
[pic][pic] |Restoration Book Club

“A place to be renewed and refueled”

August 2006

Volume 1, Issue 2

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|Restoration Book Club Baltimore, MD |

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| |[pic] Newsworthy |

| |It’s a Luau… |

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| |Pictures from our July meeting… |

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| |Spotlight on... |

| |[pic]…Kendra Jackson |

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| |$Cha-Ching$ | | |

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| |Who is Tonya Blount? |

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|[pic] Relax....At Home Spa Tips |

|Even when money is tight, we all feel that we could use a day at the spa. Well here are some products that will help you to perform the same treatments in|

|the comfort of your own home for a fraction of the cost. |

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| |Inbox | | |

Email us at: restorationbookclub@

| [pic] |Stepping to the Mic |

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| |Calling All Writers…. |

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| |We are looking for a few good writers to showcase their work in our Stepping to the Mic section of the newsletter. We |

| |are accepting poetry and short stories. If you are interested email us at restorationbookclub@. We look |

| |forward to reading good things from you. |

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|[pic]Who Wrote That? |

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|Blue Mood Mix | |

|Music can Soothe the Soul and Energize the Body. This month we are going to focus on Soothing the Soul. When the | |

|blues creep in and you just can’t seem to shake them, the perfect “Blue Mood” music, can help get you through, here |[pic] |

|a few songs that are just what the doctor ordered. (MEMBERS: If you would like a copy of this BLUE MOOD MIX please | |

|let us know.) | |

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| |Words to Restore |

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|[pic] BOOK SWAP | |

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|Take a peak at next month’s selection | |

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At July meeting, Nisha transported us to an oasis of hibiscus, floating candles and rum punch, as the theme for the afternoon was a Luau.

While enjoying the tropical décor and delicious food we discussed our first selection of the month, Make You Love Me by LaTonya Y. Williams.

As promised the book was filled with lots drama and made the discussion very interesting. Although it was some members first time meeting the group, everyone jumped right in offering opinions on Tate’s womanizing ways and the ladies in his life. Sharon even wrote down comments on the book to be read in her absence. Make You Love Me proved to be an excellent choice as our first selection.

We celebrated Lanine’s birthday with cake and a birthday basket filled with items to pamper the birthday girl.

Lanine’s Birthday Basket

Nisha, Alexis, Nicole & Sheila All displaying copies of Make You Love Me


staring hard, trying to figure out what could it be

envious eyes wishing you were me

how can I be more like she?

but you could never be me

because what you fail to see

is I am more than what I appear to be

way more than what's on the outside of me

under this exterior there's compassion and intelligence

spirituality and creativity mixed with my experience

copying my hairstyle or imitating my style of dress

both acts are utterly useless

unless you possess the qualities beneath all that material mess

may i suggest

that you take some time to look in the mirror of your soul

because true beauty is a thing to behold

but it doesn't come from looks it comes from deep within your soul

Kendra M. Jackson

Copyright ©2006 

members, employees, or vendors.

First, determine the audience of the newsletter. This could be anyone who might benefit from the information it contains, for example, employees or people interested in purchasing a product or in requesting your services.

You can compile a mailing list from business reply cards, customer information sheets, business cards collected at trade shows, or membership lists. You might consider purchasing a mailing list from a company.

The first child of Ronald and Bertha Vaughn, Tonya comes from a family with a creative bent. In addition to being a NYPD officer, Tonya's father was also a renowned artist and her mother is a talented singer and graphic artist. At an early age, Tonya's parents recognized their daughter was blessed with many talents. Tonya loved to sing and play the piano. An "old" spirit it was not uncommon to hear Tonya capturing an audience--passionately bellowing out one of her favorite singers-Billie Holliday tunes. As a young teenager, Tonya continued to perform. In addition to doing back up vocals for local rap artists, she sang in her church choir and later joined radio pioneer and civil rights leader, Bob Law, Respect Yourself Youth Choir.

Tonya eventually gave up her love for performing to focus on her new life as a wife and mother. In 2001, after finally ending her tumultuous marriage, she suddenly became ill.

Convinced that she was going to die, she decided to write a memoir to leave as a legacy for her precious children. After showing the first few chapters to a few friends, Tonya ultimately decided to fictionalize her book. Less than five months later, Leaving the Wilderness, Tonya's debut novel was released! The book and Tonya's poetic style of writing received many accolades from the publishing industry. Rawsistaz--the largest online book club--dubbed her, "The anointed writer..." Tonya is also the author of the award winning novel, Jay's Mansion, and the newly released, Cha-Ching.The success of Leaving the Wilderness combined with Tonya's warm and outgoing spirit embarked her on another facet of her lifelong journey. Today, as a domestic violence advocate, Tonya travels throughout the country speaking on her experiences. A tireless advocate, in the fall of 2006, Tonya will open The Ronald N. Vaughn House of Hope and Serenity. The transition shelter, which is named after her late father, will provide housing and other services to battered women and their families to help rebuild their lives. In 2004, Tonya launched Leave the Wilderness, an organization dedicated to aiding and uplifting battered women and their children. As the CEO of her organization, she has sponsored numerous events to benefit the restoration of battered women. Always ambitious, in early 2005, Tonya began writing the stage play for Leaving the Wilderness. In the fall of 2005, Tonya presented Leaving the Wilderness the stage production. The star-studded production received rave reviews. For more information on Leave the Wilderness, visit:

Restoration book club was recently contacted via our website by author Tonya Blount. She wanted us to review her latest novel, Cha-Ching: Charge it to the Game.

We are reviewing the novel and will be posting a review in the Selection Review section of the website shortly.

For more information on Tonya Blount visit her website at .

Q. When did you discover your love for books?

A. I don’t remember a time when reading wasn’t apart of my life, I still remember my first favorite book, Corduroy by Don Freeman. As I have matured, the genre has changed but my love of books has remained.

Q. If you had a chance to meet any author past or present who would it be?

A. My author from the past would definitely be Shakespeare. Many find his books as difficult to read but I enjoy them. Shakespeare has taught me to read beyond the words. I would love to know the true meaning of some of his works. From the present it would definitely be a tie between Zane and Mary B. Morrison both write steamy novels for the more mature audience. I would love to know what gave them the courage to write such books.

Q. Imagine you are going on a long journey and you are told to pack only one book, what would that book be?

A. The Bible. I have always said I wanted to do that read the Bible in a year thing they have in the Daily Bread.

Q. What is your favorite book turned movie?

A. The Color Purple, I could watch this movie a million times over and never get tired. Until you do right by me…powerful words Miss Celie.

Q. Name one book from your must read soon list.

A. That list is so long but I’ll give you just one. When Somebody Loves You Back by Mary B. Morrison.

From: LaTonya Williams [mailto:latonyaywilliams@]

Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2006 7:09 PM

To: mskennie74@

Subject: Thanks again!

Hello Kendra,


WHOA!!! I'm thrilled my book created a heavy reaction at your first meeting. As an avid reader myself, I try to write the types of books that I love to read. And, I loved the review of the book. I have to work harder to get five stars.


If you get a chance take a few moments to post a review on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. A lot of readers don't know this, but your comments make a huge difference. I'm including the links below.


Be blessed,





B & N:

From: VECM1@ [mailto:VECM1@]

Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2006 7:32 PM

To: mskennie74@

Subject: Re: A Sin and A Shame

Hello Kendra:


Thank you for choosing A Sin and a Shame as one of your book selections.  I'm grateful for that.  I already completed my tour in Baltimore - sorry.  I signed at a couple of stores and also did a television show in Baltimore.  There are still signed copies of "Shame" at the Waldens in Owings Mills mall.


I will probably be at the Baltimore book fair, so I hope to see you there.


Thank you again.




Jeremiah 29:11

 From: info@

To: restorationbookclub@

Subject: Nisha Feedback Form from your website

Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2006 08:54:48 -0500

>Someone has just filled out your form on your website


> Please reply to the email below on the form as this was sent from info@


>Name: Tonya Blount


>Email Address: tonyablount@

>Comments / Suggestions: Hello,


>I would like to send my latest novel, for review and consideration for book of the month. Could you please send me the mailing address?


>Peace & blessings,

>Tonya Blount


Exfoliation Treatments $60 vs. $40

Exfoliating Scrub

Bath and Body Works Aromatherapy Sugar Scrub $20.00

Body Moisturizer

Fruits & Passion Shea Body Butter $20.00


Milk & Honey Soak $45 vs. $20

Bath Crystals

H20 Buttermilk Bath Soak $20.00

Skin Soothing Facial $110 vs. $26


Neutrogena Deep Clean $5.99


St. Ives Apricot Scrub $3.29


Montagne Jeunesse Spa Facial Tonic $1.09


Olay Complete Multi-Radiance UV

Lotion $14.99

Traditional Massage $95 vs. $90

Massage Mat

Homedics Body Mat Massager $90.00

Anti-Aging Hand Treatment $75 vs. $30

Hand Treatment

Perlier Hemp with Rosemary Oil Extreme Hand Care Kit $29.85

Sweet Feet Pedicure $75 vs. $12

Epsom Salt

Swan Epsom Salt $3.29

Menthol Alcohol

Rubbing Alcohol $1.09

Foot Scrub

Freeman Bare Foot Pumice Foot

Scrub $4.29

Foot Lotion

Udderly Smooth Udder Cream $3.99

The Author of this month’s selection is Victoria Christopher Murray. She is the Essence bestselling author of the novels Truth Be Told, Joy, and Temptation. Her newest book, A Sin and a Shame, was published in June 2006. Victoria Christopher Murray always knew she would become an author, even as she was taking quite an unlikely path to that destination. After spending years in the corporate world, Victoria never lost the dream to write. When the “bug” hit her again in 1997, she answered the call.

Victoria is a native of Queens, New York. She lives with her family in Inglewood, California.


By TD Jakes

Just because no one has been fortunate enough

To realize what a gold mine you are,

Doesn't mean you shine any less.

Just because no one has been smart enough to

figure out that you can't be topped,

Doesn't stop you from being the best.

Just because no one has come along to share your life,

Doesn't mean that day isn't coming.

Just because no one has made this race worthwhile,

Doesn't give you permission to stop running.

Just because no one has realized how much

of an awesome woman you are,

Doesn't mean they can affect your femininity.

Just because no one has shown up who can love you on your level,

Doesn't mean you have to sink to theirs.

Just because you deserve the very best there is,

Doesn't mean that life is always fair.

Just because God is still preparing your king,

Doesn't mean that you're not already a Queen.

Just because your situation doesn't seem to

be progressing right now,

Doesn't mean you need to change a thing.

Keep shining, Keep running, Keep hoping, and Keep praying,

Keep being exactly what you are already.




save the date...

← Aug 26 – Kendra hosts meeting

← Sept 23 – Sheila T. hosts meeting

← Oct 28 – Nicole hosts meeting


August Birthdays

23 Kendra

In this issue

Spotlight on… 2

Cha-Ching… 3

At Home Spa Tips… 4

Inbox… 5

Who Wrote That? 6

Blue Mood Mix… 7

Words to Restore 8

Book Swap… 9

Thank you, LaTonya Y. Williams, for being our first Author Spotlight. It is our hope that all of the other authors are as kind as you.

We would like to thank Tonya Blount for sending us a copy of Cha-Ching: Charge it to the Game for Review.

Restoration Book Club would like thank you for reading our newsletter. Please send your comments on

The Restorer to restorationbookclub@ .

"One woman supplementing another until we are all strong enough to stand on our own"

← Through Life Alone” Tatyana Ali

← “The Loneliness” Babyface

← “Ain’t Really Love” Mary J. Blige

← “Don’t Wanna Say Goodbye” Blu Cantrell

← “Oh Well” Boys II Men

← “I Wish I Wasn’t”

Heather Headley

← “I’ve Been a Fool For You”

Miles Jaye

← “Goodbye” Alicia Keys

← “Can’t Let Go” Laurnea

← “If You Love Me” Mint Condition

← “Sick & Tired” Monica

← “No Tears On My Pillow”


← “So Sick”


← “When You Told Me You Loved Me”

Jessica Simpson

← “If You Don’t Wanna Love Me”


← “Cursed”

Vivian Green


August 8

← Cassie Cassie

← Lyfe Jennings Phoenix

August 22

← Kelis Kelis Was Here

August 29

← Paula Deanda Paula Deanda

An ordinary man's extraordinary commitment to his wife takes him on a harrowing journey of adventure, sacrifice, and redemption to the mystery of love itself—and to a showdown with the force that would destroy it forever in this masterful novel. Read THE HUSBAND and you'll understand why "there is no one who can match Dean Koontz for pure excitement." (Denver Post)

For those of you who are looking for something “good” to read in between meetings. We are initiating a book swap. This will allow us to share books that we know others would enjoy.

On our website, we will list both available and requested books. Members may send emails to RestorationBookClub@ with books that they would like listed.

Restoration Book Club

“A place to be renewed and refueled”

We would love to hear from you…

Email us at restorationbookclub@

Visit our website at restorationbookclub

Happy Birthday, Lanine!

Lanine, Shaniqua, Qiana & Kendra

Victoria Christopher Murray

“Music can soothe the soul and energize the body”

“Realize what a gold mine you are.”

Have you read any good books lately?





In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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