
I am learning about butterflies and mothsWhen you are outside you can have a look for some common butterflies and moths. Here are some pictures of them and their names.-65405317500-6096031750Common BluePeacock – It has false eyes like a peacock to frighten away predators.Red Admiral-6540595885-654052286000-65405000Speckled WoodSmall CopperLarge white4445161925-654051733550-4445216535Small TortoiseshellPeppered MothHummingbird Hawk-MothTaskCreate a tally chart of the butterflies and moths that you see.Take notes while watching and compare the differences between a moth and a butterfly.Research information such as habitat, food etc. of a butterfly and moth.5153025000I am learning to record my findings.I am able to show and explain the differences between a moth and a butterfly in the form of a table.I am able to draw and label a moth and a butterfly accurately. I am able to explain and include drawings that show the life cycle of a butterfly/moth.I am able to include a fact file on butterfly/moth habitat, food, life span etc.I am able to include additional information, that I understand, such as whether they are endangered. Task 2 3276600663575Look at some of the art ideas and create your own model or picture of a butterfly.-18097572390 3190875261874000 ................

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