Sample Picture Exchange Communication System Objectives

Sample Picture Exchange Communication System Objectives





Current Level

Date Date begun met

I. Upon seeing and wanting a particular Independently complete request

item, and with a picture of that item in sequence on 10 of 10

reach, S will pick up the picture, reach to opportunities when trainer is

person holding the item, and release the within 1 foot for 5 different

picture into that person's hand.

reinforcers across 3 trainers and

3 activities.

Reaches for desired item.

IIa. Upon seeing and wanting a

Independently complete request Gives picture when

particular item, and with a picture of that sequence on 9 of 10 opportunities trainer is within 1

item alone on a communication book when communicative partner is: foot.

within reach, S will remove the picture a. 5 feet away

from the book, go to the communicative b. 10 feet away

partner, and give picture.

c. across the room

across 5 different reinforcers and

across 5 trainers

IIb. Upon seeing and wanting a

Independently complete request Gives picture when

particular item, and with a picture of that sequence on 9 of 10 opportunities book is within 1 foot.

item alone on a communication book, S when book is

Can travel 5 feet to

will go to the book, remove the picture, a. 5 feet away


go to communicative partner, and give b. 10 feet away


c. across the room

across 5 different reinforcers and across 5 trainers

IIIa. Upon seeing and wanting a

a. Give correct picture on 9 of 10 Gives pictures

particular item and with the


presented one at a

communication book available with

b. Give correct picture on 9 of 10 time.

corresponding picture and picture of a trials when book and

distracter item on it, S will request that communicative partner are more

item by giving communicative partner than 2 feet from S.

the correct picture.

IIIb. Upon seeing 2 reinforcing items and a. Give correct picture on 9 of 10 Gives correct picture

with the communication book available trials

when that picture

with those pictures on it, S will request b. Give correct picture on 9 of 10 distracter picture are

that item by giving communicative

trials when book and

on book.

partner one picture and then selecting communicative partner are more

corresponding item when then told "Go than 2 feet from S.

ahead, take it."

IIIc. Upon seeing a variety of reinforcing 9 of 10 opportunities completed Gives picture from

items, S will go to communication book, independently across a variety of field of two and gets

select picture from all available pictures objects.

corresponding item.

(on cover or inside) , take and give

picture to communicative partner, and

then when told "Go ahead and get it,"

will get corresponding item.



Current Level

Date Date begun met

IIId. With reinforcing items not in sight, S will go to communication book, select picture from any page within it, take and give picture to communicative partner,

9 of 10 opportunities completed independently across a variety of objects, activities, communicative partners, and environments.

and then when told "go ahead and get

it," will get corresponding item.

Travels to book, get correct picture from field of 5, take picture to communicative partner and get corresponding item.

IVa. Given communication book with a 9 of 10 opportunities completed Makes single picture

variety of pictures and a sentence strip independently across a variety of requests.

with an "I want" picture attached to L end objects, activities, communicative

of it, S will request item by attaching R+ partners, and environments.

picture to R end of sentence strip and

giving strip to trainer.

IVb. Given communication book with a 9 of 10 opportunities completed Requests by putting

variety of R+ pictures , an "I want"

independently across a variety of R+ picture on

picture, and a sentence strip, the S will objects, activities, communicative sentence strip

request desired items by removing "I partners, and environments.

already containing "I

want" picture and affixing to left end of

want picture."

sentence strip, removing R+ picture and

affixing to right end of sentence strip,

and giving entire sentence strip to


IVc. Upon wanting a particular item, S 9 0f 10 opportunities completed Requests using

will go to communication book, construct independently across a variety of sentence strip when

entire sentence strip, go to

objects, activities, communicative book and

communicative partner and exchange partners, and environments.



partner are nearby

Attributes a. When shown two

9 of 10 opportunities completed

examples of an item (one preferred and independently.

one non-preferred such as blue and

green candies), and given a PECS book,

"I want" icon, desired item icon, and

attribute icon representing specifically

desired item, S will request the item

using a three-picture sentence.

Requests items using sentence strip and demonstrates preference for a specific example of desired item.

Attributes b. When shown two

9 of 10 opportunities completed Requests

examples of an item (one preferred and independently for at least two specifically-desired

one non-preferred), and given a PECS exemplars of the desired attribute item using three-

book with "I want" icon, desired item icon (blue marker and blue M&M). picture sentence

and two attribute icons-one of the

when no attribute

specifically desired item and one of the

icon discrimination is

non-desired item, S will request the


specifically desired item using the

correct attribute icon in a three-picture


Attributes c. Given communication book, and when shown two preferred examples of a desired item varying by one attribute, S will construct and exchange a sentence strip using an attribute icon in correct sequence and then when told, "Take it," etc., will take the corresponding item.

9 of 10 opportunities completed Requests desired

independently for at least three item using three-

different icons (3 colors of M&Ms) picture sentence and

and across at least 2 exemplars discriminates

(3 colors of M&Ms AND 3 colors between 1 high-

of markers).

preference and 1


attribute icons.



Current Level

Date Date begun met

Va. When asked, "What do you want?" 9 of 10 opportunities completed Spontaneously

S will answer by constructing sentence independently across a variety of requests item using

strip with "I want and R+ picture and objects, activities, communicative phrase "I want ___."

giving sentence strip to trainer.

partners, and environments.

Vc. When asked, "What do you want?" 9 of 10 opportunities completed Asks and/or answers

or when provided an opportunity to

independently across a variety of during structured

spontaneously request, S will go to objects, activities, communicative activities with no

book, construct sentence strip, go to partners, and environments when mixing of stimuli.

communicative partner and exchange opportunities to spontaneously or


responsively request are


VIa. Given access to communication 9 of 10 opportunities completed Spontaneously

book and asked, "What do you see?" S independently across a variety of requests and can

will answer by constructing sentence objects, activities, communicative answer "What do you

strip with "I see" Sentence Starter and partners, and environments.


object picture and giving sentence strip

to trainer.

VIb. Given access to communication 9 of 10 opportunities completed book and randomly asked "What do you independently when questions see?" and "What do you want?" S will are randomized and across a answer by constructing sentence strip variety of materials about which with correct "I see" or "I want" Sentence either question can be asked Starter plus noun picture and give strip to trainer.

Answers "What do you want?" and "What do you see?" when presented singly .

VIc. Given access to communication 9 of 10 opportunities completed Answers "What do

book and randomly asked "What do you independently when questions you want?" and "What

see?" and "What do you want?" and and opportunities to request are do you see?" and

provided with opportunities to

randomized and across a variety request s using

spontaneously request, S will answer of materials that are desired and appropriate Sentence

question appropriately using "I see" or "I about which either question can Starters.

want" Sentence Starter, or will

be asked.

spontaneously request desired item

using "I want" Sentence Starter.

VId. Given access to communication 9 of 10 opportunities completed Answers "What do

book and shown specific item and

independently across a variety of you want?" and "What

asked "What is it?" S will answer using familiar objects.

do you see?" and can

"It is" Sentence Starter and correct noun

request using


appropriate phrases.

VIe. Given access to communication 9 of 10 opportunities completed Answers questions book and randomly asked "What do you independently when questions individually and can see?" "What is it? and "What do you and opportunities to request are request want?" and provided with opportunities randomized, and across a variety spontaneously. to spontaneously request, S will answer of materials that are desired and question appropriately using "I see," "It about which either question can is," or "I want" Sentence Starter or will be asked. spontaneously request desired item using "I want" Sentence Starter.



Current Level

Date Date begun met

VIf. Upon seeing a familiar item within a 9 of 10 opportunities completed novel context and provided access to independently. communication book, S will spontaneously comment on the item using phrase "I see__" or "It is__"

Comments in response to a question.

Help-a Upon encountering an obstacle, 9 of 10 opportunities completed

S will bring a "help" icon to a


communicative partner

Help-b Upon encountering an obstacle, 9 of 10 opportunities completed S will construct and bring a sentence independently. strip to a communicative partner containing "I want" Sentence Starter and "help" icon in correct sequence

Approaches communicative partner to exchange a single picture (Phase I, early Phase II of PECS).

Exchanges single "help" icon.

Help-c Upon encountering an obstacle, 9 0f 10 opportunities completed S will construct and bring a sentence independently. strip to a communicative partner containing "I want" and "help" and obstacle icon in correct sequence. ("I want" "open" "door." or "I want" "help" "door." ).

Constructs and exchanges sentence strip with "I want" and "help" icons on it in correct sequence.

Break-a Given a stressful situation, S will exchange a "break" icon with communicative partner

9 of 10 opportunities completed independently.

Requests desired items by exchanging an icon with a communicative partner.

Wait-a When given a "wait card," S will a. 9 of 10 opportunities

Requests a desired

sit/stand quietly.

completed independently in item by exchanging

at least 3 environments for:5- a single picture.

10 seconds10-30 seconds30

seconds-3 minutes>3


Wait-b When given a "wait card," S will 9 of 10 opportunities completed

sit/stand quietly and occupy self with successfully in at least 3

manipulative/interactive toy (not highly environments for

reinforcing item).




Waits quietly for up to 3 minutes

"No" When asked, "Do you want _____?" or "Do you want this?" regarding a non-preferred item, S will indicate "no" with a head shake.

9 of 10 opportunities completed independently when items are in sight.9 of 10 opportunities completed independently when items are not in sight.

Requests a desired item by exchanging a single picture.


Yes" When asked, "Do you want _____?" or "Do you want this?" regarding a preferred item, S will indicate "yes" with a head nod.


Current Level

Date Date begun met

9 of 10 opportunities completed Requests a desired

independently when items are in item by exchanging


a single picture.

9 of 10 opportunities completed

independently when items are not

in sight.

Follow directions When told/shown a 9 of 10 opportunities completed

direction related to a functional outcome, independently when told to go

S will comply correctly.

to:____ areas of room or to

retrieve: ____items.

Transition between activities When 9 of 10 opportunities completed shown the next available reinforcer and independently across an entire told to transition to the next activity, S day. will comply correctly with no inappropriate behavior.

Engages in appropriate activity in area where direction terminates (plays once he/she reaches play area, pours juice into cup when given cup, etc.)

Indicates preferences via PECS or other modality.

Follow a visual schedule Upon

All steps completed independently Responds to single

arriving at school or awakening at home, entire and sequence repeated picture directions.

S will:

across day.

1. go to schedule

2. remove top picture

3. Place picture on "current

activity" slot

4. Complete activity

5. Return to schedule

6. Remove current activity picture

7. Place picture in "finished"


8. S will repeat steps 2-8

throughout day


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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