDay 1Mock TestDay 2Definition of terms: electrolytes, non-electrolytes, conductors,insulators, semi-conductors with suitable examplesDay 3Faraday’s laws of electrolysis and simple numerical problems.Day 2Estimation of total hardness of water using standard EDTA solution and using erichrome black-T (solochrome black-T) indicator and approximately neutral buffer solution (pHrange 7-11)Week 13Day 1Industrial Application of Electrolysis – Electroplating, electrolytic refining andelectrometallurgyDay 1Estimation of total hardness of water using standard EDTA solution and using erichrome black-T (solochrome black-T)indicator and approximately neutralDay 2Application of redox reactions in electrochemical cells – commercial dry cell (Primary), Commerciallyused lead storage battery andlithium ion battery (Secondary cell)buffer solution (pH range 7-11)Day 3Application of redox reactions in electrochemical cells – commercial dry cell (Primary), Commercially used lead storage battery and lithium ion battery (Secondary cell)Day 2Estimation of total hardness of water using standard EDTA solution and using erichrome black-T (solochrome black-T) indicator and approximately neutral buffer solution (pHrange 7-11)Week 14Day 1Test Unit-5Day 1Estimation of total hardness of water using standard EDTA solution and using erichrome black-T (solochrome black-T) indicator and approximately neutral buffer solution (pHrange 7-11)Day 2Unit-6 Introduction to Organic ChemistryDay 3Tetra valency and catenation property of carbon to produce huge organic compoundsDay 2Estimation of total alkalinity of given water sample by titrating it againststandard sulphuric acid solutionWeek 15Day 1Classification of organic compounds on the basis offunctional groupsDay 1Estimation of total alkalinity of given water sample by titrating it against standard sulphuric acid solutionDay 2Nomenclature of simple organic compounds in accordance withI.U.P.A.C. (compounds having six carbon atoms in a moleculebelongs to alkanes(simple and with halo substitution)Day 3alkenes, alkynes, alcohols, aldehydes, ketones,carboxylic acids) (compounds containingmore than one functional groups are excluded)Day 2File CheckLESSON PLANNAME OF THE FACULTY : Ms. Neelam GuptaDISCIPLINE: MECHANICAL, CIVIL, ELX & COMM, ELECT, COMPSEMESTER: FIRSTSUBJECT: APPLIED PHYSICS LESSION PLAN DURATION: 15 WEEKSWEEKTHEORYPRACTICALLECTURE DAYTOPIC (WITH ASSIGNMENT & TESTS)PRACTICAL DAYTOPIC111. Units and Dimensions:Physical quantities Units - fundamental and derived units, systems of units (FPS, CGS and SI units) 1Familiarisation with vernier caliper, screw gauge, spherometer and find their least count.2Dimensions and dimensional formulae of physical quantities 3area, volume, velocity, acceleration, momentum, force, impulse, work, power, energy4surface tension, stress, strain, moment of inertia.25Principle of homogeneity of dimensions2To find volume of solid sphere using a vernier caliper6Dimensional equations 7Limitations of dimensional analysisApplications of dimensional equations8conversion from one system of units to other for density,39force, work, energy, , 3To find internal diameter and depth of a beaker using a vernier caliper and hence find its volume.10velocity and acceleration11checking of correctness and derivation of formulas (potential energy, kinetic energy, pressure)12Assignment4132. Force and Motion Introduction4To find the diameter of wire using screw gauge.14Scalar and vector quantities – examples, representation of vector15Addition of Vectors, Triangle and Parallelogram law (Statement only), 16Scalar and Vector Product(statement and formula only)517Force, Resolution of force into two parts5To find thickness of paper using screw gauge.18Newton’s laws of motion (Statement and examples), 19Momentum, Conservation of linear momentum(statement only)20its applications such as recoil of gun.Impulse and its examples621Circular motion, definition of angular displacement, angular velocity, 6To determine the thickness of glass strip using a spherometer22angular acceleration, frequency, time period. 23Relation between linear and angular velocity, linear acceleration and angular acceleration24Revision725Centripetal and centrifugal forces (definition and formula only)7To verify parallelogram law of forces26Assignment27Application of centripetal force such as Banking of roads (derivation of angle of banking)283. Work, Power and Energy : Introduction829Work and its units, types of work(zero work, positive work and negative work with examples)8Revision30Energy and its units: Kinetic energy 31potential energy with examples and their derivation 32Assignment933Principle of conservation of mechanical energy for freely falling bodies, 9Revision34examples of transformation of energy35Power (definition ,formula and units)36Friction: types, laws of limiting friction, Coefficient of friction10374 Rotational Motion : (Rotatory motions with examples)10Checking of files & viva-voce1038Definition of torque 39angular momentum and their examples40Conservation of angular momentum (quantitative) and its examples41Moment of inertia and its physical significance1142radius of gyration (definition, derivation and formula).11Revision43Application of rotational motions in transport vehicles, and machines44Revision45 5. Properties of Matter Elasticity: definition and types of stress and strain, 46different types of modulii of elasticity, Hooke’s law12Checking of files & viva-voce1247Pressure: definition, its units, atmospheric pressure, gauge pressure, absolute pressure1248Surface tension: definition, its units, applications of surface tension, effect of temperature on Surface tension1349Viscosity :definition, units, effect of temperature on viscosity13Checking of files & viva-voce50Fluid motion, stream line and turbulent flow.51Applications of surface tension and viscosity52Revision14536. Heat and temperature Difference between heat and temperature14Revision of practical’s54Modes of transfer of heat (Conduction, convection and radiation with examples). 55Properties of heat radiation56Different scales of temperature and their relationship1557Principles of measurement of temperature.15Revision of practical’s58 Thermal conductivity(definition),co-efficient of thermal conductivity59Mercury thermometer (Principle, construction and working.)60Applications of modes of transfer of heatLesson PlanName of the Faculty: Mr. Rajesh KumarDiscipline : Applied ScienceSemester: 1st Subject: Applied Mathematics-ILesson plan duration: 15 weeksWeekTheoryLecture DayTopic (including assignments /tests)Week11stComplex Numbers: definition of complex number, real and imaginary parts of a complex number2ndReal and imaginary parts of a complex number3rdPolar and Cartesian Form and their inter conversion, 4thConjugate of a complex number5th Modulus and amplitude of complex numberWeek21stAddition subtraction of complex number2ndMultiplication and division of complex number3rdRevision/ Assignment4thRevision5th RevisionWeek21stClass Test2nd Logarithms and its basic properties3rdLogarithms and its basic properties4thPartial fractions (linear factors, repeated linear factors).5th Partial fractions (non-reducible quadratic factors excluding repeated factors).Week31stPartial fractions (non-reducible quadratic factors excluding repeated factors).2ndMeaning of npr & ncr (mathematical expression).3rdBinomial theorem (without proof) for positive integral index4thBinomial theorem (without proof) for positive integral index (expansion and general form)5th Binomial theorem for any index (expansion without proof)Week41stFirst and second binomial approximation with application to engineering problems.2ndRevision/Assignment3rdRevision4thRevision5th Class TestWeek51stDeterminants and Matrices – Evaluation of determinants (upto 3rd order by Laplace expansion method only)2ndSolution of equations (upto 3 unknowns) by Crammer’s rule3rdDefinition of Matrices and its types, addition, subtraction and multiplication of matrices (upto 3rd order)4thDefinition of Matrices and its types, addition, subtraction and multiplication of matrices (upto 3rd order)5th Minors and Co-factorsWeek61stInverse of a matrix by Adjoint method (upto 3rd order)2ndInverse of a matrix by Adjoint method (upto 3rd order)3rdSolution of simultaneous equations (upto 3rd order) by Matrix method4thSolution of simultaneous equations (upto 3rd order) by Matrix method5th Area of a triangle using determinants.Week71stRevision/ Assignment2ndRevision3rdRevision4thClass Test5th Concept of angle, measurement of angle in degrees, grades, radians and their conversionsWeek1Week81stConcept of angle, measurement of angle in degrees, grades, radians and their conversions2ndT-Ratios of Allied angles (without proof)3rdSum, Difference formulae and their applications (without proof).4thProduct formulae (Transformation of product to sum, difference and vice versa).5th Product formulae (Transformation of product to sum, difference and vice versa).1stT-Ratios of multiple angles, sub-multiple angles (2A, 3A, A/2).2ndT-Ratios of multiple angles, sub-multiple angles (2A, 3A, A/2).3rdApplications of Trigonometric terms in engineering problems such as to find an angle of elevation, height, distance etc.4thApplications of Trigonometric terms in engineering problems such as to find an angle of elevation, height, distance etc.5th Applications of Trigonometric terms in engineering problems such as to find an angle of elevation, height, distance etc.Week91stRevision/ Assignment2ndRevision3rdRevision4thClass Test5th Cartesian and Polar co-ordinates (two dimensional)Week101stCartesian and Polar co-ordinates (two dimensional)2ndConversion from cartesian to polar co-ordinates and vice-versa3rdSlope of a line, equation of straight line in various standards forms (without proof);4thSlope of a line, equation of straight line in various standards forms (without proof);5th slope intercept form, intercept form, one-point form, two-point form, symmetric form, normal form, general formWeek111stSlope intercept form, intercept form, one-point form, two-point form, symmetric form, normal form, general form2ndSlope intercept form, intercept form, one-point form, two-point form, symmetric form, normal form, general form3rdIntersection of two straight lines4thConcurrency of lines5th Angle between straight linesWeek121stParallel and perpendicular lines2ndPerpendicular distance formula3rdConversion of general form of equation to the various forms.4thConversion of general form of equation to the various forms.5th Revision/ AssignmentWeek131stRevision2ndRevision3rdClass Test4thGeneral equation of a circle and its characteristics5th General equation of a circle and its characteristicsWeek141stTo find the equation of a circle, given:*??????? Centre and radius2ndTo find the equation of a circle, given:*??????? Centre and radius3rdTo find the equation of a circle, given:*??????? Three points lying on it4thTo find the equation of a circle, given:*??????? Three points lying on it5th To find the equation of a circle, given:*??????? Coordinates of end points of a diameterWeek151stTo find the equation of a circle, given:*??????? Coordinates of end points of a diameter2ndRevision/ Assignment3rdRevision 4thRevision5th Class Test Lesson PlanName of Faculty:ADiscipline:Electronics & Comm. Engg.Semester:3rdSubject:ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENTS AND MEASUREMENTLesson Plan Duration :15 weeksWork load (Lecture /Practical) per week (in hours): Lectures—03, Practical—03WeekTheoryPracticalLecture DayTopic (Including Assignment/ Test)Practical DayTopic1st1Measurement, method of measurement, types of instruments1stMeasurement of voltage, resistance, frequency using digital multimeter2Specifications of instruments Accuracy,precision3Specifications of instruments sensitivity, resolution, range, errors in measurement2nd4sources of errors, limiting errors,2ndMeasurement of voltage, resistance, frequency usingdigital multimeter5loading effect, importance and applications of standards and calibration6Assignment / test3rd7Principles of measurement of DC voltage3rdMeasurement of voltage, frequency, time period andphase using CRO8Principles of measurement of DC current9Principles of measurement of AC voltage4th10Principles of measurement of AC current4thMeasurement of voltage, frequency, time period and phase using CRO11Principles of operation and construction of permanent magnet moving coil (PMMC)instruments12Moving iron type instruments5th13Assignment5thPractical file Checking and viva-voice14Revision / test15Construction and working of Cathode Ray Tube(CRT)6th16Block diagram description of a basic CRO andtriggered sweep oscilloscope6thMeasurement of voltage, frequency, time and phase using DSO17Front panel controls18Specifications of CRO and their explanation7th19Measurement of current, voltage, frequency7thMeasurement of voltage, frequency, time and phase using DSO20Measurement of current time period and phase using CRO21Digitalstorageoscilloscope(DSO)block diagram and working principle8th22Assignment / Problem Taking8thMeasurement of Q of a coil23Class test24Wheat stone bridge9th25AC bridges: Maxwell’s induction bridge9thMeasurement of Q of a coil26Hay’s bridge, De-Sauty’s bridge,27Schering bridge and Anderson bridge10th28Bock diagram description of laboratory type RLC bridge, specifications of RLC bridge10thPractical file Checking and viva-voice29Block diagram and working principle of Q meter30Assignment11th31Problem Taking11thMeasurement of resistance andinductance of coil using RLC Bridge32Class test33Explanation of block diagram specifications of low frequency, RF generators12th34pulse generator, function generator12thMeasurement of impedance using Maxwell Induction Bridge35Distortion factor meter36Instrumentation amplifier: its characteristics, need and working13th37Instrumentation amplifier need and working13thTo find the value of unknown resistance using Wheat StoneBridge38Assignment39Comparison of analog and digital instruments14th40Working principle of ramp, dual slope14thMeasurement of distortion using Distortion Factor Meter41Working principle of integration type digital voltmeter42Block diagram and working of a digital multi-meter15th43Specifications of digital multi-meter and their applications15thUse of logic pulser and logic probe44Limitations of digital multi-meters45Working principle of logic probe, logic pulser analyzer, signature analyzerLesson Plan Name of Faculty:BDiscipline:Electronics & Comm. Eng.Semester:3rdSubject:PRINCIPLES OF COMMUNICATION ENGINEERINGLesson Plan Duration :15 weeksWork load (Lecture /Practical) per week (in hours): Lectures—03, Practical—03week 1stLecture DayTopic (Including Assignment/ TestPractical DayTopic1Introduction of Subject and Need formodulation1stGeneral idea’s for lab Equipment’s2frequency translation and demodulation in communication systems3Basic scheme of a modern communication system2nd4Derivation of expression for an amplitudemodulated wave Carrier and side band components2ndTo observe an AM wave on CRO produced by a standardsignalgeneratorusing internal and external modulationTo measure the modulation index of the wave obtained in above practical5Modulation index. Spectrum and BW of AM Wave. Relative power distribution in carrierand side bands6Elementary idea of DSB-SC modulations and its application3rd7Elementary idea of SSB-SC modulations and its application3rdTo observe an AM wave on CRO produced by a standardsignalgeneratorusing internal and external modulationTo measure the modulation index of the wave obtained in above practical8Elementary idea of ISB and VSB modulationsand its application9Comparison of DSB- SC ,SSB- SC, ISB, and VSB modulation4th10Expression for frequency modulated wave andits frequency spectrum (without Proof and analysis of Bassel function)4thTo obtain an AM wave from a square law modulator circuit and observewaveformsb)To measure the modulation index of the obtained wave form11Modulation index, maximum frequency deviation and deviation ratio, BW of FMsignals, Carson’s rule12Effect of noise on FM carrier. Noise triangle5th13Role of limiter, Need for pre-emphasis and de- emphasis, capture effect.5thTo obtain an AM wave fromasquarelaw14Comparison of FM and AM in communication systemsmodulator circuit and observe waveforms To measure the modulation index of the obtained waveform15Assignment / Revision6th16Test6thTo obtain an FM wave and measure the frequency deviation fordifferent modulating signals.17Derivation of expression for phase modulated wave modulation index18Derivation of expression for phase modulated wave modulation index7th19Comparison with frequency modulation.7thTo obtain an FM wave and measure the frequency deviation fordifferent modulating signals.20Assignment /Quiz21Circuit Diagram and working operation of Collector Modulator8th22Circuit Diagram and working operation of Base Modulator8thTo obtain modulating signal from FM detector23Circuit Diagram and working operation ofSquare Low Modulator24Circuit Diagram and working operation of Balanced Modulator9th25Revision9thRevision26Working principles and applications of reactance modulator27Working principles and applications ofvaractor diode modulator10th28Working principles and applications of VCO modulator10thTo observe the sampled signal and compare it with the analog input signal. Note the effect of varying the sampling pulse width and frequency on thesampled output29Working principles and applications of Armstrong phase modulator30Stabilization of carrier using AFC (Block diagram approach)11th31Assignment / Test11thTo observe and note the pulse amplitude modulated signal (PAM) and compare them with the corresponding analog input signal32Principles of demodulation of AM wave using diode detector circuit33concept of Clipping12th34formula for RC time constant for minimum distortion (no derivation)12thRevision35Assignment36Expert Lecture13th37Basic principles of FM detection using slope detector13thTo observe PPM and PWM ignal and compre it with the analo input signal38Principle of working of the Foster-Seeley discriminator FM demodulator (No Derivation)39Principle of working of the Ratio detector FM demodulator (No Derivation)14th40Block diagram of Phase locked Loop (PLL) FM demodulator (No Derivation)14thRevision41Revision / Assignment42Statement of sampling theorem and elementary idea of sampling frequency for pulse modulation15th43Basic concepts of time division multiplexing (TDM), frequency division multiplexing (FDM)15thRevision/ viva44Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM), Pulse Position Modulation (PPM) ,Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)45RevisionLesson PlanName of Faculty:CDiscipline:ECESemester:3rdSubject:Digital ElectronicsLesson Plan Duration :15 weeksWork load (Lecture /Practical) per week (in hours): Lectures—03, Practical—03WeekTheoryPracticalLecture DayTopic (Including Assignment/ TestPractical DayTopic1st1Introduction1stVerification and interpretation of truth tables for AND, OR, NOT NAND, NOR andExclusive OR (EXOR)and Exclusive NOR (EXNOR) gates2Distinction between analog and digital signal.3Applications and advantages of digital signals2nd4Assignment2ndVerification and interpretation of truth tables for AND, OR, NOT NAND, NOR andExclusive OR (EXOR) and Exclusive NOR (EXNOR) gates5Binary6octal and hexadecimal number system3rd7conversion from decimal and hexadecimal to binary and vice-versa3rdRealisation of logic functions with the help of NAND or NOR gates8Binary addition and subtraction including binary points. 1’s and 2’scomplement method of addition/subtraction.9Assignment4th10Concept of code, weighted and non-weight codese4thTo design a half adder using XOR and NAND gates and verification of itsoperation11examples of 8421, BCD, excess-3 and Graycode12Concept of parity, single and double parity and error detection5th13Assignment5thConstruction of a full adder circuit using XOR and NAND gates and verify itsoperation14Concept of negative and positive logic15Definition, symbols and truth tables of NOT, AND, OR, NAND, NOR, EXOR Gates6th16NAND and NOR as universal gates6thRevision of Experiments17Introduction to TTL and CMOS logic families18Assignment7th19Logic Simplification7thRevision of Experiments20Postulates of Boolean algebra, De Morgan’s Theorems21Implementation of Boolean (logic) equationwith gates8th22Assignment8thVerification of truth table for positive edge triggered, negative edge triggered, level triggered IC flip-flops (At least one IC each of D latch, D flip-flop, JKflip-flops).23Half adder and Full adder circuit24design and implementation9th25Decoders,Multiplexers,Multiplexersand Encoder9thVerification of truth table for positive edge triggered, negative edge triggered, level triggered IC flip-flops (At least one IC each of D latch, D flip-flop, JKflip-flops).26Four bit decoder circuits for 7 segment display and decoder/driver ICs27Basic functions and block diagram of MUX and DEMUX with different ICs10th28Basic functions and block diagram of Encoder10thRevision of Experiments29Assignment30Concept and types of latch with their working and applications11th31Operation using waveforms and truth tables of RS, T, D, Master/Slave JK flip flops11thVerification of truth table for encoder and decoder ICs, Mux and DeMux32Difference between a latch and a flip flop33IntroductiontoAsynchronousand Synchronous counters12th34Binary counters12thTo design a 4 bit SISO, SIPO, PISO, PIPO shiftregisters using JK/D flip flops and verification of theiroperation35Divide by N ripple counters, Decade counter, Ring counter36Introduction and basic concepts including shift left and shift right13th37serial in serial out, parallel in serial outparallel in parallel out parallel in parallel out Universal shift register13thRevision of Experiments38Working principle of A/D and D/A converters39Stair step Ramp A/D converter, Dual Slope A/D converter14th40Successive Approximation A/D Converter14thTo design a 4 bit ring counter and verify its operation.41Binary Weighted D/A converter42R/2R ladder D/A converter, Applications of A/D and D/A converter15th43Memory organization, classification of semiconductor memories (RAM, ROM, PROM, EPROM, and EEPROM)15thUse of Asynchronous Counter ICs (7490 or 7493)44static and dynamic RAM45introduction to 74181 ALU ICLESSON PLANName of Faculty:ADiscipline:Electronics & Communication Engg. Semester:3rdSubject:Electronic Devices & Circuits Lesson Plan Duration :15 weeksWork load (Lecture /Practical) per week (in hours): Lectures—03, Practical—03WeekTheoryPracticalLecture DayTopic (Including Assignment/ TestPractical DayTopic1st1Review of Amplifiers1ReviewofLab/ Practicals.2Needformultistageamplifier&Gainof multistage amplifier3RC coupled multistage amplifier, its frequency response and bandwidth2nd4Transformer coupled Multistage Amplifier, its frequency response and bandwidth.2Plot the frequency response of two stage RC coupled amplifier and calculate the bandwidthand compare it with single stage amplifier.5Directcoupledmultistageamplifier,its frequency response and bandwidth.6Difference between voltage and power amplifiers, Importance of impedance matching in amplifiers.3rd7Class A & Class B amplifiers,3To measure the gain of push-pull amplifier at 1 KHz.8Class AB and Class C amplifiers, collector Efficiency & Distortion in Class A, B, C amplifiers.9Single ended Power amplifiers, Graphical method of calculation (without derivation) of output power, heat dissipation curve and importance ofheat sinks.4th10Push Pull Amplifier4Revision / File Assessment11Complementary Symmetry Push-Pull amplifier.12Assignment topic/Test/Quiz.5th13Basic principal and types of feedback,derivation of expression for gain of an amplifier employing feedback5To measure the voltage gain of emitter follower circuit and plot its frequency.14Effect of feedback (negative) on gain, stability, distortion and bandwidth of and amplifier.15RC coupled amplifier with emitter bypass capacitor.6th16Emitter follower amplifier and its application.6Revision17Assignment –Topic & Class work Checking18Expert lecture7th19Sessional Test7Plot the frequency response curve of20Use of positive feedback, Bark-hausen criterionfor oscillations.Hartley and Colpitt’s Oscillator21Working principle of Tunned Collector Oscillator8th22Working principle of Hartley and Colpitt’s Oscillator Circuits.8Plot the frequency response curve of phase shift and Wein bridge Oscillator.23Working principle of Phase shift and wein- bridge Oscillator Circuits.24Working principle of crystal Oscillator Circuit.9th25Revision9Revision26Series and parallel resonant circuit and bandwidth of resonant circuits.27Single tuned voltage amplifier & its frequencyresponse.10th28Double tuned voltage amplifier & its frequency response.10Use of IC 555 as monostable multivibrator and observe the output fordifferent values29Expert Lecture30Working principle of transistor as switch.11th31Concept of multi-vibrator: a stable, mono- stable, and bistable and their applications.11Use of IC as a stable multivibrator and observe the output at different duty cycles.32Concept of multi-vibrator: a stable, mono- stable, and bistable and their applications.33Concept of multi-vibrator: a stable, mono- stable, and bistable and their applications.12th34Block diagram of IC555 and its working and applications.12Revision35IC555 as monostable and astable multi-vibrator and bistable multivibrator.36Assignment topic/sessional.13th37Characteristics of an ideal operational amplifier and its block diagram.13To use IC 741 (op-amp) as 1.Inverter2. Adder 3.Subtractor 4.Integrator38IC-741 and its pin configuration39Definition of differential voltage gain, CMRR, PSRR, slew rate and input offset current.14th40Operational amplifier as an inverter, scalechange, adder Subtractor, differentiator, and integrator.14To realize positive and negative fixed voltage DC power supply using three terminal voltage regulator IC (7805, 781241Operational amplifier as an inverter, scale change, adder Subtractor, differentiator, and integrator42Operational amplifier as an inverter, scale change, adder Subtractor, differentiator, and integrator.15th43Concept of DC power supply, line and loadregulation15Prototype making/ practice44Concept of fixed voltage, IC regulators9like 7805, 7905), and variable45Voltage regulator like (IC 723)Lesson PlanName of Faculty:CDiscipline:Electronics & Comm. Eng.Semester:3rdSubject:Electrical MachineLesson Plan Duration :15 weeksWork load (Lecture /Practical) per week (in hours): Lectures—03, Practical—03WeekTheoryPracticalLecture DayTopic (Including Assignment/ TestPractical DayTopic1st1Advantage of three-phase system over single- phase system. Star Delta connection1Introduction to Electrical Machine Lab2Relation between phase and line voltage and current in a three phase system3Power and power factor in three-phase system2nd4Measurements of Power by one, two and three wattmeter methods.2To measure power and power factors in 3 Phase load by two wattmeter method5Assignment / Problem Taking6Principleofoperationandconstructional details of single phase transformer3rd7VoltageRegulationofatransformer(No Derivation) Losses in a transformer3To measure power and power factors in 3 Phase load by two wattmeter method8Efficiency, condition for maximum efficiency and all day efficiency9CTsandPTs(Currenttransformerand potential transformer)4th10CVT (Constant Voltage Transformer )4To measure power and power factor of asingle phase induction motor.11Assignment / Problem Taking12E.M.F induced in a coil rotating in a magnetic field.5th13Definition of motor and generator5To measure power and power factor of asingle phase induction motor.14Basic principle of a generator and a motor15Torque due to alignment of two magnetic fields and the concept of Torque angle6th16Basic Electromagnetic laws (Faraday’s laws of Electromagnetic Induction)6To determine the efficiency of a single phase transformer from the data obtained through open circuit and short circuit test17Assignment18Class Test7th19Introduction to DC Machines7To determine the efficiency of a single phase transformerfrom the data obtained through open circuit and short circuit test20Principle of working of d.c motors and21D.c generator, their constructional details8th22Function of the commutator for motoring and generating action8To run a synchronous motor with a.c supply and to measure speedto verify the relation N=12O f/ P23Factors determining the speed of a DC motor24Different types of excitation9th25CharacteristicsofdifferenttypesofDC machines9To run a synchronous motor with a.c supply and to measure speed to verify the relation N=12O f/ P26Starting of DC motors and starters27Application of DC machines10th28Assignment10To make connections of starting and running winding of a single phase capacitor motor and to run it with thehelp a DOL starter and to measure its speed29Class Test30Revolving magnetic field produced by poly phase supply11th31Brief introduction about three phase induction motors, its principle of operation11To make connections of starting and running winding of a single phase capacitor motor and to run it with the help a DOL starter andto measure its speed32Principle and working of Synchronous Machines33Application of Synchronous Machines12th34Assignment12Study construction of a stepper and servomotor and to write their complete specifications.35Class Test36Problem Taking13th37Single Phase Fractional Kilowatt Motors Introduction13Study construction of a stepper and servomotor and to write their complete specifications.38Principle of operation of single phase motors39Types of single phase induction motors and their constructional details14th40Single phase synchronous motors – reluctance motor ( hysteresis motor)14Repeat if any Required41Introduction to Commutator type single-phase motors42Introduction to servo- motors15th43Introduction to stepper motors15Viva-Vice44Concept of micro-motors45AssignmentLesson PlanName of Faculty:DDiscipline:Electronics & Comm. Egg.Semester:3rdSubject:Computer Programming using C Lesson Plan Duration :15 weeksWork load (Lecture /Practical) per week (in hours): Lectures—04, Practical—03WeekTheoryPracticalLecture DayTopic (Including Assignment/ TestPractica l DayTopic1st1Introduction to Algorithm1Programming exercises on executing and editinga C program2Introduction to Programming Development3Steps in development of a program4Flow charts2nd5Algorithm development2Programming exercises on defining variables and assigning values tovariables.6Programme Debugging7Assignment / Problem Taking8Introduction to Program Structure3rd9I/O statements,3Programming exercises on arithmetic andrelational operators.10Assign statements11Constants, variables12Data types4th13Operators and Expressions4Programming exercises on arithmetic expressions and theirevaluation.14Standards and Formatted IOS15Data Type Casting16Assignment5th17Problem Solving5Programming exercises on formatting input/output using printf and scanf andtheir return type values.18Control Structures Introduction19Decision making with IF – statement20IF – Else a6th21Nested IF6Programming exercises using if statement22While23do-while24for loop7th25Break. Continue Statement7Programming exercises using if – Else26Got and switch statements27Assignment28Class Test8th29Problem Taking8Programming exercises on switch statement30Introduction to Pointers31Address operator and pointers32Declaring Pointers9th33Initializing pointers9Programming34Single pointerexercises on do –while, statement.35Assignment36Class Test10th37Problem Taking10Programming exercises on for – statement.38Introduction to functions39Global and Local Variables40Function Declaration11th41Standard functions11Programs on one- dimensional array.42Parameters and Parameter Passing43Call - by value44Call - by Reference12th45Assignment12Programs on two- dimensional array46Class Test47Problem Taking48Introduction to Arrays13th49Array Declaration, Length of array13i) Programs for putting two stringstogether.50Single Array51Multidimensional Array52Arrays of characters14th53Passing an array to function14(ii) Programs for comparing twostrings.54Pointers to an array55Assignment56Class Test15th57Problem Taking15Simple programs using structures.58Revision of Chapter 159Revision of Chapter 260Revision of Chapter 3LESSON PLANNAME OF FACULT:ADISCIPLINE:Electronics & Communication EnggSEMESTER:5thSUBJECT:EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS –I LESSON PLAN DURATION:15 WEEKSWORK LOAD (LECTURE/PRACTICAL) PER WEEK : (2 Practical’s)WEEKPRACTICALPRACTICAL DAYTOPIC1st11. Writing skills Official and business correspondence2nd2Job application - covering letter and resume (Cont.)3rd3Job application - covering letter and resume.4th4Report writing - key features and kinds.5th52. Oral Communication Skills Giving advice6th6Making comparisons7th7Agreeing and disagreeing8th8Taking turns in conversation9th9Fixing and cancelling appointments (Cont.)10th10Fixing and cancelling appointments11th113. Generic Skills Stress management12th12Time management13th13Negotiations and conflict resolution14th14Team work and leadership qualities15th15Viva voce and evaluationLesson Plan Name of Faculty:ADiscipline:Electronics & Comm. Engg.Semester:5thSubject:CONSUMER ELECTRONICSLesson Plan Duration :15 weeksWork load (Lecture /Practical) per week (in hours): Lectures—03, Practical—03WeekTheoryPracticalLecture DayPractical DayTopic1st1Audio Systems:1stTo plot the frequency response of a Microphone2Microphones and Loudspeakers3Carbon, moving coil, cordless microphone2nd4Direct radiating and horn loudspeaker2ndTo plot the frequency response of aMicrophone5Multi-speaker system6Assignment3rd7Problem Taking3rdTo plot the frequencyresponse of a Loud Speaker8Class Test9Sound Recording4th10Magnetic Recording4thTo plot the frequency response of a Loud Speaker11Digital Recording12Optical Recording ( CD system and DVD)5th13Television5thTrouble shooting of CD/DVD Player14Monochrome TV15Elements of TV communication system6th16Scanning and its need6thTrouble shooting of CD/DVD Player17Need of synchronizing and blanking pulses, VSB18Composite Video Signal7th19Picture Tube7thPractical file Checking and viva-voice20Camera Tube : Vidicon and Plumbicon21TV Receiver: Block diagram, function of each block,8th22waveform at input and outputof each block8thTo observe the wave forms and measure voltage of B/W TVReceiver at different points23Assignment24Problem Taking9th25Class Test9thTo observe the wave forms and measure voltage of B/W TV Receiver at differentpoints26Colour Television27Primary, secondary colours10th28Concept of Mixing, Colour Triangle10thTo observe the waveforms and measure voltages of colour TV Receiver at different points29Camera tube30PAL TV Receiver11th31Concept of Compatibility with Monochrome Receiver11thTo observe the waveforms and measure voltages ofcolour TV Receiver at32NTSC, PAL, SECAM system ( brief comparison)33Assignmentdifferent points12th34Problem Taking12thFault finding of colour T.V35Class Test36LCD and LED Television: Basic principle and working of LCD and LED TV13th37LCD and LED Television: Basic principle andworking of LCD and LED TV13thFault finding of colour T.V38Assignment39Problem Taking14th40Class Test14thDTH System41Cable Television: Working of Cable TV, DTH, HDTV42Cable Television: Working of Cable TV, DTH, HDTV15th43Scanner15thScanner44Digital Camera45VCD/DVDLesson Plan Name of Faculty:B Discipline:ECESemester:5thSubject:Optical Fiber Communication Lesson Plan Duration :15 weeksWork load (Lecture /Practical) per week (in hours): Lectures—03, Practical—03WeekTheoryPracticalLecture DayTopic (Including Assignment/ TestPractical DayTopic1st1Historical perspective, basic communication systems1stTo set up fiber analog link2optical frequency range, advantages of optical fiber communication3application of fiber optic communication2nd4Electromagnetic spectrum used, Advantages of OFC2ndTo set up fiber analog link5Principle of light penetration6reflection, critical angle3rd7Assignment3rdTo set up optic digital link8Problem Analysis9Fiber types construction4th10multimode and mono-mode fibers4thTo set up optic digital link11step index and graded index fibers12acceptance angle and types of optical fiber cables5th13Optical Fibers cable connectors5thTo measure bending losses in optical fibers14splicing techniques (Mechanical, fusion)15Assignment6th16Problem Analysis6thTo observe and measure the splice orconnector loss17Absorption Losses18Scattering Losses7th19Radiation losses7thTo observe andmeasure the splice or connector loss20Connector losses, Bending loses21Dispersion: Types and its effect on data rate8th22Testing of losses using OTDR (Optical Time Domain Reflectometer).8thTo measure and calculate numerical aperture of optical fiber23Assignment24Problem Analysis9th25Characteristics of light source used in optical communication,9thTo measure and calculate numerical aperture of optical fiber26Characteristics of light source used in optical communication, principle ofoperation of LED27different type of LED structures used and their brief description10th28LED driving circuitry10thTo observe characteristics of optical source29Injection Laser diode, principle of operation30differentinjection laser diodes, comparison of LED andILD, non-semiconductor laser11th31Characteristics of photo detectors used in optical communication; PIN diode and avalanche photo diode (APD), their briefdescription11thTo observe characteristics of optical detector32Assignment33Class test12th34Problem Analysis12thTo connect a fiber with connector at both ends35Fiber alignment and joint losses36splicing, types of splices13th37types of connectors used13thTo connect a fiber with connector at both ends38couplers, three and four port coupler,39Stare coupler, fiber optic switch.14th40Optical transmitter circuit, optical receiver circuit, optical power budgeting14thTo identify and use various components and tools used in optical fibercommunication41Multiplexing Methods used. Modulation methods used42Introduction to SDH, SONET15th43Assignment15thRevision of Experiments44Class test45Problem AnalysisLesson PlanName of Faculty:BDiscipline:Electronics & Comm. Eng.Semester:5thSubject:MICROWAVE AND RADAR ENGINEERINGLesson Plan Duration :15 weeksWork load (Lecture /Practical) per week (in hours): Lectures—03, Practical—03week 1stLecture DayTopic (Including Assignment/ TestPractical DayTopic1Introductiontomicrowavesandits applications,1stGeneral idea’s for lab Equipment’s2Classification on the basis of itsfrequency bands (HF, VHF, UHF, L, S, C, X, KU, KA, mm, SUB, mm)3Rectangular and circular wave guides and theirapplications2nd4Mode of wave Guide2ndTo measure the electronics and mechanical tuning range of a reflex klystron5Propagation constant of a rectangular waveguide6cut off wavelength,guide wavelength and their relationship with free space wavelength (nomathematical derivation)3rd7Impossibility of TEM mode in a wave guide3rdTo measure the electronics and mechanical tuning range of a reflexklystron8REVISON /Assignment9Constructional features, characteristics and application of tees, bends4th10Constructional features, characteristics and application of matched termination & twists4thTo measure VSWR of a given load.11Constructional features, characteristics andapplication of detector, mount, slotted section12Constructional features, characteristics and application of directional coupler5th13Constructional features, characteristics andapplication of fixed and variable attenuator5thTo measure VSWR of a given load.14Constructional features, characteristics and application of isolator, circulator15Constructional features, characteristics andapplication of duplex, coaxial to wave guide adapter6th16Assignment/ Test6thTo measure the Klystron frequency by slotted section method17Basic concepts of thermionic emission and vacuum tubes18Effects of interelectrodecapacitance, Lead Inductance and Transit time on the high frequencyperformance of conventional vacuum tubes7th19steps to extend their high frequency operations7thTo measure the Klystron frequency by slotted section20Construction, characteristics, operatingprinciples and typical applications of Multi cavity klystronmethod21Construction, characteristics, operating principles and typical applications of Reflex klystron8th22Construction, characteristics, operating principles and typical applications of Multi- cavity magnetron8thRevision23Construction, characteristics, operating principles and typical applications of Traveling wave tube24Construction, characteristics, operatingprinciples and typical applications of Gunn diode and Impatt diode9th25Revision9thTo measure the directivity andcoupling of a directional coupler.26Expert Lecture/ Quiz27General Trams and views for microwayse antennas10th28Structure characteristics and typical applications of Horn antennas10thTo measure the directivity and coupling of a directional coupler.29Structure characteristics and typicalapplications of Dish antennas30Revision / Quiz /expert Lecture11th31Block diagram and working principles of microwave communication link.11thTo plot radiation pattern of a horn antenna in horizontal and vertical planes.32Troposcatter Communication Troposphere andits properties33Troposcatter Communication Troposphere and its properties12th34Tropospheric duct formation and propagation12thTo plot radiation pattern of a horn antenna in horizontaland vertical planes.35Tropospheric duct formation and propagation36Toposcatter propagation.13th37Introduction to radar, its various applications13thTo verify the properties of magic tee.38radar range equation (no derivation) and its applications39Block diagram and operating principles ofbasic pulse radar14th40Concepts of ambiguous range, radar area of cross-section and its dependence on frequency14thTo verify the properties of magic tee.41Block diagram and operating principles with application of CW (Doppler radar )42Block diagram and operating principles with application of FMCW radar, 15th43Block diagram and operating principles of MTIradar.15thRevision/ viva44Radar display- PPI45Introduction to VSAT transponders multiple access techniques, VSAT and its featuresLesson PlanName of the faculty:CDiscipline:Electronics & Comm. EngineeringSemester:5thSubject:Environmental Education Lesson Plan Duration:15 weeks (July-18 to Nov-18) Work Load:(3 Periods/Week)TheoryWeekLecture DayTopics1st1st1. Definition and Scope of Environmental Education2ndImportance of Environmental Education3rd2. Basics of ecology, biodiversity2nd4thEco system5thSustainable development6th3. Sources of pollution - natural and manmade3rd7thCauses, effects of air pollution8thControl measures of air pollution9thCauses, effects of noise pollution4th10thControl measures of noise pollution11thCauses, effects of soil pollution12thControl measures of soil pollution5th13thCauses, effects of radioactive pollution14thControl measures of radioactive pollution15thCauses, effects of nuclear pollution6th16thControl measures of nuclear pollution17thUnits of measurement of pollution18th4. Solid waste management- Causes and effects of urban waste7th19thSESSIONAL I20thControl measures of urban waste21thCauses and effects of industrial waste8th22ndControl measures of industrial waste23rd5. Mining and deforestation – Causes, effects of mining24thControl measures of mining9th25thCauses, effects of deforestation26thControl measures of deforestation27th6. Environmental Legislation - Water (prevention and control of pollution) Act 197410th28thAir (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 198129thEnvironmental Protection Act 198630thRole and Function of State Pollution Control Board11th31stEnvironmental Impact Assessment (EIA)32ndSESSIONAL II33rd7. Role of Non-conventional Energy Resources Solar Energy12th34thWind Energy35thBio Energy36thHydro Energy13th37th8. Current Issues in Environmental Pollution – Global Warming, Green House Effect38thDepletion of Ozone Layer, Recycling of Material39thEnvironmental Ethics14th40thRain Water Harvesting41thMaintenance of Groundwater42ndAcid Rain15th43thCarbon Credits44thRevision45thSESSIONAL III ................

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