
ACT-IAC Releases Two Technology Business Management (TBM) White PapersOctober 1, 2020 - Fairfax, VA. – The American Council for Technology and Industry Advisory Council (ACT-IAC), the premier public-private partnership dedicated to advancing government through the application of information technology, announced two Technology Business Management (TBM) resources produced through a collaborative, volunteer effort through the ACT-IAC IT Management and Modernization Community of Interest (COI). TBM is a standardized multi-dimensional taxonomy that serves as an excellent framework to categorize and increase the transparency of IT spending within an organization. Successful implementation of TBM can improve insights, management, and the efficiency and effectiveness of IT investments.The IT Spending Transparency Maturity Model paper was produced through a joint effort of the CIO Council's Federal Technology Investment Management (FTIM) Community of Practice (CoP) & ACT-IAC IT Management and Modernization (ITMM) Community of Interest (CoI). The IT Spending Transparency Maturity Model addresses an action within the Federal Data Strategy 2020 Action Plan, Action #9 - ‘develop an IT spending transparency maturity model by September 30, 2020’. Agencies can leverage this tool to support their TBM Implementations; measuring current state and steering continued maturity based upon desired target state. The paper and maturity model can be found on . The second paper, entitled Benchmarking –TBM’s Next Frontier, was created to demonstrate the value of benchmarking as an analytical complement to TBM, to showcase the results of an actual proof of concept conducted at the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), and to provide the rationale and a general framework for initiating a more formal TBM benchmarking program across the federal government.“It’s important for federal agencies to continuously improve their understanding of their IT portfolios so they can make better investments. These two resources are designed to give agencies a more complete picture of the current and future states of their IT portfolios to inform sound, financial decision making.” according to Daniel York, Director of IT Spending Transparency, Office of Government-wide Policy, General Services Administration.About ACT-IAC – Advancing Government through Education, Leadership and Collaboration. The American Council for Technology and Industry Advisory Council (ACT-IAC) is a non-profit educational organization established to create a more effective and innovative government. ACT-IAC provides a unique, objective, and trusted collaboration forum where government and industry executives work as partners to address crucial issues, apply best practices and pioneer innovative solutions. ACT-IAC also provides high quality learning and educational opportunities to improve the knowledge and expertise of the government workforce—both public and private. Further information about ACT-IAC can be found at .Media Contact: [if needed] ................

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