U.S. Army Adjutant eneral’s School moves to Fort Benjamin ...

 U.S. Army Adjutant General's School moves to Fort Benjamin Harrison, IN from Camp Lee, VA .

6 Mar 1951

U.S. Army Finance School moves to Fort Benjamin Harrison, IN from St. Louis, MO

1 June 1951

Gates-Lord Hall housing the U.S. Army Adjutant General's School and the U.S. Army Finance School dedicated at Fort Benjamin Harrison, IN

27 Feb 1957

U.S. Army Institute of Administration

U.S. Army Institute of Administration (USAIA) established at Fort Benjamin Harrison, IN consolidating the Army Adjutant General and Finance Schools in Gates-Lord Hall.

2 Jul 1973

The U.S. Army Administration Center (ADMINCEN), parent organization of the USAIA established as one of three combat and training development integrating centers assigned to the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC). As the focal point for Personnel Service Support (PSS), ADMINCEN integrated into the Army's overall combined arms capability missions related to financial management, human resource management, military justice, religious activities, medical services, public affairs, and foreign language training.

1 July 1973

U.S. Army Administration Center


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