Brainy Questions - School To Teach Reading

centercenterBrainy QuestionsWorkbook V Mary Beth D'Antoni 00Brainy QuestionsWorkbook V Mary Beth D'Antoni MARY BETH D’ANTONIPUBLISHERJersey Shore Learning Center707 Union Ave.Suite 105Brielle, NJ 08730732-800-3303Copyright 2017: Mary E D’AntoniAll rights reserved. This eBook, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form for one’s own monetary gain or used for any purpose other than instruction.Table of ContentsPagesBrainy QuestionsI1-6Brainy Questions II7-12Brainy QuestionsIII13-18Brainy QuestionsIV19-24Brainy QuestionsV25-30Brainy QuestionsVI31-36Brainy QuestionsVII37-42Brainy QuestionsVIII43-48Brainy QuestionsIX49-54Brainy Questions IWhich of the following letter patterns have the most in common with the three given patterns? Why?boycottloyal voyageshookcorduroywealthrationThe sounds aw in thaw and au in daunt can also be found in _____? shornfluttercronethoughtWhich letters replace the question mark to make a word? __________walr?suaioWhat is the next logical nonsense word in the sequence? Why?muddybuddybunny_______________sunnyberrywittysnappyUse imagery to remember the following words:scoutdrinkfoundhoundsinkWhich word is spelled correctly?frikshunfrictionfrectionfrictonWhich word is missing a letter? What letter is it missing? ______docketplightpichstrainThe following words have some kind of pattern. What words could come next in the pattern?hoodwoodwooltoolstooltoweltallytookThe following words are related. What goes next in the pattern? Why?pointjointjoincoinspoilcoilmoist broilGiven the relationship between the two words, which word has the same relationship? Hint: quackquickquillsnackurchinslungWhich word would best fit into the sentence?The _______________ king sat on his throne and the people admired him.funnyangrytallnobleThe seed is beginning to _________ into a plant.pouchpoutsnoutsproutWhich of the following words does not belong in the group and why?maplesteeplecandlebroilWhich of the following words has a prefix? What is the prefix?circlepostscriptlikablestationaryWhich of the following words has a suffix? What is the suffix?admirationwithheldrecountwillWhat is the root word for “reacting?” ____________________Brainy Questions IIWhich of the following letter patterns have the most in common with the three given patterns? Why?proofspoolgooseshookpouchboostdrowsyThe sounds /u/ in group and /oo/ in troop can also be found in _____? elbowpewplowgrowWhich letters replace the question mark to make a word?__________f?lteaeweyauWhat is the next logical nonsense word in the sequence? Why?breadthreadread_______________readymeantfeatherhealthUse imagery to remember the following words:thiefcrawlshieldgriefdawnWhich word is spelled correctly?drupedroopdrupedrupWhich word is missing a letter? What letter is it missing? ______boostJointtoiljrseyThe following words have some kind of pattern. What word comes next in the pattern?relationrelateelatelatelotiontailtaxateThe following words are related. What goes next in the pattern? Why?pickedpickpacksacksakecooktoothstewGiven the relationship between the two words, which word has the same relationship? groundroundflowerastoundtaughtshoalWhich word would best fit into the sentence?He had an _______________ at the hospital.glowreachshrewdoperationThey do not know what the _______________ of the fire was.causeflamecolorflewWhich of the following words does not belong in the group and why?argueissuestatuetooWhich of the following words has a prefix? What is the prefix?objectiontrenchrestatesearchedWhich of the following words has a suffix? What is the suffix?thousandhazardousflowpouchWhat is the root word for “reinventor?” ____________________Brainy Questions IIIWhich of the following letter patterns have the most in common with the three given patterns? Why?drowncrowddrowsybroomcoastgrowlhookThe sounds /ea/ in steak and /ai/ in saint can also be found in _____? growsighmeantweightWhich letters replace the question mark to make a word?__________troll?iteyouarWhat is the next logical word in the sequence? Why?mouthsouthsour_______________hourcoupondawnshowerUse imagery to remember the following words:rejoice roomembroidercoilsmoothWhich word is spelled correctly?bowstboestbosteboastWhich word is missing a letter? What letter is it missing? ______proudroylshadowstrayThe following words have some kind of pattern. What word comes next in the pattern?hatchbatchbathbarstarbenchtorchbarnThe following words are related. What goes next in the pattern? Why?sunksinkpinkinkshrinkinchtankmeekGiven the relationship between the two words, which word has the same relationship? feeblesimpleswiftlysteepleformalloneWhich word would best fit into the sentence?The new room is _______________ with lots of colors and art work.dismalfunnydarkfancyHer _______________ is about three inches taller than mine.heightshoefootfingerWhich of the following words does not belong in the group and why?piersleekpiece shieldWhich of the following words has a prefix? What is the prefix?enterconsultallotredevelopWhich of the following words has a suffix? What is the suffix?taxexamine relationdisconnectWhat is the root word for “untighten?” ____________________Brainy Questions IVWhich of the following letter patterns have the most in common with the three given patterns? Why?buglehumorpupilautumnmenulaughonceThe sounds /u/ in humid and /u-e/ in cube can also be found in _____? hoistlustalonecueWhich letters replace the question mark to make a word? __________trib?teaaiuWhat is the next logical word in the sequence? Why?peacepeateatcheatheeleartheastUse imagery to remember the following words:pupil arguehumanhumorcurfewWhich word is spelled correctly?preestpreastpriestpresteWhich word is missing a letter? What letter is it missing? ______neithrgleamsincereyieldThe following words have some kind of pattern. What words could come next in the pattern?sheathwreathbreathbreadinsteadbeadbreedingbrownThe following words are related. What goes next in the pattern? Why?deletedepletedepleteddepletesdepletioncompletesdimpleincompleteGiven the relationship between the two words, which word has the same relationship? Hint: bearpearpeerteardimpleloneWhich word would best fit into the sentence?He wore his hat and gown at _______________.bedtimedinnerduskgraduationShe put _______________ on her ham so it would taste good.dirtglazefootpaintWhich of the following words does not belong in the group and why?waiveplaintrait tradeWhich of the following words has a prefix? What is the prefix?canaryinlayabated duplicateWhich of the following words has a suffix? What is the suffix?breakablesquare proclaimdisgraceWhat is the root word for “deregulation?” ____________________Brainy Questions VWhich of the following letter patterns have the most in common with the three given patterns? Why?dairycountyvictoryvortexpansysqaushsnatchThe sounds /a/ in shady and a-e in /stare/ can also be found in _____? neonhistoryfleecetailorWhich letters replace the question mark to make a word? __________fre? entclqumWhat is the next logical word in the sequence? Why?feverevereveryveryvaryforevereitherUse imagery to remember the following words:extreme teamathleteserenedreamWhich word is spelled correctly?alasticealasticulasticelasticWhich word is missing a letter? What letter is it missing? ______squealstampdeinterfereheaveThe following words have some kind of pattern. What word comes next in the pattern?tweakweakteakteasetoothtealwearnearThe following words are related. What goes next in the pattern? Why?proserosehosehosthotposegreatroastGiven the relationship between the two words, which word has the same relationship? homewardbackwardwordworthywagwestwardWhich word would best fit into the sentence?He will _______________ the broken dishwasher.washpaintrepairuseShe did not feel _______________ on the crutches.coldsillyangrysteadyWhich of the following words does not belong in the group and why?discoverconquestplasterdeliverWhich of the following words has a prefix? What is the prefix?concealingmasterredevelop permitWhich of the following words has a suffix? What is the suffix?forbearinsist contend conferenceWhat is the root word for “retransformation?” ____________________Brainy Questions VIWhich of the following letter patterns have the most in common with the three given patterns? Why?groupcroupyouthcouchfloodcoupontownThe sounds /a/ in freight and /a/ in reign can also be found in _____? drawreachshrewdbreakWhich letters replace the question mark to make a word? __________roy?lauieWhat is the next logical word in the sequence? Why?sighsightmightslantsliderightstyleUse imagery to remember the following words:feather laidleatherthreadpraiseWhich word is spelled correctly?sausersaucersawcersaucrWhich word is missing a letter? What letter is it missing? ______trolleyrgretvaultpouchThe following words have some kind of pattern. What word comes next in the pattern?climblimblimeslimeslaysleepsliceenzymeThe following words are related. What goes next in the pattern? Why?palmpsalmbalmbalmybathballbacknone of the aboveGiven the relationship between the two words, which word has the same relationship? rejoicemoisturepoisonenjoypausepastureWhich word would best fit into the sentence?They went on a long _______________ by foot and completed it in 30 days.jumphayrideairplanejourneyShe looked in the _______________ for the spices.dressercupboardsuitcasepocketWhich of the following words does not belong in the group and why?shadowmeadowgrowproseWhich of the following words has a prefix? What is the prefix?washedelationbacklash befriendWhich of the following words has a suffix? What is the suffix?IllustrationobjectredirectcontendWhat is the root word for “redistribution?” ____________________Brainy Questions VIIWhich of the following letter patterns have the most in common with the three given patterns? Why?moneydonkeytrolleyspryhockeytheyonlyThe sounds /or/ in door and /or/ in chore can also be found in _____? soilsaunterclauseroarWhich letters replace the question mark to make a word?__________g?essuoaiWhat is the next logical word in the sequence? Why?manymanmenmendmendingmentionmoreUse imagery to remember the following words:every onecarrymany onceWhich word is spelled correctly?frootfruitfrutefrutWhich word is missing a letter? What letter is it missing? ______throughthoughtwraughtenouhThe following words have some kind of pattern. What word comes next in the pattern?tissueissueismissdismissmistermassmistakeThe following words are related. What goes next in the pattern? Why?statuestaturestatestavestoveslimeslaverystairGiven the relationship between the two words, which word has the same relationship? treasuremeasurelurchpleaseurnpleasureWhich word would best fit into the sentence?They will ---------- the heavy piece of metal to the top of the building.dropthrowflyhoistThe robbers are planning to __________ the gems and hide them underground.wearseizepackcleanWhich of the following words does not belong in the group and why?embroiderspoilrejoice enjoyWhich of the following words has a prefix? What is the prefix?confusioninfuseready outlawWhich of the following words has a suffix? What is the suffix?donatemeadowdirectionerodeWhat is the root word for “unlocked?” ____________________Brainy Questions VIIIWhich of the following letter patterns have the most in common with the three given patterns? Why?droopgloomspoolboostboastboutbrawlThe sounds /ou/ in hound and /ow/ in clown can also be found in _____? haulbluntclassnone of the aboveWhich letters replace the question mark to make a word?__________pr?faioooueeWhat is the next logical word in the sequence? Why?flowslowlowbelowflowermowsoapUse imagery to remember the following words:avenue whetherargueissue weatherWhich word is spelled correctly?staplstoplestaplestooplWhich word is missing a letter? What letter is it missing? ______spurtsparsesproutspltThe following words have some kind of pattern. What word comes next in the pattern?cablecabcatcatchshatterchairhitchmatchThe following words are related. What goes next in the pattern? Why?sparsesparparpearwearspeechpartpoachGiven the relationship between the two words, which word has the same relationship? amountremountmouthmintcowardcauseWhich word would best fit into the sentence?Jack will __________ that he be transferred to another department.screamtellwhisperrequestThey will __________ the prisoner while he is in court.walkfeedrestrainwashWhich of the following words does not belong in the group and why?swellquillmillstillWhich of the following words has a prefix? What is the prefix?scoldpositionunkind gemstoneWhich of the following words has a suffix? What is the suffix?degradecreptcupcake crystalizeWhat is the root word for “unproblematic?” ____________________Brainy Questions IXWhich of the following letter patterns have the most in common with the three given patterns? Why?quillquakequietcatchcoverquiltkitThe sounds /or/ in shore and /or/ in sure can also be found in _____? cubecartturnyourWhich letters replace the question mark to make a word?__________shru?klpndWhat is the next logical word in the sequence? Why?shadeshadyladylastladflakylaceUse imagery to remember the following words:wrote reason wrongwrap meantWhich word is spelled correctly?hornithornuthornathornetWhich word is missing a letter? What letter is it missing? ______forkstrikepraktweakThe following words have some kind of pattern. What word comes next in the pattern?sneaksqueaksquealsealsellershellrealizestealThe following words are related. What goes next in the pattern? Why?tacktrackquackbackbacklashbunkbeachshackGiven the relationship between the two words, which word has the same relationship? Hint: picklesickletrickleformaltunnelpalWhich word would best fit into the sentence?Mack began to __________ his work and his grades went down.finishneglectlikecrumbleThe robber tried to _______________ the ladies pocketbook.fillcleansnatchuseWhich of the following words does not belong in the group and why?hunchmulchmunchpunchWhich of the following words has a prefix? What is the prefix?repolishsnowedswift combatWhich of the following words has a suffix? What is the suffix?spaciousconcludemeadow breathWhat is the root word for “infrequency?” ____________________AnswersBrainy QuestionsIPagescorduroy, thoughtu, sunny, use imageryfriction, pich (t)took or stool, coilquill, noble, sproutbroil, postscript, admiration, reactBrainy QuestionsIIboost, pewau, ready, (use imagery)droop, jersey (e)ate, sakeastound, operation, causetoo, restate (re), hazardous (ous), inventBrainy QuestionsIIIgrowl, weightey, hour, (use imagery)boast, royl (a)barn, inchsteeple, fancy, heightsleek, redevelop (re), relation (tion), tightBrainy QuestionsIVmenu, cueu, cheat, (use imagery)priest, neither (e)bead, depletiontear, graduation, glazetrade, inlay (in), breakable (able), regulateBrainy Questions Vpansy, tailorqu, very, (use imagery)elastic, stampde (e)teal, hotwestward, repair, steadyconquest, redevelop (re), conference (ence), transformBrainy Questions VIcoupon, breakroyl (a), right, (use imagery)saucer, rgret (e)slice, none of the abovepoison, journey, cupboardprose, befriend (be), illustration (ion), distributeBrainy Questions VIIhockey, roaru, mend, (use imagery)fruit, enouh (g)mass, stovepleasure, hoist, seizeenjoy, infuse (in), direction (ion), lockBrainy Questions VIIIboost, none of the aboveoo, mow, (use imagery)staple, splt (i,a)match, wearmouth, request, restrainswell, unkind (un), crystalize (ize), problemBrainy Questions IXquilt, yourn, lad, (use imagery)hornet, prak (n)steal, shacktrickle, neglect, snatchmulch, repolish (re), spacious (ious), frequentMary Beth D’Antoni is a reading expert who has been active in the field of education for over thirty years. She holds a NJ K-12 teaching certificate. She earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology and a Master’s Degree in Education. She worked as a seventh-grade Language Arts Teacher, Reading Teacher, Adjunct Professor of Reading and is author of “Pathways to the Mind, “a reading program for students who have difficulty learning from traditional methods. She is presently Owner and Founder of Jersey Shore Learning Center. Her educational experience has involved concentrated work in remedial, developmental and enrichment areas for kindergarten through college level students. Ms. D’Antoni has done extensive independent research related to students with learning differences. Her program “Pathways to the Mind” is based on her experience, findings and research on the development of reading skills and has been recognized throughout Monmouth and Ocean counties. She has designed and published “Pathways to the Mind:” The program focuses on prevention and early intervention of learning difficulties using a wide range of options, teaches language patterns, involves intensive instruction in the area of reading, focuses on pattern processing and phoneme segmentation of words, their order and their connection to letters. Ms. D’Antoni’s teaching materials have proven to be highly successful in the development of essential learning skills. ................

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