SMART Goal Setting Worksheet


The definition of goal setting is the process of identifying something that you want to accomplish and establishing measurable goals and timeframes (). Without setting a goal or goals, you may have fun, but you get nowhere!

The Process 1 ? Identify something SPECIFIC, MEASUREABLE, and ACHIEVABLE that you want to accomplish ? Whether it be choosing a particular instrument, choosing a particular genre or song to achieve, playing really fast, playing with emotional depth and emotion, etc. 2 ? Identify a TIME FRAME, in which, you want to achieve it in ? REALISTICALLY SPEAKING! This is the challenging step that occurs before establishing a battle plan. 3 ? Work backwards to come up with ACTION steps and a planned schedule to accomplish your goal ? Be as truthful, as you can, with your current practice habits, as you cannot change any data you don't have.

Ask for help!! ? I love helping any in need, but particularly with musical endeavours. Please let me help you figure out a noble objective to aim for and we can work out a fool proof system so you can get to enjoy playing your instrument that much sooner!

SMART Goal Setting Worksheet


Tone, sound, clarity, timbre, colour, register, range,

instrumentation, rhythm, beat, pulse, tempo, dynamics,


What is your goal, SPECIFICALLY?

expression, interpretation, breathing, phrasing, sentences, text, extra-musicality, potato salad.


Melody, harmony, terminology, symbols, verticalization of

pitch, duets, choir, ensembles, texture, layers, form, structure,

overall form and organization, style, character.

Understanding Repetition

REPETITION is the only, proven, way of measuring musical Play through the piece the following amount of times

success and growth in any piece or instrument.

to measure the accomplishment:

How would you Challenging parts: CHOOSE A METHOD

1-3 x = Knowing the notes



-12, 123, 1234 -Doorbell method (go between 2 notes- focus on transition)

3-5 x = Focusing on rhythms 5-10 x = Seeing the sentence and breathing


-Repeat bar/riff/phrase/sentence


10-20 x = Interpreting where the dynamics, climax,

Repeat your chosen method 3-5 times and put it back into the question/answer, and dissonance are and playing

piece and see how it sounds. If the same, repeat process. that part suitably

20+ x = Telling the story, encompassing all the

elements of making music, not just playing notes


Practice Schedule:

Other Commitments

Write LESSON DAY where applicable and fill in your current


practice regime and write in a scheduled, planned, time to










Describe an ACTION plan




Add/Change a practice day to a:

FUN and GO BACK ( yes or no )






Is your goal REALISTIC? What is the largest factor holding you back from practicing? Doable? Attainable? Is your goal QUANTITY or QUALITY based?

What FUN songs do you have to play?

What is your TIME Scales: 25%


Do you have a rich REPERTOIRE to choose from? Do you want to begin ANOTHER INSTRUMENT?


frame to have this goal?

Repertoire: 60% Fun: 15%

If you only have 3 days to put in practice, don't give yourself unrealistic expectations of becoming a


master of your instrument within 2 months. This step requires analysis of your ever-changing schedule and

commitment to your goal.

Practice Formula:

Scales (25%)



-Major and relative Minor (Natural, Harmonic, Melodic) *As many octaves as you can play*



-Overlapping Arpeggio

1-3-5, 3-5-8, 5-8-3, 8-3-5, 3-5-8 (ascending and descending)


1-2-3-5-6-8 (do not repeat upper 8)


All semitones (starting on any note, but to the upper octave of the note chosen)

Songs of the Week (60%)



-Run through the songs assigned for the week, up to the // marking, where we got up to during that weeks' lesson

Find Hard Parts and run through them (1-2, 1-2-3, 1-2-3-4 style, or go through that phrase 3-5 times)

Go back to the beginning , or a few bars prior to the hard part and put it back into the piece, see if it improves. If not,

repeat above process (but do not drive yourself nuts )

Finish off by playing as much as you can through the assigned portion

-Repeat process through each of the songs I gave to you (this also includes any other music you are playing, ie. Band)

*You should have played through each song 3-10 times at this point*

FUN, FUN, FUN! (15%)



-You MUST finish your practice with something you love to play, or are, positively, working on it. There should be no stress

while, simply, enjoying what you are playing. Use, either, songs that you have accumulated through me or other means, or

`Fun' books that you have bought. These, typically, include "100 Best Songs" types of books; They are really great for working

on your sight reading, as well.

Goals within goals within goals within goals...

Yes, it is important to set measureable, realistic, time bound goals, but the process to achieving that is realizing the incremental progress you're making along the way. It is rarely seen as huge leaps, but in the small, yet extremely, amazing strides each of you takes. It is about your choice to do so, follow through, and continuing even when you can't see the immediate results.

Set a Goal within your DAILY PRACTICING Goal When you set intention for your practices, how you look at your successes will change. Try finishing these sentences:

During this practice, my main focus/objective will be... During the first 5 times I play this piece, I will be focusing on...

The reasons I love expressing myself through music are...

By having guidelines for yourself, that you set, there is only one way not succeed: by actively choosing to give up. You will not fail, at anything you wish to achieve, by allowing yourself to get real about each situation you're in. You might not be in the mood to practice, but by having a purpose to your playing, you'll see your results, and much quicker than you realize. Expressing gratitude for your already attained goals is definitely key in helping attract more successes to you, but accepting that sometimes "your best" means 50% (effort, energy, and attention), then be present with that. Those moments are the toughest to see the purpose, but please choose to not give up. The choice will always be yours, and in many facets. Growth is inevitable

PRACTICE TIME DURATION EXAMPLES ? Hours spent practicing a week




15 minutes x 3 days/week = 45 minutes

30 minutes x 3 days/week = 90 minutes (1.5 hours)

45 minutes x 4 days/week = 180 minutes (3 hours)

15 minutes x 5 days/week = 75 minutes (1 30 minutes x 5 days/week = 150 minutes

hour and 15 minutes)

(2.5 hours)

1 hour x 4 days/week = 4 hours


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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