
History 10 Final Exam Review, Sem2, 2012 – Mr. Gibault

Here are the topics covered this semester, and a few key questions:

1. Social Organizations

a. What are they? What are some of the social/cultural, educational, economic, and political organizations we have, and what are their purposes?

b. Why do people live together? (fulfilling needs/wants, interdependence)

c. What do we form in order to live together? (social organizations and social contracts)

d. See social organizations concept map (“A Conceptual View of Social Organization”) and think about how it represents the concepts of the entire course.

e. Freedom/Order. In which situations should order take precedence over freedom?

2. Political Institutions

a. Political spectrum (left, centre, right). Know how to label the x- and y- axes of the political compass 4-quadrant scale (communism, socialism, liberalism, conservatism, capitalism, authoritarianism, fascism, anarchism, libertarianism, neo-liberalism). Also know which axis is social, and which is economic. You will need to be able to explain the social, political, and economic philosophies of someone placed on a particular spot on the chart. Study the “Opposing Viewpoints” and “Left and Right” handouts.

3. Age of Reason

a. What is the Enlightenment?

b. Know the philosophies of Hobbes and Locke thoroughly, and the main ideas of Montesquieu, Voltaire, and Rousseau. (See “Age of Enlightenment” fill-in-the-blanks assignment)

c. How did the Enlightenment contribute to changes in the social contract?

d. Review the text assignment on scientific developments. Some of this material might show up in multiple-choice format.

4. Revolution

a. What sparked the Age of Revolution? How would you define revolution? (See “Age of Revolution” handout)

b. Four Stages of Revolution – What are they? What are some of the possible characteristics of each stage? Be able to apply to the French Revolution and the other revolution you researched for your mini group presentation.

c. English Revolution – review the events that placed limitations on the monarchy in England. You starred several events on your assignment. Some of the important ones are: Magna Carta, Petition of Right, Long Parliament, English Civil War, Cromwell and the vacuum of power, Habeas Corpus Act, and Bill of Rights.

d. American Revolution (simulation and text reading) – review the simulation reflection and know why the colonists were upset and how they resisted. (Taxation without Representation is the focus here. Know some of the limitations/taxes placed on the American colonists.

e. French Revolution (simulation, handouts, documentary) – study the following:

i. The “old order” in France, and the causes of the revolution

ii. What effect did the Enlightenment and the American Rev have on the French?

iii. Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette as rulers

iv. The four stages applied to the revolution. Have a general idea of how revolutions occur.

5. Economics

a. What is industrialization? How were things different before and after it?

b. What were some of the new economic ideas and organizations of the 16th and 17th centuries that resulted in economic growth? (profit, money, investment, banking, business organizations, national states)

c. Industrial Revolution (Slideshow, simulation, handouts, notes)

i. What led to Ind Rev? (Commercial Revolution, Scientific Revolution, Enlightenment, Agricultural Revolution)

ii. How did the Agricultural and Industrial Revolutions play off one another?

iii. Cottage Industry vs Factory System (simulation, chart). What are the key differences? How did people’s lives at work and home change? (important terms: division of labour, urbanization, consumerism)

iv. What were some of the environmental effects of the Ind. Rev.?

v. What were the working and living conditions like during the Ind Rev? Did the standard of living go up or down? What reforms were made in England?

d. Agricultural Revolution

i. Know changes that occurred in agriculture in England (from open-field and inefficient version of the 3-field system to ENCLOSURE and mechanization)

ii. What effects did the Agricultural Rev have on society?

e. China Rises and Globalization (documentary, take, modern industrialization study)

i. What are the positives and negatives of capitalism and industrialization?

f. Economic/political spectrum (political compass test, French Revolution connections, text assignment)

i. How did the French political assemblies create our left-right spectrum? Who was on what side and what did they want?

ii. Know the difference between capitalism, socialism, and communism. Look over the philosophies of Smith, Malthus, Ricardo, Marx.

6. Imperialism

a. What are the main reasons behind European imperialism.

b. What is a mother country?

c. The “Scramble for Africa.” Study all questions from reading assignment.

One of the main themes of the course is POWER. Think about how power is gained, kept, and changed. How have social organizations and the social contract changed to meet the needs and wants of society? (See 1. d. above)

Think about CONNECTIONS. Making connections will show a higher level of understanding than if you regurgitate facts about individual aspects of the course.

If you have any questions before the final, make an appointment to see me, or drop by.


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