
Floridalamp@ The Voice of Florida



Florida State Board

Mary Jay Bauer-President WILD BLUE YONDER

Robin Allred- 1st Vice President

Kayla Andux-2nd Vice President

Barbara Fry- Recording Secretary

Lorena Lucas- Corresponding Secretary

Janice Harmon- Treasurer

Sharon Roberts-Philanthropic Director

Lin King-Educational Director/Webmaster

Pinky Barbour- Jr. Past President/Disaster Fund

Barbara Floyd-Audit Chairman

Mona King- Awards Chairman

Annette Cobert- Chaplin

Jan Billias- St. Jude Coordinator

Paula Kelly- Care Connections Coordinator

Barbara Kellard- Credentials Coordinator/PPA Chairman

Bonnie McGuire- Easter Seals Coordinator

Sue Ceriale- Foundation Counselor

Beth McCoy- Executive Advisor

Alisha Hulslander- Lamp Editor

Rhonda Coy- Parliamentarian

Janice Humphrey- SERC Coordinator

Sherry Newgent- Long Range Planning Chairman

Wild Blue Yonder

2011-2012 Florida State Council

President Mary Jay Bauer-Seibert

Acceptance Speech

Thank you!! A special thanks to Beth McCoy and Alpha Rho. It was a beautiful ceremony.

Not all of my family could be here tonight, but I wanted to introduce you to the ones that are here. First is my Mother, Annette Cobert, my sister, Lorena Lucas, my daughter, and a half, Jeniffer Laney, yes she is expecting in September, this will be number 12 for me! And my VERY new, to me husband, Mark. Thank you all for being with me tonight.

Thirteen years ago when my mother asked me to join ESA, I had no idea what I was getting myself in to (much like my new husband! He didn’t know either!). But he is the perfect ESA husband. He already doesn’t know how to say no and when it comes to ESA he always says a resounding YES! Thank you Baby!

Shortly after joining Alpha Rho, the chapter secretary at that time, Gail Satterwhite, talked me in to taking over the Secretary position for her. She said “It’s so easy; I just don’t have a computer to write the minutes on”. EASY! Yeah, right! Those that are chapter secretaries or who have been chapter secretaries know just how easy it is to try to keep up with a dozen or so women all talking at the same time! Anyway, I agreed to finish the year for her and then continue as the chapter secretary for the next year as well. The following year, I was Vice President and then Chapter President.

It was during my Year as President, that my Mom, told me, she had told Gail that if Gail ever became State President, she would volunteer to be her corresponding secretary, but only because she knew there was no way Gail would ever want to be the State President. She didn’t make that same offer to me however. She said she knew that one day, I WOULD be the Florida State Council President and she was not going to do it. (So I talked my baby sister into doing it for me!) Thank you Lorena! At the time Mom said this to me, I just laughed at her, because I couldn’t see myself in the same league as the STATE Presidents! I knew there was no way I would ever be good enough for that. I just didn’t know at the time how awesome and strong this group of women really is. It is because of my Mothers’ encouragement and the support of all my Alpha Rho sisters along with Rho Chi sisters, Rocky, Rhonda, Robin and Sherry, and many more of you, that I am standing here today. From the bottom of my heart ladies, I thank you all!

This year, I chose my Theme to be: “Wild Blue Yonder”. This has a special meaning for me, because as most of you know, I was in the Air Force, and yes, I was a B-52 Crew Chief, a grease monkey, so I am not afraid to get my hands dirty. (Nails and all!) I had many new experiences in the Air Force that forced me to get out of my comfort zone and go into the Wild Blue Yonder! That’s what I want us to do this year. We have “Looked Beyond Ourselves” and I want us to continue that thought process. I want us to get out of the security of our little box and into the unknown Wild Blue Yonder! There are so many unchartered territories that would enhance the membership of the Florida State Council. Wear your ESA garb to the PTA meetings, the grocery stores, anyplace you meet people. When someone asks you what that thing on your shirt represents, and they will, you can take that opportunity to lead them into the “Wild Blue Yonder”!

This past year as 1st Vice President, I had the opportunity to experience firsthand how hard it is to entice new members. It’s HARD! But what I found is that if you begin by telling them how much fun we have, and that we work really hard to support places like St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, or Easter Seals for example, they get a little more interested. We have made great strides this year towards increasing our membership. Let’s keep it going!

The hot air balloons you see on this stage, represent taking ourselves out of where we are comfortable, and “travelling” to the unknown. My wish for this year is that each and everyone one of us will look inside the box of certainty, see what is in there, and then go higher to find something else to put in that box. Taking a look in the box, and then stretching ourselves past that limit will help us increase membership and enthusiasm for ESA.

There was a story that was told at SERC this year, that I would like to share with you, about a little girl that was going to her first day at school. Later that evening when she got home, she received a call from her grandmother who had asked how the first day of school went. What the grandmother heard was that she “Was playing with Susie Adams”. She said it was a great day and had lots of fun. When her grandmother asked her who Suzy Adams was, the little girl kept saying, No grandma, I was playing with Suzy Adams! After this conversation went on for a while, the grandmother realized that what the little girl was saying was that she was “playing with enthusiasm!’ So this year, I want ALL of us to play with Suzy Adams! I want a renewed sense of what ESA is all about. Let’s get some excitement back into what we really stand for. Let’s get into that hot air balloon and go places we never thought we could. Now, I know some of us may be fearful of the thought of getting into a hot air balloon and just letting it go, right? Don’t let your uncertainty or fear of failure or embarrassment stop you from trying anything and everything you can do to generate Suzy Adams for this great organization. ESA is a phenomenal organization and the work that each and every one of us does is important! So….let’s remember that little girl, let’s climb into that hot air balloon, and Play with Suzy Adams!

I am so honored to be your State President this coming year. I will do my best, along with this awesome State Board, to represent you and make you proud. I look forward to playing with each of you! THANK YOU!

Robin Allred

1st Vice President

The food … the hotel … the decorations … the raffles … the people… did I mention the food…


Thank you to all the chapters who bid for meetings last year. It was so good to see a little friendly “competition” again, I hope it continues! For those who didn’t win their bid this time, rest assured Kayla has your name and number. I truly appreciate everyone’s support and assistance during my term as 2nd VP. It was truly a pleasure to be the “Official State Hostess”.

Reviewing my new role as 1st VP, you all know I will be focusing on our membership (past, present and future) and officer nominations for next year, so…. I have a couple of favors to ask of each of you:

#1. PLEASE contact me via email, US mail, phone, message in a bottle whatever it takes, with the name of any new member, MAL, transfer etc. and their sponsor going back to April 1st 2011 and moving forward. I want to make sure that I don’t miss anyone who is new to Florida for the 2011-2012 year. My focus is not only on new members but retaining the ones we currently have so if you have any suggestions, comments etc. regarding this please I am all ears.

#2. If you or someone you know has questions or would like to serve on the Florida State Council Board for the 2012-2013 year whether it be executive board or appointed board please contact me as soon as possible. I highly recommend that you seriously consider “throwing your hat in the ring” you won’t be sorry. It will be my pleasure to go over the different positions and what is involved with anyone interested.

It takes ALL of us to keep our organization fresh and moving forward. To our “seasoned” members (I am really walking on eggshells here) please encourage your “newer” sisters to personally grow within ESA and also introduce this rewarding organization to others. With your experience, guidance and encouragement we can do nothing else but fly high into the “Wild Blue Yonder”.

My contact information is: email robinallred@ ; phone: 727-282-8876; mail: 337 Country Club Dr. Oldsmar, FL 34677; message in a bottle: Tampa Bay. I look forward to hearing from A LOT of YOU – OFTEN!

Lorena Lucas

Corresponding Secretary

Wow, what a way to kick off the year! I am ready to get myself in that hot air balloon and head out to the “Wild Blue Yonder”. How about you? Many of you have caught on to the "new" email address for your minutes, but just in case you missed it the address is: flesacorsec@. I will do my best to respond to you to let you know that your minutes were received.

I look forward to reading up on all the cool things your chapters are doing.


Kayla Andux

Second Vice President

It was an honor to serve as your state educational director last year I had so much fun!!! Congrats to Alpha Nu, Beta Beta, and Alpha Rho for their outstanding educational programs and I hope that everyone sent their programs to IC because they were all OUTSTANDING!!  Convention was a blast! Thank you to Gamma Rho for a wonderful weekend. I am very excited to be serving as your 2nd Vice President for this year! I am patiently awaiting your meeting bids and know that they will be flooding my mail box soon! My goal for the Florida State Council this year is to have at least two bids per meeting and I know you ALL will help me reach OUR goal! I look forward to being the Florida State hostess and working side by side with Mary J. and Robin as we launch into the “Wild Blue Yonder!” Please call, write, text, or shout out any questions or concerns that you may have. I will be in contact with you soon....when you get the letter don’t toss it.....think, react, and reply with the ways that YOU can host a state meeting or what is preventing you from doing it.


Janice Harmon


Hello everyone! It is a privilege to be serving this year as your new Treasurer. I must say though, keeping track of all of your monies is going to be rather challenging but I have been assured that I will be receiving lots of help! This is a reminder that your rosters and your checks are due to me by August 1, 2011. I have received several already and I thank you for your promptness. This is going to be an exciting year as we explore the “WILD BLUE YONDER” and go higher than ESA has ever gone before. Thank you again for putting your trust in me and I will not disappoint you!

 Barbara Fry

Recording Secretary

"Once you begin to look, you may be surprised to discover just how much joy your world has to offer."

                                                        -Thomas Kinkade


Wasn't convention wonderful?  I sure did have a good time, from the above quote there was a lot of joy in our world that weekend.  The convention committee did an outstanding job to make this a wonderful memory for us. 

 Thank you Pinky for getting me out of my cocoon and I am looking forward to going into the “Wild Blue Yonder" with Mary Jay.  This is such an exciting time in the life of the FSC of ESA and I thank you for allowing me to be a part of it all.


As your FSC Recording Secretary, please let me know if I can be of help to you and your chapter this coming year.  Please don't let distance stop from asking, I love to travel!!  I can also answer questions about recording your chapter minutes; these are an important part of your chapter's history. 


Hope you all have a great summer (don't forget your sunscreen).

Lin King

Educational Director

From the time we pledge membership in ESA, we each wear the Grecian Lamp of Learning pin which is a symbol of our pursuit of knowledge. The First Pearl of the Jewel Pin is for Wisdom which each member will explore and obtain through the inspiration and guidance of ESA. I have taken some liberty to adapt some of these words from our guidebook, The Ideals of ESA. I did this because both of these symbols encourage education to gain knowledge and wisdom. Education does not come just from books, but from all of life’s experiences – social, professional, daily encounters. As your Educational Director for 2011 – 2012, it is my desire to encourage each of you to pursue Wisdom and Knowledge in a variety of ways through your chapter educational programs. Make them interesting and fun; incorporate a social that is appropriate to the lesson; invite speakers; engage your community in your programs. You can present programs at Boys and Girls clubs, elementary schools, church groups; the list is endless. ESA educational programs are not just limited to ESA members; spread the word. In this process, you will gain Wisdom and Knowledge interacting with the groups as well as teaching them.

Feel free to call upon me anytime during the year if you want assistance or if you just want to share a thought. If you are struggling with a topic, I will be happy to assist you. If you are excited about your topic and want to share that excitement, by all means, contact me!! I would love to hear about it!

Thank you for supporting me in this powerful role. I hope I can live up to your expectations. I know I will gain Wisdom and Knowledge this year through your programs.

Sharon Roberts Philanthropic Director

First things first, I just want to give a big THANK YOU to Betty Sanders and the Fort Myers/Estero chapters for a wonderful convention.  Your hard work and dedication showed.  The venue and food was top notch.  What an honor it was to meet BJ Clark, the Executive Director and Anita Hilburn, SERC Parliamentarian.  I had a wonderful time and count it as one of the best conventions I have been to. 

IMPORTANT NOTE:  Your Philanthropic reports are now required only twice a year.  I must receive your reports by September 30, 2011 and by March 31, 2011.  A copy of the revised Philanthropic Report form can be found in on the State website and in your yearbook.  This change in reporting was made as a result of the vote held during the 2011 State Convention.  (For those in attendance see page 13 of your convention booklet on Standing Rule #13.) 

I am excited to start my job as your new Philanthropic Director and started the new sorority year off by attending the Graduation of the Class of 2011 at the Florida School for the Deaf and Blind on June 3, 2011, with Donna Cornett and Paula Kelly.  What an awe-inspiring experience.  As with most graduation ceremonies there was the usual pomp and circumstance appropriate to such a big occasion but the fact that each one of these students had to overcome the extra hurdle of being hearing or vision impaired made it that much more significant of an achievement. 

And now, ♫  Off we go into the wild blue yonder . . .♫  I hope you all enjoy the summer and any vacation plans you have.  In your spare time, why don’t you try to come up with a new philanthropic idea.  It does not need to be a big idea, small ideas are great too.  If each of us would spend one additional hour per month on a philanthropic activity, imagine the substantial jump in the total number of hours reported for the year. 

Pinky Barbour

Disaster Fund Chairman

We are all very much aware of the national disaster that are popping up all over the country…from floods, wildfires, tornado’s, hurricanes, earthquakes and so many terminal and debilitating illnesses. Now is the time to face the reality that the Disaster Fund is getting lots of action, and low on funds. We certainly do not want this opportunity for assistance to go away. You never know when YOU may need some assistance.

I ENCOURAGE AND BEG ALL CHAPTERS TO PLEASE MAKE A SPECIAL EFFORT WHEN PLANNING YOUR FUNCTIONS FOR THIS NEXT YEAR, TO INCLUDE A FUND RAISER FOR THE DISASTER FUND. (Last year our total state contribution was $3,604.96) Let’s make it our goal for each chapter to double their donation to the Disaster Fund from last year!!!!!!!!!!! Let me know if I can help with any ideas or if you have questions. How about a raffle for a Hot Air Balloon Ride into the Wild Blue Yonder!!!!!!

You may be asking “What is the Disaster Fund”?.....This fund is to help an ESA member whose home and/or personal belongings are destroyed or damaged extensively by one of nature’s causes, i.e. fire, flood, tornado, hurricane, etc. Assistance may also be given when a member incurs heavy financial responsibility due to a debilitating illness or accident which involves her or her immediate family, who reside in her home and for whom she is legally responsible.

Who is eligible to apply?

You must be an Active member, Member at Large, Life Active Member, or other applications that may arise out of special circumstances may be submitted and the determination of the validity of those claims will be determined by the IC Disaster Fund Chair in agreement with the IC President and First Vice President/President Elect. These applications will first be reviewed by the State Disaster Fund Chair and deemed valid according to IC Disaster Fund Guidelines $5,000 is the maximum amount for each claim, based upon the nature of the claim. Remember that claims granted never have to be repaid by the recipient.

As your Disaster Fund Chair, I ask that each of you make extra effort to support the Disaster Fund this year. When hurricanes and illness cast their fury on us here in Florida, we rely on the Disaster Fund, (which is the combined contributions of all of our states)…so let’s do our part in making sure there is also enough funds for our sisters in other states in their time of need. It is only through your contributions that we can continue supporting our own through difficult times of financial need. Let’s do our part in making sure the Disaster Fund continues to be available to us All, in our times of need

Jan Billias

St. Jude Coordinator

Our project and our passion is the same…only the name has changed. We now call ourselves “ESA for St. Jude” and I am your new Florida State Coordinator. Any way you or your chapter wish to help and any way you wish to report your participation/monies is fine. However, if you route your report forms through me, I can better track Florida’s donations and ensure that we get credit for what we do. Florida may not have access to “Dream Homes” or other large fundraising modes, but we make up for it in heart and spirit. I will be in touch with you throughout the year to update you on upcoming events, and I hope you will keep me informed of anything in your area. At State Convention we were given a list of Radio-thons, Give Thanks Walks, and other events locations and dates (most dates are still TBA). Start revving up to take part in something. Our ALSAC/St. Jude representatives and I are here to help get your event underway.

In 1962 the survival rate for Acute Lymphoblastic leukemia was only 4%. This is the most common type of childhood cancer. Today the cure rate is 94%. Danny Thomas said our work is not done until the cure rate is 100%. We can never be satisfied with anything less.

At our workshop in Memphis this spring, we heard story after story of families who were devastated after learning that their child had a potentially terminal disease, even some who had insurance, but were not covered for treatment. How our hearts lifted upon happy endings. But not all stories are happy endings. We must get the word out and get the donations in. Thank you for your attention and most of all your hearts!


Mary Sosa Outgoing

Easter Seals Coordinator

Thank you to all of the Gamma Rho sisters for a wonderful state convention. It was so much fun to come out of our cocoons’ and fly into the great blue yonder all in a matter of a few hours(

I would like to thank Sherry Newgent and Pinky Barbour for allowing me to serve the state of Florida as the Easter Seals coordinator for the last two years. This has been a wonderful experience for me and I appreciate all of the help and support that I have received from the other members of the board, the PPA and especially Brenda Wesp past FSC Easter Seals coordinator.

Please continue to support Easter Seals and all of the good work that this organization provides to our local communities.

In ESA love and friendship,

Mary Sosa

Bonnie McGuire

Easter Seals Coordinator

Thanks to Mary Sosa for representing ESA to Easter Seals for the past two years.  When I met Michael Slaymaker, Vice President of Development for Easter Seals (Winter Park) last week, he sang Mary’s praises and told me how much he appreciated all that ESA does for the organization. 

ESA members have supported Easter Seals for over 25 years with donations money and time.  Last year Mary challenged EVERY chapter in the state to support the organization to make great things happen and I officially second the challenge. One of the main initiatives of Easter Seals in Florida is Camp Challenge in Sorrento.  The mission of Camp Challenge is to provide safe, fun and fair recreational activities for children and adults with cognitive and physical disabilities in an outdoor environment.  Camp Challenge celebrated its 50th anniversary May 14 – 15, the same weekend as our state convention so we could not send a representative.  I hope you will visit their website and take a virtual tour of the Camp to see all they have accomplished in 50 years.  They say that, “Through 50 years of bunk beds, bug spray and bonfires, nearly 10,000 campers with disabilities have been able to come out and be just like everyone else and do things their able bodied friends can do.

 Michael tells me that Camp begins Sunday, June 12 with campers coming in every Sunday for five weeks (June 12, 19, 26 July 3,) which opens up great volunteer opportunities to come out and help register campers. This would be a great Chapter project…let me know if you are interested. You can reach me by e-mail at bonnie.mcguire@ or phone at home 352-394-8280 or during the day at work 407-828-2161. Please remember Easter Seals as you make plans for the year.  Have a great summer!

Sue Ceriale

Foundation Counselor

If you go to the new website esaf, the official ESA Foundation website, you can find out all about the ESA Foundation. You will also find information in the Florida State Council Yearbook.  Be sure to review the information when you will receive your Yearbook after the Florida State Council August Board Meeting.  This will be the newest information for the 2011-2012 year after the Foundation meets in July. 

Florida has 14 ESA Foundation Scholarships, 11 endowed and 3 not yet endowed.  Seven scholarships have been awarded this year.  This is up from last year’s three. 

The 2011 Scholarship award winners from Florida are:

Doris Morris Endowment -- $400 awarded to – ANNA GROSS – MELBOURNE, FL;

Eleanor Cannons Memorial Endowment -- $500 awarded to JORDYN SMITH – LAKE CITY, FL;

Frances Shugart Endowment -- $500 awarded to KATHERINE FITZGERALD – CUTLER BAY, FL;

Martha Stickland Endowment -- $500 awarded to LAUREN KANAPKA – TRINITY, FL;

Sharon Petelle Education Endowment -- $500 awarded to JORDYN SMITH – LAKE CITY, FL ;

Suzanne Jourdan Memorial Endowment -- $500 awarded to KAREN HARTFIELD – LAKELAND, FL;

Zeta Jones-Haldin Endowment -- $1500 awarded to ASHLEY FRIESSEN – ST. AUGUSTINE, FL. 

You can check the balance in a specific scholarship by going to the Foundation website, click SCHOLARSHIPS on the left of the page, then look for “Endowment Balances” under the category ENDOWMENTS on the left of the page.  Then click list in the body of the page.  As of this writing on June 9, 2011 this last update was March 2011.  By the time you receive this LAMP it may have been updated.

The ESA Foundation has a number of worthwhile programs.  When you make a donation to the Foundation you must indicate to what program it is directed or the donation will go into the General Fund.  The same with Scholarship donations, if undirected your money will go to the General Scholarship Fund…..neither of these are a bad thing but they may not be where you want your monies to go. Scholarship donations may be sent to the State Philanthropic Director (see State Yearbook) with the check made out to the State Project Fund.  Be sure to have your Chapter Philanthropic Director fill out a Philanthropic Report form and a Foundation Contribution Form (may be found on the Foundation website) and include these forms with the checks.

Remember that Florida Foundation members need to pay their Foundation dues right after IC Convention in July the deadline is March 1st but the sooner you pay the less likely you will forget the deadline.  Have a safe summer and keep the ESA Foundation on your mind and in your checkbook.

Paula Kelly

Care Connection

On national holidays there are thousands of parades, picnics and remembrance events for those who died fighting for the

United States.  There are sales and bargains for those who choose to spend the holiday traveling or shopping.

Holidays are at risk of losing their meaning in our commercial society, as shoppers and travelers forget about the real purpose of the holiday and sacrifices all of our troops and their families make.

So here’s a gentle reminder while we all enjoy time off from work and get our fill of backyard barbeques. As you read this, hundreds and thousands of men and women in uniform and millions of family members sacrifice comfort, treasure and freedoms so that the rest of us can be free. While we enjoy picnics, they are at war. Really at war; right now, today, this very minute. And our service members make sacrifices not just for Americans but also for people around the world, most of whom will never appreciate what they have done for them. Service members go on deployment, come home, and find a job, only to go on deployment again. Families endure deployments every year it seems. Children grow up, raised mostly by mommy or daddy or grandma, while one or both parents fight a war. Given the strain we put on our service members, it’s not surprising that some of those who serve in the military come back home only to face desperate financial need.

It is only fitting that we recognize those who have made the ultimate sacrifice protecting our freedoms. But we should also remember to help those living soldiers, sailors and airmen who continue to sacrifice to protect our freedoms.

USA Cares can help us do just that. USA Cares is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization that helps post-9/11 military families bear the burdens of service with financial and advocacy support. Its mission is to help with basic needs during financial crisis, to assist combat injured Veterans and their families and to prevent private military home foreclosures and evictions.

Thanks to USA Cares, corporations have discovered that recognizing the courage and sacrifice of America’s military is actually good for business. USA Cares helps businesses understand that putting on a wristband, waving the flag, or hanging a “support our troops” sign in the window can help boost sales for sure. But without true service to those who “serve us,” a commercial approach can backfire. USA Cares shows companies how to support a developing trend that ought to be encouraged amongst more companies.

When Companies partner with USA Cares, they know that they are making a positive difference.

Here are some examples:

• Hardees and Carl’s Jr. recently announced a partnership with USA Cares and Homes for Our Troops. To participate, restaurant guests donate $1 in support of both of these military charities. For each $1 donation, guests receive a commemorative “Stars for Troops” cut out to personalize and place on display in the restaurant; in addition, they receive restaurant coupons valued at more than $10 to use toward future purchases.

• Batteries Plus has partnered with the nonprofit USA Cares and its Jobs for Vets Program by launching the “Time to Care” campaign. The company is donating $5 of each regular and lifetime watch battery replacement to USA Cares over the Memorial Day holiday and will accept in-kind donations from customers at its retail locations. They are also contributing $1 for every person who “likes” the Batteries Plus Facebook page and “supports” the USA Cares Jobs for Vets Cause page.

• Upscale retailer Brighton Collectables has designed a yellow ribbon charm to support the troops. With every $25 charm purchase, $20 is directly donated to USA Cares. Over the past three years, Brighton Collectables has supported USA Cares with over $200,000 from the sale of their “peace” bracelets.

Remembering the sacrifices of our soldiers and their families is a great way for all of us to say “Thanks” to the troops. Supporting those businesses that help our troops through USA Cares is a great thing to do all year long. The need is real, as are the soldiers who benefit.


Annette Cobert


My first month of being your Florida State Council Chaplain is nearly over! I can hardly believe it. I am so sorry for those who have been ill, and my heart is sad for those who have lost loved ones, just since convention! I cannot tell you how blessed I feel to have the opportunity to be your Chaplain and to touch the lives of so many of you. Your emails are reaching me, thank you so much. I forward them on to the Board and Chapter Presidents, as well as send cards. I hope you are sending cards too. Please pray with me for each of our Sisters. We all need encouragement and what is better than prayer? Please feel free to contact me at any time, I am happy to help you how ever I can. I look forward to meeting each and every one of you.

Mona King


2010-2011 Treasurer Mona King

Thank you for the opportunity to serve the state council for this past year. It has been a learning experience. Remember that you Rosters and both member and chapter Dues are due to your new state treasurer Janice now. You will find the Actual funds spent in the enclosed Budget Actuals as well as the Budget for the new year.

2011-2012 Awards Chairman Mona King

We just finished a great convention and the excitement of the Awards, which were so well presented by Sue, contributing to that excitement. It is time for you to set your goals for the 2011-2012 year and decide what you are going to do to earn some of those awards at next year’s convention. The Award is not the goal of our work but the recognition of the work and fun that we have helping others and ourselves makes the process that much more satisfying.

I’ll be reaching out to the Award sponsors to confirm that they will continue to sponsor each of the current awards and we are meeting mid-June to determine any changes to the awards session in the yearbook. There are some changes so be sure to make one of your chapter meeting programs a review of the Awards section of the yearbook.

Encourage everyone to participate in the Association of Arts. You have so much talent, show it off! Congratulations, to all of the award winners for this past year. You should be sure to get your items to SERC. If you are not planning on going, find one of us that is, to take it for you.


Janice Harmon


Here I am again, volunteering at the last minute with no clue as to what I will do. But again, do not fear, I have enlisted a computer whiz to assist me with the daunting job of providing our new president Mary Jay with an AWESOME scrapbook. I have enlisted the help of my fellow Beta Beta member, Sharon Kalinowski to help me with a new kind of scrapbook. Since the budget is rather slim this year, we are going to try a new approach to the scrapbook. We are going to provide an online version for Mary Jay. Since I am the computer challenged one in this new plan, Sharon Kalinowski will be the brains behind this. The plan is to set up an account on for ESA which will be password protected. Then there will be sites set up for each chapter to be able to download all of their pictures into their own account. Then, Mary Jay, Sharon and I will go through all of your pictures and select the ones that Mary Jay would like to include in her album and produce an online scrapbook. Once that is compiled, it can be printed if that is what Mary Jay desires. I will be e-mailing all of the chapter presidents with the information on how the accounts are set up and how you can download your photographs for us to use.

Thank you all in advance for all of the wonderful pictures you are going to take of the ESA sisters sailing into the “Wild Blue Yonder!”




What ESA Means To Me

More than one (1) year

Barbara Floyd, Beta Phi #3399, Ocala, FL

Who would have thought it? Who would have thought that ESA would become so important to me?

Three things that I cherish most are God, family and country. Imagine my delight when I discovered that those things that I hold dear are incorporated into ESA. Opening and Closing Rituals that call upon God for guidance. Families working together raising money for charities. Flag ceremonies that bring tears to your eyes as our country is honored. What other organization allows you to laugh until you cry and cry until you laugh? Laugh until you cry as Erma Bombeck’s daughter speaks at an IC convention and relates some of her mother’s hints, like putting panty hose in the freezer to make them last longer. Cry until you laugh with joy when a St. Jude patient relates the trials and tribulations of cancer treatments, but is now in remission. And, what times I have had through my ESA experience. Fun times. Four women in a hotel room with one bathroom. Happy times: being together as a state and wearing fish heads and tutus. Serious times; Listening to young children with disabilities who can now live independently. Sad times: Sitting side by side with other sisters during a Memorial Service. Humbling times: Welcoming service men and women home and realizing that it is thorough their efforts that I remain free. Worshipful time: Praying for other ESA members and having God answer your prayers.

That night so many years ago, a young woman knelt, lit a candle and pledged ESA. She was seeking an escape from the tedium of running a household and caring for her husband and children. She found so much more.

Who would have thought it? Who would have thought that ESA would become so important to me? Certainly not I.

What ESA Means To Me

Less than one (1) year

Suzanne Haynes, Eta Rho #5522, Oldsmar

Years ago I met these wonderful women that were a part of this group “ESA,” a group of women that do such wonderful things for children. For years I watched and heard of these conventions and mid-years. I watched grown men dress like women and women dress up like…well almost anything! I often wondered how these things could possibly make sense. Even though I was terrified I finally asked questions. My first question was what they do for the children. I knew I wanted to be a part of it. My second question was do I have to dress up in some crazy costume and dance around on stage! Since pros out-numbered the cons by far, I happily joined. In my first year I have been on stage as a part of a nightmare, dressed up in full fishing attire and yes one of Snow White’s seven dwarfs. I have also had the privilege of visiting the Easter Seals School in Tampa, worked my first radio-thon for St. Jude, and had part in planning our chapter’s first poker tournament. After being a part of this group for only one year I regret not joining long ago. I can’t imagine being a part of something more rewarding than ESA is. Looking into the future, I am excited to become an even bigger part, even it is means speaking in front of a crowd or dressing up in a silly costume.

2010-2011 Florida State Council Awards

Congratulations to all the chapters and individuals who received awards during Convention.

It is clear that there is a lot of hard work happening in the name of ESA by all of the chapters in the State.

Thank you to everyone who helped us during the year to lead to a successful Awards Program during

State Convention. A special thank you to the Past President’s Auxiliary for their help reviewing the

Yearbook Awards Section in June and judging the award forms in April. Thank you to our chapter,

Epsilon Lambda, for your support during the year. Thank you for the opportunity to serve as the

Awards Committee.

Sue Ceriale and Brenda Wesp


Middle School

Brooke McAdow – sponsored by

Beta Beta, Palm Harbor

Outstanding Youth – High School

1. Brent Lucas – sponsored by

Alpha Rho, Tampa

2. Rett Thomas – sponsored by

Beta Theta, Clermont


1. Beta Beta, Palm Harbor

2. Rho Chi, Wesley Chapel

3. Eta Rho, Oldsmar


1. Robin Allred, Eta Rho, Oldsmar

2. Barbara Fry, Nu Alpha, Merritt Island

3. Toni Bell, Beta Theta, Clermont

HM Lin King, Lambda Xi, Jacksonville


1. Gena Patch, Alpha Nu, Merritt Island

2. Krystin Lee, Eta Rho, Oldsmar

3. Suzanne Haynes, Eta Rho, Oldsmar


Over One Year

1. Barbara Floyd, Beta Phi, Ocala

2. Jan Billias, Nu Alpha, Merritt Island

3. Jan Lee, Delta Alpha, Kissimmee


Under One Year

1. Suzanne Haynes, Eta Rho, Oldsmar

2. Gena Patch, Alpha Nu, Merritt Island

3. Tiffany Metcalf, Lambda Xi,


H.M. Sharon Kalinowski, Beta Beta, Palm



1. Alpha Beta, Panama City $1,050.00

2. Beta Theta, Clermont $595.00

3. Rho Chi, Wesley Chapel $550.00


Per Member

1. Beta Beta, Palm Harbor, 138.29

2. Beta Theta, Clermont, 116.55

3. Lambda Xi, Jacksonville, 64.43


Per Member

1. Gamma Rho, Fort Myers, $786.75

2. Beta Theta, Clermont, $718.94

3. Beta Lambda, Gainesville, $657.23


1. Alpha Nu, Merritt Island

2. Beta Beta, Palm Harbor

3. Alpha Rho, Tampa


1. Roxanne Haynes, Rho Chi, Wesley


2. Pennee Bowen, Alpha Rho, Tampa

3. Karen Pessaro, Alpha Nu, Merritt


HM Donna Dittmer, Gamma Rho, Fort



Per Member

1. Alpha Nu, Merritt Island, 11 h 25 m

2. Epsilon Lambda, Cocoa, Beach, 11 hrs

3. Beta Beta, Palm Harbor, 10 h 45 m


Per Member

1. Epsilon Lambda, Cocoa Beach,


2. Alpha Nu, Merritt Island, $101.04

3. Gamma Rho, Fort Myers, $50.00


1. Nu Alpha, Merritt Island

2. Lambda Xi, Jacksonville

2. Eta Rho, Oldsmar

3. Alpha Nu, Merritt Island


Per Member

1. Epsilon Lambda, Cocoa Beach, 29.5

2. Nu Alpha, Merritt Island 14.79

3. Beta Beta, Palm Harbor 13.69.


Per Member

1. Nu Alpha, Merritt Island, $225.47

2. Gamma Rho, Fort Myers, $163.62

3. Kappa Nu, Tampa, $120.00


1. Beta Beta, Palm Harbor $200.00

2. Omega Omega, Largo $50.00

2. Kappa Nu, Tampa $50.00

2. Gamma Rho, Fort Myers $50.00

3. Beta Phi, Ocala $42.00


Per Member

1. Rho Chi, Wesley Chapel, 21.82

2. Eta Rho, Oldsmar, 21.80 hrs.

3. Alpha Rho, Tampa, 21.11 hrs.


Per Member

1. Eta Rho, Oldsmar, $4,016.45

2. Rho Chi, Wesley Chapel, $2,849.39

3. Alpha Beta, Panama City, $2,073.16


1. Shirley Gresham, Beta Beta, Palm

Harbor 944

2. Judy Gauron, Beta Beta, Palm Harbor


3. Julie Lentz, Alpha Rho, Tampa 702.5

GOLD QUILL (Minutes)

Margaret Jenks, Alpha Beta, Panama City

Alice Schwindt, Alpha Nu, Merritt Island

Julie Lentz, Alpha Rho, Tampa

Sharon Roberts, Beta Beta, Palm Harbor

Sandra Armantrout, Beta Lambda,


Eleanor Lofgren, Beta Theta, Clermont

Louella Hendricks, Chi Omega, Fort Myers

Joann Pennington, Delta Alpha Kissimmee

Carol Ezell, Epsilon Gamma, Deland

La Verne Woodard, Epsilon Lambda,

Cocoa Beach

Danielle Gross, Eta Rho, Oldsmar

Pat Lowery, Gamma Mu, Lakeland

Marti Johnson, Gamma Rho, Fort Myers

Jo Ross, Kappa Nu, Tampa

Kay Woods, Lambda Xi, Jacksonville

Jane Elliot, Nu Alpha, Merritt Island

Velma Saccone, Rho Chi, Wesley Chapel

Janice Dietrich, Sigma Tau, Clearwater

Janice Dietrich, Bay Area Council

Kay Patskoski, Missile Area Council

GOLD LINK (Educational)

Lynette Dykes, Alpha Beta, Panama City

Karen Pessaro, Alpha Nu, Merritt Island

Penne Bowen, Alpha Rho, Tampa

Sandy Edwards, Beta Beta, Palm Harbor

Eleanor Pinder, Beta Lambda, Gainesville

JoAnn Harmon, Beta Theta, Clermont

Jan Lee, Delta Alpha, Kissimmee

Donna Dittmer, Gamma Rho, Fort Myers

Dawn Marie Arnold, Lambda Xi,


Margie Post, Omega Omega, Largo

Roxanne Haynes, Rho Chi, Wesley


Paulette Meeks, Sigma Tau, Clearwater

GOLD HEART (Philanthropic)

Sharon Hayden, Alpha Nu, Merritt Island

Paula Kelley, Beta Beta, Palm Harbor

Marilyn Bates, Beta Lambda, Gainesville

Terry Moherek, Beta Theta, Clermont

Jan Lee, Delta Alpha, Kissimmee

Brenda Wesp, Epsilon Lambda, Cocoa


Dee Ammons, Gamma Rho, Fort Myers

Joann Cox, Kappa Nu, Tampa

Brianna Vasgar, Lambda Xi, Jacksonville

Jan Billias, Nu Alpha, Merritt Island

Sherry Newgen, Rho Chi, Wesley Chapel

Janet Whiston, Sigma Tau, Clearwater

2010-2011 Florida State Council Association of the Arts Awards


1. Kayla Andux


1. La Verne Woodard

2. Kay Woods

3. Janice Humphries


1. Jackie Ulch


1. Jan Lee

2. Pinky Barbour

3. Jan Billias


1. Peggy Daughtery

2. Sandy Stacy

3. Sharon Roberts


No Entries


1. Sharon Kalinowski


1. Selma Pringle

2. Sharon Kalinowski

3. Sharon Kalinowski


1. Peggy Daugherty

2. Terry Moherek

2. Bethany Sutherland

2. Ruth Berg

3. Betty Sanders


1. Selma Pringle


1. Michelle Delaney

2. Debbie Stillman

3. Janice Harmon

3. Kayla Andux


Beta Theta, Clermont


Selma Pringle,



1. Sigma Tau, Clearwater 87.5%

2. Alpha Rho, Tampa 66.6%

3. Eta Rho, Oldsmar 60%

3. Omega Omega, Largo 60%


1. Alpha Beta, Panama City


2. Lambda Xi, Jacksonville


3. Beta Theta, Clermont



1. Alpha Rho, Tampa

2. Beta Theta, Clermont

3. Rho Chi, Wesley Chapel


Beta Theta, Clermont

Gamma Rho, Fort Myers


Margaret Jenks, Alpha Beta, Panama


Sharon Haydon, Alpha Nu, Merritt


Lorena Lucas, Alpha Rho, Tampa

Sandra Edwards, Beta Beta, Palm


Leslie Boyd, Beta Phi, Ocala

Ann Dupee, Beta Theta, Clermont

Elma Weidlich, Delta Alpha, Kissimmee

Laurel Lichtenberger, Epsilon Lambda,

Cocoa Beach

Krystin Lee, Eta Rho, Oldsmar

Betty Sanders, Gamma Rho, Fort


Bethany Sutherland, Lambda Xi,


Barbara Dyal, Nu Alpha, Merritt Island

Orma Moon, Rho Chi, Wesley Chapel

Selma Pringle, Sigma Tau, Clearwater


Alpha Beta, Panama City, 12

Alpha Eta, Clermont, 12

Alpha Gamma, 13

Alpha Nu, Merritt Island, 12

Alpha Rho, Tampa, 18

Beta Beta, Palm Harbor, 19

Beta Lambda, Gainesville, 5

Beta Phi, Ocala, 13

Beta Theta, Clermont, 24

Chi Omega, North Ft. Myers, 10

Delta Alpha, Kissimmee, 20

Delta Nu, Clermont, 15

Delta Pi, Orlando, 2

Delta Theta, Bradenton, 13

Epsilon Gamma, Deland, 20

Epsilon Lambda, Cocoa Beach, 9

Eta Rho, Oldsmar, 10

Gamma Mu, Lakeland, 10

Gamma Rho, Fort Myers, 12

Kappa Nu, Tampa, 5

Lambda Xi, Jacksonville, 13

Nu Alpha, Merritt Island, 14

Omega Omega, Largo, 5

Rho Chi, Wesley Chapel, 14

Sigma Tau, Clearwater, 8

Theta Tau, Winter Park, 8



Alpha Rho- Convention by Gamma Rho was wonderful.  The food was great and the rooms comfortable.  Thank you, Gamma Rho! Wow!  This year is starting off with a bang!  Our President, Lorena Lucas has chosen as her theme, The Buried Life.  This is similar to a bucket list.  Lorena has put a twist on it so that all phases of our year – meetings, socials, educational and philanthropic projects will move toward helping a member accomplish one of her dreams.  However, we must first do something to help a person in need accomplish a goal that will enhance his/her life.  Some of our dreams are fun, others poignant and all interesting. It is helping us to know one another at a different level. In addition, plans for Convention 2012 are moving along and I think those of you who attend will find it enjoyable, surprising and best of all affordable.  We are all working on decorations and hoping many of you will attend and enjoy “New York! New York!

Beta Beta- For starters, Beta Beta would like to thank Betty Sanders for a WONDERFUL State Convention. The accommodations were wonderful, the decorations were spectacular, the food fabulous and the company could not have been better! It was such a pleasure to see all our ESA sisters having such a good time. It was also a pleasure to meet our IC Rep and our SERC Rep. They fit in with us Florida guys and gals just fine. Well, since installation in April, Beta Beta has had a blast! Our new presidents Sharon Roberts and Janice Harmon have tried to shake things up a bit. At our first meeting in May, we had a goody bag of stuff to choose from and our Agendas were numbered. As each member’s number was called, we got to go choose a prize from the goody bag! What fun! At our June meeting, we were all given little nail polishes and toe separators in order to have bright shiny toes for the summer. We have also been encouraged to come in costumes too! May we wore flowers in our hair for those May flowers brought on by the April showers (our Bay Area theme). Then in June many donned butterfly wings and cowboy hats we used at convention. Beta Beta has already held two educationals as “Girls Just Want to Have Fun . . . and Friendship” is well underway. This is not only our presidents Sharon and Janice’s theme for the year but also the theme for our educationals. We have had a night of Dub’s Bridge where we learned the history of games. Then in June we learned to print on fabric and we have some beautiful and interesting pillows to show for it! We are looking forward to a busy summer with Bunco and a trip down the Rainbow River! Of course, the highlight so far this year was winning Chapter of the Year and we couldn’t be more proud of last year’s President and our Woman of the Year Lynn Bond for leading us in such a great year, with the assistance of our superb award’s chairman, Peggy Daugherty. But Sharon and Janice plan on giving last year’s team a run for their money this year because we know that there are a couple of chapters that have their eyes on our prize!! Have a safe and fun summer.

Beta Theta- In April, FSC President Pinky Barbour and FSC Corresponding Secretary Toni Bell installed our new officers. President Bonnie McGuire chose as her theme HOT, HOT, HOT Part 2.  Ann Dupee and Jackie Ulch were both honored as Miss Enthusiasm. The Philanthropic Awards went to 1st Place Sandie Stacy, 2nd Place Toni Bell, and 3rd Place Pinky Barbour.  Toni Bell was chosen Woman of the Year. Service Awards: 30 Years to Suzanne McClure, 25 years to Carol Andrews and Donna Kidder, 10 years to Pinky Barbour and Joan Kyle, 5 years to Lucy Hage and Sandie Stacy. All were honored at Convention. We had a great start for the new year at our May meeting with a program presented by Terry Moherek about Hot Lips Houlihan (a.k.a. Loretta Swit).  Terry attended high school with Swit so she had some great yearbook photos and Jersey facts!  We look forward to more HOT subjects to come. We cheered as one of our hottest couples represented us in Bras for the Cause & Boxers Too!  Robin and Dave Krawchuck modeled red hot outfits in a runway show and auction to benefit the Greater Clermont Cancer Foundation.  The event raised thousands of dollars for cancer research. Robin and Dave's outfits raised over $300.00. At the conclusion of the 2010 - 2011 year we were proud to distribute $3,000 in college scholarships and thousands of dollars to local non-profit organizations, St. Augustine's FSDB and St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.  Don't forget Beta Theta's Fundraiser Mardi Gras will be on March 3 of next year! We enjoyed the state convention, “Vintage Southwest Florida”. The themed meetings were beautiful, the meals were delicious and the hotel was a gem. We had 8 sisters at convention and Pinky's husband Gene made 9 attendees.  ESA's Executive Director BJ Clark kept her promise to Pinky and came to the Convention.  BJ Clark and Anita Hillburn (SERC Rep) gave out the Service awards.  Robin Krawchuk 1st Pearl, Lucy Hage 3rd degree, Rosetta Shobe 4th degree, and Pinky Barbour received her 5th degree Pallas Athene from BJ.  Sunday morning, Bonnie McGuire's Celebration of Life featured a monarch butterfly release in honor of our sisters who have passed.  The Past Presidents Auxiliary chose a Gator colored butterfly cape for Pinky to wear during her induction, but we all know that it will “morph” into FSU's garnet and gold!  President Pinky ended her year beautifully.  Beta Theta was very proud of her as was expressed on a beautiful plaque presented by President Bonnie on behalf of our Chapter. We thank Betty Sanders, the sisters of Gamma Rho and the remaining sisters of Beta Omega for a hosting a truly wonderful convention!  A busload of Beta Theta Babes and their Lovers traveled to Lakeland May 28 for a hot, hot, hot dining experience at the Mongolian Restaurant in the south side of Lakeland. Conveniently located in a large outdoor shopping mall, sisters worked off their dinner by visiting some of the many stores and contributing to the Lakeland economy.  Kudos for Social chairs Rosetta and Sandie for arranging this fun Zeus party, even though our new Zeus, Roger Henry, was miles away at their summer home in upstate New York. As “Man of the Year” he was presented a framed certificate before he and Barbara left. We have word that he has the certificate hanging in his ice cream shop for all to see.   His and Sister Barbara's return in November will be cause for another celebration.

CHI OMEGA- Our February 17th flea-market "Trash & Treasures" sale was better than last fall. We are getting ready now for the fall sale. We had a blast at our "Crazy Bag Party" rush March 14 held at President Margaret Lavin's home.  We had 13 guests and 5 members able to attend.  We now have three (3) new members and a few potential new members for the future.  We also had a follow-up luncheon March 30 at Perkins Restaurant which was fun. At our April meeting we made centerpieces for the tables at Consulate Health Care. They only get decorations for their tables at Christmas.  We used ceramic 5" decorated flower pots with colorful flowers, Easter eggs and a soft furry bunny hugging the outside of the pot.  The eggs and bunny can be removed so the center-pieces can be used a few more months.  We may do this again with 4th of July or in the Fall Thanksgiving theme.

New officers were installed at our April meeting.  Now the work begins again. Sharron Thompson attended the 61st annual convention "Vintage Southwest Florida" at Estero.  She enjoyed meeting with all her friends.

EPSILON LAMDA- Epsilon Lambda’s 2011-2012 officers were installed at the home of Sara and Dave Meadows.  President Sue Ceriale has chosen “Express Yourself” as the theme for the year.  The officers for the year are La Verne Woodard, Vice President and Secretary, Laurel Lichtenberger, Treasurer and Educational Director and Brenda Wesp, Philanthropic Director.  Our Education theme is “Talent Potpourri: A Snap Shot of Epsilon Lambda” and our Social theme is “Images of Fun. “We are looking forward to celebrating the birthday of our charter member, Martha Stickland, on June 25th.  Plans are being made for our Summer Social later in the summer. Brenda Wesp, Sara Meadows and Sue Ceriale attended State Convention.  Sue and Brenda were busy all weekend with Awards.  Sara helped out also.  Thank you Gamma Rho and Beta Omega for a great convention. Sue and Allan Ceriale will be attending International Convention.  Sue and Allan baked and sold bread to raise funds for the Munchkin Walk.

ETA RHO- Happy New Year!! We started our adventure into the “Wild Blue Yonder” at the state convention and had a wonderful time. We won third place in chapter of the year and Robin Allred won Woman of the Year!! WOO-HOO! We have two new pledges, Dawn Lambert and Theresa Hulslander. We had an amazing time at our Rays game social where we attended the Rays game and rocked out to Avril Lavigne! We are excited to be working on upcoming philanthropic projects, including our newest cause FARA. We are working hard planning the upcoming Bay Area meeting and cannot wait to attend Beta Phi’s Midyear. We are ready to have some fun “In our Red High Heels” with our President Alisha Hulslander.

GAMMA RHO- Two Gamma Rho members, Dee Ammons and Betty Sanders, attended Leadership in Jacksonville. Thank you Lambda Xi and the State Council Board for a really good day and worthwhile Leadership.

Our installation dinner was held at Betty Sanders' with Past Presidents providing the dinner. Dee Ammons installed the new officers … Jo Schweinfurth – President, Donna Dittmer – Vice President, Marti Johnson – Recording Secretary, Gladys Bauer – Corresponding Secretary, Betty Sanders – Treasurer, Charlotte Williams – Parliamentarian. Betty was chosen Miss Enthusiasm, Charlotte Woman of the Year. Dee received her 45 year pin and Donna and Betty their 50.

Convention was held at the Embassy Suites Fort Myers-Estero. We survived and I hope all who attended had a good time. We had wonderful help from Beta Omega members – Yvonne McBride, Jennifer Inskeep, Claire Mannion, Vicki McManus, Carol Carey, and Maureen Uhle. All of our members attended but 2....one is dealing with health issues and other is 90+ and in assisted living. We also had help from others....Todd Dittmer, Diane Maddox and Tricia Boone. And all of it was appreciated. Sunday afternoon Donna took BJ to Captiva for the afternoon...they saw Jodi Lang and Mari Scotch from Minnesota who were vacationing there. Then Wendi Flood and I went to dinner with them at Carabbas in Gulf Coast Town Center. A nice end to a busy weekend.

Gamma Rho brought home some awards.....1st in Local Philanthropic Monies, 2nds in State Philanthropic Monies and ESA Foundation Monies, 3rd in Easter Seals Monies, HM in Distinguished Athenian for Donna Dittmer, Gold Quill, Gold Link, and Gold Heart Certificates, recognition for Publicity/Public Relations Book, Recognition of Betty Sanders as Miss Enthusiasm and Charlotte Williams as Woman of The Year. Betty placed 3rd in the photography division of the Association of the Arts program with her photograph of a hawk on her backyard fence.

We held our June Planning and Convention follow up meeting at Jo's on June 7th. We had a dinner of pizza, salad, fruit, ice cream and wonderful cupcakes, made by Jo's daughter. A thank you plaque from the Give Thanks Walk was given to Charlotte Williams, 2010-2011 President. We chose our educational theme for the year …. “A Fantasy of Flowers”. Our Philanthropic and Ways and Means projects were discussed and will be finalized at the July meeting. All convention bills are paid but one and we will make a small profit. We had many notes and emails thanking us for a great convention. We thank you for taking the time to write. Jennifer Inskeep, Registration Chairman, had to have surgery on her wrist after convention (the 4th) but she is doing okay.

RHO CHI - Rho Chi is starting this ESA year with an “attitude” Adjustment. Attitude is our theme for this coming year and we are a bunch of ladies with very strong attitudes. We officially welcomed back Tina Shafer to our Rho Chi family in April and installed Ida Schultz as our new president. Helen Dunn as our educational director chose “Attitude…do some good for yourself”. The May meeting was our planning session for all of the upcoming Philanthropic projects for the year. The members that attended state convention had a great time enjoying a “Vintage Southwest Florida” weekend with the other ESA members. The decorations, food and hotel were just outstanding. What an amazing experience to release butterflies to the preserve area behind the hotel to top off a wonderful celebration of life ceremony Sunday morning. Where else can you start the weekend in a cocoon and end it out in the great blue yonder! Great job Gamma Rho sisters! With our newly adjusted “Attitudes” we are hoping for a year of fun, fellowship and fundraising events as we soar out to the great blue yonder!


The Florida Lamp

July 2011

Joke of the Lamp: There were two tomatoes walking down the road. The daddy tomato looks at the baby tomato and says& & & & Come on Ketchup


Note From the Editor,

Thank you all very much for your positive feedback on the last lamp! It was so good seeing all of you at Convendy tomato looks at the baby tomato and says…………” Come on Ketchup”


Note From the Editor,

Thank you all very much for your positive feedback on the last lamp! It was so good seeing all of you at Convention in your flamingo get up and your Cattleman’s Attire! Please remember to only send FINAL copies that need to be published in the lamp to me also no junk email please!! Included in this month’s lamp there is a word search puzzle! The words are taken from areas throughout the lamp. Have fun with it! I hope you all have a great summer and can’t wait to see you all at Mid-Year!

Alisha Hulslander


Table of Contents:

Page 1 – Cover

Page 2 – President Mary Jay

Page 3 – Editor’s Page

Pages 4 through 9 – Board Member Articles

Page 10 – Mid Year Registration

Page 11 – 2011-2012 Budget

Page 12 – 2010-2011 Budget vs Actual

Page 13 – Essay Winners

Pages 14 & 15 – Award Winners

Pages 16 & 17 – Chapter Chatter

Page 18 - Pictures


June 1 – State Dues due (late August 1st)

July 18-24 - IC Convention, Overland Park Kansas

July 15 - Jonquil Submission Deadline

August 1 - IC Chapter Dues due (late Oct. 1st)

August 20 – State Board Meeting

Sept. 10 – October Lamp Articles Due

Sept. 10 – Educational Theme Books Due

Sept. 15 – Tax Facts Deadline

Sept. 30 – Philanthropic Reports Must Be Received by Philanthropic Director

October 22 – Mid-Year Beta Phi, Ocala

October 28-29 – SERC, North Charleston, South Carolina


























President Mary Jay wants her board in line!

Everybody’s a Flamingo!

Joyce, Donna & Betty 50 year pins

Beautiful Coco with Pinky

Beta Theta’s Zeus Award

Gotta Love The PPA! These are our mentors …

… Our Mentors!

These are …

“I dint see nothing” …. Hey Bartender!

…The PPA …

Gotta Love ……

BJ, Pinky, Gene, Anita Friday Night

Rho Chi with Anita & BJ

Gator Butterfly????

ESA’s Future (we’re in good hands)

Woman of the Year

Oh my Convention 2012 should be a “hum dinger!”

Rho Chi Installation “Attitudes”


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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