
 Brazos Association for Classical Dressage Schooling Show Series*HDS Recognized for End of Year Schooling Show Awards*Saturday, April 11, 2020 Judge: Leslie Cummings ‘L’Closing Date(s): Mail-In: Saturday, April 4, 2020Hand-In: Tuesday, April 7, 2020**************************************************************************************************************************Remember to include the following in your entry: ? copy of a negative Coggins test (dated after 4/11/2019)? signed release waiver ? completed entry form ? check payable to BACH - no entries accepted without a check! Send completed entries to our show secretary: Emily Mullins2608 C Pecan Knoll StBryan TX, 77802Or . . . drop them by Topsider Farm (6809 Stousland Rd, College Station) by Tuesday, April 7th at 5 p.m. Please email Emily Mullins (emily.s.mullins@), or Michelle Voorhees (mvoorhees225@) with any questions.Classes Offered:? Walk/trot and Walk/trot/canter Equitation Jr/YR** ? Walk/trot/canter for AA Equitation **? 2019 USDF Intro A, B, C ? 2019 USEF Training through Fourth Level Tests ? 2019 USDF Musical Freestyle Training through Fourth Level? 2019 USDF Pas De Deuxl? FEI Test of Choice ? USEA 2018 Beginner Novice through Preliminary Tests (A only)? 2017 WDAA Western Dressage Intro through Level 3 tests? 2017 WDAA Western Dressage Musical Freestyle Intro through Level 3? HDS Prix Caprilli tests 1, 2, 3 (Tests available at )? Gaited Dressage tests are available with Judge’s approval** Equitation classes may be ridden together, but will be pinned separately.**Fees: ? $20 per class ($15 per class for BACH members)? $20 office fee ? $10 grounds fee (per non-boarded horses) ? $25 overnight stall (grounds fee included) VERY LIMITED AVAILABILITY ? $18 day stall (grounds fee included) VERY LIMITED AVAILABILITY Awards: ? Ribbons 1st – 6th Place in each division. ? HDS High Point Schooling Show Awards will be given to current year HDS members. To be eligible, be sure to include your HDS member number on your entry form. Note: any individual may become an HDS member AT THE SHOW and become eligible to receive the HDS Hi Point Schooling Show Award by completing the HDS Membership application and paying the membership fee. Application can be found on the HDS website: Member Awards:-Tri-color sash for Jr/YR and Amateur Hi Point for Training and 1st Level through PSG only. -HDS Medal for Jr/YR and Amateur Hi Point for Intro only. Schooling: ? Riders may trailer in the day before the show to school ? Schooling allowed in all rings whenever there is no test in progress PLEASE NOTE THAT WE HAVE VERY LIMITED STALL AVAILABILITY FOR THIS SHOW, SO PLEASE PLAN AHEAD ON TRAILERING!REFUNDS FOR CANCELLATIONS: BEFORE Monday: Class fees will be refunded. BETWEEN Tuesday and Friday: Class fees will be refunded only if ride times can be filled. No Refunds for cancellations AFTER noon of the day before the show.* *Office fee not refundable * ***We reserve the right to refuse entry to anyone**ENTRY FORM(One Entry per Horse/Rider)RIDER: ______________________________________________ HDS Member #____________ HORSE: ___________________________________________________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________ PHONE NUMBER(S): ____________________________________________________________ DIVISION (circle one): Open AA JR - JR provide birth date (MM/DD/YYYY):_____/_____/_____ COACH/TRAINER:______________________________________________CLASSES:Please circle the appropriate tests in the “Classes Entered” column for the classes you are entering. For classes 16-17, please indicate the test and/or level in the “Classes Entered” column.Class #Class DescriptionClasses EnteredJr/YR EquitationWTWTCAA EquitationWTC2019 USDF IntroABC2019 USEF Training Level1232019 USEF First Level1232019 USEF Second Level1232019 USEF Third Level1232019 USEF Fourth Level123USEA 2018 Test A: Beg NovNovTrainPrelimHDS Prix Caprilli123WDAA Intro Level1234WDAA Basic Level1234WDAA Level 11234WDAA Level 21234WDAA Level 312342019 USDF FreestyleTraining 1st2nd3rd4th2019 WDAA FreestyleIntroBasic123FEI TOC______________Total number of Classes Entered:______________FEES:Class fee(s) = ($20 per class x ______ classes)______________BACH member Class fee(s) = ($15 per class x ________ classes)______________Office Fee $20_____ Grounds for non-boarded horse = $10 per horse______________ Overnight Stall (includes grounds fee) = $25 (very limited availability)______________Day Stall (includes grounds fee) = $18 (very limited availability)______________ Non-Competing Horse Fee = $15 per horse ______________Change Fee (after closing date) = $10______________TOTAL FEES (please make check payable to BACH): ______________ Check #:_____________ Name on Check:_____________________________ AGREEMENT AND RELEASE WAIVER FOR EQUESTRIAN ACTIVITY, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO RIDING, BOARDING, COMPETING, HANDLING OF HORSES WARNING: Under Texas Law (Chapter 87, Civil Practice And Remedies Code), An EquineProfessional Is Not Liable For An Injury To Or The Death Of A Participant In Equine ActivitiesResultant From The Inherent Risks Of Equine Activities. IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT I, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO FOR MYSELF AND/OR ON BEHALF OF MY CHILD,SPOUSE, AND/OR LEGAL WARD, HEREBY VOLUNTARILY PARTICIPATE IN THEABOVE LISTED ACTIVITY; 2. THAT I/WE PARTICIPATE IN THIS ACTIVITY TOTALLY AT MY/OUR OWN RISK FORINJURIES OR PROPERTY DAMAGE I/WE MAY INCUR IN RELATION TO THISACTIVITY; 3. THAT I/WE WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY AND ALL COSTS INCURRED BYME/US FOR INJURIES OR PROPERTY DAMAGE I/WE MAY INCUR, AND FOR THENEGLIGENT ACTS OF MY SELF, FAMILY MEMBERS, LEGAL WARDS PRESENT; 4. THAT I/WE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR MY/OUR OWN FINANCIAL LOSS IN RELATIONTO THE THEFT OR DAMAGE TO MY/OUR TACK, EQUIPMENT, VEHICLES,TRAILERS AND HORSES WHILE ON THE PREMISES WHERE THIS ACTIVITY ISBEING HELD. RELEASE WAIVER - HEREBY, FOR MYSELF, MY HEIRS, ADMINISTRATORS AND ASSIGNS, AND FAMILY MEMBERS RELEASE AND DISCHARGE THE OWNERS & AGENTSOF BACH AND TOPSIDER FARM AND THEIR RESPECTIVE SERVANTS, AGENTS AND ALL OTHERPARTICIPANTS OF AND FROM ALL CLAIMS, DEMANDS, ACTIONS AND CAUSES OFACTION FOR AND ALL INJURIES SUSTAINED TO MY PERSON OR THAT OF MY CHILD,SPOUSE OR LEGAL CHARGE AND/OR PROPERTY. I, THE UNDERSIGNED, BEING OF LEGAL AGE, HAVE READ AND UNDERSTOOD ANDAGREE TO THE FOREGOING AGREEMENT AND RELEASE. ___________________________________________ Please PRINT Name (Parent or Guardian if under 18 years of age) ___________________________________________ ____________________ Please SIGN Name (Parent or Guardian if under 18 years of age) (Date) ................

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