Matt Wolf - Central Bucks School District


1) x = __________

2) [pic]=_______



3) [pic]=_______



4) ¸ =__________

5) x = ____ y = ____

6) x=___ y=___ ¸=___

7) ¸ =__________

8) A = ____ A = __θ =__________

x = ____ y = ____

x=___ y=___ θ=___

θ =__________

A = ____ A = ____

B = ____ B = ____

C = ____ C = ____

9) A =____ A =____

C =____ C =____

c =____ c =____

10) A = ____ A = ____

a = ____ a = ____

c = ____ c = ____

11) A = ____ A = ____

B = ____ B = ____

c = ____ c= ____

12) A =____ A =____

C =____ C =____

c =____ c =____

13) C =____ C =____

a =____ a =____

b =____ b =____

14) B =____ B =____

C =____ C =____

c =____ c =____

For #1-7 provide solutions in fully simplified radical form no decimal answers will be accepted.

1) Use the triangle to solve for x.

2) Use the triangle to evaluate [pic], [pic], and[pic].

3) Use the triangle to evaluate [pic], [pic], and [pic].

4) Calculate the value of θ (decimal is ok).

5) Use the triangle to solve for x and y.

For #6-7 provide solutions in decimal form rounded to the nearest hundredth.

6) Solve for the missing side lengths and angle measure of the triangle.

7) A lighthouse is 70 yards from a highway along the edge of a lake.

A walkway to the lighthouse is 250 yards long. Find the acute

angle θ between the highway and the walkway.

For #8-14 problems may have no solutions, one solution, or two solutions. If a problem has no solutions, write “No Solutions.” If a problem has two sets of solutions, be sure to include both.

8) Solve the triangle with a = 55, b = 25, c = 72. Round to the nearest hundredth.

9) Solve the triangle with B = 150°, a = 10, b = 3. Round to the nearest hundredth.

10) Solve the triangle with B = 25°, C = 35°, b = 3.5. Round to the nearest hundredth.

11) Solve the triangle with C = 55°, a = 3, b = 10. Round to the nearest hundredth.

12) Solve the triangle with B = 25°, a = 6.2, b = 4. Round to the nearest hundredth.

13) Solve the triangle with A = 20°, B = 45°, c = 8. Round to the nearest hundredth.

14) Solve the triangle with A = 110°, a = 125, b =100. Round to the nearest hundredth.

For #15-17 use the figures below each problem.

15) To determine the distance between two aircraft, a tracking station continuously determines the distance to each aircraft and the angle between them. Determine the distance between the planes when A = 75°, b = 51.2 miles, and c = 33.7 miles.

[pic] Solution: _______________

16) Use the map to calculate the measure of the angle created between an airplane flying from Phoenix to Minneapolis and an airplane flying from Phoenix to Albany.

[pic] Solution: _______________

17) From a lighthouse, a person spots a boat that is 20 miles offshore. An hour later, the boat has moved 150° and is only 10 miles offshore. Calculate x, the distance the boat traveled.

[pic] Solution: _______________









Calculators in DEGREE mode

This Pretest is to be completed as preparation for the Unit Test and will be graded as a section of this test.

Collaboration with classmates is permitted, but copying work is considered cheating and will result in a zero.

The use of class notes is not permitted to complete this assignment.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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