Unit 4: The 1920s Vocabulary

The 1920s Vocabulary Study this for your quiz—Name-_____________________

|Term |Definition |

|Assembly line |An arrangement of workers, machines, & equipment in which the product passes from operation to operation until completed on a |

| |conveyor belt |

|Bootleggers |People who transported or sold illegal liquor during Prohibition (1920s) |

|Flapper |Nickname for a young woman in the 1920s who rebelled against how society thought she should behave and dress |

|Great Migration north |Movement of 500,000 African Americans from the South to the North (looking for better jobs and less discrimination in the early |

| |20th century) |

|Harlem Renaissance |A flowering of African American art, poetry, and writing during the 1920s, centered in Harlem, New York City |

|Jazz Age |The period in America when African & European musical traditions blended creating the unique music known as jazz; (Famous jazz |

| |musicians were: Duke Ellington, Count Basie, and Louis Armstrong.) |

|Mass Media |Types of communication that reach lots of people (radio, newspaper, magazines) |

|Prohibition |Outlawed alcohol |

|18th Amendment | |

|Roaring 20s |Phrase describing the drastic changes in the U. S. during the 1920s; changes included social (fashion), economic (big business), |

| |and civic (laws) |

| Speakeasies |Illegal saloons that sprang up across the U. S. after the 18th Amendment passed 1919 (beginning a 14-year period of Prohibition) |

| Temperance Movement |The campaign to outlaw alcoholic beverages |

| 21st Amendment |Repealed Prohibition (overturned the 18th Amendment) |

| nativism |A belief that native-born Americans are superior to foreigners |

| anarchist |A person who believes there should be no gov’t |

|(anarchy) | |

| Deport |To expel (kick out) a person from a country |

| Installment Buying |Paying small, regular amounts of money for a product (like a car or home) over a period of time. |

| Recession |A moderate downturn in the economy (NOT severe) |

| Capitalism |An economic system based on private ownership of property and free enterprise (what we have in the U.S.) |


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