Tucker carlson twitter followers


Tucker carlson twitter followers

Use of social media of the USA President of the United States This article is part of a series AboutDonald Trump Political Positions Electoral History Public Image and Personal Business Career Career Career The Trump Organization Wealth Deliveries Deliveries Medium Career Books Apprentice Books Filmography Epononimi Family Foundation

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Taskforce Communication Government response Stimulus invoices Act Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 Operation Warp Speed House [2] White House said tweets should be considered official statements. [3] When Twitter finally banned Trump from the platform in January 2021 during the last days of his term,[4] his @realDonaldTrump handle

had more than 88.9 million followers. [5] For most of Trump's presidency, his Twitter account, where he often posted controversial and false statements,[6][8][9] remained unmodified in the name of "public interest".[10][11] The Congress performed its moderation form: on July 16, 2019, the House of Representatives voted mostly along the party lines

to censor it for "racist references" had tweeted two days before. [12] In the face of this political censorship, his tweets only accelerated. A New York Times survey published on November 2, 2019, found that, during his current period until today, Trump had already retweet at least 145 accounts that " pushed the conspiracy or fringe content, including

more than two dozens that were suspended. "[13] In 2020, Trump also spread disinformation on the COVID-19 pandemic. During his 2020 re-election campaign, he falsely suggested that postal vote or voteelectoral can compromise elections, elections, Twitter to remove these tweets or label them as disputed. [14] [15] After his electoral loss, Trump

has constantly undermined the results of the elections in the weeks that led to the inauguration of Joe Biden. [16] [17] The Tweet of him played a role in inciting 6 January 2021, the attack of the United States Capitol during the formal count of electoral votes. [18] Although the Senate eventually performed Trump during his second impeachment, the

social media societies fared him quickly. Facebook and Instagram announced a permanent prohibition (although, in June 2021, they said that they would revisit the ban in January 2023). [19] [20] [21] Twitter definitively suspended his @realdonaldrump handle, followed by the official account of his campaign (@teamtrump) [22] [23] [24] and allied

accounts he published on his name, as a trump digital campaign director Gary Coby deleted . During the first week that Trump was banned on different platforms (9-15 January), the information relating to the elections decreased by 73%, according to the Zignal Labs research analysis society. [27] In May 2021, Trump launched "From the desk by

Donald J. Trump", a site in which he published short ads similar to Tweet; It was closed after less than a month between the relationships he had not attracted significant traffic. [28] Donald J. Trump Twitter background @REALDONALDTRUMP My use of social media is not presidential ? € ? € ? Modern Day Presidential. Make America big again! 1

July 2017 [29] Additional information: Social media and political communication in the United States and Social Media In the presidential elections of the United States, 2016This article or section probably contains the synthesis of material that does not mention in a verifiable manner or refers to the main theme. The relevant discussion can be found

on the conversation page. (June 2021) (Learn as and when to remove this model) the emergence of social media hasThe way political communication takes place in the United States. Political institutions such as politicians, political parties, foundations, institutions and political tanks use all platforms on social media, such as Facebook and Twitter, to

communicate and involve voters. Regular, political, "expert" individuals and thought leaders in the same way are able to express their opinions, engage with a vast network and connect with other likeminded individuals. [30] According to Wael Ghonim, social media can strengthen pre-existing beliefs rather than promote new ones. Social media, while

a great source of collection of volunteers and money, serves the main purpose of affirming political beliefs and strengthening a political basis. [31] Politicians have a platform to communicate with what is different from the mainstream media. Politicians have the ability to collect great quantities of money in relatively short periods through social media

campaigns. In 2012, President Barack Obama has collected a billion dollars for the countryside of him, which broke the fundraising record. About 690 million dollars were raised through online donations including social media, e-mails and donations of the website, and more money they were raised by small donors than ever before. [32] The US

presidential election of 2008 was the first election in which candidates used media internet and network networks as a communicative tool incorporated into candidate campaigns. [33] In 2008, President Eletto Barack Obama was the first to use the Internet to organize supporters, advertise and communicate with individuals in a way that had been

impossible in previous elections. [34] Obama Used sites like YouTube to advertise videos. The videos published on Obama's YouTube were displayed for 14.5 million hours. [34] [35] Starting from 2012 Applicants were using a larger series of social media platforms. [36] The politicians were now on social networking sites like Twitter, Instagram,

YouTube and other new new ones Multimedia tools and mobile apps. Some of the candidates used social media sites to announce their candidacy. Barack Obama sent an email to 13 million when he announced his intention to run for re-election, and Mitt Romney sent a tweet. [36] In May 16, 2011, @Barackobama was followed by 7.4 million people,

including twenty-eight global leaders. [37] Your account has become the third account to reach 10 million followers in September 2011. [38] [39] [40] Twitter See also: Act of Love (Politics) and make America big again L Donald Trump's Tweet Activities from his first tweet in May 2009. His Tweet activity model has changed since 2013. From his

official candidacy statement in 2015, Donald Trump benefited from large numbers of supporters active on social media. Some supporters called "Cenimipedi" online. [41] As President, Trump preferred to communicate on social media, announcing political changes and dismissals of staff members. [42] Trump has largely climbed the Secretary of the

White House, and the administration of him concluded the daily briefing of the press of the White House. [42] Trump preferred "to dictate and dominate the news cycle"; He communicated by him stressed him the political complaints of him, promoted theories of the conspiracy and attacked those he considered enemies. [42] Trump used the Retweet

function on Twitter to forward the agreed messages with (posts often praise them), no matter how dark their authors were. [43] Sometimes, Trump retired, [44] and sometimes commenting "so true" while I do it. [45] Followers The handle @REALDONALDTRTRUMP has been accumulated 88.7 million followers for the time that Twitter suspended it in

January 2021 after 2021 attack of the United States chapter. [5] [46] [47] When Trump announced his presidential campaign in 2015, he had million followers; His followers count from then on has increased rapidly. [48] Many of his followers, however, were false accounts and bots of Twitter: the analysis of May 2017 concluded that outside the other

30,9 million followers of TrumpTwitter account, 51% were real and 49% were fake.[49][50] In mid-2018, Twitter led a crackdown on fake accounts across the site, reducing the total number of site users by about 6%;[51] consequently, Trump lost about 100,000 of his then-53.4 million followers. [48] Trump complained repeatedly about the reductions

in the number of followers, claiming that Twitter had been biased against him, and raised his complaints in tweets and in a private meeting with Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey. [51][52] In October 2018, the research group SparkToro estimated that more than 60% of Trump's followers were "bots, spam, inactive or propaganda"¡ªa significantly higher

percentage than followers of other American political accounts Twitter. [52] Trump's advisors warned him that his tweets can alienate some of his supporters. [53] In a June 2017 Fox News poll, 70 percent of the respondents said Trump's tweets hurt his agenda. In a January 2019 UMass Lowell poll, 68 percent of all respondents aged between 18 and

37 said Trump tweeted too much. [56] tweet rate In November 2016, shortly after winning the election, Trump said in a 60-minute interview that, as president, his use of social media would be "very narrow, if I use it at all. "[57] Trump continued to tweet more than 25,000 times during his presidency;[2] by the first half of 2019, he tweeted frequently

as he had as a candidate, and doubled this rate during the second half of 2019 and the first half of 2020. On his most prolific day, on June 5, 2020, he tweeted 200 times. [58] Tweets were counted through the Trump Twitter Archive. [59] Data range Tweets Daily average 2009 (4 May ¨C 31 December 2009) 56 0.2 2010 (1¡ã January ¨C 31 December 2010)

142 0.4 2011 (1¡ã? € ? 31 December 2011) 774 2.1 2012 (1st January - December 31, 2012) 3.531 9.6 2013 (1st January - 31 December 2013) 8.138 22.3 January 2015) 2015) 2015 ? ? ?,? "November 8, 2016) 7.794 15.2 Transition (November 9, 2016 ? ? ?,?" 19 January 2017) 364 5.1 Presidency, year 1, first half (January 20 ? ? ?,? "19 July 2017)

1.027 5.7 Presidency, year 1, second half (20 July 2017 ? ? ?,? "19 January 2018) 1,576 8.6 Presidency, year 2, first half (20 January 2018 ? ? ?,?" 19 July 2018) 1.472 8.1 Presidency, Year 2, second half (July 20, 2018 ? ? ?,? "19 January 2019) 2.146 11.7 Presidency, year 3, first semester (January 20 ? ? ?,?" 19 July 2019) 2.814 15.6 Presidency,

year 3, second MET? (20 July - 19 January, 2020) 5.151 28.1 Presidency, year 4, first half (January 20 ? ? ?,? "19 July 2020) 6.014 33.2 Presidency, year 4, second half (20 July ? ? ?,?" 8 January 2021) 5,993 34.8 In addition to the tweets he put out, he was also the expected recipient of the tweets by others. In 2019, Donald Trump was tagged on

Twitter at a rate of 1,000 times per minute, according to New York Times. [13] Security of the Grease after the inauguration, the White House does not comment if Trump used a secure phone. [60] First, he had used a Samsung Galaxy S3 that only has Android 4.3.1 as the latest operating system, an Android version that Google marked as not

supported and interrupted as the inauguration of Trump. [61] Since then, he used an iPhone to use Twitter. [62] The iPhone Twitter app used by Trump in 2018 was lacking certain security and political features reported in May 2018 that Trump's phone "is gone up to five months" without being controlled by security experts. [63] On October 24,

2018, the New York Times reported that Trump was still using his personal iPhones for phone calls, although his helpers and intelligence u.s officials. They warned that Russian and Chinese spies are listening [64] Trump replied twitting: "I use only government phones". The tweet was sent by an iPhone. [65] (in the same tweet, he claimed that Only a

phone of the genre and that is "rarely used".) [66] Trump's @REALDONALDTRTRUMP Twitter Twitter account was violated twice times Dutch hacker Victor Gevers, both times guessing weak passwords. The first incident took place in 2016, using the "Seafired" guessed password. The password has been guessed because it had previously been

discovered in a violation of the LinkedIn 2012 password. [67] The second incident took place in October 2020, when his account was violated by guessing the password "Maga2020! ". [68] [69] Although the reports of the second attack were denied by Twitter and the White House, were subsequently confirmed by the Dutch prosecutors in 20

December 20. [70] Tweets as official statements for all his presidency, Trump frequently seemed Emitates orders through your tweets. If these tweets were official directives were not clear. [71] [72] A spokesman for US national archives said that Trump Tweets are considered presidential records [73]. In 2017, the Department of Justice supported in

a case of one case that Trump Tweet were "official statements of the President of the United States". [74] In other cases, the DOJ claimed that they were official statements of politics, but that tweets were also "personal conduct that is not a state power exercise." [74] The ABA Journal wrote in 2017, "There is little Caselaw to what extent the use of

the social media government can be considered official or a" public forum ", which offers the first amendment to people who could be excluded based on their points of view." [74] In 2019, the US Navy Secretary said not to interpret a trump tweet as a "formal order to act" after Trump tweeted the navy should not take Edward Gallagher's Status Chief

Chief Petty Officer as a marine seal. [75] In 2020, a court asked Trump clarifying the intention of him after tweeting what seemed to be an order that requires dissemination of documents relating to Russian interference in the 2016 elections. In a White House Chief Court of Staff Mark Meadows said: "The president indicated to me that his statements

on Twitter were not orders of self-degradation and do not do soThe declassification or the release of any particular documents. "[76] Timeline in 2009, Marketing Staffer Peter Costanzo suggested Briscola who could use social media to attract attention to his book, thinking like a champion, which had to be released later year. He was not able To use

the username @DonaldTrtrumpMPons, since it was already used by a parody account. He and his marketing team decided to use the username @REALDONALDTRRUMP. [77] TRUMP universes to Twitter in March 2009 and sent the His first tweet on May 4, 2009, advertising his next appearance on late show with David Letterman, who was due to air

a couple of days later. [77] From 2009 to 2011, Tweet published by the account @Realdonaldrrump included the phrase "from Donald Trump" to distinguish them from those written by his staff, but at about June 2011, as the use of platform trump has increased, those identifying disappeared labels. [77] During the 2016 campaign, some tweets. I'm

States sent by an Android phone and others from an iPhone. [78] [79] Android tweets were more likely to be sent outside working hours and taking a more combative tone. The iPhone Tweet have been suspected of being written and sent by the members of Trump staff, a suspicion that has been widely confirmed using the analysis of feeling; [80] The

learning of the machine and the natural processing of the natural language could still distinguish trump tweets from the other sent in the name of him, even when the staff members tried to emulate the writing style of him. [81] In 2012, following Obama's victory in the presidential elections, Trump tweeted a contemptuous comments chain on

Obama's victory. He derided Obama to play basketball and blamed the Chinese to create "the concept of global warming". Trump has tweeted the next day, "but Live with it! "E:" We must make America big again! "[82] In response, Obama sarcastically habitate the show tonight with Jay Leno:" All dates back to when [he and trump] were growing

together in Kenya ", referring to the [83] [84] Trump Twitter activity is significantly increased starting from 2013; He has twitched more frequently and with more politically charged rhetoric. [85] [86] Twitter was an important tool in the 2016 Trump Presidential Electoral Campaign and was credited as a contribution to him. [87] The former

communications director of the White House Anthony Scaramucci recalled that Trump: "He heard that there was no separation between his brand and the media, that there was a value interpret for himself personally among the His brand and saturated it in the media "[88] Daniel Pfeiffer, former Obama's strategy communication consultant,

commented that Trump is:" much better on the internet than anyone else in the GOP, which partly because he is winning ". [89] According to The New York Times, other presidential aid described Trump "as a sophisticated version of a parrot, given his penchant to repeat the information almost unfiltered, as soon as he had developed it." [88] in 2017,

Trump has been described as "perhaps the first 'social media' and 'reality TV' president" in an article by Van Jones on the CNN site in October 2017. After the inauguration of Trump, he obtained account control United States Presidential Twitter Official (@potus), which was created by Obama. The first trump tweets as president were made by him

personal account of him, but he used both accounts. [90] After Joe Biden won the presidential elections of November 2020, Twitter said he expected to deliver the account @Potus to Biden to his inauguration on January 20, 2021, which has since happened. [91] Live-Tweeting Fox & Friends Trump often watched Fox News Show Fox & Friends and

often tweet reactions to what he saw in the show. For example, January 2, 2018, Trump tweeted that the "nuclear button" of him was "much larger and more powerful" by Kim Jong-Un, following a Fox News segment on minutes Nuclear "by Kim. Trump looks several hours of cable newscast every day, using the IL Tiva "had installed at the White

House. [92] News organizations have compiled lists of Trump Tweets that repeat what was looking at. The result is that stories that Fox focuses on national stories by virtue that They appear in presidential tweets, creating a feedback cycle. [93] During his first year in office, he mentioned the Fox & Friends Twitter account more than any other

account. [94] insults in January 2016, a review of New York Times found this one in every eight trump messages on Twitter "was a personal insult of some kind". [95] From the beginning of his term until May 2019, Trump had insulted 598 people (including private citizens), Places and things on Twitter; Targets of Insults included politicians,

journalists, news jacks, hosts and television programs, former staff members and members, government agencies, government agencies, commercial leaders, critical books for him, The state of California and the State of New York and the entire countries. [96] The New York Times published an inventory of all Trump Twitter insults from 2015 until

2021 January. [97] Trump has often given opposing nicknames such as "Crooked Hillary" [98] and "Lyin 'Ted". [99] [100] In 2015, he tweeted against a 18-year university student who had challenged him in a new Hampshire political forum, which led to a wave of online harassment against her. [101] In December 2016, as President elected, he replied

to the criticisms by the President of United Steelworkers local 1999 in Indiana tweetening that the leader of the local Union "made a terrible work that represents workers"; [102] President of the Union has received threatening phone calls later. [103] International Threats 2017 - 2019 Qatar Diplomatic The United States President Trump with the

EMIR of Qatar Tamim Bin Hamad Al Thani, May 2017 in 2017, the diplomatic crisis of the It burst. An escalation of Qatar?€ "Saudi Arabia Diplomatic Conflict, began when Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt abruptlyOut of diplomatic relations with Qatar, claiming that the Qatari government supported terrorists. [104] The

separation of relationships included the collection of ambassadors and imposing commercial and travel prohibitions. [105] In a series of tweets, Trump praised the move of the Gulf nations against Qatar, took credit for crisis engineering, and repeatedly criticized Qatar, mining the simultaneous efforts of the Trump Rex Secretary of State Secretary

Tillerson, US ambassador to Qatar Dana Shell Smith and Defense Secretary James Mattis, everyone took a neutral position, invited dialogue and compromise in the interest of regional security, and noted that Qatar hosted the airbase AL UDEID [105] [108] [107] [108] [10] Threat to destroy North Korea Korea Main article: 2017 - 2018 North Korea

crisis Donald J. Trump Twitter @REALDONALDTRTRUMP THE?? ? € ???? ?? ? € ?Has great strength and patience, but if it is forced to defend it or its allies, we will have no choice that totally destroy #Noko. 19 September 2017 [110] In September 2017, Trump published tweets on North Korea that some have seen how to violate the Twitter

government against the production of threats of violence. On 19 September he said that under certain circumstances, "we will not have any choice that totally destroying the #Noko", and September 23 ", I just heard the North Korea Minister of North Korea Let's talk in UN if he echoes thoughts of a little man of Rocket, they won't be around much

longer! "(" Little Rocket Man "was the nickname of Trump for the North Korean leader Kim Jong-a.) In response to the User's concerns, Twitter cited the news And if the tweet is of public interest as factors that consider whether a tweet purposes their rules. The company has recognized that these guidelines are internal and stated that they would

update theirs in front of the public to reflect. [111] threat to destroy Iranian cultural sites further information: iran - relations of the United States ?¡ì? 2017 - present: administration trump and 2019 - 2021 crisis of the Persian Gulf on 4 January 2020, trump threatened in a tweet tweetIranian strikes all Americans, or American activities, "may expect

that" 52 Iranian sites (which represent the 52 American hostages taken by the Iranian many years ago) ... important for Iranian and Iranian culture would be hit very fast and very hard. "cultural sites deliberately had a war crime. the next day, he tweeted:" should Iran hit any person or target of the United States, the United States will quickly and

fully strike, and perhaps disproportionately. "[111] sharing violent content, extremely right and extremist trump was criticized for his practice of retweeting or copying the material from the accounts of social media by publishing antisemitic, racist or false information, as statements exaggerating the number of crimes committed by black people. [113]

[114] [115] during the politifaction of the campaign identified as particularly false the politifa noted that, in addition to being one and five times xaggeration, the claim was purchased at the "crime statistics bureau, san francisco" nonexistent "; He later highlighted this retweet when assigning his "menzogna dell'anno" badge of 2015 for the entire

presidential campaign of trump. [116] [117] false statistics were first published by a twitter Neo-Nazi account. [115] an image published by trump on July 2, 2016, called hillary clinton the "most corrupted suit ever"! and presented a six-pointed star reminiscent of the Jewish star of David; the image appeared for the first time in a June 15 tweet from

"@ fishbonehead1," a twitter account described by the associated press as known for "Anti-Clinton and messages and images leaned right" and as promotion "the racist, racist memes, "beforeroad to 8chan / pol / June 22. [118] [119] Trump's social media manager Dan Trump Scavino replied that the image had been purchased by him from a Twitter

page "where countless images appear" and that he assumed that the star referred to a sheriffUnder two hours later, the Tweet was canceled from the Trump account in favor of an almost identical tweet with a circle instead of the star, but Trump later accused the cancellation on his staff, stating: "I would have it less defended" . [119] [121] Jeremy

Diamond of CNN observed: "It was not the six-pointed star alone that evoked anti-Semitism - is the combination of the star with a background of money and an accusation of corruption, which suggests stereotypal views of the Jews and Money and raises theories of the conspiracy that Jews control political systems. "[122] The episode conducted Dana

Schwartz, a Jewish employee of Trump Jushner Jushner Trump, to write an open letter to protest, to which replied [123] [124] CNN Wrestling video More information: CNN controversies ? ? ?¡ì??,??,?, ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?, ?,?,?,, Trump Twicted a video of himself attacking Vince McMahon during Wrestlemania 23 with the CNN logo

above the face of McMahon. In response, CNN Brian Stelter released a statement that declares that Trump was "encouraging violence against journalists" and "involved in youth behavior below the dignity of the office of him". [125] [126] [127] [128]. CNN also responded to the tweet quotation Sarah Huckabee Sanders who claimed the previous week

"The president in no way formed or fashion has ever promoted or encouraged violence". [125] Homeland Security advisor Tom Bodsert said that "no one would have perceived [tweet] as a threat." [125] [129] Trump later said CNN took the post too seriously, adding that CNN has "hurting a lot bad ". [130] The clip appeared on Pro-Trump subprounding, / R / The Donald, about four days before, [125] [131] [132] [133] and was created by a reddit account that had previously published Racist contents, anti-Semitic and Bigotti. [134] A white house official later denied that the video came from The official refused "to answer questions about where the president got the clip". [135] Starting

from December 20, 2017 [Update], the tweet had been Over 330,000 times, making it the most rectified trump post. [136] Britain first video President Trump with Prime Minister Teresa May in the Oval Office at the White House in Washington, D.C., 27 January 2017. The Ministry Maggio condemned Trump Tweet and Great Britain. On November 29,

2017, Trump retired the three inflammatory and non-verified anti-muslim videos, a distant British and ultra-nationalist group that has a history of posting misusivian videos. [137] One of the presumed videos to show an assault by a Muslim immigrant, but the assailant was not a Muslim nor an immigrant. [138] Another video was shot in 2013 during

the Syrian civil war, showing a man, which is believed to be a al-Nusra supporter, destroying a statue of Mary and stating: "No one, but Allah will be worshiped in the Earth of the Levant. "A third video contains movies shot during a period of violent disorders after the 2013 Egyptian state shot of ? at. [139] [140] [141] [142] The videos had been

shared by the first deputy leader of Great Britain Jayda Fransen, sentenced for religiously aggravated harassment in Great Britain in 2016. [137] Trump promotion that the inflammatory content of An extremist group was unprecedented among modern American presidents. [143] Trump actions have been widely condemned both in the United States

and abroad from politicians, commentators and religious leaders of various faiths and through the political spectrum; Even from different groups of civil rights and divocation and organizations. [144] [145] [146] [147] [137] [148] The incident has behaved called Trump to ban from the United Kingdom, [145] [149] [150] but his invitation to visit the

United Kingdom does not It has been withdrawn. [151] When requested by PBS Newshoo, 29 democratic senators and four Republicans have criticized tweets. [152] [153] The UK Prime Minister Teresa can say in a statement, " For the president having done it "and" Great Britain seeks before dividing the communities through their use of hateful

narratives that lies and stoke tensions. "[154] [153] Then foreign secretary Boris Johnson called Britain a hateful "organization" that does not reflect British values. However, he did a refrain from calling President Trump for sharing the videos. [155] Trump's share of Tweets has been praised through far-off circles, increased Islamophobic comment on

social media, and raised the profile of Britain. [156] [157] In Britain, Franciere and Britain First Leader Paul Golding greeted Trump's Re-Tweets, Say: "Donald Trump himself rectified these videos and has about 44 million followers! God bless you Trump! "[158] [145] [159] [160] Secretary of the White House SEGRETARIA SARAH HUCKABEE

SANDERS If it is a real video [SIC], the threat is real and that is What the president is talking about. "[151] On November 30, 2017, Sanders said that Trump's actions" raised the conversation to talk about a real problem and a real threat, it is extreme violence and extreme terrorism." [161] Trump responded to the criticism from May, publicly

rebuking on Twitter, triggering a rare split between the United Kingdom and the United States. [162] On December 18, almost three weeks after being withdrawn by Trump, the accounts of Britain before, Paul Golding and Jayda Fransen were all suspended from Twitter. [163] In a January 2018 interview with Piers Morgan for good day Britain,

Trump said he was unfamiliar with Britain when he hung them up, saying: "If you're telling me they're horrible people, horrible people, racists, I'd definitely apologize if you would. Like I do. "[164] South Africa In August 2018, Trump tweeted that he had asked Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to study closely South Africa's land and agricultural

seizures and expropriations and large size of farmers." The Tweet wasShortly after a fox news segment in which Tucker Carlson said that the "racist government of South Africa" ? €

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