
 6410325-26792 15240065453rd-5th Grade Music Choice BoardMake an original rhythm four beats long from rhythms you know (ta, ti-ti, tika tika, half note, etc.). Play along to a favorite song.Create your own maracas! Put dry beans, rice, or beads inside an empty plastic bottle. Tape up the lid. Tape pencils together to make the handle. Decorate with markers when finished.Listen to a song you love and change the lyrics to retell a story you are reading for class. Teach a song from music class to someone at home. Write a song to persuade someone to buy a product. Your song can sound like a popular song you know, or you can make your own! Use found sounds (keys, pencils, pots, pans, etc.) to come up with sound effects for a story you are reading for class. Teach a game from music class to someone at home (Oboshinottentotten; Chicken on a Fencepost; Down in the Valley; Way Down Yonder in the Brickyard; etc.)Use found sounds (keys, pencils, pots, pans, etc.) to drum or play along to the rhythm of a song. See if you can write the rhythms down that are used in the song.Draw a Venn diagram, compare and contrast two of your favorite songs. Write a paragraph that describes which song is best in your opinion. If you need to contact Mr. Smith for questions or other ideas, feel free to reach out! Email: lsmith3@columbus.k12.oh.usSee Next page for online music learning ideas. Online and Digital Resources for Music EducationChrome Music Lab - can create their own compositions and explore the science of sound through this great interactive resource. Rhythm Cat is a fun app for your phone that can help students (and adults) to learn and practice rhythms. Musication - channel with play-along videos Smart Music - Online resource with many resources and ideas for playing instruments and learning music theory. Mr. Smith will post access links to the Facebook and Website. Prodigies Music Lessons - online music lessons. Many More!! The National Association for Music Education has a great article with many more stay-home and online teaching ideas. Follow the link below to see the full list. ................

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