
Welcome to Mrs. Wood’s Geometry class


Contact information

Email: Kaylen.Wood@ or through skyward

Tutoring office hours

I will post these weekly. If you need another time please let me know so I can set this up

Description of Course:

This course is an introduction to concepts of plane geometry, coordinate geometry, and solid geometry. Topics include angles, parallel lines, polygons, circles, area, volume, geometric functions, graphing, and the application of each of these topics. Instruction may include, but is not limited to, the following: lecture, collaborative learning activities, technology-based activities, hands-on laboratory activities, student presentations and projects, and in- and out-of class assignments. This class will prepare you for higher levels of mathematics as well as covering topics that are on the college entrance exams. Students must have successfully completed Algebra I.

Standards (Common Core):

|Tentative Outline of Course |

|Weeks 1-3 |Weeks 4-6 |

|Standards Covered: G-CO.A.1, G-CO.C.9 |Standards Covered: G-CO.A.4, G-CO.a.5, G-CO.B.6, G-Co.b.7 |

| | |

| |Topics Covered- transformations and symmetry, congruent figures |

|Topics covered- tools of geometry, Geometry proofs | |

| |Tests 2 & 3 |

|Test 1 | |

|Weeks 7-9 |Weeks 10-12 |

|Standards Covered: G-CO.C.9, G-co.b.7,, |Standards Covered: G-CO.c.10,, |

| | |

|Topics Covered:-lines, angles, and triangles, triangle congruence | |

|criteria, applications of triangle congruence |Topics Covered- properties of triangles, special segments of triangles |

| | |

|Tests 4 & 5 (possible midterm) | |

| |Test 6 |

|Weeks 13-15 |Weeks 16-19 |

|Standards Covered: G-CO.C.11, G-SRT.B.5 |Standards Covered: G-gpe.b.3, g.gpe.b.2,, g.gpe.b.5 |

| | |

|Topics Covered-properties of quadrilaterals |Topics Covered- coordinate proofs using slope and distance |

| | |

| |Test 8 |

|Test 7 |Final exam will be given to all students who do not meet exemption status|

| |per handbook |

|Week 20 |Weeks 21-23 |

|Review from first semester |Standards Covered:,,,, g.gpe.b.4,|

| |, |

| | |

| |Topics Covered- similarity and transformations, using similar triangles |

| | |

| |Test 9 |

|Weeks 24-26 |Weeks 27-29 |

|Standards,, |Standards Covered:,, g.gmd.a.1, g.c.a.1, g.c.b.4. |

| |g.gpe.a.1 |

| | |

|Topics Covered-trigonometry with right triangles, trigonometry with all |Topics Covered- angles and segments in circles, arc length and sector |

|triangles |area, equations of circles |

| | |

|Test 10 |Tests 11 & 12 |

|Weeks 30-32 |Weeks 33-34 |

|Standards Covered: g.gmd.a.1, g.gmd.a.2, |Review for EOC Test |

| | |

|Topics Covered- volume and surface area | |

| | |

|Test 13 | |

| Week 35 |Weeks 36-38 |

|Approximate test date for Geometry eoc |intro to algebra 2 |

| |end of year geometry projects |

| |final exam |

Rules & Expectations:

1. Students are expected to be on time and be ready for class.

2. Students are expected to abide by all rules as stated in the student handbook

3. Students are not allowed cell phones in class.

4. Students are expected to use all of the class time for learning.

5. students are expected to show all work on homework, quizzes, and tests.

Classroom procedures

• Come into class and take your seat

• Instructions will be on the board daily

• Classwork is due the next day

(if late you will lose points)

o within one week it is automatically

10 points off

o After one week it is automatically

20 points off

• When absent it is your responsibility to pick up your missing work. Per the handbook you have one day per day absent to turn in missing work.

Grades and Assignments:

Tests 1-13 and midterm 50%

Quizzes 10%

Dailywork/homework 20%

Class participation 20%

Semester exam (first semester) &

EOC (second semester) of overall grade 20%

Projects will be counted as test grades

Class participation will be consisted of 20 points a day (100 a week). You will begin with 20 points and you may lose these points by not following the cell phone rule, being tardy to class, or being off task such as sleeping, talking, etc. How points can be lost:

2 points for 1st warning using cell phone in class

3 points for 2nd warning using cell phone in class

5 points for third warning using cell phone & must turn in phone to mrs.wood

5 points for being tardy

1 point for being off task


Required encouraged

Pencil coloring pencils

Paper ruler

notebook calculator


I have read and understand the above statements and agree to follow all rules.

___________________________________________ __________________

Student’s Signature Date

___________________________________________ __________________

Parent/Guardian Signature Date


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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