Step 1:

Step 1:

Make an Observation

State the Problem |Observation: I feel better when I exercise in the morning.

Problem: Why do I feel better when I exercise in the morning? | |

|Step 2: |-What do I need to do solve my problem? |

|Research the Problem |- Research other similar experiments |

| |-What do I know, and need to know, about my problem? |

| |- I know that blood pressure is affected |

| |by exercise. |

|Step 3: |-Hypothesis |

|Hypothesis(plus Null) |- It is better to exercise in the morning because vital signs will |

| |be better. |

| | |

| |-Null Hypothesis |

| |- There is no difference in vital signs anytime you exercise. |

|Step 4: |To test my hypothesis, I will record the resting blood pressures of |

|Test the Hypothesis |my friends, along with myself. We will then exercise at different |

| |points during the day and record our vital signs after exercise. I |

| |will be able to see if there is any benefit in exercising at one |

| |certain time of day. |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Step 5: Draw Conclusions from the Data |This is where I will record my data. |

Heather Huddleston

September 20, 2009

Biological Communication Skills

Professor Morgan



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