

Chapter 7

Swing Kids NAME______________________________

1. Identify the type of deviance being performed (positive/negative) and explain why it is such.

Positive- over do it in order to fit in with norm (Anorexia)

Negative- do not try to fit in with norm (Obese/Steroids)

2. This deviance has different consequences for each of the boys. Explain one boy that has positive consequences and another boy that has negative consequences for his deviance. Using your notes, explain which specific trait that consequence is showing (clarifying norms, outlet for stress, increase unity, promote social change, breed distrust, stimulate other deviant behavior, or expense)

3. Which theory do you think the boys in the movie are following- cultural transmission, labeling, or conflict theory? Explain your answer giving examples. (Several theories apply depending on your examples.)

• Strain Theory- Deviance is more likely to occur when a gap exists between cultural goals and the ability to achieve these goals by legitimate means

• Control Theory- Compliance with social norms requires strong bonds between individuals and society

• Remember that Strain and Control theories together are cultural transmission

• Labeling Theory- Society creates deviants by identifying them as “deviant”; Self-fulfilling prophecy (tell yourself you are a certain way, you will believe it); Being deviant can be occasional (primary) or often (secondary); Being called “Deviant” creates a negative stigma for that person

• Conflict Theory

• The Rich and Powerful Decide- People who challenge industrial society are considered deviant because they challenge the economic, social, and political basis of society; Society needs respect, so those who are not respectful are deviant; Certain activities fit well with industrial society and are encouraged. Those who do not participate are deviant.

4. What types of social bonds do the boys have? Do these bonds help them conform or deviate from the norms of society?

• Attachment- the stronger your attachment to groups, the more likely you are to conform

• Commitment- greater your commitment to social goals, the more likely you are to conform

• Involvement- value others opinions and are more likely to conform

• Belief- strong belief in society’s values makes people not want to be deviant

5. What type of social control are the boys exhibiting? Give examples.

We encourage people to follow the norms using “social control”

• Internal- you do something because you know it is the right thing to do

• External- you do something based on the reward or choose not to do something based on the punishment (social sanctions)

6. What approach does society use for these boys (see approaches to crime control in your notes)?

• Rehabilitation- changing or reforming a criminal through socialization

• Deterrence- discourage criminal acts by threatening punishment

• Retribution- punishment intended to make criminals pay compensation for their acts

• Incarceration- protecting society from criminals by keeping them in prison

7. What would you have done in this situation- follow the Nazis or go your own way?


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