Issuance Date: November/07/2017Pre Application Conference Ghazni & Parwan:November/12/2017Pre Application Conference Logar:November/13/2017Pre Application Conference Wardak: November/14/2017Pre Application Conference Kabul & Nangarhar November/15/2017Pre Application Conference Laghman & Kapisa:November/16/2017Deadline for Question:November/20/2017Closing Date: November/25/2017- 3PM Subject:Request for Applications (RFA) Number RFA-RADP-E-17-006Market Development Grant ProgramReference:Issued Under Regional Agriculture Development Program-East (RADP-E) USAID Contract No. AID-306-C-16-00011The Regional Agricultural Development Program – East (RADP-E) is a five year USAID-funded program to expand sustainable agriculture-led economic growth in the eight target provinces of Ghazni, Kapisa, Laghman, Logar, Nangahar, Parwan, Wardak, and Kabul. Program activities will support the apricot, tomato, poultry and dairy value chains through the provision of training, technical assistance, and small grants targeting small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), agricultural producers, input suppliers, aggregators (exporters, wholesalers, local trader, distributors) and agro-processors. RADP-E will identify private sector actors on either end of the farmer in each value chain—the commercial vendors of the goods and services that farmers need to grow higher volumes of quality produce, and the processors and traders who purchase farmers’ harvests. RADP-E is seeking qualified, innovative and determined private-sector actors who are interested and committed to strengthening and expanding their business. Based upon RADP-E assessments and coordination with provincial Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL/PAIL), RADP-E is designing the following activity to support the expansion of agriculture-led economic growth in RADP-E target provinces. This activity targets (input-suppliers/feed,producers/veterinary-services,processors/dryer, exporters/wholesalers/distributors, farmer groups, women groups, etc.) in the poultry, dairy, tomato and apricot value chains. RADP-E will hold pre-application conferences to answer questions and provide additional information relating to the Request for Applications as following schedule: For the purposes of this program, this RFA is being issued and consists of this cover letter and the following: Section A – Grant Application Instructions Section B – Special Grant Requirements Section C – Selection Process Section D – Program Description AnnexesApplications must be received at the RADP-E offices in Kabul-Nangarhar-Ghazni and all Regional Agricultural directorates and indicated at the top of this cover letter at the place designated below for receipt of applications. Applications and modifications thereof shall be submitted in PDF, word or other electronic format to the RADP-E Grants Department at Grants_RADPE@ or hard copy to the following address:RADP-E Office, Darya Village Hotel and Business ParkHawa Shinasee Road Khwaja RawashKabul AfghanistanMob: 0789753227Award will be made to the responsible applicant(s) whose application(s) offers the best value.Issuance of this RFA does not constitute an award commitment on the part of DAI, nor does it commit DAI to pay for costs incurred in the preparation and submission of an application. Further, DAI reserves the right to reject any or all applications received. Applications are submitted at the risk of the applicant. All preparation and submission costs are at the applicant's expense.Any questions concerning this RFA should be submitted in writing not later than the date and time specified for questions submissions to RADP-E Grants office by email to Grants_RADPE@. Applicants should retain for their records one copy of all enclosures, which accompany their application.Pre-Application Conference The Pre-Application Conference will be conducted by RADP-E on the below mentioned dates in kabul and other provinces to provide necessary guidance to Potential Applicants on this RFA and on the grant application. The conference venue will be circulated to potential applicants who confirm their attendance by sending the following information by email to Grants_RADPE@ not later than November 9, 2017 at 12:00 PM: (i) Name of the organization (ii) Name and title of the attendee (iii) Attendee’s phone # (iv) Attendee’s email address A maximum of two (02) persons per organization will be allowed to attend the conference. Although attendance to this pre-application conference is not mandatory, however, all potential applicants who decide to submit an application are encouraged to attend the conference. All necessary information on these conferences will be posted on the ACBAR website ().Thank you for your interest in USAID RADP-E grant activities.Sincerely,Robert JacobiChief of PartyUSAID RADP-EastRADP-E Market Development Program Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Section A – Grant Application Instructions PAGEREF _Toc497816119 \h 41. Application Procedure PAGEREF _Toc497816120 \h 4A. Completion and submission of applications PAGEREF _Toc497816121 \h 4B. Preparation Instructions – Technical PAGEREF _Toc497816122 \h 5C. Preparation Instructions – Financial and Administrative Documentation PAGEREF _Toc497816123 \h 5B. Special Grant Requirements PAGEREF _Toc497816124 \h 6C. Selection Process PAGEREF _Toc497816125 \h 8D. Program Description PAGEREF _Toc497816126 \h 11Annex 1 MARKET DEVELOPMENT GRANT APPLICATION FORM PAGEREF _Toc497816127 \h 13Annex 2: Mandatory Standard Provisions PAGEREF _Toc497816128 \h 22Annex 3: CV Form and BioData Form PAGEREF _Toc497816129 \h 23Annex 4: Financial Capability Questionnaire PAGEREF _Toc497816130 \h 24Annex 5: Instructions for Obtaining a DUNS Number - DAI’S Vendors, Subcontractors and Grantees PAGEREF _Toc497816131 \h 32Annex 6:Self-Certification for Exemption from DUNS Requirement PAGEREF _Toc497816132 \h 40Section A – Grant Application Instructions1. Application ProcedureA. Completion and submission of applicationsEligibility RequirementsTo be considered for assistance, applicants must meet the following criteria:Submit a completed Grant Application form.Be a legally registered Afghan business.Have branches/retailers in RADP-E’s coverage areas.For monitoring and evaluating purposes, agree to full financial records disclosure.Agree to participate in RADP-E Basic Accounting and Marketing training.Provide a minimum of 50% in-kind contribution as part of their activity.Have a minimum of 2 full time employeesBe within the apricot, tomato, poultry and /or dairy Value Chains.Demonstrate capacity to increase production and be able to implement a marketing plan upon the completion of RADP-E assistance.Demonstrate immediate (4-6 months) and measurable impact as a result of RADP-E assistance.Application Submission RequirementsRADP-E review committee will be responsible for reviewing all applications submitted under this RFA and management of the award and monitoring process. Applicants are required to submit a proposal of no more than fifteen (15) pages as outlined below. Executive summary that explains the eligibility and key summary of the applicant’s unique ability to fulfill this scope of work. (1 page)Program Description that details how the applicant will meet the Program Objective and each of the Key Activities. This should include a narrative program description about the methodology and approach with clear performance milestones/deliverables at which progress can be evaluated at each phase during the period of implementation. (7 pages)Management and Staffing Plan that details how the applicant proposes to organize and conduct the development, design of the guide and field activities. This will include a brief statement on the qualifications of key staff/researchers/ designers (CVs to be attached but not counted towards the page limit). (5 pages)Work-plan/chart that shows the key activities and outputs occurring during each phase over the period of implementation. (2 pages)Supporting documents can include key staff CVs, training curriculum samples, documentation of registration, and other pre-existing materials that will be used as a basis for the training work. DeadlinesApplications must be received at USAID/RADP-E Office, as indicated in the cover letter. Applications and modifications in sealed envelops shall be submitted to RADP-East boxes installed in Kabul, Nangrhar, Laghman, Wardak, Logar, Ghazni, Kapisa and Parwarn Provincial Directorates of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (PAIL) or in word/pdf (preferred) at Grants_RADPE@.All submissions must be submitted in English, Pashto and Dari languages and budgets must be in the local currency (Afghani). Please hand delivers your application to the following address: RADP-E Office, Darya Village Hotel and Business ParkHawa Shinasee Road Khwaja RawashKabul AfghanistanMob: 0789753227Late Applications All applications received by the deadline will be reviewed for responsiveness and programmatic merit according to the specifications outlined in these guidelines and the application format. Section C addresses the evaluation procedures for the applications. Applications, which are submitted late or are incomplete, run the risk of not being considered in the review process.B. Preparation Instructions – Technical See application submission requirements above.C. Preparation Instructions – Financial and Administrative DocumentationCompleted Budget. A sample budget is attached (see Annex 2)Completed Financial Capability Questionnaire, (Annex 4) which includes: Audited Financial Reports: Copy of the applicant’s most recent financial report, which has been audited by a certified public accountant or other auditor satisfactory to DAI. If no recent audit, a “Balance Sheet” and “Income Statement” for the most current and previous fiscal year.ADVANCE \u0ADVANCE \u0Incorporation Papers or Certificate of Registration and StatuteOrganizational chartDocumentation that the applicant has the ability to comply with the award conditions, taking into account all existing and currently prospective commitments of the applicant. The applicant must demonstrate its ability to segregate funds obtained from the award of a capital grant from other activities of the organization. A separate bank account is required should a grant award be made. (Documentation may include certification from the applicant’s bank or a summary of previous awards, including type of funding, value, client, etc.) Documentation that the applicant has a satisfactory record of integrity and business ethics. (Documentation may include references from other donors or clients and a summary of previous awards, including type of funding, value, client, etc.)Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) There is a mandatory requirement for the applicant to provide a DUNS number to DAI. The Data Universal Numbering System is a system developed and regulated by Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) that assigns a unique numeric identifier, referred to as a "DUNS number" to a single business entity. Without a DUNS number, DAI cannot deem an applicant to be “responsible” to conduct business with and therefore, DAI will not enter into an agreement with any such organization. The award of a grant resulting from this RFA is contingent upon the winner providing a DUNS number to DAI. Organizations who fail to provide a DUNS number will not receive an agreement and DAI will select an alternate awardee.All U.S. and foreign organizations, which receive a grant with a value of $25,000 and above, are required to obtain a DUNS number prior to signing of the agreement. Organizations are exempt from this requirement if the gross income received from all sources in the previous tax year was under $300,000. DAI requires that grant applicants sign the self-certification statement if the applicant claims exemption for this reason.For those required to obtain a DUNS number, see Annex 5- Instructions for Obtaining a DUNS Number - DAI’S Vendors, Subcontractors and Grantees. For those not required to obtain a DUNS number, see Annex 6- Self Certification for Exemption from DUNS RequirementB. Special Grant RequirementsThe applicant shall bear in mind the following special requirements for any grants awarded in response to this RFA:Separate Account: A separate account must be established to house all funds provided under the grant, as well as all interest income. Permitted Uses of Program Income: The Grantee will inform DAI of any program income generated under the grant and agrees to follow USAID’s disposition requirements for such program income, which is in accordance with 22 CFR 226.24. Program income earned under this agreement shall be applied and used in the following descending order: 1. Added to funds committed by USAID and the recipient to the project or program, and used to further eligible project or program objectives; 2. Used to finance the non-Federal share of the project or program; and 3. Deducted from the total project or program allowable cost in determining the net allowable costs on which the federal share of costs is based.If the terms and conditions of the award do not specify how program income is to be used, then number 2) shall apply automatically. Grantees who are commercial organizations may not apply Option 1) to their program income.Use of Funds: Funds provided under any grant awarded shall be used exclusively to achieve USAID RADP-E objectives and goals. Diversion of grant funds to other uses will result in cancellation of award and retrieval of funds disbursed to the grant recipient.Reporting Procedures: A description of reporting requirements will be included in the Grant Agreements. The types of reporting required, along with the schedule of reporting, will depend on the grant type and project duration. Reporting forms will be provided to grant recipients. Types of reporting will include the following:Program report to be submitted during project implementation according to a schedule determined by DAI. This report will include a description of project activities and progress towards meeting the project goal; problems in project implementation; actions taken to overcome them; and plans on how the next phase of the project will be implemented. Final program report will describe how the project objectives and goals were reached, results of the project, and problems and solutions during implementation. This information should be presented in a manner suitable for presentation to the public. Financial reports will be submitted to DAI according to a schedule described in the grant agreements. Types of financial reports, as well as the schedule of reporting, will depend on the type of grant, length of project, and amount of grant funding. Financial reports will be required in order to receive grant installments. These reports will describe the amount of grant funds spent during the previous period, total amount spent to date, and amount remaining in each budget line item. In addition, all grant recipients are required to submit a detailed Final Financial Report. Issuance of the final installment of grant funds is contingent upon DAI’s receipt and acceptance of Final Financial and Final Program Reports.Project Monitoring: DAI staff will monitor projects in terms of both programmatic and financial aspects. Grant recipients will be expected to facilitate monitoring by making relevant information available to DAI staff.Restrictions: The Grant Funds provided under the terms of this Agreement shall not be used to finance any of the following:1.Goods or services, which are to be used primarily to meet military requirements or to support police or other law enforcement activities,2.Surveillance equipment,3.Equipment, research and/or services related to involuntary sterilization or the performance of abortion as a method of family planning,4. Gambling equipment, supplies for gambling facilities or any hotels, casinos or accommodations in which gambling facilities are or are planned to be located, 5.Activities which significantly degrade national parks or similar protected areas or introduce exotic plants or animals into such areas, or6.Establishment or development of any export processing zone or designated area where the labor, environmental, tax, tariff, and/or safety laws of the country in which such activity takes place would not apply.7.Pharmaceuticals,8.Pesticides,9.Logging equipment,10.Luxury goods (including alcoholic beverages and jewelry),11. Establishing or expanding any enterprise that will export raw materials that are likely to be in surplus in world markets at the time such production becomes effective and that are likely to cause substantial injury to U.S. producers,12.Activities which would result in the loss of forest lands due to livestock rearing, road construction or maintenance, colonization of forest lands or construction of dams or other water control structures, 13.Activities, which are likely to have a significant adverse effect on the environment, including any of the following (to the extent, such activities are likely to have a significant adverse impact on the environment):Activities which may lead to degrading the quality or renewability of natural resources;Activities which may lead to degrading the presence or health of threatened ecosystems or biodiversity;Activities which may lead to degrading long-term viability of agricultural or forestry production (including through use of pesticides);Activities, which may lead to degrading community and social systems, including potable water supply, land administration, community health and well-being or social harmony.14.Activities which are likely to involve the loss of jobs in the United States due to the relocation or expansion outside of the United States of an enterprise located in the United States, or15.Activities, which the Grantee is aware, are reasonably likely to contribute to the violation of internationally or locally recognized rights of workers,16. Activities to support the production of agricultural commodities for export from Malawi when such commodities would directly compete with exports of similar United States agricultural commodities to third countries and have a significant impact on United States exporters.C. Selection ProcessWithin 7 working days of the deadline for submitting applications, a review panel will convene. The review panel will include team members from technical, finance and M&E departments. Throughout the evaluation process, DAI shall take steps to ensure that members of the review panel do not have any conflicts of interest or the appearance of such with regard to the organizations whose applicants are under review. An individual shall be considered to have the appearance of a conflict of interest if that person, or that person’s spouse, partner, child, close friend or relative works for or is negotiating to work for, or has a financial interest (including being an unpaid member of a Board of Directors) in any organization that submitted an application currently under the panel’s review. Members of the panel shall neither solicit nor accept gratuities, favors, or anything of monetary value from parties to the awards. All applications that meet the application requirements will be reviewed by the review panel. Verification of the application submission requirements will be conducted at the USAID/RADP- E Office by RADP-E staff. If suitable applications are received, one or more awards will be made within 30 working days of the review panel meeting provided that the awardee (s) furnishes USAID/RADP-E with all the required documentation as itemized in Section A of this RFA.The applications will be evaluated according to the evaluation criteria set forth below. To the extent necessary (if award is not made based on initial applications), negotiations may be conducted with each applicant whose application, after discussion and negotiation, has a reasonable chance of being selected for award. Award will be made to responsible applicants whose applications offer the best value. Applications will be evaluated according to the following criteria. A total of 100 points is possible. Applicants should understand these criteria serve to: (a) identify the significant issues applicants should address in their applications, if any, and (b) set the standard against which all applications will be selected.Evaluation criteriaProposals will be evaluated according to the following criteria. Technical evaluations are significantly more important than cost. The relative importance of each criterion is indicated by the number of points assigned. A total of 100 points is possible. Applicants should understand these criteria serve to: (a) identify the significant issues Applicants should address in their proposals, if any, and (b) set the standard against which all applications will be selected. Completeness of Application (10 points) Relates to section I (General Information) of the grant application. Is the application clear and legible?Is the contact information accurate?Is there proof of registration to operate as a legal business entity in Afghanistan?Is there a good description and understanding of the estimated cost and grantee cost-share?Ability for the reviewer to understand the grant application. What they propose to do, how they will do it, what they need, impact and sustainability? Proposed Grant Activity (30 points)Relates to section II (Proposed Grant Activity) of the grant application.Is the Activity Description section of the application completed with sufficient detail to understand what the applicant is proposing? Are the Project Objectives clear on what the applicant will accomplish with this grant?Is there information on how the applicant will use the materials that they are requesting from RADP-E?Is there information on how the applicant will measure increased sales resulting from the grant activity?How will the applicant keep records and any changes resulting from the grant? Innovation, Risk Share and Value Chain Impact (40 points) Relates to section III (Proposed Grant Activity). All three of the below criteria are related to some degree. In the review of applications RADP-E evaluation committee will evaluate based upon how well the applicant addresses the below evaluation criteria:a. Innovation:Is what the applicant proposing innovative? Is this something new? A new business connection with an international firm? A new technology? A new idea that the applicant wants to try but needs assistance? A new market expansion? A new way of improving business? RADP-E will score based upon new and innovative ideas to be used for the grant assistance they are requesting.b. Risk ShareIs what the applicant proposing something that they are unable to undertake with current resources? Is it an activity where RADP-E can help share the risk?Is there any matching contribution from the applicant for this activity? What is it? and how will the applicant provide the contribution?What is the matching contribution? For example: farmer trainings, demonstrations, organizing production staff, staff training, and other activities where the applicant shows that they are also contributing to the grant activity. c. Value Chain ImpactApplicants who propose activities that only impact them or their business activity will score low. Applicants must demonstrate how RADP-E assistance will improve or provide benefits across the value chain. If RADP-E provides a piece of equipment how will that new technology effect their suppliers or buyers or clients or staff?4. Sustainability of Grant Activity (20 points)Does the applicant have a plan on applying for or receiving loans or other resources to continue the activity once RADP-E assistance ends?Is there a plan for how the applicant will market their products once RADP-E assistance ends?DAI and USAID reserve the right to fund any or none of the applications receivedDAI and USAID reserve the right to fund any or none of the applications receivedSigning of Grant AgreementsUpon USAID concurrence of the applicant, a Grant Agreement will be prepared. All reporting and contractual obligations will be explained to the grant recipients. Before receiving the first grant installment, all grant recipients must open a separate bank account as this is the only means by which grant funds will be transferred from DAI to the grant recipient.D. Program DescriptionRADP-E will award market development Grants not to exceed US$ 25,000 to qualified businesses who meet the program criteria set forth in this request for applications. All grants will require a minimum of 50% cost-share contribution in order to be considered. Key in this solicitation is the need to find innovative market development ideas from the private sector, rather than provide the exact details of what RADP-E will fund, we are looking for ideas that the applicant wants to implement but is unable to due to high cost, risk or lack of resources.Market Development Grants to processors, dryer, exporters, wholesalers and distributors provide cost-share funding for a wide range of market development actions including market promotions, equipment and plant upgrades and upstream supply chain investments. In addition, Market Development Grants to input suppliers, feed producers and veterinary service providers will be offered in each value chain to incentivize input suppliers to expand their goods and services to farmers both in terms of geographical outreach and in terms of the array of products and services being offered.Example of types of activities to be funded:Tomato Value Chain:Input Market Development Grants to In-Season and Off-Season Tomatoes input suppliers (farmer service centers, ag-depots, input wholesalers and retailers). These grants will cover such items as: input supplier promotional costs (radio or TV shows, SMS, billboard); demonstration farm establishment costs (equipment, inputs and planning material); and technical staff costs for farmer trainings. Market Development Grants to grow volumes of high-quality dried tomatoes. These will include working with farmers to improve post-harvest handling operations and, where feasible, to introduce improved farm-level drying technology such as solar driers. These grants will serve as ‘anchor grants’ for catalyzing improvements downstream to farmers and to the upstream international marketMarket Development Grants to Tomato Processors (paste, ketchup, sauce, etc.). The grants will including investment in new processing equipment; new packaging investments; marketing promotions activities.Market Development Grants to fresh tomato exporters/wholesalers/distributors. These grants will offer cost-share funding for upstream raw material buying improvements, processing and packaging equipment, and downstream marketing and promotional materialsApricot Value Chain: Apricot Input Market Development Grants to input suppliers focusing on extending and improving the offer of fruit tree inputs. These Input Market Development Grants will specify particular production system packages and regional geographic targets to respond to the needs of upper-level value chain actors, looking for increased production of particular varieties of specialty apricots for both fresh and dried exports. Cost items eligible under these grants will include: product promotional costs (radio or TV shows, SMS); demonstration farm establishment costs (equipment, inputs and planning material); and technical staff costs. High-Density Apricot Technology Input Market Development Grant to apricot nursery growers and sapling providers: to introduce these new varieties and technologies to apricot producers which have not yet been demonstrated on a large scale.Market Development Grants to Fresh and Dried Apricot Exporter. Structured to co-invest with the grant recipients in a wide range of market development activities spanning raw materials purchasing and working with farmers to improve harvest and post-harvest handling operations though trainings and improved equipment; pack-house improvements and equipment; new packaging investment; marketing activities (including international market promotions such as trial shipments, market tests, third party product testing, and advertising).Market Development Grant to Apricot Jam producers who buy fresh and dried apricots and process them into jams and juices at relatively small industrial scale.Dairy Value Chain: Input Market Development grants to dairy input suppliers (wholesalers, Retailers), VFUs, Feed suppliers who are expected the expansion of their businesses through opening more sales outlet, conducting the field demonstrations, providing technical training to Lead Dairy Farms/Farmers that help them to promote their businesses in RADP-E targeted areas. Input Market Development grants to dairy input suppliers (wholesalers, Retailers), VFUs, Feed suppliers who are expected the expansion of their businesses through opening more sales outlet, conducting the field demonstrations, providing technical training to Lead Dairy Farms/Farmers that help them to promote their businesses in RADP-E targeted areas.Market Development (technical) grants to fresh milk producers (registered) such as dairy commercial farms, Women producer groups who would like to expand, modernize/improve their farming businesses and those who are willing to find proper market for their fresh milk in RADP-E targeted areas.Market Development (Technical) grants to MSMEs (companies, Associations, Cooperative and women business groups) that are interested to establish milk collection centers, expansion of their existing milk collection business and/or interested to promote their milk collection businesses.Market Development (technical) grants to Dairy processors who are willing to expand their processing businesses through purchasing some necessary processing equipment, purchasing the fresh milk from dairy farms/farmers, expansion the market coverage by conducting multiple promotional activities at regional and national levelPoultry Value Chain:Input Market Development Grants to poultry input suppliers (this will include veterinary medicines, poultry associations, veterinary services, Day Old Chicks providers, feed and supplements, and poultry farm equipment.).This grant will provide support for product/service promotions, advertising (SMS, TV and radio), and field demonstration costs and staff outreach to poultry farms. Input Market Development Grants to vendors of solar/gas powered incubators. RADP-E will issue cost-sharing grants to small-scale incubator manufacturers or vendors to underwrite their cost of aggressively marketing to local women’s groups and helping them to mount micro-enterprise backyard layer operations working through a lead farmer operating an incubator and some basic small-scale cold storage.Market Development Grants to Commercial Poultry Processors/Producers/Traders/ Feed Producers. These may consist of: commercial farms making investments in packing/slaughtering, distribution and retailing; slaughterhouses and packers making both upstream investments into commercial production and downstream investments into distribution and retailing; and retailers/distributors making upstream investments in packing/slaughtering and production.Annex 1 MARKET DEVELOPMENT GRANT APPLICATION FORM???? ???????? ??? ??? ?????? ???? ?????? ?????-52705256540NOTE: This form is used to apply for Grant Assistance from RADP-E. Submitting this form does not constitute an award commitment on the part of RADP-E, nor does it commit RADP-E to pay for costs incurred in the preparation and submission of an application.???: ??? ???? ???? ??????? ??? ??? ?????? ?? RADP-E ???? ??????? ???? ??????. ????? ??? ??? ????? RADP-E ?? ?? ???? ????? ??? ??? ?????? ? ?? ?????? ????? ???? ??? ??? ???? ????? ???????. ?????: ??? ????? ?? RADP-E ??? ? ??????? ????? ?????? ???? ????? ????? ????. ???? ????? ????? ? RADP-E ???? ? ????? ????? ? ???? ?? ???? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? ??? ???? ? ?????? ?? ???? ?? ?? ???? ???????? ?? ???? ???? ?? ??? ??. 00NOTE: This form is used to apply for Grant Assistance from RADP-E. Submitting this form does not constitute an award commitment on the part of RADP-E, nor does it commit RADP-E to pay for costs incurred in the preparation and submission of an application.???: ??? ???? ???? ??????? ??? ??? ?????? ?? RADP-E ???? ??????? ???? ??????. ????? ??? ??? ????? RADP-E ?? ?? ???? ????? ??? ??? ?????? ? ?? ?????? ????? ???? ??? ??? ???? ????? ???????. ?????: ??? ????? ?? RADP-E ??? ? ??????? ????? ?????? ???? ????? ????? ????. ???? ????? ????? ? RADP-E ???? ? ????? ????? ? ???? ?? ???? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? ??? ???? ? ?????? ?? ???? ?? ?? ???? ???????? ?? ???? ???? ?? ??? ??. ?????: ? ?????? ??????? ????? ? ??????? ????? ????????GENERAL INFORMATION ????? ???????/ ??????? ?????/APPLICANT CONTACT INFORMATION??????? ???? ??????? ?????/ ????????? ? ????? ??????? Name of Applicant:??? ??????? ?????? ???????? ???NAME ???/ ??? PHONE NUMBER ? ????? ?????/ ????? ???? Name of alternate contact:??? ? ????? ???? ??? ??????? ?? ? ????? ?????:? ???????? ????NAME ???/ ??? PHONE NUMBER ? ????? ?????/ ????? ???? Name of Enterprise:??? ????? ???? ???Date established:????? ?????? ?????? ????Email of Enterprise:????? ???? ????? ???? ????????Location:??????PROVINCE????? /DISTRICT???????/VILLAGE???/ ????/Registration (with which entity)???? ??? ? ??????: ???????? ?????Registration Status (Circle one)???? ??? ? ??????( ??? ?? ???? ????)? ??? ????(?? ?? ??? ??? ???? ???)Valid ?????/ Expired????? ?????? ????? ?? ??? ???In process?? ????? ????? ????? ?? ??GRANT REQUEST AMOUNT? ????? ??? ??????? ????? ?????? / ????? ??? ?????? ??????? ???Request from RADP-E (AFN): (estimate)??????? ??? ??? ?????? ?? RADP-E ?? ?????? ( ??????)?? RADP-E ??? ?????? ?? ??????? (?????)Grantee Contribution (AFN):(estimate)??? ???? ????? ?? ?????? ( ??????)? ????? ?????? ?????? ???? ?? ??????? (?????)TOTAL GRANT VALUE:???? ??? ??? ??? ??????? ??????? ????? ??? ?????Value /List of Grantee Contribution(s):????/ ??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ??? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ?????? ???? ?? ?????Current business activity / ?????? ??? ????? ???? / ????? ???????? ??????Target Value Chain (Circle all that apply)?????? ???? ?????? ???(?? ?????? ???? ?? ??? ?????? ???? ?????)? ??? ?? ????? (?? ??? ?? ?? ??? ??? ??? ?????? ???)Apricot ?????? Tomato ??????? ????/ ????Dairy?????? / Poultry????????????Describe what you are currently doing (please explain your business overview, your product/services, what do you produce, how do you produce, etc.)???? ?????? ??? ???? ??? ?? ??? ???? ( ???? ???? ???? ???????? ?????? ? ??? ????? ??????? ????? ????? ????)??? ????? ??????? ????? ??? (????? ??? ???????? ???????/?????? ??? ?? ?? ??????? ?? ???? ?? ??????? ?? ???? ???? ?????? ?? ??? ??????? ?????)Products and Market (list, Quantity, Sale, location) (add a box)??????? ? ????? ?? ( ???? ?????? ??????? ??????)- ( ?? ???? ???? ??? ???? ???? ??? ????? ????)??????? ?? ????? (???? ?????? ?????? ??????) ( ?????? ?? ??? ?? ????? ?????? ???)Product Name ??? ?????? ????? ???Quantity (KG/MT)?????(KG/MT)Sales (AFN)?????? (??????)????? (??????)Market Location (where do you sale)?????? ????? (??? ??????)? ????? ?????? (????? ?? ?????)Employees ???????? / ???????? Full Time ??? ??? / ??? ???? / Part Time/Seasonal ???? ???? ?? ???? / ???? ??? ?? ?????Now ????? / ????*Proposed????????Now ????? / ????*Proposed????????Men ???/ ??? Men ???/ ??? Women ???/ ????Women ???/ ????*Proposed: This is the total number of employees plus any you will hire as a result of the grant.??????? ???: ??? ??? ????? ??? ??????? ?? ????? ??????? ?? ?? ??? ??? ??? ?????? ??????? ?????? ???? ???? ?????.??????? ???: ?? ? ????????? ?????? ????? ?? ? ??? ????????? ????? ?? ?? ???? ??????? ????? ?? ????? ?? ?? ????????? ??.Impact???? / ??????? / Average monthly sales now (AFS)???? ?????? ???? ???? ?????? ( ??????)????? ??????? ???? ????? (??????)Attach any supporting documents????? ???? ?? ??? ????? ???????????? ?????? ???? ???Average monthly sales after grant (AFS)???? ?????? ?????? ??? ?? ???? ??? ??? ?????? ( ??????)?? ????? ?????? ??????? ???? ????? (??????)Describe (increase in sales, income, exports, ect.)?????? ?? ??????? ?????? ?????? ????? ?? ??? ????)?? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ???? ???? ?? ??????? ????? ???PROPOSED GRANT ACTIVITY IMPLEMENTATION ????? ?????? ??? ?????? ?????? ??????? ???? ??????? ????? ????? ??? ?????? ?????Proposed Grant Activity?????? ??? ??? ??? ?????? ??????? ???? ??????? ????? ????? ??? ??????(In your own words, please describe what you are proposing to do, how you will do it, what do you need from RADP-E and what will be the end result? Use as much space as you need and add attachments to the application as needed)( ???? ?????? ??? ???????? ?????? ??? ???? ? ????? ????? ????? ? ???? ??? ??? ?? RADP-E ? ???? ???? ???? ???? ????? ???? ? ?? ???? ???? ????? ???? ???? ?? ??? ????? ???? ????????)) ?????? ????? ??? ?? ???? ? ??? ??? ???? ??????? ???? ??? ??? ???? ????? ???? ?? RADP-E ?? ?? ?? ????? ??? ?? ?????? ????? ?? ?? ?? ??? ( Coordination ????? / ??????? / Describe below how your firm will involve or coordinate with local MAIL/DAIL, Universities or other agencies in the implementation of this activity.???? ??? ????? ?????? ????? ????? ?????? ?????? ? ???????? ???????? ????? ??????( MAIL/ DAIL )? ??????? ?? ? ???? ??? ?????? ???? ?? ?? ????? ??? ?????? ?? ???? ? ?????? ??????.????? ??? ?? ????? ???? ?? ???? ? ????? ??????? ?? ???? ????? ???? ?????? ???????? ?? ???? ????? ??? ???? ?????? ? ????? ?? ???? ?? ????? ??? ?? ????? ????.Women and youths integration/ ???? ???? ???? ? ?????? / ? ??? ?? ??????? ????? Describe below how your firm will integrate gender and youths during the implementation of this activity.???? ??? ????? ???? ? ?????? ?? ?? ????? ??? ?????? ?? ???? ? ???? ??????.????? ??? ?? ????? ???? ?? ???? ??? ?? ??????? ?? ???? ?????? ? ????? ?? ???? ?? ???? ?????. Marketing ????? ?????? / ????????? / Describe how you will market your products and services under the proposed activity??????? ? ????? ????? ?? ?? ??? ???? ?????? ??? ??????? ??? ???? ?? ????? ???? ??????????? ??? ?? ???? ?? ???? ? ????? ?????? ????? ??? ??????? ?? ????? ?????? ???.Value Chain Impact ? ???????? ? ????? ??? ???? / ??????? ?????? ???? / Applicants who propose activities that only impact them or their business activity will score low. Applicants must demonstrate how RADP-E assistance will improve or provide benefits across the value chain. ?? ??????? ?????? ??? ???????? ??????? ???????? ???? ??? ???? ? ?? ????? ??? ??? ?? ??? ????? ???? ?????? ?????? ???? ?? ???? ?????? ????. ??????? ??????? ????? ??? ???? ???? ???? ?? ?????? ??? RADP-E ????? ?? ????? ?????? ???? ???? ???? ??? ? ??? ????? ?????? ? ??????? ?????.? ??? ???????? ???? ?? ??? ?? ?? ???? ????????? ????????? ?? ????? ?? ??? ?? ???? ?? ??????? ????? ???? ???. ???????? ???? ?????? ??? ?? ? RADP-E ????? ?? ???? ? ???????? ? ????? ??? ????? ????? ???? ??.Previous Assistance and Sustainability of Grant Activity?????? ?? ? ???? ? ??????? ?????? ??? ??? ??? ?????????? ?????? ??? ????? ?? ? ?? ??????? ????? ? ?????? ????Sustainability ???? / ??????? /Describe below how you will continue with the activities proposed in this application after RADP-E assistance ends.??? ?? ??? ?????? ??? RADP-E ????? ?????? ??? ?????? ??? ?? ??? ??????????? ?? ????? ?????? ???.???? ??? ?? ???? ?? ???? ??? ????????? ?? ?? ?? ??? ???????? ?? ????? ??? ?? ?????? ?? ?? ?? ? RADP-E????? ????? ??? ????? ?????.Previous Assistance received ???? ?????? ??? ????? / ?????? ??? ???? ?????? ??? / List all current, past or planned assistance you have received from any other NGO/donor program.???? ?????? ??? ?????? ??? ????? ????? ? ???? ??? ?? ???? ??? ??? ?????/ ????? ??????? ???? ?? ??? ????.??? ?????? ??? ?? ???? ??? ????? ?? ?? ?? ???? ????????? ????? ?????? ??? ??? ???Loans ?????? / ???? / Describe in detail any loans or financing you have or are planning to receive. If NO then state why you have not tried to obtain formal (or informal) loans???? ?? ??? ??? ???? ?? ?? ?????? ?????? ? ?? ???? ?????? ???? ?????? ?????? ??? ????. ?? ??????? ???? ???? ????? ???? ????? ??? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ?? ??? ???? ???? ????? ???? ??? ????.??? ?????? ?? ???? ?? ?? ?? ???? ?????? ??? ?? ?? ?? ? ?????? ???? ???? ??? ?? ?????? ??? ??? ???. ?? ??? ?? ??? ???? ????? ??? ?? ??? ?? ?????? ???? ? ???? ?? ??????? ?????? ?????? ???? ???? ?? ?? ???. For RADP-E Review and Evaluation Committee Use???? ??????? ????? ???? ? ??????? RADP-E? RADP-E ? ????? ?? ?????? ????? ?????Recommendation:?????????????Comments ???? / ????????? / Reject ?? / ????? / Request additional information??????? ???? ??????? ?????? ??????? ????? ???????Accept???????Review Committee Members: ? ????? ????? ??? / ????? ????? ???? / NAME??? / ???TITLE???? / ???? ????SIGNATURE?????? / ?????DATE???? / ?????123456Annex 4: Budget????? ? : ??????BUDGET ?????? Applicant/Organization Name??? ? ??????? ????? / ??????????? ????? / ????? ??? Grant Title ????? ??? ??????? ??????? ????? ???Description???????????QTY?????Unit????Unit rate AFN??? ?? ???? ?? ???????? ???? ??? ?? ??????Total Amount AFN. (Quantity*Unit Rate)????? ??? ??????(????? ??? ?? ????)????? ????? (?????* ?? ???? ???)RADP-E Funding (AFN)??? ??? ???? RADP-E(??????)? RADP-E ????? (??????)Grantee Contribution (AFN)??? ?????? ??? ???? ????? (??????)? ????? ?????? ?????? ???? (??????) Total (AFN)????? (??????)????? ?????(??????)Wages??? / ?????? Subtotal ????? ???????? ??????Materials and Supplies????? ? ???????? ?? ???? Subtotal ????? ???????? ????? Travel and Transportation ??? ? ????????? Subtotal ????? ???????? ?????Other Direct Costs????? ??? ?????? ??????? ?????? ???????Subtotal ????? ???????? ?????Total (AFN)????? ( ??????)Description of Budget ? ?????? ???? / ??? ?????? / Line Items ? ??????? ?????? / ???? ??? ????? / 1. Wages – Under “Description” list the title or type of activity i.e. Wages for… Supervisor, Unskilled labor, etc. Under “Unit” put P/D (Person Days). Under “Quantity” put the number of days worked (to be verified by signed time sheets). Under “Unit Price” list the amount to be paid per unit. Indicate if it is a community contribution or to be paid by CLP grant funds. Under NO circumstances do we pay Government Employee Salaries.??????: ?? ???? ??? ?? ??? " ???????" ??? ? ????? ?????? ?? ??? ????? ????? ?????? ????... ????? ??????? ??? ????? ?????. ?? ??? " ????" ???/ ??? ?? ????? ????. ?? ??? " ??? ?? ????" ????? ???? ?????? ?? ?? ???? ?? ??? ????. ??? ?????? ??? ???? ?? ??? ?????? ??? ? ?? ???? ?? ??? ???? ??? ??? ???? CLP ?????? ?????. ??? ??? ?????? ?????? ??????? ????? ?? ?????? ???????.???: ? ???? ?? ????? ????? ? ?????? ??? ?? ???????? ??? ???? ??? ? ?????????? ?????? ?? ???? ??? ???. ? ???? ?? ????? ????? P/D (??? ????) ??? ???. ? ?? ???? ???? ?? ????? ????? ? ???? ????? ??? ??? ?? ???? ?? ???? ?? ????? ??. ?????? ???? ?? ?? ??????? ???? ?? ?? ???? ? CLP ??????? ????? ??? ???? ????? ??. ?? ??? ???? ?? ???? ? ????? ????????? ???? ?? ?????? 2. Materials and Supplies - List items to be purchased/used for the grant activity and show the basis for computation (unit cost). Generally, supplies include any materials that are expendable or consumed during the course of the project. Include materials and supplies contributed or purchased by the applicant as well as those to be purchased with RADP-E funds.????? ? ???? - ???????? ???? ?????? ??? ??? ??? ?????? ???? ??????? ? ???? ??????? ???? ???? ?? ??? ????? ? ??? ?? ???? ?? ?????? ???? ???? ?????? ??? ????. ???????? ????? ???? ?????? ????? ?? ?????? ??????? ? ??????? ?? ??? ????? ?? ????. ????? ? ????? ?? ?? ?? ??? ??????? ????? ???? ?? ??????? ?????? ? ????? ????? ?? ????? ? ?????? ?? ?? ???? ?? ??? ??? ???? RADP-E ??????? ??? ? ??? ??????. ???? ?? ????: ??? ???? ??? ??? ?? ???? ?? ? ??????? ????? ? ?????? ????? ????? ????? ?? ? ?????? ???? ?? (?? ???? ???) ????? ???. ??????? ???? ??? ????? ????? ?? ??? ???? ?? ? ????? ? ????? ?? ????? ?? ???????. ??? ???? ?? ???? ???? ??? ?? ? ???????? ???? ?? ? RADP-E ?? ???? ?????? ??? ?? ????? ??? ??. 3. Travel and Transportation - Itemize travel expenses of project personnel by purpose (e.g., travel to work site, travel to farmer field days, project monitoring etc.). Show the basis of computation (e.g., six people to work site at $X bus/taxi fare). Will require verification and proof of expense such as fuel receipts, bus/taxi tickets or justification to be approved by RADP-E. Remember to include Travel and Transport costs that are Grantee contributions and can be verified. ??? ? ????????? - ????? ??? ??????? ????? ?? ?? ???? ??? ?? ??? ???? ? ???? ????? ??? ?? ???? ????? ??? ????? ??? ?????? ????? ?? ?????? ??? ????? ?????. ???? ???? ?????? ?? ??? ???? ( ????? ?? ?? ?? ???? ???? $ X ????? ????/ ????. ?????? ?? ??? ????? ????? ????? ?? ???? ???? ????? ??? ????/ ???? ? ?? ????? ?? ?? ??? RADP-E ????? ???? ????? ???. ???? ????? ????? ?? ????? ??? ? ????????? ?? ?? ??? ?????? ??? ???? ????? ??? ? ???? ????? ??? ?? ??? ???? ?????.??? ?? ?????????: ??? ???? ???? ??????? ?? ? ????? ????????? ?? ??? ??? ??? (??? ???? ?? ???? ? ???? ????? ???? ????? ???? ? ????? ????? ?? ???? ???). ? ?????? ???? ????? ??? (??? ? ??? ???? ?? ??? ???? ? ???? ???? ?? .... ?????? ???). ? ???? ????? ?? ???? ?? ??? ? ???? ????? ? ?? ?? ???? ????? ?? ???? ??? ???? ?? ???? ? RADP-E ???? ????? ??? ????? ???. ???? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? ??? ?? ????????? ???? ???? ??? ??????? ?? ? ????? ?????? ?????? ???? ?? ?? ? ????? ?? ?? ???? ???? ??.4. Other Direct Costs –List items that are not covered under Materials and Supplies (e.g., rent, contractor for specific design/construction or installation activities, security during construction etc.) indicate the basis of the computation. ????? ??? ?????? ???? - ???????? ???? ????? ? ????? ?????? ????? ( ?????? ???????? ???? ??? ????/ ????? ? ?? ?????? ??? ??? ?????? ????? ????? ?? ????? ??? ?????? ?????) ?? ??? ??? ??????. ???? ???? ?????? ?? ?????? ???? ?????.??? ?????? ???????: ??? ??????? ?? ? ???? ?? ????? ????? ?? ???? (??? ?????? ??? ?????? ???? /???????? ??? ?? ??? ????? ? ??????? ????? ? ???????? ??? ?? ??? ?? ?????? ??????? ?? ???? ???). ? ?????? ???? ????? ???.Annex 2: Mandatory Standard ProvisionsAll Mandatory Standard Provisions and Required as Applicable will be included and be part of the resultant grant award(s).Mandatory Standard Provisions for Non-US Nongovernmental Recipients:()Annex 3: CV Form and BioData FormCurriculum VitaeProposed position in the project:Name (First, Middle, Last):Citizenship:Education:Name and location of institutionMajor(s) or Degree(s) obtained:Language proficiency – indicate proficiency on a scale of 1 (poor) to 5 (native):LanguageReadingSpeakingWritingMembership of NGOs or other professional bodies:Key skills and qualifications relevant to the project (e.g. computer literacy, etc.):Employment history:Position TitleEmployer’s name and addressDates of employmentShort descriptionof tasks performedFrom(month, year)To(month, year)Other relevant information: (e.g. publications, seminars/courses etc.):Annex 4: Financial Capability QuestionnaireAccounting System and Financial Capability QuestionnaireFor DAI Grant Recipients The main purpose of this questionnaire is to understand the systems adopted by your institution for financial oversight and accounting of grant funds, especially those provided through the U.S. Federal Government. The questionnaire will assist DAI program and accounting staff to identify the extent to which your institution's financial systems match the requirements of the U.S. Federal Government. This information will help the program staff work with you and your institution to review any problem areas that may be identified; thereby avoiding any problems or oversights which would be reportable should an audit of the program or institution be required.The questionnaire should be completed by the financial officer of your institution in collaboration with DAI program staff. This questionnaire is informational only, and will not have any bearing on the agreement to support your institution based on the technical merit of the proposal. Therefore, please answer all questions to the best of your knowledge.While 22 CFR 226 does not cover awards to non-U.S. recipients, DAI shall rely on the standards established in that regulation in determining whether potential non-U.S. recipients are responsible to manage Federal funds. A determination shall be made on the potential recipient's ability, or potential ability, to comply with the following USAID and federal-wide policies:1)22 CFR 226.20 - 226.28 (Financial and Program Management) (See Mandatory Reference, 22 CFR 226.20 - 226.28);2)22 CFR 226.30 - 226.37 (Property Standards) (See Mandatory Reference, 22 CFR 226.30 - 226.37);3)22 CFR 226.40 - 226.49 (Procurement Standards) (See Mandatory Reference, 22 CFR 226.40 - 226.49); and4)22 CFR 226.50 - 226.53 (Reports and Records) (See Mandatory Reference, 22 CFR 226.50 - 226.53).SECTION A: General InformationPlease complete this section which provides general information on your institution.Name of Institution: Name and Title of Financial Contact Person: Name of Person Filling out Questionnaire: Mailing Address: Street Address (if different) Telephone, Fax, Email (if applicable) Enter the beginning and ending dates of your institution's fiscal year:From: (Month, Day) To: (Month, Day) SECTION B: Internal ControlsInternal controls are procedures which ensure that: 1) financial transactions are approved by an authorized individual and are consistent with U.S. laws, regulations and your institution's policies; 2) assets are maintained safely and controlled; and 3) accounting records are complete, accurate and maintained on a consistent basis. Please complete the following questions concerning your institution's internal controls.1. Does your institution maintain a record of how much time employees spend on different projects or activities?Yes: ADVANCE \D 2.45?ADVANCE \U 2.45No: ADVANCE \D 2.45?ADVANCE \U 2.452. If yes, how?Are timesheets kept for each paid employee?Yes: ADVANCE \D 2.45?ADVANCE \U 2.45No: ADVANCE \D 2.45?ADVANCE \U 2.45Do you maintain an employment letter or contract which includes the employee’s salary?Yes: ADVANCE \D 2.45?ADVANCE \U 2.45No: ADVANCE \D 2.45?ADVANCE \U 2.454. Do you maintain inventory records for your institution's equipment?Yes: ADVANCE \D 2.45?ADVANCE \U 2.45No: ADVANCE \D 2.45?ADVANCE \U 2.45 (if no, explain)5. How often do you check actual inventory against inventory records?6. Are all financial transactions approved by an appropriate official?Yes: ADVANCE \D 2.45?ADVANCE \U 2.45No: ?7. The person responsible for approving financial transactions is: ________________ Title: ______________8. Is the person(s) responsible for approving transactions familiar with U.S. Federal Cost principles as described in OMB Circular A-122?Yes: ADVANCE \D 2.45?ADVANCE \U 2.45No: ADVANCE \D 2.45?ADVANCE \U 2.459. Does your institution use a payment voucher system or some other procedure for the documentation of approval by an appropriate official?Yes: ADVANCE \D 2.45?ADVANCE \U 2.45No: ADVANCE \D 2.45?ADVANCE \U 2.4510. Does your institution require supporting documentation (such as original receipts) prior to payment for expenditures?Yes: ADVANCE \D 2.45?ADVANCE \U 2.45No: ADVANCE \D 2.45?ADVANCE \U 2.4511. Does your institution require that such documentation be maintained over a period of time? Yes: ADVANCE \D 2.45?ADVANCE \U 2.45No: ADVANCE \D 2.45?ADVANCE \U 2.45If yes, how long are such records kept? 12. Are different individuals within your institution responsible for approving, disbursing, and accounting of transactions?Yes: ADVANCE \D 2.45?ADVANCE \U 2.45No: ADVANCE \D 2.45?ADVANCE \U 2.4513. Are the functions of checking the accuracy of your accounts and the daily recording of accounting data performed by different individuals?Yes: ADVANCE \D 2.45?ADVANCE \U 2.45No: ADVANCE \D 2.45?ADVANCE \U 2.4514. Who would be responsible for financial reports? ________________________________________SECTION C: Fund Control and Accounting SystemsFund Control essentially means that access to bank accounts and/or other cash assets is limited to authorized individuals. Bank balances should be reconciled periodically to the accounting records. If cash cannot be maintained in a bank, it is very important to have strict controls over its maintenance and disbursement.An Accounting System accurately records all financial transactions, and ensures that these transactions are supported by documentation. Some institutions may have computerized accounting systems while others use a manual system to record each transaction in a ledger. In all cases, the expenditure of funds provided by the USAID-funded program must be properly authorized, used for the intended purpose, and recorded in an organized and consistent manner.1. Does your institution maintain separate accounting of funds for different projects by:Separate bank accounts:?A fund accounting system:ADVANCE \D 2.45?ADVANCE \U 2.452. Will any cash from the grant funds be maintained outside a bank (in petty cash funds, etc.)?Yes: ADVANCE \D 2.45?ADVANCE \U 2.45No: ADVANCE \D 2.45?ADVANCE \U 2.45If yes, please explain the amount of funds to be maintained, the purpose and person responsible for safeguarding these funds.4. If your institution doesn't have a bank account, how do you ensure that cash is maintained safely?5. Does your institution have written accounting policies and procedures?Yes: ADVANCE \D 2.45?ADVANCE \U 2.45No: ADVANCE \D 2.45?ADVANCE \U 2.456. How do you allocate costs that are “shared” by different funding sources, such as rent, utilities, etc.?7. Are your financial reports prepared on a:Cash basis: ADVANCE \D 2.45?ADVANCE \U 2.45Accrual basis: ADVANCE \D 2.45?ADVANCE \U 2.458. Is your institution's accounting system capable of recording transactions, including date, amount, and description?Yes: ADVANCE \D 2.45?ADVANCE \U 2.45No: ADVANCE \D 2.45?ADVANCE \U 2.459. Is your institution's accounting system capable of separating the receipts and payments of the grant from the receipts and payments of your institution’s other activities?Yes: ADVANCE \D 2.45?ADVANCE \U 2.45No: ADVANCE \D 2.45?ADVANCE \U 2.4510. Is your institution's accounting system capable of accumulating individual grant transactions according to budget categories in the approved budget?Yes: ADVANCE \D 2.45?ADVANCE \U 2.45No: ADVANCE \D 2.45?ADVANCE \U 2.4510. Is your institution's accounting system designed to detect errors in a timely manner?Yes: ADVANCE \D 2.45?ADVANCE \U 2.45No: ADVANCE \D 2.45?ADVANCE \U 2.4511. How will your institution make sure that budget categories and/or overall budget limits for the grant will not be exceeded?12. Are reconciliations between bank statements and accounting records performed monthly and reviewed by an appropriate individual?Yes: ADVANCE \D 2.45?ADVANCE \U 2.45No: ADVANCE \D 2.45?ADVANCE \U 2.4513. Briefly describe your institution’s system for filing and keeping supporting documentation.SECTION D: AuditThe grant provisions require recipients to adhere to USAID regulations, including requirements to maintain records for a minimum of three years to make accounting records available for review by appropriate representatives of USAID or DAI, and, in some cases, may require an audit to be performed of your accounting records. Please provide the following information on prior audits of your institution.1. Is someone in your institution familiar with U.S. government regulations concerning costs which can be charged to U.S. grants (OMB Circular A-122 "Cost Principles for Nonprofit Institutions" and OMB Circular A-110 "Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Agreements with Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals and Other Non-Profit Institutions")?Yes: ADVANCE \D 2.45?ADVANCE \U 2.45No: ADVANCE \D 2.45?ADVANCE \U 2.452. Do you anticipate that your institution will have other sources of U.S. government funds during the period of this grant agreement?Yes: ADVANCE \D 2.45?ADVANCE \U 2.45No: ADVANCE \D 2.45?ADVANCE \U 2.453. Have external accountants ever performed an audit of your institution's financial statements?Yes: ADVANCE \D 2.45?ADVANCE \U 2.45No: ADVANCE \D 2.45?ADVANCE \U 2.45If yes, please provide a copy of your most recent report.4. Does your institution have regular audits?Yes: ADVANCE \D 2.45?ADVANCE \U 2.45No: ADVANCE \D 2.45?ADVANCE \U 2.45 If yes, who performs the audit and how frequently is it performed?5. If you do not have a current audit of your financial statements, please provide this office with a copy of the following financial statements, if available: a. A "Balance Sheet" for the most current and previous year; and b. An "Income Statement" for the most current and previous year.6. Are there any circumstances that would prevent your institution from obtaining an audit?Yes: ADVANCE \D 2.45?ADVANCE \U 2.45No: ADVANCE \D 2.45?ADVANCE \U 2.45If yes, please provide details:CHECKLIST AND SIGNATURE PAGEDAI requests that your institution submit a number of documents along with this completed questionnaire. Complete this page to ensure that all requested information has been included. Complete the checklist:? Copy of your organization's most recent audit is attached. ? If no recent audit, a "Balance Sheet" "Income Statement" for the most current and previous fiscal year.? ADVANCE \u0All questions have been fully answered. ADVANCE \u0? An authorized individual has signed and dated this page.Optional:ADVANCE \u0ADVANCE \d0? ADVANCE \u0ADVANCE \u0 Incorporation Papers or Certificate of Registration and Statute is attached. ADVANCE \u0ADVANCE \d0? ADVANCE \u0ADVANCE \u0 Information describing your institution is attached. ADVANCE \u0ADVANCE \d0? ADVANCE \d0 Organizational chart, if available is attached (if applicable). The Financial Capability Questionnaire must be signed and dated by an authorized person who has either completed or reviewed the form.Approved by: _________________________Print Name_________________________Signature __________________________TitleDate _____________Annex 5: Instructions for Obtaining a DUNS Number - DAI’S Vendors, Subcontractors and Grantees -3937012763500 Note: There is a Mandatory Requirement for your Organization to Provide a DUNS number to USAID RADP-ESUBCONTRACTS/PURCHASE ORDERS: All domestic and foreign organizations which receive first-tier subcontracts/ purchase orders with a value of $25,000 and above are required to obtain a DUNS number prior to signing of the agreement. Your organization is exempt from this requirement if the gross income received from all sources in the previous tax year was under $300,000. Please see the self-certification form attached. MONETARY GRANTS: All foreign entities receiving first-tier monetary grants (standard, simplified and FAAs) with a value equal to or over $25,000 and performing work outside the U.S. must obtain a DUNS number prior to signing of the grant. All U.S. organizations who are recipients of first- tier monetary grants of any value are required to obtain a DUNS number; the exemption for under $25,000 applies to foreign organizations only. NO SUBCONTRACTS/POs ($25,000 + above) or MONETARY GRANTS WILL BE SIGNED BY DAI WITHOUT PRIOR RECEIPT OF A DUNS NUMBER. Note: The determination of a successful offeror/applicant resulting from this RFP/RFQ/RFA is contingent upon the winner providing a DUNS number to USAID RADP-E . Organizations who fail to provide a DUNS number will not receive an award and USAID RADP-E will select an alternate vendor/subcontractor/grantee. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Background: Summary of Current U.S. Government Requirements- DUNS and Reporting in FSRS Database The Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) is a system developed and managed by Dun and Bradstreet that assigns a unique nine-digit identifier to a business entity. It is a common standard worldwide and users include the U.S. Government, European Commission and the United Nations. The DUNS number will be used to better identify related organizations that are receiving U.S. federal funding, and to provide consistent name and address data for electronic application systems. The U.S. Government requires that all applicants for first-tier monetary grants (i) and all first-tier subcontracts/purchase orders of $25,000 or above have a DUNS number prior to DAI issuing an award to that entity. REQUIREMENT FOR DAI TO REPORT DATA IN THE FSRS DATABASE: In addition, in accordance with the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2008; FAR 52.204-10, “Reporting Executive Compensation and First-Tier Subcontract Awards” (Revised July 2010); and Subpart 4.14—―Reporting Executive Compensation and First-Tier Subcontract Awards,‖ effective March 1, 2011, DAI is required to report any newly awarded first-tier subcontracts $25,000 or above in the FSRS (Functional Security Requirements Specifications) database at . In accordance with AAPD 11-01 amended, all foreign entities receiving first-tier monetary grants (standard, simplified and FOGs) with a value equal to or over $25,000 and performing work outside the U.S. must obtain a DUNS number prior to signing of the grant. All U.S. organizations who are recipients of first-tier monetary grants of any value are required to obtain a DUNS number; the exemption for under $25,000 applies to foreign organizations only. In accordance with the AAPD as well as 2 CFR Parts 25 and 170, DAI is required to report on grantees in the FSRS database. The reported information for subcontracts and grants will be available for the public to view at . Instructions detailing the process to be followed in order to obtain a DUNs number for your organization begin on the next page. THE PROCESS FOR OBTAINING A DUNS NUMBER IS OUTLINED BELOW: Log on to the D&B (Dun & Bradstreet) DUNS registration website to begin the process of obtaining a DUNS number free of charge. Please note there is a bar on the left for Frequently Asked Questions as well as emails and telephone numbers for persons at Dun & Bradstreet for you to contact if you have any questions or difficulties completing the application on-line. DAI is not authorized to complete the application on your organization’s behalf; the required data must be entered by an authorized official of your organization. Select the Country where your company is physically located. You will first be asked to search the existing DUNS database to see whether a DUNS number already exists for your organization/entity. Subcontractors/grantees who already have a DUNS number may verify/update their DUNS records. Potential DAI subcontractors/vendors/grantees who do not already have a DUNS number will be shown the screen below. To request a new DUNS Number, the ―Request a New D-U-N-S Number‖ button needs to be selected. Enter the information regarding your organization listed on the next three screens. (See screen shots below.) Make sure you have the following information available (in English) prior to beginning the process of entering this section in order to ensure successful registration. Legal Business Name (commas are allowed, periods are not allowed) Address Phone Name of Owner/Executive Total Number of Employees Annual Sales or Revenue (US Dollar equivalent) Description of Operations Note that some fields are Optional, however all other fields must be completed to proceed further with the application process. For example, all applicants must complete the Organization Information sections. The Company Name and Physical Address fields are self-populated based on information previously entered during the initial DUNS search. The question marks to the left of the field provide additional information when you click on them. You must select the legal structure of your organization from the pull down menu. To assist you in selecting the appropriate structure that best represents your organization, a brief description of the various types follows: Corporation – A firm that meets certain legal requirements to be chartered by the state/province in which it is headquartered by the filing of articles of incorporation. A corporation is considered by law to be an entity separate and distinct from its owners. It can be taxed; it can be sued; it can enter into contractual agreements. Government - central, province/state, district, municipal and other U.S. or local government entities. Includes universities, schools and vocational centers owned and operated by the government. Limited Liability Company (LLC) - This is a type of business ownership combining several features of corporation and partnership structures. It is designed to provide the limited liability features of a corporation and the tax efficiencies and operational flexibility of a partnership. Its owners have limited personal liability for the LLC’s debts and obligations, similar to the status of shareholders in a corporation. If your firm is an LLC, this will be noted on the organizations registration and licensing documents. Non-profit - An entity, which exists for charitable reasons and is not conducted or maintained for making a profit. Any money earned must be retained by the organization, and used for its own expenses, operations, and programs. Most organizations, which are registered in the host country as a non-governmental organization (NGO) rather than as a commercial business, are non-profit entities. Community based organizations, trade associations, community development councils, and similar entities, which are not organized as a profit making organization, should select this status, even if your organization is not registered formally in country as an NGO. Partnership- a legal form of operation in which two or more individuals carry on a continuing business for profit as co-owners. The profits and losses are shared proportionally. Proprietorship-These firms are owned by one person, usually the individual who has day-to-day responsibility for running the business. Sole proprietors own all the assets of the business and the profits generated by it. One of the most important fields that must be filled in is the Primary SIC code field. (See screen shot below.) The Primary Standard Industrial Code classifies the business’ most relevant industry and function. If you are unsure of which SIC Code your organization’s core business falls under, please refer to the following website: You will need to enter certain keywords to bring up the potential SIC Codes. In the case above, ―Research‖ was entered as the keyword, and resulted in the following: PLEASE NOTE: Many of the DAI subcontractors and grantees fall under one of the following SIC codes: 8742 Management Consulting Services 1542 General Contractors-Nonresidential Buildings, Other than Industrial Buildings and Warehouses or one of the codes within: Industry Group 357: Computer And Office Equipment Industry Group 355: Special Industry Machinery, Except Metalworking Industry Group 356: General Industrial Machinery And Equipment Industry Group 359: Miscellaneous Industrial And Commercial 74930622300Description of Operations- Enter a brief description of the primary services you provide the example below, ―agricultural technical assistance‖ was chosen as the primary function of the business. The Annual Sales or Revenue figure should be provided in USD (US Dollar) equivalent. Once all of the fields have been completed, click on ―Submit Your Request‖ to be taken to the Verification page. Note: Representative (Principal, Owner or Officer) needs to verify and provide affirmation regarding the accuracy of the data under criminal or civil penalties as per Title 18, Section 1001 of the US Criminal Code. Once ―Yes, Continue‖ button is clicked, the registration application is sent to D&B, and a DUNS number should be available within 24-48 hours. DUNS database can be checked in 24-48 hours by entering the Business Information in the Search window – which should now display a valid result with the new DUNS number for the entity. Annex 6:Self-Certification for Exemption from DUNS RequirementLegal Business Name__________________________________Physical Address__________________________________Physical City__________________________________Physical Foreign Province__________________________________Physical Country__________________________________Signature of Certifier__________________________________Full Name of Certifier (Last Name, First/Middle Names)___________________________________Title of certifier___________________________________Date of Certifications (mm-dd-yyyy)___________________________________The sub-contractor/vendor whose legal business name is provided herein, certifies that we are an organization exempt from obtaining a DUNS number, as the gross income received from all sources in the previous tax year is under USD $300,000.*By submitting this certification, the certifier attests to the accuracy of the representations and certifications contained herein. The certifier understands that s/he and/or the sub-contractor/vendor may be subject to penalties, if s/he misrepresents the sub-contractor/vendor in any of the representations or certifications to the Prime Contractor and/or the US Government.The sub-contractor/vendor agrees to allow the Prime Contractor and/or the US Government to verify the company name, physical address, or other information provided herein. Certification validity is for one year from the date of certification. ................

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