2011 Smoking Cessation Benefit Report

2011 Smoking Cessation Benefit Report

Carrier Name:

Carrier Enrollment Code:

FEHB Enrollment - # enrollees (contract holders) - no dependents:

If you answered yes to question number 2 of Attachment A, please provide your promotion plan if one is available.

Narrative on Payment of Benefits

How are you capturing each “quit attempt” in your claims records?

How are you defining “quit attempt” in terms of paying for this benefit?

How are you defining smoking cessation counseling for payment purposes?

How are you capturing the smoking cessation benefit in your claims records?

If you are to defining smoking cessation counseling via CPT 99406, 99407, S9057, S9453, are you waiving the member cost share WHENEVER these codes are used? Please describe any limitations or definitions of when these codes will be considered part of the smoking cessation benefit.


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