
Name_______________________________________AP HG 4.1Date______________CULTURAL PATTERNSHow do you define culture?3429000139700Do Now: Come up with your best definition of culture. Name 3 things that define “American culture.”-231140-457200WHAT IS CULTURE?_______________, ________________, ___________, and _______________________ that together constitute the ________________________________ of a group of peopleMaterial CultureNon-Material CultureHabit= Repetitive act that a… Custom=Repetitive act of a…A collection of social customs produces an…FOLK VS. POPULAR CULTUREFolkPopularTwo basic factors help explain the differences between folk and popular cultures – the process of origin and the pattern of diffusionOrigin of Folk & Popular Cultures A social custom originates at a hearth, a center of innovation. Folk customs have anonymous hearths originating from anonymous sources, at unknown dates, through unidentified originators. They may also have multiple hearths, originating independently in isolated locations. 5715000210820In contrast to folk customs, popular culture is most often a product of the economically more developed countries (MDCs), especially in North America, Western Europe and Japan. Popular music and fast food are good examples. They arise from a combination of advances in industrial technology and increased leisure time, which permits the uniform reproduction of objects in large quantities (CDS, t-shirts, pizzas). MUSIC. Music exemplifies the differences in origins of folk and popular music.0128270Folk songs are usually produced anonymously and transmitted orally. A song may be modified from one generation to the next as conditions change, but the content is most often derived from events in daily life that are familiar to the majority of the people. Folk songs tell a story or convey information about daily activities such as farming, life-cycle vents, or mysterious events such as storms and earthquakes.In contrast to folk music, popular music is written by specific individuals for the purpose of being sold to a large number of people. Popular music as we know it today originated around 1900. Tin Pan Alley in NY was home to songwriters, music publishers, orchestrators and arrangers. Hip Hop is a more recent form of popular music that also originated in NY (South Bronx, 1970s). SUMMARY Folk cultures and popular cultures differ in their origins. Folk cultures have anonymous, sometimes unidentified hearths. The hearth of pop culture is generally MDCS and can be traced to a specific time and location. Diffusion of Folk and Popular CulturesThe spread of popular culture typically follows the process of hierarchical diffusion from hearths or nodes of innovation. In the US, prominent nodes of innovation for popular culture include Hollywood for the film industry and New York City for advertising agencies. Popular culture diffuses rapidly and extensively through the use of modern communications and transportation.In contrast, folk culture is transmitted from one location to another more slowly an on a smaller scale, primarily through migration rather than electronic communication. The spread of folk culture is affected through relocation diffusion, the spread of a characteristic through migration. 5438140207010AMISH. The Amish people have distinctive clothing, farming, religious practices, and other customs. They leave a unique pattern on landscapes where they settle. Although the Amish population in the US numbers only about 800,000 (.03%), Amish folk culture remains visible on the landscape in at least 17 states. The distribution of Amish folk culture across a major portion of the US landscape is explained by examining the diffusion of their culture through migration. -228600814070SPORTS. Organized sports provide examples of how popular culture is diffused. Many sports originated as isolated folk customs and were diffused like other folk culture, through the migration of individuals. The contemporary diffusion of organized sports, however, displays the characteristic of popular culture. Today, organized spectator sports are a part of popular culture, as many people worldwide are willing to pay for the privilege of viewing, either in person or on TV. Thanks to communications and television, millions view matches in major sports, such as the World Cup, worldwide. SUMMARY folk cultures and popular cultures differ in their diffusion, or how they’re spread. Folk cultures spread through relocation diffusion, or the migration of people,. Popular culture spreads through hierarchical diffusion, from places of power to other places of power. Pop culture spreads rapidly through help of communication technology, where the spread of folk culture is a much slower process. Two basic factors help explain the differences between folk and popular cultures – the process of origin and the pattern of diffusionDirections: Use the reading to compare various aspects of folk and popular culture.Origin (Hearth of Culture)FOLKPOPULAREXAMPLE: MUSIC. How does the origin of folk music compare to the origin of popular music?Diffusion (spread of culture)FOLKPOPULAREXAMPLES. What customs illustrate the diffusion of culture? ................

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