
Our increasing dependency on fossil fuels has had a negative impact on our environment. It has also left us dependent on importing oil from foreign countries to meet our excessive demand. What are the benefits of fossil fuels and the harmful effects of nonrenewable resources on the environment? What are some alternative sources of energy? How can we reduce our dependence on nonrenewable resources as a nation? What are some ways individuals can conserve energy?


DIRECTIONS: Go to the class website at Jvalentino.. Click under the social studies tab and then under the energy section for and you will find various websites for you to gather information. Start you exploration at the U.S. Energy Information Administration’s Energy Kids website () to find the answers to these questions. Read the “Forms of Energy?” page in the “What is Energy?” section to answer question #1. Then go back to the homepage and look under “Energy Sources” to find the answers to questions.

1. What is energy?

2. What is renewable energy?

What are the 5 main types of renewable energy?






3. What is nonrenewable energy?

What are the 4 main types of nonrenewable energy?






4. What are fossil fuels? How did they form? Why are they nonrenewable?

Name 4 types of fossil fuels.





5. How did coal form?

Name and describe 4 major uses for coal.





6. How did petroleum and natural gas form?

What is “crude oil” and how is it brought to the surface of the earth?

What are 10 different petroleum products that come from “crude oil”?

1. 6.

2. 7.

3. 8.

4. 9.

5. 10.

What countries are the major suppliers of Petroleum (oil)?

7. In terms of percentages, what are the 3 biggest uses of natural gas

8. What is the fuel for nuclear power plants, and where does it come from?

Nuclear energy is considered a non-renewable energy, but it is not a fossil fuel. What is it? [HINT: this question is not answered directly. You must INFER what type of material it is, given your knowledge of geology, from the information that is given. THINK!]


9. What is solar energy and how is it used?

What is photovoltaic energy? How does a photovoltaic (PV) cell work?

10. How can we use wind to generate energy?

11. How can we use water to generate electric energy (hydroelectricity)?

12. How do engineers use the earth’s heat to create geothermal energy?

13. What is Biomass? How can we use biomass for energy?

14. What is the most common form of renewable energy used to generate electricity?

15. What percentage of U.S. electricity generation comes from this source?

16. How can they average person living in America contribute to reducing the use of fossil fuels on a daily basis?

As we continue to deplete our fossil fuels and pollute our air scientists are looking for ways that we can reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and use alternative renewable energy sources. Each energy source has advantages and disadvantages.

Use your research, websites provided and the internet to find the advantages and disadvantages of nonrenewable and renewable energy resources

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Our increasing dependency on fossil fuels has had a negative impact on our environment. It has also left us dependent on importing oil from foreign countries to meet our excessive demand. What are the benefits of fossil fuels and the harmful effects of nonrenewable resources on the environment? What are some alternative sources of energy? How can we reduce our dependence on nonrenewable resources as a nation? What are some ways individuals can conserve energy?

Complete research sheet with your group. Choose a project.

Project Choices: each group chooses 1 project

Create a poster about energy:

1.Include Nonrenewable energy sources – explanation and pictures Renewable energy sources – explanation and pictures. What can our government do to reduce the use of fossil fuels?

What can the average person do to reduce their consumption of fossil fuels?

2.Create an informative song, rap, about renewable and nonrenewable energy. In your song explain the benefits or renewable energy to the environment and country.

3.Create a script for a commercial informing the public about renewable, and nonrenewable energy sources and how people can conserve energy on a daily basis.

4. Create an informative energy picture book for children about nonrenewable and renewable resources and how their families can conserve energy

5. Write a letter to the president asking for more government funds to be invested in alternative energy sources. Explain each renewable resource and how the country will benefit as well as explaining how our dependence on nonrenewable resources effects the environment.


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