Solving Linear Inequalities

Solving Linear Inequalities

Farah Dawood

Some Application of Inequalities

Inequalities are used more often in real life than equalities:

Bu sin e sse s u se in e q u a litie s to co n tro l in ve n to ry, p la n p ro d u ctio n lin e s, p ro d u ce p ricin g m o d e ls, a n d fo r sh ip p in g.

Lin e a r p ro gra m m in g is a b ra n ch o f m a th e m a tics th a t u se s syste m s o f lin e a r in e q u a litie s to so lve re a l-wo rld p ro b le m s.

Fin a n cia l o ccu p a tio n s o fte n re q u ire th e u se o f lin e a r in e q u a litie s su ch a s a cco u n ta n ts, a u d ito rs, b u d ge t a n a lysts a n d in su ra n ce u n d e rwrite rs to d e te rm in e p ricin g a n d se t b u d ge ts.

Inequality Symbols

What is a linear Inequality ?

Linear inequality is an inequality which involves a linear function (with first power).

Linear inequality contains one of the symbols of inequality

The solution of a linear inequality in two variable like Ax+By>C is an ordered pair (x,y) that make an inequality true.

Solving Linear Inequalities For One Variable


Solve the inequality as you would an equation which means that "whatever you do to one side, you must do to the other side".

If you multiply or divide by a negative number, REVERSE the inequality symbol.

We can write the answer in interval notation.


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