
AP Psychology Unit X: Personality Unit Outline #10 Corresponding Modules: 55-59

Spring Semester 2015 Topic: Personality (5-7%)

Bacile DU: Unit I (History & Approaches)


Personality refers to each individual’s characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling and acting. This unit examines four different perspectives on personality. First, the psychodynamic perspective, made famous by Sigmund Freud, emphasizes the unconscious & irrational aspects of human personality. On the other hand, the social-cognitive perspective emphasizes the effects of our interactions with the environment. The humanistic approach, stemming from the work of Abraham Maslow, draws attention to the concept of self & to human potential for healthy growth. Finally, the trait perspective emphasizes the techniques for evaluating & describing personality.


• Describe Freud’s iceberg theory (id, ego and superego)

• Explain how defense mechanisms protect the ego

• Describe the contributions of the neo-Freudians (Jung, Adler, Horney)

• Describe the humanistic perspective on personality (Maslow’s self-actualization and Rogers’ self-concept)

• Identify how personality inventories are used to assess traits

• Discuss the social-cognitive perspective on personality (Bandura’s reciprocal determinism)

• Identify locus of control, learned helplessness and optimism

• Compare and contrast the psychoanalytic, humanistic , trait and social-cognitive perspectives on personality


Note: It is EXTREMELY important that you know and understand ALL relevant vocabulary prior to the end of each unit. It is highly recommended that you use some method of “vocabulary learning.” Please note that there will be frequent vocabulary quizzes, as your success on the AP Psychology Exam is dependent on your knowledge of psychological terminology.

444. Personality

445. Free association

446. Psychoanalysis

447. Unconscious

448. Is

449. Ego

450. Superego

451. Psychosexual stages

452. Oedipus complex

453. Identification

454. Fixation

455. Defense mechanisms

456. Repression

457. Regression

458. Reaction formation

459. Projection

460. Rationalization

461. Displacement

462. Collective unconscious

463. Projective test

464. Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)

465. Rorschach Inkblot Test

466. Terror-management theory

467. Self-actualization

468. Unconditioned positive regard

469. Self-concept

470. Trait

471. Personality inventory

472. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)

473. Empirically derived test

474. Social-cognitive perspective

475. Reciprocal determinism

476. Personal control

477. External locus of control

478. Internal locus of control

479. Learned helplessness

480. Positive psychology

481. Spotlight effect

482. Self-esteem

483. Self-serving bias


• Sigmund Freud

• Carl Jung

• Alfred Adler

• Karen Horney

• Abraham Maslow

• Carl Rogers

• Gordon Allport

• Raymond Cattell

• Hans Eysenck

• Robert McCrae

• B.F. Skinner

• Albert Bandura

• Julian Rotter

• Walter Mischel


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