Caitlin Slodden

76 Lincoln Street

Hingham, MA 02043

(617) 610-2545



Ph.D. in Sociology, August 2015. Dissertation: “Living and Dying with Colorectal Cancer:

The Experience and Management of a Mortal Illness.” Committee: Professors Peter Conrad (Chair), Karen Hansen, Wendy Cadge, and Valarie Leiter (outside reader, Simmons College).


M.A. in American Civilization, May 2006


B.A. in Anthropology and Women’s and Gender Studies, May 2004

THAYER ACADEMY, Braintree MA, June 2000

Areas of Interest

Medical Sociology Drugs and Addiction

Gender and Family Sociology of Work and Professions


Brandeis University, Department of Sociology

Part Time Lecturer and Undergraduate Advising Head

Spring 2020. Order and Change in Society (Intro.)

Spring 2020. Sociology of Drugs in America.

Full Time Lecturer and Undergraduate Advising Head

Spring 2019. Order and Change in Society (Intro.)

Spring 2019. Sociology of Drugs in America

Spring 2019. Sociology of Birth and Death in America

Fall 2018. Gender and Work

Fall 2018. Self and Society: Who Am I Really?

Lecturer, Instructor of Record

Fall 2017. Health, Community, and Society

Summer 2011. Health, Community, and Society

Summer 2010. Health, Community, and Society

Fall 2008. Health, Community, and Society

Tufts University, Department of Sociology

Lecturer, Instructor of Record

Summer 2019 (upcoming): Introduction to Sociology

Summer 2018: Introduction to Sociology

Spring 2018: American Society (Inequality in America)

Spring 2018: Sociology of Mental Health and Illness

Fall 2017: Sociology of Families

Fall 2017: Medical Sociology

Summer 2017. Introduction to Sociology

Spring 2017. American Society (Inequality in America)

Spring 2017. Sociology of Mental Health and Illness

Fall 2016. Sociology of Families

Fall 2016. Medical Sociology

Spring 2016. Sociology of Mental Health and Illness

Fall 2015. Medical Sociology

Fall 2015. Death and Dying in America

Spring 2013. Sociology of Work and Occupations

Spring 2013. Sociology of Mental Health and Illness

Fall 2012. Medical Sociology

Spring 2011. Medical Sociology

Bridgewater State University, Department of Sociology

Lecturer, Instructor of Record

Fall 2012. Sociology of Work and Occupations

Mount Ida College, Department of Sociology

Lecturer, Instructor of Record

Fall 2010. Introduction to Sociology

Brown University, Department of Sociology

Teaching Fellow

Spring 2006. Methods of Research in Organizations (Mary Fennell)

Fall 2005. Perspective on Society: Introduction to Sociology (Dennis Hogan)

Spring 2005. Perspectives on Society: Introduction to Sociology (Martha Lang)

Spring 2005. Research Methods (Stephen Nelson)

Fall 2004. Leadership in Organizations (Stephen Nelson)

Research and Significant work experience

Undergraduate Advising Head, Brandeis University

September 2018-Present

Responsibilities Include: Discussing the discipline with potential sociology majors; signing up majors and assigning advisors; reviewing students’ course schedules, reviewing and approving all outside course transfer credits and study abroad classes.

Researcher, Brandies University

November 2017-Present

Responsibilities Include: Collaborating with Dr. Peter Conrad (Brandeis University) to design a qualitative research project studying the experience of living with Parkinson’s Disease; recruiting participants; crafting interview guides; conducting in-depth interviews; coding and analyzing data.

Research Assistant, Heller School, Brandeis University

February 2009-2011

Responsibilities Include: Implementing and managing data collection forms; working with service providers to implement a data collection strategy in conjunction with the initiation of the collaborative protocol; interviewing participants and service providers about their experiences with the projects; monitoring data collection over time; constructing an evaluation database; attending meetings; and helping to implement a participatory evaluation research process.  

Editorial Assistant, Brandeis University

June 2007-June 2008

Responsibilities Include: updating statistical information for Conrad’s The Sociology of

Health and Illness, 8th edition (Worth Press 2008), contacting and negotiating with authors and publishing houses regarding royalty and copyright agreements and managing and organizing contracts and information for project.

Owner and Creator, The St. John Phonebook, VI

April 2002 – January 2014

Responsibilities Include: managing sales employees, creating and updating the telephone directory annually, bookkeeping, gathering public service information, writing the extensive community service section and working with our contracted publisher and webmaster.


Slodden, Caitlin. 2019. Book Review. C. Borda‐Niño‐Wildman The Medicalisation of Incest and Abuse: Biomedical and Indigenous Perceptions in Rural Bolivia. New York: Routledge Press, 2018. Sociology of Health and Illness.

Conrad, Peter and Caitlin O. Slodden. 2011. Book Chapter. ‘’The Medicialization of Mental

Illness.’’ Handbook on the Sociology of Mental Illness, 2nd Edition. New York : Springer Press.

Cunningham, David, Colleen Nugent and Caitlin Slodden. June 2010. “The Durability

of Collective Memory: Reconciling the ‘Greensboro Massacre.’” American Sociological Review.

Slodden, Caitlin O. July 2009. Book Review. Robert Klitzman, When Doctors Become

Patients. NY: Oxford University Press, 2008. Sociology of Health and Illness.

Slodden, Caitlin O. 2009. Cryonics (1,000 words). The Encyclopedia of Death and

Human Experience. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications Inc.

Slodden, Caitlin O. 2009. Body Farms (2,000 words). The Encyclopedia of Death and Human Experience.

Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications Inc.

Slodden, Caitlin O. 2009. Putrification Research (2,000 words). The Encyclopedia of Death and

Human Experience. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications Inc.


Conrad, Peter and Caitlin Slodden. “The Management of Parkinson’s Disease: The Benefits of a Three-

Legged Stool.” Poster presented at: World Parkinson’s Conference. Kyoto, Japan. June 2019.

Presider. “Reproduction and Global Health” mini-conference. Annual 2019 Eastern Sociological

Association Conference. Boston, MA.

“The Changing stigma of Illness: The Case of Parkinson's Disease.” Annual 2018 Society of the

Study of Social Problems Conference, Philadelphia, PA.

“The Medicalization of Mental Illness” Annual 2011 Society of the Study of Social Problems

Conference, Las Vegas, NV.

“Explanatory Models of Sudden Infant Death (SIDS) and ‘Unfit’ Mothers.” Annual 2010 Society for the

Study of Social Problems Conference, Atlanta GA.

“Explanatory Models of Sudden Infant Death (SIDS) and ‘Unfit’ Mothers.” 9th International Family

Violence Research Conference. Portsmouth, NH.

“Hospice and Palliative Care: Demedicalizing or Deprofessionalizing Dying?” Annual 2010 Eastern

Sociological Society Conference, Boston MA.

“Life Transition Specialists: Funeral Directors and Household Movers.” Annual 2009 Eastern

Sociological Society Conference, Baltimore MD.

“Language and Undocumented Immigration as a Social Problem: Pre- and Post-9/11.” Annual 2008

Society for the Study of Social Problems Conference, Boston MA.

Invited Lecture and Presentations

Understanding and Embracing Differences in America: Toward a Beloved Community. Lecture series co-

organizer, Lecturer, and facilitator. Hingham, MA, October 2017.

Poverty and Health Inequalities in Contemporary America. Lecture series co-organizer, Lecturer, and

facilitator. Hingham, MA March, 2017.

From a Parent Dying Young:
Parenthood and the Gendered Division of Reproductive Labor. Brandeis

University, Waltham, MA, March 2017.

Open for Business: Young, Female and Entrepreneur. Waterville, ME, April 2004.

If It’s Not Social Work, Then What Is Sociology? Milton, MA Public Schools, April 2008.


Department of Sociology Teaching Award, Brandeis University, Spring 2007.

Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Fellowship, Brandeis University, 2006-Present.

The Anthropology Prize for Academic Excellence, Colby College, 2004.

The Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Prize for Academic Excellence, Colby College 2004.


Honors Senior Thesis Committee, Brandeis University, Present.

Honors Senior Thesis Committee, Tufts University Fall 2017-Spring 2018.

Graduate Representative to Faculty, Brandeis University, 2007-2008.

St. John’s Episcopal Church, Hingham MA. Vestry Member and Chair of Adult Education Committee. 2017- Present.


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