Small Business Administration

ATTACHMENT CFY 2017 STEP APPLICATION CHECKLIST Program Announcement Section(s),File name and Format structure(recommended)Required Application ElementsItem Included?N/A4.2.1Attachment [1][State abbreviation]Cover LetterWord formatCover Letter – Maximum 1 page4.2.2Attachment [2][State abbreviation]Attachment AExcel formatProposed Activities, Milestones, and Outcomes (Attachment A)4.2.2Attachment [3][State abbreviation]Technical ProposalWord format Technical Proposal template (Attachment B) Maximum 10 pages4.2.3Budget InformationEach Applicant must provide budget information according to the specific instructions for each item. Submit budget information documents bundled together in the following order, with the file name labeled as follows: Attachment [# ], [State abbreviation], and the document name.Attachment [4][State abbreviation]SF-424Online and Pdf formatStandard Form (SF) 424, Application for Federal Assistance. Standard Form (SF) 424, Application for Federal Assistance. Attachment [4][State abbreviation]SF-424AOnline and Pdf formatSF-424A, Budget Information (Non-Construction Programs) - this form requires an estimate of the Applicant's total cost of executing STEP activities described in the technical proposal.Attachment [4][State abbreviation]A 10-12Excel /Pdf formatAttachments A-10 through A-12 (Budget Detail Worksheets)Attachment [4][State abbreviation]Budget NarrativeExcel/Pdf formatBudget Narrative Provide a detailed explanation of the components of each budget cost category listed in the SF-424A;Explain how each cost component directly benefits ESBCs;Indicate which cost category (item and dollar amount) comprise the proposed Non-activity Federal Expense that was entered at the bottom row in the Attachment A.Attachment [4][State abbreviation]Match CertificationPdf formatMatch Certification (incl., match dollar amount, type of match (cash, indirect expense, or in-kind) descriptionNote: A sample match certification letter is included in the Application Forms Package located on the SBA STEP webpage: STEPAttachment [4][State abbreviation]Commitment letterPdf formatCommitment letter(s) from sources which the Applicant intends to obtain in-kind matching funds (if applicable).4.2.4Certification Forms and AssurancesApplicant must complete and submit the following financial certification forms must be signed by Authorized Organizational Representative in the following order and include “Attachment #[ ]”, “State Abbreviation’, and the document name.Attachment [5][State abbreviation]SBA 1623 DebarmentPdf formatSBA Form 1623 Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension and Other Responsibility Matters (must be signed)Attachment [5][State abbreviation]SF-LLL LobbyingPdf formatSF-LLL, Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (must be signed) - this form request disclosure of any lobbying activities pursuant to 31 U.S.C. 1352. Attachment [5][State abbreviation]SF-3881 Payment FormPdf formatSF-3881 ACH Vendor/Miscellaneous Payment Enrollment Form (signed) - Applicant must complete the Payee Information and Financial Institution sections only. The Agency Information section will be completed by SBA. Attachment [5][State abbreviation]SF-424BAssurancesPdf formatSF-424B Assurances for Non-Construction Programs (signed) – this form is required to certify that the organization will comply with all applicable requirements of the Federal laws, executive orders, regulations, and policies governing the grant program. It must be signed.Attachment [5][State abbreviation]CFO CertificationPdf formatChief Financial Officer (CFO) Certification letter - on letterhead, signed and dated by the CFO, or equivalent thereof, holding analogous responsibilities, and having analogous expertise.Note: A sample CFO Certification letter is included in the Application Forms Package located on the SBA STEP webpage: STEP4.2.5Additional AttachmentsApplicants must attach the following attachments in the following order and include “Attachment #”, [State Abbreviation] and the document name.Attachment [6][State abbreviation]Designation LetterWord formatDesignation Letter - Governor’s letter, or equivalent thereof (e.g., Mayor of the District of Columbia), designating the Applicant as the State’s sole applicant and lead entity for conducting the State’s trade and export activities. Attachment [6][State abbreviation]Consultation LetterWord formatConsultation Letter –documenting consultation with the applicable trade agencies of the Federal Government on export activities and contract services.Use the consultation template letter for this purpose, which is available in the Application Forms Package.Attachment [7][State abbreviation]Organizational chartPdf formatOrganizational chart(s) - as a separate attachment identifying the Applicant STEP Project Director and all key and other personnel listed on the SF-424A, A-10.Attachment [7][State abbreviation]Facilities locationsPdf formatList of Applicant facilities and locations - used to manage the proposed STEP project, and conduct the proposed STEP project.Attachment [7][State abbreviation]Board of DirectorsPdf formatList of members of Board of Directors (if applicable)Attachment [7][State abbreviation]Resumes PDsPdf formatRésumés and position descriptions for ALL key personnel (including vacant positions) supporting the STEP project. Résumés (no more than one page) and position descriptions.Attachment [7][State abbreviation]Contract ListsPdf formatList of Contractual and Consulting Agreements - List of all extant or anticipated contractual and consulting agreements that directly support the Applicant’s proposed export activities.Attachment [7][State abbreviation]Add Contract ListPdf formatList of contracts that the Applicant proposes to charge against the project as a direct cost or to meet matching funds requirement that will be outside the indirect cost rate agreement (e.g., a facilities lease).Attachment [8][State abbreviation]Tax IdPdf formatTax Identification Documentation issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The form must be on official IRS letterhead. Do NOT submit W-9; it is not acceptable and will be rejected. Note: A sample Tax Identification form is included in the Application Forms Package located on the SBA STEP webpage: STEPAttachment [8][State abbreviation]Cost PolicyPdf formatCost Policy Statement - describes Applicant’s general accounting policies and a description of their cost allocation methodology (how each type of proposed cost is allocated: direct, indirect, or match). Must be signed by the Chief Financial Officer (or equivalent thereof, holding analogous responsibilities, and having analogous expertise).Attachment [8][State abbreviation]A-133 AuditPdf formatA-133 Audit Report - Attach the most recent A-133 audit report. If the Applicant is not subject to the requirements of the Single Audit Act, Applicant must instead submit a copy of its most recently audited financial statement and the CPA opinion of this audit (e.g., unqualified, qualified, adverse, etc.) Note: If the Applicant’s A-133 or most recent financial statement audit is large, provide a website link and instruction on where to locate the audit.Attachment [8][State abbreviation]ICRAPdf formatIndirect Cost Rate Agreement (ICRA) or extension letter (if applicable) - executed ICRA from the cognizant Federal agency or a letter from the Applicant’s cognizant Federal agency approving an extension of a previous indirect cost rate for a period of time that covers the period of performance for this award.Note: If Applicant does not propose such charges for this award, include this attachment marked “N/A.”Attachment [8][State abbreviation]Drug-free Agrt.Pdf formatDrug-free Workplace Agreement - requires the Applicant to certify that the organization will provide a drug-free workplace by adhering to certain conditions.Attachment [9][State abbreviation]Data CollectionPdf formatData Collection Instrument - used to collect data from STEP Clients on the results of STEP activities. Attachment [9][State Abbreviation]STEP Client AppPdf formatSTEP Client Application - used by small businesses applying to become STEP Clients.Attachment [9][State abbreviation]STEP Self-RepPdf formatSTEP Client Self-Representation form – certifies eligibility for an Eligible Small Business Concern used by the Applicant.Attachment [10][State abbreviation]Updated FY 15 PPRPdf formatUpdated Performance Progress Report – reflecting updated results of FY 2015 STEP Awards, if awarded to the Applicant. ................

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