
center-545465002017-18 SCHOOL SMALL GRANTS REQUEST FOR PROPOSALSThe 2017-2019 Think&EatGreen@School (TEGS) project, funded by the City of Vancouver in partnership with the Vancouver School Board (VSB) and based at UBC’s Centre for Sustainable Food Systems, is modeled on several successful elements of the original (2010-2015) TEGS. TEGS is a community-university education and research network in Vancouver, focused on the creation of healthy and sustainable school food systems. The objectives of the two-year continuation of TEGS are the following:To support food systems education professional development for elementary, secondary, and alternate VSB teachers through school-year workshops and Summer Institutes;To offer small grants to VSB schools and to Vancouver-based non-profit organizations to support school food system projects;To conduct research on school food system change to promote evidence-based practice in Vancouver schools and beyond.Your school can participate by becoming a “Think&EatGreen School” and receive funding and other support to start or expand food initiatives at your school. Benefits of ParticipationEligibility to receive up to $2000 as a small grant for food system projectsParticipation in a community of learners with the objective of creating a healthy and sustainable food system within the Vancouver School Board Participation in professional development opportunities including the Think&EatGreen@School Summer Institute and school year professional development activitiesAccess to expertise and support from UBC and local community groupsOpportunities to take part in cutting-edge research to improve understanding of food systems education and school food systemsThink&EatGreen@School Small Grants (up to $2000):The City of Vancouver has provided $25,000 for TEGS to distribute to VSB schools for small project grants in the 2017-2018 school year. If your school’s team is eligible, these small grants are available to help you start-up, expand, or improve school projects in the areas of food production, food waste management, food preparation, food access, food policy, food justice, and other food systems-related teaching and learning activities.Some possible projects and components of projects could include:Implementing teaching and learning activities that connect food, health, and the environment across the curriculumPrograms that support or provide access to healthy and sustainable foods for studentsFood production initiatives including food gardens and orchardsDeveloping composting and other food waste management projectsInitiating cooking and other culinary / food preparation activities involving studentsProjects that establish links between growing, preparing and eating food at school with new curriculum and ways of teaching and learningProjects that use digital and/or artistic media to tell the stories of students engaging with the sources of their food through growing, preparing and sharing food and managing food waste Projects that establish links between schools and farms for healthier school meal programs and cafeteria menus and learning opportunities, including Farm to SchoolCreating opportunities for release time for teachers and staff to collaborate, develop and implement proposed activitiesProjects that build long-term food systems education capacity at a schoolProjects that combine an educational activity with increasing access to healthy food for studentsPreferred criteria for becoming a Think&EatGreen School:Priority will be given to schools that can demonstrate (as many as possible of) the following:Involve a working team of 3 or more dedicated members, composed of teachers and staff committed to strengthening food systems education and/or food access at their school (each team must include at least one teacher). Administration, support staff, food service staff, maintenance staff, students, and parents may also be included.Demonstrate a commitment to initiatives that make connections between different aspects of the school food system (e.g. growing, preparing and sharing food and managing food waste) at school and student learning and activitiesDemonstrate potential for components of the project to continue beyond the 2017-2018 school year grant period and/or have other long-term impactIntention for at least one team member to attend the Summer Institute and or TEGS-sponsored professional development eventsInvolve partnerships (with community-based organizations and/or other schools)Willingness to participate in research aimed at developing healthy, just, and sustainable school food systems and contributing to better understanding of food systems educationWillingness to participate in TEGS networking and program evaluation activitiesIt is understood that no one school may meet all of the preferred criteria described above; however, applications demonstrating they are able to satisfy as many of the items as possible will be given priority. Though grants of up to $2000 are available, smaller funding requests are also welcome. School s may be offered grant funds less than the full amount requested in their original application. In such cases, the team lead will be asked to provide a brief summary of how the scope of activities supported by the grant funding will change accordingly.Requirements for Grant Recipient Teams:Willingness to participate in research surrounding food systems education and development of healthy and sustainable school food systems, which may include but is not limited to Introductory survey or interview at the start of the grant projectMeeting with TEGS team members at your school at least once during Spring 2018Survey or interview at or near the completion of the grant projectParticipation in reporting and evaluation activities, which will include providing brief summary text that gives an overview of your school’s food systems activities, reflections on your school’s activities, and photos which show your school’s food systems activities. Teams will need to make sure they have releases in compliance with VSB and school policies to use any photos that contain pictures of people, including students, school staff, and mitment that least one team member attend TEGS school grant recipient events, including an introductory/networking event in early December 2017 and an end of school year event.To applyPlease ensure the following application form is complete and email it as a Word or pdf document to think.eat.green@ubc.ca . Please include your school’s name or abbreviation in the document name of your application file (e.g. SchoolNameTEGSapp.doc or SchoolNameTEGSapp.pdf). Applications must be received no later than Friday, 3 November, 2017 at 11:59pm PST. Schools will be notified about the status of their application by Tuesday, 21 November. Further questions or inquiries can be directed to think.eat.green@ubc.ca. An FAQ page will be updated during the application period at thinkeatgreen.ca.Application for 2017-2018 School Small GrantsOnly Vancouver School Board elementary, secondary and alternate schools are eligible to apply. Only one application per school. Please only submit these questions and responses as your application, not the information pages above. All applications must have approval and signature of the school’s principal.School Name: __________________________________________Team Leader contact:Name: ________________________________ Job Title: _________________________________Email Address: ____________________________ Phone Number: __________________________Grade Level/Courses Taught [if applicable]: _______________________________If you are partnering with another school or a community organization in your application, please complete the following section. Otherwise, leave it blank.Partner School or Organization Name:Partner Team Leader Contact :Name: ________________________________ Job Title: _________________________________Email Address: ____________________________ Phone Number: __________________________Grade Level/Courses Taught [if applicable]: _______________________________Other Team Members Applying: Please include full names and role or job titles, and include grade levels, and subjects taught when applicable. At least one team member must be a teacher, and inclusion of an administrator (e.g. principal or assistant principal) on the team is strongly encouraged. Also consider other school staff, students, parents, community, farmers, public health dietitians, and representatives of any partnerships with community-based organizations that you may have or want to develop. Add rows if needed.NAMEEmail addressRole/Job title/Position [Grade level & subjects taught if applicable]What’s already in place at your school? Check and provide a brief description for those checked.___ School garden___School composting system___School cooking program___Classroom activities which focus on food systems ___School lunch or breakfast program ___Visits to farms, community gardens, local processors, or other food systems sites___Other—please specify:Please describe your work plan, including objectives, actions and timelines to achieve objectives, and budget requirements. Please delete example text before inserting your own.ObjectiveActionsTimelineBudget estimate ($)Comments/NotesExample: Implement school-wide composting1. Research bin options2. Talk with school janitorial staff about bin placement2. Obtain VSB approval for bin type and placement3. Purchase supplies and recruit volunteers4. Coordinate and host building event5. Host composting workshops for school community1. Dec 2017-Jan 20182. Jan 20183. Jan 20184. Feb 20185. Feb-Mar 2018$900Will seek to partner with local non-profit organization X on building of the binsExample: Develop lesson plans that integrate learning about composting into the curriculum1. Find and review examples2. …Briefly describe ways in which your school integrates or plans to integrate academic curricula with your planned food systems activities, e.g. school gardens, culinary experiences, connections to local farms. (Preference will be given to applications that have the potential to connect the activities to multiple subject areas, including teaching and learning that connects food, health, and the environment across the curriculum and programs that provide access to healthy and sustainable food for students, etc.) [limit 300 words].Are members of your team applying for any other grants to support food systems education activities at your school? If so, please list, adding rows if needed. If not, enter N/A on the first row.SourceConfirmed (Y or N)Amount How will it be used?What do you hope to gain by participating in this project? [limit 200 words]If you have any other comments, please let us know here:Number of students enrolled in the school: _____________Estimated number of students who will directly participate in the initiatives described: ____________Estimated number of students who will benefit directly and indirectly from the initiatives described: _____________Total Grant amount requested: ___________Please make sure your principal signs the final page of the application. The signature page may be signed in hard copy and scanned, and attached as a separate file if needed.Please ensure the following form is complete and email it as a Word or pdf document to think.eat.green@ubc.ca. Please include your school’s name or abbreviation in the document name of your application file (e.g. SchoolNameTEGSapp.doc or SchoolNameTEGSapp.pdf). Agreement to become a 2017-2018 Think&EatGreen School:Our school team has reviewed the Think&EatGreen@School Small Grant requirements and commits to the following:Commitment to work toward meeting the objectives outlined in our work plan.Willingness to participate in research about food systems education and development of healthy and sustainable school food systems, which may include but is not limited to Introductory survey or interview at the start of the grant projectMeeting with TEGS team members at your school at least once during Spring 2018Survey or interview at or near the completion of the grant project.Participation in reporting and evaluation activities, which will include providing brief summary text that gives an overview of your school’s food systems activities, reflections on your school’s activities, and photos which show your schools food systems activities. Teams will need to make sure they have releases in compliance with VSB and school policies to use any photos that contain pictures of people, including students, school staff, and mitment that least one team member attend TEGS school grant recipient events, including an introductory/networking event in early December 2017 and an end of school year event.Principal’s Name: ____________________________Principal’s Signature: __________________________If your team is partnering with another school, please also obtain a signature from the principal of that school.Partner School Principal’s Name:_____________________________Partner School Principal’s Signature:__________________________Thank you for your application to become a Think&EatGreen School! ................

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