Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

|GRADE LEVEL: |Sixth |

|Course Title: |Western Hemisphere |

|Strand: |I. History |

|Topic: |Time and Chronology |

|Grade Level Standard: |6-1 Comprehend time and chronology. |

| |

|Grade Level Benchmark: |1. Construct and interpret timelines of people and events in |

|the history of other parts of the world. (I.1.MS.1) |

|Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information |Resources |

| | |

|1. Given a timeline of significant people or events from the study of Latin America, students |Pencil |

|will interpret what it means. Look for historical patterns, analyze events, cause and effect, and |Paper |

|predict future events. |Resource book |

| |Class textbook |

|2. Create timelines of significant people and events and interpret what those timelines mean. |Internet |

|Compare and contrast, evaluate actions as to significance; criteria for significant consideration. | |

| | |

|Assessment: Given a timeline of significant people and events of Latin/Central America, students | |

|will interpret what it means. | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|New Vocabulary: Horizontal, vertical, linear charts, chronology, events, interpret |

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

|GRADE LEVEL: |Sixth |

|Course Title: |Western Hemisphere |

|Strand: |I. History |

|Topic: |Time and Chronology |

|Grade Level Standard: |6-1 Comprehend time and chronology. |

| |

|Grade Level Benchmark: |2. Select a contemporary condition in Canada and Latin |

|America and trace some of the major historical origins of each. (I.1.MS.3) |

|Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information |Resources |

| | |

|1. Study/learn about historical events that have taken place in Canada and Latin America. |Relevant newspaper articles as examples |

|Analyze the data and compare/contrast. |Computer |

| |Resource books |

|2. Describe situations of the present day Canada and Latin America and analyze the historical |Paper |

|causes. |Pencil |

| | |

|3. Describe situations that have occurred in the past in Canada and Latin American and identity | |

|affects on present day life. | |

| | |

|Assessment: Given a contemporary condition in Canada, students will write a newspaper article | |

|explaining how past decisions have affected everyday life. Imagine life if the event had not | |

|occurred and be able to predict the outcome. | |

|New Vocabulary: Analyze, contemporary |

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

|GRADE LEVEL: |Sixth |

|Course Title: |Western Hemisphere |

|Strand: |I. History |

|Topic: |Comprehending the Past |

|Grade Level Standard: |6-2 Comprehend the past. |

| |

|Grade Level Benchmark: |1. Identify and explain how individuals in history |

|demonstrated good character and personal virtue. (I.2.MS.2) |

|Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information |Resources |

| | |

|1. Identify individuals from the study of Latin America and Canada who demonstrated good |Poster paper |

|character/personal virtue. Critique their positive contributions to society. |Art supplies |

| |Resource books |

|2. Define good character or personal virtue. | |

| | |

|3. Identify individuals from the study of Latin America and Canada who did not demonstrate good | |

|character/ personal virtue. Critique their negative contributions to society. | |

| | |

|Assessment: In thinking about an individual from the study of Latin American history, design a | |

|poster that depicts why or why not that person demonstrated good character/ personal virtue. | |

| | |

|New Vocabulary: Good character, personal virtue |

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

|GRADE LEVEL: |Sixth |

|Course Title: |Western Hemisphere |

|Strand: |I. History |

|Topic: |Comprehending the Past |

|Grade Level Standard: |6-2 Comprehend the past. |

| |

|Grade Level Benchmark: |2. Select conditions in various parts of the world and |

|describe how they have been shaped by events from the past. (I.2.MS.3) |

|Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information |Resources |

| | |

|1. Study/learn about historical events that have taken place in Canada and Latin America and |Paper |

|analyze their causes and effects. |Text |

| |Resource materials |

|2. Describe situations of present day Canada and Latin America and state and examine the | |

|historical causes. | |

| | |

|3. Describe situations that have occurred in the past in Canada and Latin America and identify | |

|and examine the effects on present life. | |

| | |

|Assessment: Students will do research and create a timeline of significant historical events that| |

|have led up to a present day political condition in regards to a country in South America. | |

|New Vocabulary: Timeline |

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

|GRADE LEVEL: |Sixth |

|Course Title: |Western Hemisphere |

|Strand: |I. History |

|Topic: |Comprehending the Past |

|Grade Level Standard: |6-2 Comprehend the past. |

| |

|Grade Level Benchmark: |3. Use historical biographies to explain how events from the |

|past affected the lives of individuals and how some individuals influenced the course |

|of history. (I.2.MS.4) |

|Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information |Resources |

| | |

|1. Read, research, and discuss historical biographies from Canadian and Latin American historical|Journal book |

|figures and compare/contrast their contributions. |Biography reference book |

| |Internet |

|2. Examine famous and everyday people who influenced the course of historical events. Examine | |

|their influences. | |

| | |

|3. Describe how past events influenced and affected people’s lives. | |

| | |

|Assessment: Students will choose one person from their study of Canadian History and write a | |

|journal entry from that person’s point of view describing how he/she changed and influenced the | |

|course of history. | |

|New Vocabulary: Historical biographies |

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

|GRADE LEVEL: |Sixth |

|Course Title: |Western Hemisphere |

|Strand: |I. History |

|Topic: |Analyzing and Interpreting the Past |

|Grade Level Standard: |6-3 Analyze and interpret the past. |

| |

|Grade Level Benchmark: |1. Analyze interpretations of major events selected from |

|Canadian and Latin American history to reveal the perspectives of the authors. |

|(I.3.MS.2) |

|Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information |Resources |

| | |

|1. Read about events in American history from the point of view of Canadian and Latin American |Internet |

|authors. |Textbook |

| |Venn diagram handout sheet |

|2. Evaluate a historical event in the United States from the Canadian or Latin American point of |(Graphic organizer) |

|view or vice versa. | |

| | |

|3. Create Venn diagrams depicting two diverse points of view about the same event that has | |

|occurred in Canada or Latin America. | |

| | |

|Assessment: Students will create a poster depicting the American and Canadian point of view on a | |

|controversial issue/problem. | |

|Graphic Organizer: Depicting, controversial issue |

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

|GRADE LEVEL: |Sixth |

|Course Title: |Western Hemisphere |

|Strand: |I. History |

|Topic: |Analyzing and Interpreting the Past |

|Grade Level Standard: |6-3 Analyze and interpret the past. |

| |

|Grade Level Benchmark: |2. Show that historical knowledge is tentative and subject |

|to change by describing interpretations of the past that have been revised when new |

|information was uncovered. (I.3.MS.3) |

|Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information |Resources |

| | |

|1. Understand information about the history of Canada and Latin America and how it has been |Text |

|accumulated over years. Predict what current events will be incorporated. |Internet |

| |Personal interviews |

|2. Describe examples of historical events where the “story” has changed over time based on new | |

|knowledge and differing points of view. | |

| | |

|3. Identify events where people’s conceptions have changed over time due to additional | |

|assimilation of updated research or technology. | |

| | |

|Assessment: Students will research a historical event and describe how the people’s conception of| |

|the event has changed over time. | |

|New Vocabulary: Conceptions, accumulated |

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

|GRADE LEVEL: |Sixth |

|Course Title: |Western Hemisphere |

|Strand: |I. History |

|Topic: |Judging Decisions from the Past |

|Grade Level Standard: |6-4 Judge decisions from the past. |

| |

|Grade Level Benchmark: |1. Identify major decisions in the history of Canada and |

|Latin America, analyze contemporary factors contributing to the decisions, and |

|consider alternative courses of action. (I.4.MS.2) |

|Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information |Resources |

| | |

|1. Use many sources to examine a historical event. |Text |

| |Resource materials |

|2. Have deep knowledge of the event based on their personal research. |Internet |

| |Copies of prior Presidents’ debates/ |

|3. Trace effects of the event through history. |compare |

| | |

|4. Analyze alternative courses of action for the event. | |

| | |

|5. Debate different courses of action that could be taken on a historical issue. | |

| | |

|Assessment: Research a country in Latin America that does not have a Democratic government. | |

|Create a time-line with events that led up to the current situation and propose an alternative | |

|course of action. | |

|New Vocabulary: Alternative course of action |

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

|GRADE LEVEL: |Sixth |

|Course Title: |Western Hemisphere |

|Strand: |I. History |

|Topic: |Judging Decisions from the Past |

|Grade Level Standard: |6-4 Judge decisions from the past. |

| |

|Grade Level Benchmark: |2. Identify the responses of individuals to historic violations |

|of human dignity involving discrimination, persecution, and crimes against humanity. |

|(I.4.MS.3) |

|Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information |Resources |

| | |

|1. Identify incidents of persecution, discrimination, and crimes against humanity from the history |Newspaper |

|of Canada and Latin America. |Periodicals |

| |Magazine |

|2. Identify contemporary incidents of persecution, discrimination, and crimes of humanity that may |Internet |

|have occurred in Canada or Latin America. | |

| | |

|3. Describe both the positive and negative reactions to past and present incidents of persecution, | |

|discrimination, or crimes against humanity in Canada or Latin America. | |

| | |

|Assessment: Choose a Latin American country where discrimination has occurred. Write a news | |

|article about it and propose a solution. | |

|New Vocabulary: Discrimination, humanity |

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

|GRADE LEVEL: |Sixth |

|Course Title: |Western Hemisphere |

|Strand: |I. History |

|Topic: |Judging Decisions from the Past |

|Grade Level Standard: |6-4 Judge decisions from the past. |

| |

|Grade Level Benchmark: |3. Select historic decisions and evaluate them in light of |

|core democratic values and resulting costs and benefits as viewed from a variety of |

|perspectives. (I.4.MS.4) |

|Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information |Resources |

| | |

|1. Understand and be able to apply Core Democratic Values to different, every-day life situations. |Copies of Core Democratic Values |

| |Internet |

|2. Identify countries in Latin America and describe their form of government (i.e., Democracy, |Text |

|dictatorship, etc.) and compare/contrast to the U.S. |Newspaper |

| | |

|3. Identify and explain Canada’s form of government and compare/contrast to the U.S. | |

| | |

|4. Discuss/analyze historical decisions made in Canada or Latin America and determine if Core | |

|Democratic Values motivated the decision. | |

| | |

|5. Compare/contrast countries in Latin America that are democracies/non-democracies. | |

| | |

|Assessment: Students will write a position paper defending why Core Democratic Values are not used| |

|in a dictatorship form of government. | |

|New Vocabulary: Dictatorship |

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

|GRADE LEVEL: |Sixth |

|Course Title: |Western Hemisphere |

|Strand: |II. Geography |

|Topic: |People, Places, and Cultures |

|Grade Level Standard: |6-5 Describe people, places, and cultures. |

| |

|Grade Level Benchmark: |1. Locate and describe diverse places, cultures, and |

|communities of the Western Hemisphere. (II.1.MS.1) |

|Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information |Resources |

| | |

|1. Incorporate the 5-themes of location geography with mapping activities. |Maps |

| |Physical, political |

|2. Discuss the human and physical characteristics of places, cultures, and communities of the |Pictures from magazines and newspapers |

|Western Hemisphere. |Text |

| |Internet |

|Assessment: Given places, cultures, or communities in the Western Hemisphere, describe the | |

|characteristics. | |

|New Vocabulary: Characteristics |

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

|GRADE LEVEL: |Sixth |

|Course Title: |Western Hemisphere |

|Strand: |II. Geography |

|Topic: |People, Places, and Cultures |

|Grade Level Standard: |6-5 Describe people, places, and cultures. |

| |

|Grade Level Benchmark: |2. Describe and compare characteristics of Western |

|Hemisphere cultures. (II.1.MS.2) |

|Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information |Resources |

| | |

|1. Identify the cultural groups of the Western Hemisphere and compare/contrast. |Poster board |

| |Text |

|2. Discuss the characteristics of those groups and analyze the origin of those characteristics. |Internet |

| |Colored markers |

|Assessment: Create a chart comparing the cultures of the Western Hemisphere, including language, | |

|religion, belief systems, gender roles, and traditions. | |

|New Vocabulary: Cultural groups |

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

|GRADE LEVEL: |Sixth |

|Course Title: |Western Hemisphere |

|Strand: |II. Geography |

|Topic: |People, Places, and Cultures |

|Grade Level Standard: |6-5 Describe people, places, and cultures. |

| |

|Grade Level Benchmark: |3. Explain why people live and work as they do in the |

|Western Hemisphere. (II.1.MS.3) |

|Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information |Resources |

| | |

|1. Identify factors in the Western Hemisphere that influence how people live and work as they do |Maps |

|(i.e., climate, resources, landforms). |Text |

| |Internet |

|2. Discuss the influence of the regions in the Western Hemisphere on how the people live and work | |

|as they do. | |

| | |

|Assessment: Given a region, explain why people live and work as they do in Western Hemisphere | |

|regions. | |

|New Vocabulary: Influence, landforms |

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

|GRADE LEVEL: |Sixth |

|Course Title: |Western Hemisphere |

|Strand: |II. Geography |

|Topic: |Human/Environment Interaction |

|Grade Level Standard: |6-6 Analyze human/environment interaction. |

| |

|Grade Level Benchmark: |1. Locate, describe, and compare the ecosystems, |

|resources, and human environment interactions in the Western Hemisphere. |

|(II.2.MS.1) |

|Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information |Resources |

| | |

|1. Locate the major ecosystems and resources on a map. |Maps |

| |Text |

|2. Identify, describe, and compare the ecosystems in a region. |Internet |

| | |

|3. Identify, describe, and compare the resources in a region. | |

| | |

|4. Identify, describe, and compare the human environment interaction in a region. | |

| | |

|Assessment: Create a project that compares the ecosystems, resources, and human environment | |

|interactions of two major Western Hemisphere ecosystems. | |

|New Vocabulary: Ecosystems, resources, human environment interactions |

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

|GRADE LEVEL: |Sixth |

|Course Title: |Western Hemisphere |

|Strand: |II. Geography |

|Topic: |Human/Environment Interaction |

|Grade Level Standard: |6-6 Analyze human/environment interaction. |

| |

|Grade Level Benchmark: |2. Locate major ecosystems, describe their characteristics, |

|and explain the process that created them. (II.2.MS.2) |

|Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information |Resources |

| | |

|1. Identify major ecosystems on a map. |Maps |

| |Text |

|2. Discuss the characteristics of the ecosystem. |Internet |

| | |

|3. Identify examples of the major processes on Earth (i.e., climate, erosion, water cycle, and | |

|plant communities). | |

| | |

|4. Discuss how these processes created the ecosystems and compare/contrast various regions. | |

| | |

|Assessment: Given an example of an ecosystem, describe the characteristics, and explain the | |

|process that created it. | |

|New Vocabulary: Historical origins |

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

|GRADE LEVEL: |Sixth |

|Course Title: |Western Hemisphere |

|Strand: |II. Geography |

|Topic: |Human/Environment Interaction |

|Grade Level Standard: |6-6 Analyze human/environment interaction. |

| |

|Grade Level Benchmark: |3. Explain the importance of different kinds of ecosystems |

|to people. (II.2.MS.3) |

|Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information |Resources |

| | |

|1. Identify a variety of ecosystems found in the Western Hemisphere. |Text |

| |Internet |

|2. Discuss the importance of these ecosystems to humans. |Map |

| | |

|Assessment: Analyze why different kinds of ecosystems are important to people. | |

|New Vocabulary: Contemporary |

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

|GRADE LEVEL: |Sixth |

|Course Title: |Western Hemisphere |

|Strand: |II. Geography |

|Topic: |Human/Environment Interaction |

|Grade Level Standard: |6-6 Analyze human/environment interaction. |

| |

|Grade Level Benchmark: |4. Explain how humans modify the environment and |

|describe some of the possible consequences of those modifications. (II.2.MS.4) |

|Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information |Resources |

| | |

|1. Identify human modifications on the environment (i.e., dams on rivers, cutting trees). |Textbook |

| |Atlas |

|2. Discuss how humans modify the environment. |Notebook |

| |Pen |

|3. Discuss the possible consequences of those modifications. |Pencil |

| |Graphic organizer overhead |

|Assessment: Given a human modification on the environment in the Western Hemisphere, explain how | |

|the modification was created and describe the possible consequences of that modification. | |

|New Vocabulary: Consequences |

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

|GRADE LEVEL: |Sixth |

|Course Title: |Western Hemisphere |

|Strand: |II. Geography |

|Topic: |Human/Environment Interaction |

|Grade Level Standard: |6-6 Analyze human/environment interaction. |

| |

|Grade Level Benchmark: |5. Describe the consequences of human/environment |

|interactions in several different types of environment. (II.2.MS.5) |

|Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information |Resources |

| | |

|1. Identify the consequences of human/environment interactions in several types of environment. |Textbook |

| |Paper |

|2. Discuss the cause/effect of consequences of human/environment interactions in several different|Pencil |

|types of environment. |World map overhead |

| | |

|Assessment: Students will make a project showing the potential consequences in interacting with | |

|the environment. | |

|New Vocabulary: Multinational |

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

|GRADE LEVEL: |Sixth |

|Course Title: |Western Hemisphere |

|Strand: |II. Geography |

|Topic: |Location, Movement, and Connections |

|Grade Level Standard: |6-7 Explain the connection between movement and |

|location. |

|Grade Level Benchmark: |1. Locate and describe major economic activities and |

|occupations of major world regions and explain the reasons for their locations. |

|(II.3.MS.1) |

|Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information |Resources |

| | |

|1. Identify the major economic activities and occupations in major world regions. |Textbook (a copy of the 5-Themes of |

| |Geography) |

|2. Discuss and analyze the reasons for the location of these economic activities and occupations. |Notebook |

| |Pencil |

|Assessment: Students will create a project to locate and describe major economic activities and |Pen |

|occupations of Western Hemisphere regions, explain the reasons for their locations and | |

|compare/contrast the activities. | |

|New Vocabulary: Occupations |

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

|GRADE LEVEL: |Sixth |

|Course Title: |Western Hemisphere |

|Strand: |II. Geography |

|Topic: |Location, Movement, and Connections |

|Grade Level Standard: |6-7 Explain the connection between movement and |

|location. |

|Grade Level Benchmark: |2. Explain how governments have divided land and sea |

|areas into different regions. (II.3.MS.2) |

|Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information |Resources |

| | |

|1. Identify and discuss how boundaries are created (i.e., physical features, lines of latitude and |Textbook |

|longitude). |Political map |

| |Notebook |

|Assessment: In a paragraph, explain how governments have divided different regions, citing two |Pencil |

|examples in the Western Hemisphere. |Pen |

| |Internet |

|New Vocabulary: Regions, boundaries, latitude, longitude |

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

|GRADE LEVEL: |Sixth |

|Course Title: |Western Hemisphere |

|Strand: |II. Geography |

|Topic: |Location, Movement, and Connections |

|Grade Level Standard: |6-7 Explain the connection between movement and |

|location. |

|Grade Level Benchmark: |3. Describe how and why people, goods and services, and |

|information move within world regions and between regions. (II.3.MS.3) |

|Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information |Resources |

| | |

|1. Investigate how goods and services, people, and information move in the Western Hemisphere. |Textbook |

| |Internet |

|2. Discuss what causes people, goods and services, and information to move. |Transportation (cargo ship, airplane, bus)|

| |Notebook |

|Assessment: Given a country in the Western Hemisphere, describe the causes and the reasons why |Pencil |

|people, goods and services, and information move within the country and between countries. |Pen |

|New Vocabulary: Information, goods and services |

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

|GRADE LEVEL: |Sixth |

|Course Title: |Western Hemisphere |

|Strand: |II. Geography |

|Topic: |Location, Movement, and Connections |

|Grade Level Standard: |6-7 Explain the connection between movement and |

|location. |

|Grade Level Benchmark: |4. Describe major economic and political connections |

|between the United States and different world regions and explain their causes |

|and consequences. (II.3.MS.4) |

|Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information |Resources |

| | |

|1. Identify the economic and political connections between the United States and countries of the |Textbook |

|Western Hemisphere (i.e., trade alliance, multinational companies, and defense treaties). |Atlas |

| |Physical map |

|2. Discuss causes and consequences of these connections and the events that initiated the causes |Notebook |

|and consequences. |Pen |

| |Pencil |

|Assessment: Describe the major economic and political connections between the United States and | |

|the NAFTA nations and explain the causes and consequences of the connection. | |

|New Vocabulary: Causes and consequences |

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

|GRADE LEVEL: |Sixth |

|Course Title: |Western Hemisphere |

|Strand: |II. Geography |

|Topic: |Regions, Patterns, and Processes |

|Grade Level Standard: |6-8 Describe regions, patterns, and processes. |

| |

|Grade Level Benchmark: |1. Draw a sketch map of the world from memory. |

|(II.4.MS.1) |

|Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information |Resources |

| | |

|1. Practice making examples of sketch maps. |Textbook |

| |Notebook |

|2. Be able to identify latitude lines, longitude lines, and major lines. Draw sketch maps using |Pencil |

|map elements (i.e., proportion or relative size, relative distance, orientation, label). |Pen |

| |Crayons |

|Assessment: Draw a sketch map of the Western Hemisphere from memory. |Overhead |

| | |

|New Vocabulary: Relative |

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

|GRADE LEVEL: |Sixth |

|Course Title: |Western Hemisphere |

|Strand: |II. Geography |

|Topic: |Regions, Patterns, and Processes |

|Grade Level Standard: |6-8 Describe regions, patterns, and processes. |

| |

|Grade Level Benchmark: |2. Locate and describe major cultural, economic, political, |

|and environmental features of North and South America and the processes that |

|created them. (II.4.MS.2) |

|Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information |Resources |

| | |

|1. Locate and describe the cultural features on a map (i.e., language, religion, government) of |Physical/political map |

|North and South America. |Atlas |

| |Textbook |

|2. Locate and describe the economic features on a map (i.e., natural resources, land use, |Overhead |

|transportation) of North and South America. | |

| | |

|3. Locate and describe the political features on a map (i.e., boundaries) of North and South | |

|America. | |

| | |

|4. Locate and describe the environment features on a map (i.e., landforms, ecosystems) of North and| |

|South America. | |

| | |

|Assessment: Given a map of the North and South America, locate and describe major cultural, | |

|economic, political, and environmental features of the region and create a graph in order to | |

|compare/contrast features. | |

|New Vocabulary: Landform, boundaries |

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

|GRADE LEVEL: |Sixth |

|Course Title: |Western Hemisphere |

|Strand: |II. Geography |

|Topic: |Regions, Patterns, and Processes |

|Grade Level Standard: |6-8 Describe regions, patterns, and processes. |

| |

|Grade Level Benchmark: |3. Describe major patterns of Western Hemisphere |

|population, physical features, ecosystems, and cultures and explain some of the |

|factors causing the patterns. (II.4.MS.3) |

|Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information |Resources |

| | |

|1. Identify and discuss patterns of population, physical features, ecosystems, and cultures. |Textbook |

| |Internet |

|2. Identify and discuss factors that cause these patterns. |Notebook |

| |Pencil |

|Assessment: Given a series of maps of population, physical features, ecosystems, and cultures, |Pen |

|identify the patterns, and explain the factors that cause these patterns and create a visual |Overhead |

|example of the patterns. | |

|New Vocabulary: Patterns |

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

|GRADE LEVEL: |Sixth |

|Course Title: |Western Hemisphere |

|Strand: |II. Geography |

|Topic: |Regions, Patterns, and Processes |

|Grade Level Standard: |6-8 Describe regions, patterns, and processes. |

| |

|Grade Level Benchmark: |4. Compare the Western Hemisphere with respect to |

|cultures, economy, governmental systems, environment, and communications. |

|(II.4.MS.4) |

|Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information |Resources |

| | |

|1. Identify and discuss similarities and differences of Western Hemisphere regions with respect to |Textbooks |

|cultures, economy, government systems, environment, and communications. |Article/handouts |

| |Paper |

|Assessment: Create a chart that compares regions in the Western Hemisphere with respect to |Pencil |

|cultures, economy, government systems, environment, and communications in order to compare and |Highlighter |

|contrast. | |

|New Vocabulary: Communications, economy |

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

|GRADE LEVEL: |Sixth |

|Course Title: |Western Hemisphere |

|Strand: |II. Geography |

|Topic: |Global Issues and Events |

|Grade Level Standard: |6-9 Analyze global issues and events. |

| |

|Grade Level Benchmark: |1. Describe how social and scientific changes in regions |

|may have global consequences. (II.5.MS.1) |

|Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information |Resources |

| | |

|1. Discuss how social and scientific changes in the Western Hemisphere have global consequences |Textbook |

|(i.e., revolutions for independence in the Americas, conquistadors, Industrial Revolution, agrarian|Timeline |

|reform, movement toward democracy, Pan-American Highway, environmental destruction, vaccination |Notebook |

|programs, control of yellow fever, eradication of disease, computer technology, standard time, use |Pencil |

|of communication devices, GIS, GPS, vulcanization). |Paper |

| | |

|Assessment: Create a project on a social or scientific change in the Western Hemisphere, | |

|describing how the change may have global consequences (advances in warfare/technology), | |

|(consequence; democracy). | |

|New Vocabulary: Consequences |

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

|GRADE LEVEL: |Sixth |

|Course Title: |Western Hemisphere |

|Strand: |II. Geography |

|Topic: |Global Issues and Events |

|Grade Level Standard: |6-9 Analyze global issues and events. |

| |

|Grade Level Benchmark: |2. Describe the geographic aspects of events taking place |

|in different world regions. (II.5.MS.2) |

|Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information |Resources |

| | |

|1. Identify current events in Western Hemisphere regions. |Textbook |

| |Notebook |

|2 Discuss the geographic aspects of the events in the Western Hemisphere. |Pencil |

| |Paper |

|Assessment: Given a current event in the Western Hemisphere, describe the geographic aspects of |Newspaper |

|the event (outsourcing of job market, elections). | |

|New Vocabulary: Hemisphere, graphic aspects |

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

|GRADE LEVEL: |Sixth |

|Course Title: |Western Hemisphere |

|Strand: |II. Geography |

|Topic: |Global Issues and Events |

|Grade Level Standard: |6-9 Analyze global issues and events. |

| |

|Grade Level Benchmark: |3. Explain how elements of the physical geography, culture, |

|and history of Canada and Latin America may be influencing current events. |

|(II.5.MS.3) |

|Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information |Resources |

| | |

|1. Discuss current events in the Western Hemisphere and identify the physical geography, culture, |Internet |

|and history associated with that event. |Current events |

| |Article |

|Assessment: Given a current event, analyze how elements of the physical geography, culture, and | |

|history of the region may be influencing current events (Mt. St. Helen, hurricanes, earthquakes) | |

|New Vocabulary: Influence, physical geography |

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

|GRADE LEVEL: |Sixth |

|Course Title: |Western Hemisphere |

|Strand: |III. Government |

|Topic: |Purposes of Government |

|Grade Level Standard: |6-10 Describe the purposes of government. |

| |

|Grade Level Benchmark: |1. Distinguish between representative democracy in the |

|United States and other forms of government. (III.1.MS.2) |

|Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information |Resources |

| | |

|1. Define representative democracy. |Textbook |

| |Newspaper |

|2. Compare/contrast how representative democracy works in the United States and some other |Internet |

|countries of the Western Hemisphere. |Notebook |

| |Paper |

|Assessment: Describe what a representative democracy is and how it operates in the United States |Pencil |

|or other representative democracies in other countries in the Western Hemisphere and re-create a | |

|microcosm event in a representative democracy. | |

|New Vocabulary: Representative democracy |

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

|GRADE LEVEL: |Sixth |

|Course Title: |Western Hemisphere |

|Strand: |III. Government |

|Topic: |Purposes of Government |

|Grade Level Standard: |6-10 Describe the purposes of government. |

| |

|Grade Level Benchmark: |2. Explain how the rule of law protects individual rights and |

|serves the common good. (III.1.MS.3) |

|Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information |Resources |

| | |

|1 Discuss examples of how the rule of law serves individual rights and serves the common good in |Textbook |

|the Western Hemisphere. |Newspaper |

| |Hand-out |

|2. Assess the effectiveness of the rule of law. |Notebook |

| |Pencil |

|3. Discuss what happens when the rule of law is violated in countries of the Western Hemisphere. |Paper |

|Scrutinize specific incidents of such violations. | |

| | |

|4. Describe how citizens organize government to accomplish their purposes. | |

|New Vocabulary: Violation, individual rights |

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

|GRADE LEVEL: |Sixth |

|Course Title: |Western Hemisphere |

|Strand: |III. Government |

|Topic: |Purposes of Government |

|Grade Level Standard: |6-10 Describe the purposes of government. |

| |

|Grade Level Benchmark: |3. Explain the importance of limited government to protect |

|political and economic freedom. (III.1.MS.4) |

|Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information |Resources |

| | |

|1 Define and discuss political freedoms. |Notebook |

| |Textbook |

|2. Define and discuss economic freedoms. |Pen |

| |Pencil |

|3. Evaluate examples in the Western Hemisphere of how people lost their political or economic |Internet |

|freedom because the government had too much power. | |

| | |

|4. Compare and contrast governments in the Western Hemisphere. | |

| | |

|Assessment: Given an example using a current event, explain how limited government protected | |

|political and economic freedom. Plan and implement a micro-government within the classroom. Plan | |

|and implement a micro-government within the classroom. | |

|New Vocabulary: Assess, represent, economic freedom, political freedom |

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

|GRADE LEVEL: |Sixth |

|Course Title: |Western Hemisphere |

|Strand: |III. Government |

|Topic: |American Government and World Affairs |

|Grade Level Standard: |6-11 Analyze the American government and world affairs. |

| |

|Grade Level Benchmark: |1. Describe the purposes and functions of major |

|international, governmental organizations. (III.5.MS.1) |

|Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information |Resources |

| | |

|1. Research NATO and the role of the U.N. |Notebook |

| |Textbook |

|2. PLO |Hand-outs |

| |Pencil |

|3. World Aid |Pen |

| | |

|Assessment: Explain the role of the PLO in the NATO peace treaty. Consider the American | |

|Government’s influence in world affairs. | |

| | |

|New Vocabulary: Global poverty (hunger), conflict, resolution, trade, war, PLO, NATO, world aid |

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

|GRADE LEVEL: |Sixth |

|Course Title: |Western Hemisphere |

|Strand: |IV. Economics |

|Topic: |Individual and Household Choices |

|Grade Level Standard: |6-12 Realize individual and household choices. |

| |

|Grade Level Benchmark: |1. Use economic reasoning when comparing price, quality, |

|and features of goods and services. (IV.1.MS.1) |

|Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information |Resources |

| | |

|1. Discuss economic reasoning as it relates to price, quality, and features of goods and services. |Textbook |

| |Newspaper |

|2. Practice economic reasoning by applying price, quality, and features of goods and services. |Pen |

| |Pencil |

|Assessment: Create a project that outlines the economic reasoning a person would use to purchase a| |

|product from a country in the Western Hemisphere. | |

| | |

|Explain the reasons people purchase goods. Justify the exchange of money for those goods and/or | |

|services. | |

|New Vocabulary: Economic reasoning, scarcity, supply, demand |

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

|GRADE LEVEL: |Sixth |

|Course Title: |Western Hemisphere |

|Strand: |IV. Economics |

|Topic: |Individual and Household Choices |

|Grade Level Standard: |6-12 Realize individual and household choices. |

| |

|Grade Level Benchmark: |2. Evaluate employment and career opportunities in light of |

|economic trends. (IV.1.MS.2) |

|Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information |Resources |

| | |

|1. The students will discuss the effects of the NAFTA Agreement on employment and career |Textbook |

|opportunities in the Western Hemisphere. |Newspaper |

| |Notebook |

|Assessment: Given an economic trend, students will evaluate employment and career opportunities in|Pen |

|the Western Hemisphere. |Pencil |

| |Graph |

|Consider the global economy as it relates to loss of jobs. |Chart |

| | |

|Identify the impact of unemployment on the economy. Describe the disposition of people when | |

|unemployment goes up. | |

|New Vocabulary: Economic trend, NAFTA, outsourcing |

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

|GRADE LEVEL: |Sixth |

|Course Title: |Western Hemisphere |

|Strand: |IV. Economics |

|Topic: |Individual and Household Choices |

|Grade Level Standard: |6-12 Realize individual and household choices. |

| |

|Grade Level Benchmark: |3. Analyze the reliability of information when making |

|economic decisions. (IV.1.MS.3) |

|Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information |Resources |

| | |

|1 Define reliability. |Textbook |

| |Newspaper |

|2. Evaluate advertisement materials to distinguish fact from fiction by using the following |Notebook |

|reliability factors: |Pen |

|Who wrote the materials? |Pencil |

|Why did they write the materials? | |

|What actions did they expect from the writing? | |

|What evidence did they provide? | |

| | |

|Assessment: Given an advertisement, the students will judge the reliability based on the | |

|reliability factors. | |

|New Vocabulary: Economic decisions |

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

|GRADE LEVEL: |Sixth |

|Course Title: |Western Hemisphere |

|Strand: |IV. Economics |

|Topic: |Business Choices |

|Grade Level Standard: |6-13 Analyze business choices. |

| |

|Grade Level Benchmark: |1. Using a real example, describe how business practices |

|profit and a willingness to take risks enabled an entrepreneur to operate. |

|(IV.2.MS.1) |

|Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information |Resources |

| | |

|1. The students will define business practices, profit, risk takers, and entrepreneurs. |Dictionary |

| |Textbook |

|Assessment: Create a project explaining the words: business practice, profit, risk taker, and |Pencil |

|entrepreneur. |Notebook |

| |Pen |

|Create a mock business that addresses investment, advertisement, pricing, market analysis, |Economic report handout |

|entrepreneur | |

|New Vocabulary: Entrepreneur, profit, investment, market analysis |

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

|GRADE LEVEL: |Sixth |

|Course Title: |Western Hemisphere |

|Strand: |IV. Economics |

|Topic: |Business Choices |

|Grade Level Standard: |6-13 Analyze business choices. |

| |

|Grade Level Benchmark: |2. Compare various methods for the production and |

|distribution of goods and services. (IV.2.MS.2) |

|Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information |Resources |

| | |

|1. Identify methods of production and distribution used in the Western Hemisphere. |Textbook |

| |Computer |

|Assessment: Given two Western Hemisphere communities, the students will compare the production and|Transportation routes |

|distribution of goods and services. |People |

| |Map |

|Consider distribution of various qualities and selections of goods to different economic areas. |Overhead |

|New Vocabulary: Distribution, production |

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

|GRADE LEVEL: |Sixth |

|Course Title: |Western Hemisphere |

|Strand: |IV. Economics |

|Topic: |Business Choices |

|Grade Level Standard: |6-13 Analyze business choices. |

| |

|Grade Level Benchmark: |3. Describe the effects of a current public policy on |

|businesses. (IV.2.MS.3) |

|Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information |Resources |

| | |

|1. The students will discuss the effects of NAFTA on businesses in the Western Hemisphere. |Textbook |

| |Personal interviews with local business |

|Assessment: Given a current public policy, what effects does it have on businesses in the Western |owners |

|Hemisphere? |Newspaper |

| | |

|Debate the issue of outsourcing policy of incentives given to companies. | |

| | |

|Analyze OSHA’s influence on small businesses. | |

|New Vocabulary: Public policy, NAFTA, incentives, OSHA, public policy, outsourcing |

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

|GRADE LEVEL: |Sixth |

|Course Title: |Western Hemisphere |

|Strand: |IV. Economics |

|Topic: |Business Choices |

|Grade Level Standard: |6-13 Analyze business choices. |

| |

|Grade Level Benchmark: |4. Examine the historical and contemporary role an industry |

|has played and continues to play in a community. (IV.2.MS.4) |

|Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information |Resources |

| | |

|1. Identify and discuss the major industries in the Western Hemisphere. |Textbook |

| |Newspaper |

|2. Explain how the industries have impacted the Western Hemisphere. |Internet |

| | |

|3. Discuss the environmental implications of industry, employment of people, and property tax | |

|revenue. | |

| | |

|Assessment: Given a major industry in the Western Hemisphere, describe the impact of the industry | |

|on the region. | |

|New Vocabulary: Contemporary, industry, impact, revenue, implications |

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

|GRADE LEVEL: |Sixth |

|Course Title: |Western Hemisphere |

|Strand: |IV. Economics |

|Topic: |Role of Government |

|Grade Level Standard: |6-14 Identify the roles of government. |

| |

|Grade Level Benchmark: |1. Distinguish between public and private goods using |

|contemporary examples. (IV.3.MS.1) |

|Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information |Resources |

| | |

|1. Define the term private goods and public goods. |Various goods |

| |Resource books |

|2. Discuss examples of private goods. | |

| | |

|Assessment: Students will correctly label goods as public or private. | |

|New Vocabulary: Contemporary public/private goods |

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

|GRADE LEVEL: |Sixth |

|Course Title: |Western Hemisphere |

|Strand: |IV. Economics |

|Topic: |Role of Government |

|Grade Level Standard: |6-14 Identify the roles of government. |

| |

|Grade Level Benchmark: |2. Identify and describe different forms of economic |

|measurement. (IV.3.MS.2) |

|Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information |Resources |

| | |

|1. Define Gross Domestic Product, Consumer Price Index, and unemployment rate. | |

| | |

|2. Discuss examples of these forms of the above economic measurements. |Textbook |

| |Internet |

|Assessment: Students create a project that uses one or more economic measurements to compare two |Chart of economic stats of various |

|countries in the Western Hemisphere. |countries |

| |Graphic organizer |

|Use of product by volume. | |

|New Vocabulary: Gross Domestic Product |

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

|GRADE LEVEL: |Sixth |

|Course Title: |Western Hemisphere |

|Strand: |IV. Economics |

|Topic: |Role of Government |

|Grade Level Standard: |6-14 Identify the roles of government. |

| |

|Grade Level Benchmark: |3. Use case studies to assess the role of government in the |

|economy. (IV.3.MS.3) |

|Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information |Resources |

| | |

|1. Describe and discuss the six roles of government in the economy, i.e., |Case studies |

|a. Ensure economic growth |Textbook |

|b. Full employment |Overhead |

|c. Price stability | |

|d. Economic freedom | |

|e. Fair distribution of wealth – minimum wages | |

|f. Economic security – job security | |

| | |

|Assessment: Given a case study, explain how the government’s actions impacted the economy. Judge | |

|the government’s action. | |

|New Vocabulary: Stability, impact |

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

|GRADE LEVEL: |Sixth |

|Course Title: |Western Hemisphere |

|Strand: |IV. Economics |

|Topic: |Role of Government |

|Grade Level Standard: |6-14 Identify the roles of government. |

| |

|Grade Level Benchmark: |4. Distinguish different forms of taxation and describe their |

|effects. (IV.3.MS.4) |

|Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information |Resources |

| | |

|1. Define the forms of taxation: |Blank tax forms |

|Personal income taxes |Fake paychecks to determine deductions |

|Corporate income taxes |Resources that shows the flowchart of |

|Social security taxes |money in and out of our tax system |

|Sales taxes | |

|Property taxes | |

|Commodity taxes | |

| | |

|2. Discuss and describe the effects on individuals and businesses of the government redistributing| |

|wealth through taxation in the Western Hemisphere. | |

| | |

|Assessment: Give the definitions of the different forms of taxation and describe the effects on | |

|individuals in the Western Hemisphere. | |

|New Vocabulary: Redistribution |

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

|GRADE LEVEL: |Sixth |

|Course Title: |Western Hemisphere |

|Strand: |IV. Economics |

|Topic: |Economic Systems |

|Grade Level Standard: |6-15 Analyze economic systems. |

| |

|Grade Level Benchmark: |1. Compare the historical record of market economies in |

|solving the problem of scarcity. (IV.4.MS.1) |

|Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information |Resources |

| | |

|1. Define scarcity. |Textbook |

| |Handouts |

|2. Define and discuss how market economies solve the problems of scarcity. |Posterboard |

| | |

|Assessment: Students create a project. Given a scenario in the Western Hemisphere, the students | |

|will identify how a market economy solved the problem of scarcity. | |

|New Vocabulary: Market economies, scarcity |

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

|GRADE LEVEL: |Sixth |

|Course Title: |Western Hemisphere |

|Strand: |IV. Economics |

|Topic: |Economic Systems |

|Grade Level Standard: |6-15 Analyze economic systems. |

| |

|Grade Level Benchmark: |2. Analyze how purchasers obtain information about goods |

|and services from advertising and other sources. (IV.4.MS.4) |

|Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information |Resources |

| | |

|1. The students will discuss advertisement materials to analyze the reliability of information |Advertisement section of the newspaper |

|using the reliability factors: |Paper |

|Who wrote the material? |Pencil |

|Why did they write the material? |Textbook |

|What actions did they expect from the writing? | |

|What evidence did they provide? | |

| | |

|Assessment: Create a project. Analyze how purchasers obtain information about goods and services | |

|from advertising and other sources using the reliability factors as the criteria. | |

| | |

|Sell a mock product via creation of various advertisements. | |

| | |

|New Vocabulary: Criteria, economic systems, advertisement |

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

|GRADE LEVEL: |Sixth |

|Course Title: |Western Hemisphere |

|Strand: |IV. Economics |

|Topic: |Trade |

|Grade Level Standard: |6-16 Analyze trade in the Western Hemisphere. |

| |

|Grade Level Benchmark: |1. Identify the current and potential contributions of national |

|and world regions to trade. (IV.5.MS.1) |

|Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information |Resources |

| | |

|1. Identify contributions of Western Hemisphere nations to trade. |Textbook |

| |Map |

|Assessment: Given a country in the Western Hemisphere, identify their present day exports and the |Atlas |

|potential for exports to other countries in the future. | |

| | |

|Create a flowchart of goods exported from the Western Hemisphere to other countries. | |

|New Vocabulary: Potential contributions, export |

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

|GRADE LEVEL: |Sixth |

|Course Title: |Western Hemisphere |

|Strand: |IV. Economics |

|Topic: |Trade |

|Grade Level Standard: |6-16 Analyze trade in the Western Hemisphere. |

| |

|Grade Level Benchmark: |2. Examine the role of the United States government in |

|regulating commerce as stated in the United States Constitution. (IV.5.MS.2) |

|Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information |Resources |

| | |

|1. Define the terms commerce and regulate, i.e., Commerce refers to trade and all kinds of |Textbook |

|commercial activity whether it is within a state (intrastate) or between states (interstate). |Paper |

| |Pencil |

|2. Regulate means to encourage, promote, protect, prohibit, or restrain. Discuss examples of the | |

|government’s regulation of commerce. | |

| | |

|3. Identify the power to regulate commerce by examinations of the U.S. Constitution, Article I, | |

|Section 8, Clause 3. | |

| | |

|Assessment: Define the terms regulate and commerce and explain the impact of the government on | |

|commerce. | |

|New Vocabulary: Regulating commerce, exchange rates |

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

|GRADE LEVEL: |Sixth |

|Course Title: |Western Hemisphere |

|Strand: |V. Inquiry |

|Topic: |Information Processing |

|Grade Level Standard: |6-17 Interpret maps, charts, and timelines. |

| |

|Grade Level Benchmark: |1. Locate and interpret information about the natural |

|environments and cultures of countries using a variety of primary and secondary |

|sources and electronic technologies. (V.1.MS.1) |

|Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information |Resources |

| | |

|1. Define and discuss primary and secondary sources of information, i.e., oral history, artifacts, |Privacy |

|photos, diaries, maps. |Secondary sources |

| |Textbook |

|2. Practice acquiring and interpreting appropriate sources of information, i.e., periodicals, |Paper |

|census materials, databases, reference works, interviews, multimedia, etc. |Pencil |

| |Internet |

|3. Practice using primary and secondary sources to interpret information. | |

| | |

|4. Practice gathering information from electronic technologies. | |

| | |

|Assessment: Construct a project to locate and interpret information about the natural environments| |

|and cultures of countries in the Western Hemisphere. | |

|New Vocabulary: Primary and secondary sources, oral history, telecommunications |

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

|GRADE LEVEL: |Sixth |

|Course Title: |Western Hemisphere |

|Strand: |V. Inquiry |

|Topic: |Information Processing |

|Grade Level Standard: |6-17 Interpret maps, charts, and timelines. |

| |

|Grade Level Benchmark: |2. Use traditional and electronic means to organize social |

|science information and to make maps, graphs, and tables. (V.1.MS.2) |

|Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information |Resources |

| | |

|1. Discuss more complex graphs, maps, and tables, i.e., multiple bar and line graphs, pie graphs, |Computer software |

|climographs, population, and pyramid graphs and choropleth maps. |Paper |

| |Pencil |

|2. Practice using computer software programs to create graphs, maps, and tables. |Textbook |

| | |

|3. Discuss and practice using flowcharts and diagrams to illustrate inputs, outputs, and other | |

|aspects of physical and human systems, i.e., food webs, ecosystems, political systems, and | |

|atmosphere. | |

| | |

|Assessment: Select social science information about the Western Hemisphere. The students will use| |

|computer software to create the appropriate graphic display of data. | |

|New Vocabulary: Organize, climograph |

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

|GRADE LEVEL: |Sixth |

|Course Title: |Western Hemisphere |

|Strand: |V. Inquiry |

|Topic: |Information Processing |

|Grade Level Standard: |6-17 Interpret maps, charts, and timelines. |

| |

|Grade Level Benchmark: |3. Interpret social science information about the natural |

|environment and cultures of countries from a variety of primary and secondary |

|sources. (V.1.MS.3) |

|Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information |Resources |

| | |

|1. Define and discuss primary and secondary sources. |Primary and secondary sources |

| |Paper |

|2. Discuss and practice the process of drawing inferences from social science information, i.e., |Pencil |

|using maps to recognize spatial associations and relationships, interpreting information from map | |

|overlays, etc. | |

| | |

|Assessment: Given a variety of primary and secondary source information from countries in the | |

|Western Hemisphere, the students will make correct inferences about the natural environment and | |

|cultures of those countries. | |

|New Vocabulary: Inferences, primary source, spatial associations, secondary sources |

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

|GRADE LEVEL: |Sixth |

|Course Title: |Western Hemisphere |

|Strand: |V. Inquiry |

|Topic: |Conducting Investigations |

|Grade Level Standard: |6-18 Conduct investigations by utilizing gathered |

|information. |

|Grade Level Benchmark: |1. Pose a social science question about a culture, world |

|region, or international problem. (V.2.MS.1) |

|Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information |Resources |

| | |

|1. Define and discuss a social science question about the Western Hemisphere, i.e., an open ended |Expository text about a culture, world |

|social science question is one that requires social science knowledge and skills. |region, or international problem |

| |Paper |

|2. Practice posing social science questions using the K.W.L. format when given expository social |Pencil |

|science information. | |

| | |

|3. Practice formulating clearly stated questions, i.e., from the W in the K.W.L. format. | |

| | |

|Assessment: Examine and interpret an expository text about a culture, world region, or | |

|international problem of the Western Hemisphere. The students will clearly state a social science | |

|question about the Western Hemisphere. | |

|New Vocabulary: Expository, culture |

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

|GRADE LEVEL: |Sixth |

|Course Title: |Western Hemisphere |

|Strand: |V. Inquiry |

|Topic: |Conducting Investigations |

|Grade Level Standard: |6-18 Conduct investigations by utilizing gathered |

|information. |

|Grade Level Benchmark: |2. Gather and analyze information using appropriate |

|information technologies to answer the question posed. (V.2.MS.2) |

|Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information |Resources |

| | |

|1. Discuss where to locate information on the web. |Textbook |

| |Paper |

|2. Practice using information technology to gather information. |Pencil |

| |Newspaper |

|3. Practice reading the material for information. | |

| | |

|4. Sort and classify information. | |

| | |

|5. Draw a conclusion. | |

| | |

|Assessment: Select a social studies question related to the Western Hemisphere The students will | |

|gather and analyze appropriate information on the question posed. | |

|New Vocabulary: Analyze |

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

|GRADE LEVEL: |Sixth |

|Course Title: |Western Hemisphere |

|Strand: |V. Inquiry |

|Topic: |Conducting Investigations |

|Grade Level Standard: |6-18 Conduct investigations by utilizing gathered |

|information. |

|Grade Level Benchmark: |3. Construct an answer to the question posed and support |

|their answer with evidence. (V.2.MS.3) |

|Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information |Resources |

| | |

|1. Define and discuss evidence. |Internet |

| |Textbook |

|2. Practice answering social studies questions posed about the Western Hemisphere from evidence. |Newspaper |

| |Paper |

|Assessment: Construct an answer to the question posed on the Western Hemisphere and support the |Pencil |

|answer with appropriate evidence. |Expert |

| | |

|Take A Stand | |

| | |

|Interview an expert to gather information. | |

|New Vocabulary: Appropriate evidence |

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

|GRADE LEVEL: |Sixth |

|Course Title: |Western Hemisphere |

|Strand: |V. Inquiry |

|Topic: |Conducting Investigations |

|Grade Level Standard: |6-18 Conduct investigations by utilizing gathered |

|information. |

|Grade Level Benchmark: |4. Report the results of their investigation including |

|procedures followed and possible alternative conclusions. (V.2.MS.4) |

|Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information |Resources |

| | |

|1. Define and discuss social studies investigation. |Posterboard |

| |Paper |

|2. Practice reporting procedures used in investigation, i.e., posing a question, gathering |Pencil |

|information, analyzing the information, summarizing the information, drawing a conclusion. |Textbook |

| |Computer |

|Assessment: Create a project on the Western Hemisphere to explain the result of the investigation,| |

|the procedure followed, and possible alternatives. | |

| | |

|Develop a PowerPoint display to report the results of an investigation. | |

| | |

|Create a chart/graph displaying information. | |

|New Vocabulary: Alternative conclusion |

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

|GRADE LEVEL: |Sixth |

|Course Title: |Western Hemisphere |

|Strand: |VI. Public Discourse and Decision Making |

|Topic: |Identifying and Analyzing Issues |

|Grade Level Standard: |6-19 Investigate public policy issues and evaluate |

|resolutions. |

|Grade Level Benchmark: |1. State public policy issues and their related ethical, |

|definitional, and factual issues as questions. (VI.1.MS.1) |

|Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information |Resources |

| | |

|1. Define and discuss ethical issues, i.e., moral issues. |Textbook |

| |Pencil |

|2. Define and discuss definitional issues, i.e., agreement on meaning. |Paper |

| |Newspaper |

|3. Define and discuss factual issues, i.e., contradicting factual information. | |

| | |

|4. Practice stating the ethical issues as questions. | |

| | |

|5. Practice stating definitional issues as questions. | |

| | |

|6. Practice stating factual issues as questions. | |

| | |

| | |

|Assessment: Critique a public policy affecting people in the Western Hemisphere. The students will| |

|state as questions, 1 ethical, 1 definitional, and 1 factual issue, about which people disagree. | |

| | |

|Evaluate the merit of public policy issues. Debate a public policy issue. | |

|New Vocabulary: Factual, ethical |

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

|GRADE LEVEL: |Sixth |

|Course Title: |Western Hemisphere |

|Strand: |VI. Public Discourse and Decision Making |

|Topic: |Identifying and Analyzing Issues |

|Grade Level Standard: |6-19 Investigate public policy issues and evaluate |

|resolutions. |

|Grade Level Benchmark: |2. Trace the origins of a public issue. (VI.1.MS.2) |

| |

|Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information |Resources |

| | |

|1. Define and discuss public issues. |Textbook |

| |Paper |

|2. Research origins of public issues. |Pencil |

| |Internet |

|3. Define and discuss the public issues from its origin to present day. | |

| | |

|Assessment: Given a public issue in the Western Hemisphere, the students will design a flow chart | |

|to trace the origin. | |

| | |

|Organize the events that lead up to the public issue. Investigate the originality. Analyze the | |

|outcome and predict the future trend if possible. | |

|New Vocabulary: Public issue |

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

|GRADE LEVEL: |Sixth |

|Course Title: |Western Hemisphere |

|Strand: |VI. Public Discourse and Decision Making |

|Topic: |Identifying and Analyzing Issues |

|Grade Level Standard: |6-19 Investigate public policy issues and evaluate |

|resolutions. |

|Grade Level Benchmark: |3. Explain how culture and experiences shape positions that |

|people take on an issue. (VI.1.MS.3) |

|Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information |Resources |

| | |

|1. Discuss a national (i.e., crime rate, illegal immigration, literacy rate) or international |Newspaper |

|problem (i.e., terrorism, military invasions, nuclear proliferation). |Primary resource |

| | |

|2. Discuss solutions for each problem. | |

| | |

|3. Discuss the selection and research of a problem. | |

| | |

|Assessment: The students will explain a national or international problem that lists two ways that| |

|the issue could be solved. | |

| | |

|Examine factors such as socioeconomics, religion, age, and ethnicity as shaping views. | |

|New Vocabulary: Proliferation, terrorism |

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

|GRADE LEVEL: |Sixth |

|Course Title: |Western Hemisphere |

|Strand: |VI. Public Discourse and Decision Making |

|Topic: |Group Discussion |

|Grade Level Standard: |6-20 Discuss/debate international policies. |

| |

|Grade Level Benchmark: |1. Engage each other in conversations which attempt to |

|clarify and resolve national and international policy issues. (VI.2.MS.1) |

|Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information |Resources |

| | |

|1. Define and discuss ethical behaviors, i.e., legal, doesn’t infringe on rights of others, |Textbook |

|doesn’t harm the health, safety or welfare of the community, consider Core Democratic Values. |Paper |

| |Pencil |

|2. Discuss how one acts in a virtuous and ethical responsible way. | |

| | |

|Assessment: Given a scenario that shows the actions of a group of people, evaluate those actions | |

|using laws and other ethical rules. | |

| | |

|Research issues such as: | |

|Border Security | |

|Canada’s garbage | |

|Used cars for Canada being brought in | |

|New Vocabulary: Infringe, welfare, ethical influence, influx |

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

|GRADE LEVEL: |Sixth |

|Course Title: |Western Hemisphere |

|Strand: |VI. Public Discourse and Decision Making |

|Topic: |Persuasive Writing |

|Grade Level Standard: |6-21 Compose written expression of a public issue to |

|debate. |

|Grade Level Benchmark: |1. Compose essays expressing decisions on national and |

|international policy issues. (VI.3.MS.1) |

|Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information |Resources |

| | |

|1. Define and discuss a public policy issue. |Textbook |

| |Paper |

|2. Discuss what it means to take a position on an issue. |Pencil |

| |Internet |

|3. Practice using the Core Democratic Values to take a position on an issue concerning the Western | |

|Hemisphere. | |

| | |

|4. Practice taking a stand on an issue concerning the Western Hemisphere. | |

| | |

|5. Use data to support the position. | |

| | |

|6. Use prior social studies knowledge to support the position. | |

| | |

|Assessment: Given a public issue of the Western Hemisphere, the students will write a clear | |

|unambiguous essay using Core Democratic Values to support his/her position. | |

| | |

|Create a graph to utilize data. Take-a-stand with Core Values to support. | |

|New Vocabulary: Prior, international policy, national policy |

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

|GRADE LEVEL: |Sixth |

|Course Title: |Western Hemisphere |

|Strand: |VII. Citizen Involvement |

|Topic: |Responsible Personal Conduct |

|Grade Level Standard: |6-22 Apply Core Democratic Values as a community |

|member. |

|Grade Level Benchmark: |1. Use laws and other ethical rules to evaluate their own |

|conduct and the conduct of others. (VII.1.MS.1) |

|Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information |Resources |

| | |

|1. Define and discuss public policy issues. |Textbook |

| |Paper |

|2. Define and discuss policy issues of the Western Hemisphere following the rules of group |Pencil |

|discussion, i.e., using Core Democratic Values, making accurate and relevant statements, asking |Internet |

|pertinent questions. |Newspaper |

| | |

|3. Practice responding appropriately during discussions, i.e., inviting the contributions of | |

|others, acknowledging the statements of others, tactfully challenging the accuracy, logic, | |

|relevance, or clarity of statements made by others. | |

| | |

|Assessment: Justify using Core Democratic Values. | |

|(Ecosystems, homelessness, WIC, treatment of prisoners) | |

|New Vocabulary: Personal/public conduct |

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

|GRADE LEVEL: |Sixth |

|Course Title: |Western Hemisphere |

|Strand: |VII. Citizen Involvement |

|Topic: |Responsible Personal Conduct |

|Grade Level Standard: |6-22 Apply Core Democratic Values as a community |

|member. |

|Grade Level Benchmark: |2. Engage in activities intended to contribute to solving a |

|national or international problem they have studied. (VII.1.MS.2) |

|Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information |Resources |

| | |

|1. Define and discuss where and when you live affect how you experience the world. |Newspaper |

| |Paper |

|2. Define and discuss how your experiences affect your decisions. |Pencil |

| |Textbook |

|Assessment: Given a Western Hemisphere issue, the students will explain how his/her experiences | |

|have shaped their position on the world. Include Core Democratic Values. | |

|New Vocabulary: Contribute |


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