
Task 6a part 1.


|Models |Methodology |Characteristics |Uses in social contest |

|Medical model (Pratt, Lazell, |Support using medical methodology :|social work is considered as a “ |In the 1948 – 1950. |

|Marsh) |diagnosis, therapy, discharged. |nurse at home”. |People are seen as “patient” |

|1930 - 48 | | | |

|Problem solving (Perlman) |The help’s process includes 3 |Social work uses the inside |People can try to solve his |

| |actions: |resources of client for help this |problems by himself and this models|

| |1) the problems must be cleared and|to work on their fields, problems, |is especially a process of “social |

| |the fields must be expressed |resources, ideas… |learning”. |

| |2) problem and fields must be | | |

| |thought | | |

| |3) This reflection must be flow | | |

| |into actions to modify the | | |

| |initially situation | | |

|Functional model (Smalley) |1) clarity of the problem, analysis|This model considers all people as |The job with the organisation and |

| |of the questions and empathic |individual with a particularly |into organisation are integrated |

| |support |capacity of changement and with a |aspects for the help’s process |

| |2) development of change’s capacity|innate push for a psychological |created by social worker with the |

| |of client across a negotiable |growth. |client. |

| |rapport with the Social worker | | |

| |organization | | |

| |3)psychological support for client | | |

| |to prepare the conclusive phases | | |

|Task centred/oriented model |This model doesn’t face the remote |The changement is possible tanks |Social worker is seen as a “agent |

|(Reid e Epstein) |causes of problem, but it centres |actions and tasks that the client |of changement” because she |

| |its attention both on the actual |and the social work make outside of|represents the instrument for |

| |factors that causes the problem |the interview |stimulate and promote the |

| |and on the elements that social | |individual’s action. |

| |worker and client are able to | | |

| |change. | | |

|Existential Model (Gordon and |1) Definition of need – problem : |The intervention of social work has|Social worker is able to both |

|Germain) -1960 |focus is individual and his life’s |got as objective the point where |promote the natural growth and |

| |space |the adaptation ability and the |development of people, and |

| | |model of reaction clash with the |influence he social contest so that|

| |2) definition of objectives and |negative contest. |this support the development of |

| |planning of intervention : focus is| |individual |

| |life’s cycle, individual tasks, | | |

| |relationship with other people | | |

| | | | |

| |3) Intervention | | |

|Global model (Goldstein) |1) Increase and use of material |Man is seen as an individual whose |The whole intervention is guided by|

| |resources |actions are determinated by |consciousness, intentionally, |

| |2) didactical actions |internal and external forces. He is|strategy, relationship. |

| |3)guide and management |also limited by condition of his | |

| |4) analysis of situation |condition, but however he is a | |

| |5) observation |subject free to make his choose. | |

| |6)putting into effect of new tasks | | |

|Integrated model (Pincus e Minahan)|Social work makes in 3 levels: |Problem belongs to the social |In the practise social worker |

| |a) individual level: to improve the|situation and it isn’t personal. |doesn’t work only with individual |

| |problem – solving and reaction’ s |Needs is the sum of 3 connected |subject, but she must consider |

| |individual ability |parts: |4systems: client’s system, target |

| |b) relationship level: to promote |Social situation; client’s |system, action system and social |

| |better relationship between |situation; reasons of request. |work system. |

| |resource’s systems; to allocate the| |Target system is represented by |

| |new resources into this systems; to| |element that must be changed for |

| |control the use of this helps | |became positive resources; |

| |c) systems level: to contribute for| |Action system is represented by |

| |the development of social politic | |elements that are already force’s |

| | | |point of intervention. |

| | | |“Social work’s system” represents |

| | | |the social worker into her |

| | | |organisation. |

task 6a part 2

It is very difficult find three different method of social work which are used now in Italy, because all the social work is oriented for the “systemic or ecological model”.

Also the educational curriculum, dedicates 2 years to this method and the other methods are showed as “ out of date”.

For this reason, I’ll speak about this model, emphasizing the methodologies which are connected even if they are a little different.

The systemic model is based on the method of Germein and Goldstein, but above all on the Pincus and Minahan theory which are centred on the family’s relationship.

Theorical presupposes, in fact, are the same and the principal idea is the application of Watzlawich’s systemic theory in social contest. Watzlawich bases their vision on the principal characteristics of systems: mutual dependence, feed – back, totality and the seme aim.

Besides Watzlawich considers also the fundamental laws of human communication and, joining this elements with the systems theory, we have the presupposes of “systemic model”.

Into circular relationship between contest and language, there is an interaction out of all “individual system”, his “life’s systems” and “contest system” which are mutually influenced.

In this contest, method of intervention considers 4 systems:

1. system of change’s agent : represented by social worker in relationship with her organisation, her social contest and with vital world of client

2. client system: represented by client and his family

3. target system: represented by human and institutional potential resources. Social worker must work with this element for turn they in favour for client.

4. action system: represented by human and institutional resources which are ready for help the client.

The interaction between this system gives birth to the social intervention which uses an operative methodology based on :

1)  analysis of situation ( social worker's institution; client's personal and family situation) ;

2) executive evaluation ( social objective, intervention's hypothesis; resource’s availability) 

3) elaboration of social project;

4) achievement of project ( direct and indirect interventions) ; 

5) check and replan of social intervention.          


In relationship with client are most important feedback, homeostatic mechanism, focus on the hic et nunc, (here and now) integration between formal and informal resources…

Social worker must be a movable professionist, capable to observe the dynamics of society, family and community, if she want answer at your community's needs.

For this reasons social worker want admit personal empowerment without take the place of clients for the solution of problems.

In a systemic vision, synthetically, speak about " personal empowerment" means speak about " empowerment of community" , too. 

This dimension is very important because social contest is a natural resource both for prevention, intervention and reintegration's phases.

United to this method, there’s an other practical instrument: the social network.

Social network represent above all a particularly sight of community’s relationships: social worker sees people as tied into a net, both formal and informal. Their task is protect, promote, and enter in this net to favourite the exchange, the self help and the promotion of the social systems.


For Italian method

- I modelli teorici del servizio sociale, Maria Dal Pra Ponticelli

- Il modello sistemico, Anna Maria Campanini

- La rete nella giustizia minorile, Lia Sanicola


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